Session4-Jesus Calms The Storm-Mark 4

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Session 4: Jesus Calms the Storm (Brad Eason)

Discussion Questions
Scripture: Mark 4:35-41

Movement: Toward a Fear of God that Overpowers Fear

Ice Breaker:

1) (Fun) – What is a strange childhood fear that you have overcome (or maybe still have)?

2) (Thoughtful) – What do you think makes fear such a powerful emotion?

About the Passage:

3) When this HUGE storm hits, where do you find Jesus? What is he doing, and how does
that compare to the disciples? What does this tell us about Jesus?

4) In the disciples’ days, water was always considered one of the most unpredictable and
dangerous forces in the world. Why is it important that Jesus would calm the storm?
What does that say to us?


5) What role does fear currently play in your life? Are there specific moments,
environments, people, or other things that can sometimes affect you negatively?
[Leader Note: This is an important question, & many may have never considered how these things can be
catalysts for fear. However, be cautious how you word it. Watch for anything that might trigger someone
too much, & be prepared to allow space & proper resources if something is too hard for a student.]

6) Brad said, “Fear and faith are connected.” How can you let God speak peace – “Quiet!
Be still.” – into your life and into your fears?

7) Witnessing something like the calming of a storm would be awesome! How could you
let God turn your fear from dreading something bad to expecting something amazing?

End your time together by praying for…
- awareness of God’s power over the things that cause fear.
- faith to give your fears to God and then expect something amazing.

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