Laupa1962 Corrugation Shape

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Analysis of U-SSiaped Expansion Joints

A. L A U R A An elastic analysis of U-shaped, expansion joints under axial loads and internal or
R A N D Corporation,
external pressure is presented. The analysis employs the energy method for the toroidal
Santa M o n i c a , Calif.
sections, and the theory of symmetrical bending of circular plates augmented by thick-
N. A. W E I L walled cylinder analysis for the annular plate connecting the two toroidal sections. The
Mechanics Research Division, general solution permits the investigation of any U-shaped expansion joint falling in
Armour Research Foundation, the range of thin shells, for any arbitrary combination of axial force and pressure loading.
C h i c a g o , III. Different forming radii may be assigned to the inner and outer toroidal sections, and it
is permissible to vary the average thicknesses of the two toroidal sections and the inter-
connecting annular plate independently. Expressions are given for the load-extension
and load-stress characteristics of U-shaped expansion joints, and a numerical example
is presented comparing the present solution with results of existing approximate
analyses. The method presented here lends itself readily to programming on an elec-
tronic computer.

T H I S paper considers the unreinforced U-shaped and (a/t > 15), the differential equations of the exact theory can be
semitoroidal expansion joints. Since such joints consist of curtailed substantially, allowing for solutions to be obtained in
elements which are surfaces of revolution, their solution calls for closed form, in terms of higher transcendental functions. These
the application of the equations of the general shell theory. solutions are called "asymptotic solutions."
These were formulated by Reissner [1]1 and Meissner [2]; several The range of validity of simplified solutions is presented in Fig.
cases of incomplete toroidal shells were calculated according to the 1. Early work on toroidal shells, including both approximate and
exact theory by Wissler [3]. asymptotic solutions, were presented by Stange [4], His solu-
Because of the mathematical complexity of the exact theory, tions, however, apply only to toroidal shells loaded by known
approximate solutions were frequently employed in dealing with forces. More recently, solutions for the effects of axial loading
this problem. Two of these approximations are possible. If the and internal pressure on semitoroidal bellows were obtained by
"radius ratio" X is small (say, less than 0.1) and the "thickness Clark [5], including asymptotic solutions in closed form. How-
ratio" a/t is between 5 and 15, the exact theory can be simplified ever, Clark's solution cannot be applied to the case of U-shaped
by truncating the infinite series expansions of the governing joints. The latter configuration was considered by Salzmann [6],
variables. These solutions are called "approximate solutions." who used an energy method to obtain force-deformation rela-
On the other hand, for very large values of the thickness ratio tionships of U-shaped bellows subjected to axial loading, employ-
ing series truncated past the third term which makes the accuracy
1 Numbers in brackets designate References at end of paper.
of his results tenuous; the effect of internal pressure is not con-
Contributed b y the Applied Mechanics Division and presented at sidered.
the Winter Annual Meeting, New Y o r k , N . Y . , November 2 6 - D e c e m -
b e r 1, 1 9 6 1 , o f T H E A M E R I C A N SOCIETY OF M E C H A N I C A L ENGINEERS. Although not intimately related to the problem considered in
Discussion of this paper should be addressed to the Editorial D e - this paper, several other references dealing with closely related
partment, A S M E , United Engineering Center, 345 East 47th Street, subjects are worth mentioning. Thus an approximate (energy-
New Y o r k 17, N . Y . , and will be accepted until April 10, 1962. Dis-
method) solution for omega-type toroidal shells was presented by
cussion received after the closing date will be returned. Manuscript
received b y A S M E Applied Mechanics Division, October 13, 1960. Dahl [7], and a rather complete treatment of toroidal shells
Paper N o . 6 1 — W A - 4 1 . having positive or negative Gaussian curvature was recently

