Week 3 Market Research

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Week 3 Market Research

 Definition of gathering marketing info and customer insights To create value for
customers and build meaningful relationships with them, marketers must first gain fresh,
deep insights into what customers need and want. Such customer insights come from good
marketing information. Companies use these customer insights to develop a competitive
 artificial intelligence (AI) , technology by which machines think and learn in a way that
looks and feels human but with a lot more analytical
 Internal database are Electronic collections of consumer and market information obtained
from data sources within the company’s own network.
 Exploratory research Marketing research used to gather preliminary information that will
help to define problems, and to suggest hypotheses. Mail Surveys not exploratory
 Descriptive research Marketing research used to better describe marketing problems,
situations or markets.
 Causal research Marketing research used to test hypotheses about cause and-effect
 The marketing information system (MKIS) People and procedures dedicated to assessing
information needs, developing the needed information and helping decision makers use the
information to generate and validate actionable customer and market insights. Salesperson,
Observational research, Trade publicants,
 observational research Gathering primary data by observing relevant people, actions and
 ethnographic research A form of observational research that involves sending trained
observers to watch and interact with consumers in their ‘natural habitats’.
 experimental research Gathering primary data by selecting matched groups of subjects,
giving them different treatments, controlling related factors and checking for differences in
group responses.

Systematic sampling is every 10th …

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