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Biggest Struggle in the Women’s Sector Amidst the Pandemic in Puguis, La Trinidad

Located in La Trinidad, Benguet, in the south-westernmost of the municipality is barangay

Puguis. It has a population of 10, 588 according to the 2020 Census. It represents 7.71% of the
total population of La Trinidad. In the 199, the population was only 3,427 which denotes an
increase of 7,161 over the thirty-year course.

In the women's sector, the population was an estimate of 9502. It was as of their latest
survey this year. The age ranges from 22 to the oldest recorded age.

Being a woman is not the easiest. Especially after the pandemic has struck the whole world.
It has led to a lot of health protocols that made it harder for women to keep up with their daily
lives. It has affected them financially and has caused great damage to their livelihoods.

That has been the greatest problem of women in Puguis, La Trinidad. Most women affected
are mothers who lost their livelihoods due to the lockdowns. They are mostly small business
owners who sells by their houses or in stalls. Or it could be the independent and working women
who lost their jobs because a lot of establishments are forced to close to conform with the
lockdown. Also women who are trying to get a job but it didn't happen anymore since no
establishments are to open.

The whole world wasn't ready when the governments had to order lockdowns. Financially,
to be specific. That has been the most case recorded in Puguis. Miss Mano, who holds the files
regarding women says it's the cry of most women in the barangay. They often ask for financial
assistance. However, the budget of the barangay will not cover everyone. That was when they
started to think of an innovation so the help they'll be giving will cover everyone and anyone.

The women's organization of Puguis came up with the idea of individual and group
livelihood calls. Just last October 7 this year, they had a profiling at the Negosyo Center located
in at km 5, La Trinidad. They also went for registration for DTI permits where they were given a
small seminar before registering. It's one way they thought to help starters.

As soon to be social workers, we agree with the trainings and seminars as a solution to their
financial problems. Seminars on how to start a small business could help women and even men to
have an idea on how businesses run when they're starting one. They could learn how to manage
their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to encounter during their start. Trainings
could let them enhance their skills. They could be trained on how to make homemade or
handmade products. With those, they can start to be financially independent with their own.

Giving out even a ton of money will only last them days but instilling them a new skill and
knowledge will let them last. It will not only maximize their potentials but also boost their pride.
The old quote is still applicable and it says "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach
a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."

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