r = arbitrary circumferential radius, h f = y / a i z / a > dimensionless axial F = Fa/iirD, dimensionless total
in. and radial displacement, re- axial force
a =
meridional torus radius, in. spectively U = unit strain energy, lb
t =
shell thickness, in. H = unit meridional membrane force, V = unit potential energy, lb
cr = unit stress, psi
X =
a/r, radius ratio lb/in.
D = El3/12(1 - v2), shell stiffness,
q =
n/rt, radius ratio P = unit axial shear force, lb/in.
A'i =
as/ai, radius ratio M = unit bending moment, lb
p = 3( 1 — v2)a*/r2l2, shell parameter,
hi, hi =
h/U, h/ts, thickness ratios e = strain at middle surface
<p, 6 meridional and circumferential
= v = Poisson's ratio
angle, respectively Subscripts ip and 6 refer to the merid-
E = Young's modulus of elasticity,
ional and circumferential directions, re-
$ = angle of rotation of meridional psi
spectively. Subscripts 1 and 2 pertain to
tangent p = internal (or external) pressure the outer torus (positive Gaussian curva-
X = change of curvature, i n - 1 on expansion joint, psi ture) and inner torus (negative Gaussian
v, w = meridional and normal displace- p = 3(1 — v2)a3p/Et3, dimensionless curvature), respectively. Primes denote
ments, respectively, in. pressure differentiation with respect to ip. Mo-
y, z = axial and radial displacement, F = total axial force on expansion ments and forces are considered positive
respectively, in. joint, lb when acting as shown in Fig. 6.

Journal of Applied Mechanics M A RCH 1 96 2 / 115

Copyright © 1962 by ASME

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// A
. ' .'4
'/ X
| S H E L L S OF S M A L L |
r -X S I N <t < 0 . 1 / 1
I ' / / ' / ' / *

10 20 30 40

Fig. 1 R a n g e of v a l i d i t y of s i m p l i f i e d solutions

Fig. 3 D i m e n s i o n s of o n e half-corrugation

w u w

(a) (b)
Fig. 4 L o a d i n g a n d d e f o r m a t i o n s of q u a d r a n t - t o r o i d a l section

circular plates for rotations and lateral deflections, while using the
(b) SEMI-TOROIDAL BELLOWS thick-walled-cylinder theory for radial displacements.
Fig. 2 T y p e s of e x p a n s i o n joints analyzed
The analysis is generalized to allow for different bellows' radii
of the inner and outer toroidal sections, and for a stepwise varia-
tion of thicknesses of the two toroidal sections and the annular
published in two companion papers [8,9] by Galletly. Numerical
solutions are given in these papers for a wide range of shell
parameters and subtended torus angles, which permit rapid solu-
tions to be obtained for most cases of practical interest, even
Outer Quadrant-Toroidal Section (Positive Gaussian
though the calculations are not extended to the case of quadrant- Curvature)
toroidal shells. Lastly, an experimental investigation [10] re- A cross section of the quadrant-toroidal shell is shown in Fig.
ports results obtained on a box-type expansion joint with rounded 4(a) and the deformation of a meridional element in Fig. 4(b).
corners; however, applicability of this work to U-shaped bellows The angle of rotation of a tangent to the meridian is
is open to question.
The type of expansion joint analyzed in this paper is shown in •d = — (to' - v) (1)
Fig. 2. The U-shaped bellows consists of two semicircular
toroidal sections connected through an annular plate. The
special case where the annular plate is omitted results in the semi- while the changes of curvature are
toroidal expansion bellows. x = # 7 a i I
The behavior of the joint under axial load and internal pressure (2)
Xfl = sin <p)/r(
is analyzed by considering one half-corrugation as shown in Fig. 3.
The edge forces and moments at locations 1 and 2 are written in The moment-curvature relationships are
terms of corresponding deformations for the quadrant-toroidal
sections as well as the annular plate. The solution is then ob- M v = D i ( x v + ?X«)\
tained by satisfying continuity and compatibility conditions of M0 = Z>i(X0 + vXv) f
the structure at these locations.
and since there are no twisting moments due to symmetry, the
The force-deformation relationships of the toroidal sections are
bending strain energy of the shell element can be written as
calculated by means of the energy method [6]. The annular
plate is analyzed by considering the symmetrical bending of dU = - J (Mvxv + MeXe)ai>' dd dtp (4)

26 / MARCH J 96 2 Transactions of the A S M E

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and that of a strip of shell cut by two meridional planes a unit (10), performing the partial differentiations indicated by equa-
distance apart (rdd = 1) as tions (14) and integrating, the C-coeffieients can be written as

C12 a „ a ,3
— M' sin tp
2a, J o |_ r C14

C, 6 r. (15)
a, i LVi.
+ ! d>p (51
C18 043

The coefficients of matrix [a] are obtained by solving the set of

The circumferential strain in the middle surface of the shell is four linear simultaneous equations shown in Table 1. These
given by equations were derived by the approximation of assuming the
varying radius r to be constant at n, and designating
tg = z/r = a.f/r (6)
a, a,
Neglecting meridional strains, the strain energy of a shell element = a, (16)
r n

dU = J A W i . r dd dtp (7) The tangent angle $ is now a function of the edge deformations
given by the boundary values of f i , and t/i. The force-de-
and for a unit strip located between two meridional planes formation relationships are determined by minimizing the total
potential energy with respect to the deformations
D, r*/2
U = 2a; Jo d F dV d F
0 (17)
df. dV
Confining attention initially to the outer quadrant-toroidal
shell, the work of the external forces for a unit strip can be stated After substitution of equations (11), (12) and (15) into equa-
in a nondimensional form as tion (10), performing the indicated integration followed by the
differentiation prescribed in equations (17), the edge forces can
V = - i - P.anj,
be written as
Dl f i r / 2
_ 2a~ Jo 8p'(fc°sV + Vsintp)dtp (9) Mi/ai ~bn b\3 "V
Hi + (4 A f h / a , 2 ) = fl (18)
The total energy of the system, obtained by combining equa-
Px J) 3 , 633 _

tions (5), (8) and (9), thus becomes

The 6-coefficients can be calculated by expressions given in Tables
2, 3 and 4. It is noted that, in accordance with the law of
Sill (p
2a, reciprocal relations, 6,, =

+ (X,$ sin tp)2 + — 8p,(f cos tp + rj sin tp)]dtp

Table 1 S i m u l t a n e o u s e q u a t i o n s for Ci-coefficients

- Midi - H t aifi - P,a,7?, (10)

[ > , ] . [ > ] " [k2]O]
Neglecting meridional strains, the displacement components
can be expressed as -1.0 tO. 4 -0. 257143 t o . 190476
+0 to to to
+0 to +0 to
?7 = J o d sin +0 to to to

f = fi - f
( I D +0.8 t8.0 to to
tO.362165V* tO.096421V* -0.016643V*
cos tpdtp
+ 0. 232821v*
-0. 025*1 tO. 20A1 - 0 . 125*2- to

+0. 277778/L +0. 097778/1. tO. 020/i +0

The tangent angle t? is approximated by a finite trigonometric -0.514286 +0 118. 0 to

-0.103475V* tO. 077943V* tO.324693V* tO.102959V*
series of the form -0.064286* 1
- 0 . 092857XZ- t O . 2 5 0 A1" - 0 . 1 2 5 X2-
-0.142857^ tO.005714^ tO.030204^. t O . 010204^t_

+0 to t32. 0
$ = Cn sin tp + ^ Ci, 2n sin (2ntp) (12) +0.380952
to.070552V* -0.000517V* tO.101391V* tO. 3 2 0 6 7 8 V *
I! = l tO. 047619*'- -0. 023810*2- -0.125>> tO.25
tO. 105820^. +0.010582^ tO. 010204fx. + 0 . 016377/U.

This expression automatically satisfies the boundary condition

that # = 1} = 0 for <p = 0. Then, from the condition that
# = #i and r] = T]i on tp = 7r/2, it follows that tl.178097 to -1.5
to +0 to
C „ = tf, to to +0
to to to
to to tO
-0. 10V* , to to
+0 to

- 0 . 206952u. +0. 362166a to

The remaining three coefficients on the assumed series are ob- to to to

tO. 064284 V* to to
tained by minimizing the total potential energy according to +0 to
•0. 0 5 1 7 3 8 * 2
tO.118258^ - 0 . 2 6 6 0 8 UL to

( 1 4 ) to to to
d C i . 2 „ ~ ° -0.0476I8V* to to
tO.035276*2 to +0
-0.086603« to. 205309/i to
Upon substitution of equations (11) and (12) into equations

Journal of Applied Mechanics M A R C H 1 9 6 2 / 117

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Table 2 E x p r e s s i o n for M i

V V [ a i ] { [ K 3 ] [ ^ i ]

+0 + 0.785398 +0.666667 -0.266667 +0.171428 -0. 126984

+0 - 0 . 6 6 6 6 6 7 vX +0.392699vA +0 +0 +0
+0 + 0. 589048Az + 0. 40X1 -0.342857A i +0.184126A2 -0. 131601 A^
- l . 570796/* + 0. 589048/*. + 0.711111/1 +0.040634^ -0. 002902IX + 0. 000586;*

+0 + 0.666667 +3.141593 +0 +0 +0
10 +0.392699 l'A +0.533333 vX + 0.152380 vA -0. 025396 vA +0.009235iX
+0 + 0. 40Al +0.392699 A1 -0. 196350 V +0 +0
-1. 77777 8/* + 0.71111114 +0.872664/* + 0. 087266/). +0 +0
+0 -0.266667 +0 +12.566371 +0 +0
+0 +0 + 0. 152380 vX + 0 . 5 0 7 9 3 6 vX +0. 1 6 l 6 1 6 v A -0.029836>A
•i 0 -0.342857 A* -0. 196350 A2 + 0.392699 A1 -0. 196350 A1 +0
+0. 142222/* + 0. 040634/* +0. 087266/t +0.118682/*. + 0. 031416/* +0
+0 +0.171428 +0 +0 +28.274334 +0
+0 +0 - 0 . 0 2 5 3 9 6 vX +0.161616 vA + 0 . 5 0 3 4 9 6 vA +0. 164102 vA
+0 + 0.184126 A1 +0 -0.196350 A2 +0.392699 A2 -0. 196350 A1
-0. 0391 83/* -0. 002902p. +0 + 0. 031416/*. + 0. 047444/<, +0. 016028/*.
+0 -0.126984 +0 +0 +0 +50.265482
+0 +0 + 0. 009235vA -0.029836KA + 0. 164102 vA +0. 501960 vA
+0 -0. 131601 A2 +0 +0 -0. 196350 A2- +0.392699 A2
+0.016124 +0. 000586, + 0. 025724/x.
h +0 + 0 + 0 . 0 1 6 0 2 8 / t -

" > r

n] = L
"11 21 31 41

l 6


T a b l e 3 J ^ E x p r e s s i o n f o r Hi

( H l a l Z / D l)+ 4
Pl = [ a2
+0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
+0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
+0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
+ 6. 283185/*. - 1 . 570796/1. -1.777778^ + 0. 142222/i. -0.039183^ + 0. 016124^**
+0 + 0 . 666667 +3.141593 +0 +0 +0
+0 + 0 . 392699&A +0.533333vA +0.152380VA -0. 025396vA + 0. 009235VA
+0 +0. 40A2" + 0. 392699A1 -0. 196350A2" +0 +0
-1. 777778^ +0.711111/1. + 0. 872664/* +0. 087266/1. +0 +0
+0 - 0 . 266667 +0 + 12. 566371 +0 +0
+0 +0 +0. 152380 vA + 0. 507936VA +0. 161616vA - 0 . 029836VA
+0 - 0.342857 A -0. 196350 A2 +0.392699A1 -0.196350A Z +0
+ 0. 142222/*. + 0. 040634/*. + 0. 087266/*. + 0. 118682/1. +0. 03 1 416/x +0
+0 + 0 . 171428 +0 +0 +28.274334 +0
+0 +0 -0.025396 vA + 0. 161616 vA + 0.503496 vX +0. 164102 vA
+0 + 0 . 184126A2 +0 -0. 196350A1 + 0. 392699A2 - 0 . 196350A1
- 0 . 039 183/1. - 0 . 002902/j. +0 + 0. 031416// + 0. 047444/L + 0 . 0160 28/*.
+0 - 0 . 126984 +0 +0 +0 + 5C1. 265482
+0 +0 + 0. 0092351/A -0.0Z9836vA +0.164102vA + 0 . 501960vA
+0 131601 X2"
- 0 . +0 +0 -0. 196350 A2 + 0. 392699A2
+ 0. 0161 24/A +0. 000586/*. +0 +0 +0.016028/L + 0 . 025724/*.

a a a a
w - [ ' 12 22 32 4z[]

26 / MARCH J 96 2 Transactions of the A S M E

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Table 4 E x p r e s s i o n for Pi

+ 0 . 6 6 6 6 6 7 + 3 . 1 4 1 5 9 3 + 0 + 0 + 0
4 0
+ 0 . 5 3 3 3 3 3 v A +0. 1523801/A - 0 . 0 2 5 3 9 6 v A + 0. 009235-vA
+ 0 + 0. 392699 vA
+0 + 0. 40A2" +0. 392699A 2
" -0. 196350A 2
+0 + 0

- 1 777778u. +0. 711111/i. + 0 . . 8 7 2 6 6 4 ^ +0. 087266// +0 + 0

+ 0 - 0 . 2 6 6 6 6 7 + 0 + 1 2 . 5 6 6 3 7 1 +0 + 0

+ 0 +0 , + 0 . 1 5 2 3 8 0 V A + 0. 5 0 7 9 3 6 vA +0.161616vA ^ 0 . 0 2 9 8 3 6 V A
+0 - 0 . 3 4 2 8 5 7 A - 0 . 1 9 6 3 5 0 A* + 0. 3 9 2 6 9 9 V - - 0 . 196350A + 0

+0. 142222^ +0. 0 4 0 6 3 4 / i + 0 . 0 8 7 2 6 6 ^ + 0. 118682/t + 0 . 0 3 1 4 1 6 ^ +0

+0 + 0 . 1 7 1 4 2 8 +0 +0 + 2 8 . 2 7 4 3 3 4 + 0
+ 0 +0 - 0 . 0 2 5 3 9 6 V A +0.161616vA +0. 503496 VA +0. 164102 vA
+0 + 0 . 1 8 4 1 2 6 A + 0 - 0 . 196350A 2
- + 0. 3 9 2 6 9 9 A 1
-0. 196350 Az
-0. 039183y_ - 0 . 0 0 2 9 0 2 / i + 0 + 0. 031416/^ + 0. 0 4 7 4 4 4 ^ + 0. 0 1 6 0 2 8 ^

+0 - 0 . 1 2 6 9 8 4 +0 + 0 +0 + 5 0 . 2 6 5 4 8 2
+0 +0 + 0 . 0 0 9 2 3 5 f A - 0 . 0 2 9 8 3 6 1 ^ +0. 164102-uA + 0. 501960VA
+0 -0. 131601A +0 +0 - 0 . 1 9 6 3 5 0 A 2
+ 0 . 3 9 2 6 9 9 A 1

+ 0 . 0 1 6 1 2 4 ^ +0. 0 0 0 5 8 6 ^ +0 + 0 + 0 . 0 1 6 0 2 8 ^ . + 0. 025724jx.

a = a a a a
Q 3 [ [ 13 2 3 3 3 4 3 ]

In the notation adopted, the relationships between edge reac-

tions and deformations for the annular plate can be expressed as

Cn Cl2
|PB x t / O i "dn 0 0 0 0'

0 0 0 d22 0 0 d26 0 f x
Oi_ Pa c3i c32
[*] = 0 0 0 0 0 0

a MB/ai C41 C42 da 0 0 d. 0 0

-Zfl -zb Hr 0 0 0 0 0 d-, 5 0 r *

- 1
B -I C6i ce2_ 0 0 0 0 0 0
. ^ j

(a) (b)

Fig. 5 L o a d i n g a n d d e f o r m a t i o n s of a n n u l a r plate

Inner Toroidal Section (Negative Gaussian Curvature) Expressions for the d-coefEcients are presented in Table 5.
The end forces and moments acting on the inner toroidal The axial displacements at the edges of the annular plate, needed
quadrant shell, which contains the trough of the corrugation, can subsequently for determining the flexibility of the expansion
be obtained by a derivation identical to that presented in the joint, are given by the following expressions:
foregoing for the outer torus. The result will be
Va = 0
bu bi 6
_kl_ 4g2 log q
71/2/02 .
[ y - 1 -
H, - (4J)2p2/a22)
= f 2 (19)
Vb 4A,V L 4\i2.
£ 2
Pi bet . bm_ _'?2_

The reciprocal relations noted previously continue to hold-

The dimensionless pressure p2 has a sign opposite from that of
the outer toroidal section, since the pressure acts on the opposite
side of the shell surface. The b and C-coefEcients can again be
calculated with the aid of Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4, except that
the subscript 2 should be substituted for all of the variables
carrj'ing subscript 1 in these tables. Compatibility and Continuity
Fig. 6 shows the sign convention used in the derivation of edge
Annular Plate forces and deformations for all three parte of a half corrugation
The annular plate was analyzed for the applied loading shown of the expansion joint. The continuity of the structure and
in Fig. 5. The edge rotations and deflections were calculated from compatibility of boundary conditions of component parts are
expressions applicable to the symmetrical bending of circular satisfied by the following equalities:
plates, neglecting the effect of forces in the middle plane of the
M i = - M = #A
plate. While the edge moments MA and MB are arbitrary, the

At Location 1: Hl = — HA u
edge shears PA and PB are determined by the external loads
f . =

acting on the expansion joint, comprised of the axial force F and Pi = Pa (22)
the end thrust of the internal pressure p. The edge forces in the
M2 = MB #2 =
plane of the plate were treated by Lamp's equations as pressures
on a thick circular cylinder.
At Location 2: H2 = H„ r. = -r»
P2 =

Journal of Applied Mechanics MA RCH 1 96 2 / 119

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Table 5 E x p r e s s i o n s f o r [d] a n d [c] c o e f f i c i e n t s

X.[g2(l + v) + 1 - V] 92 ~ 1
(In = Cn = -
A-33(s2 - l ) 2 Ai 2
? 2

I c e , 2 g X , 2 log g _
du = c 12 =
k " A-33(?2 - l ) q°- - 1
°V\ —

/ H I ^ a
d22 =
4 / U i [ ? 2
d + V) + 1 - V]
J - fcXi(g2 - 1 ) ( 1 - V2) (•si = 2 / A i

dn =
c32 = 2A,
A-3XI(92 == - 1 ) ( 1 - V)
_ J . » £ b -1S.VJJ
I— fh b 2 g X i
dt, = Ci i = — Cn
p2 Jh 2 A-33(S2 - 1)

g A i [ g 2
( l - v ) + l + v] 2g2 log q ,
d» = C42 = r - 1
W - 1) ? 2
- 1

8 g V i
rfs2 = — cei = 2 / ^ X i
kMf - 1 ) ( 1 - f 2

4 % m . [ 9 2
( 1 - v ) + 1 + v )
dn = c62 = 2 g X i
(a) (b) k - M q 2
- i ) ( i - f 2

Fig. 6 S i g n c o n v e n t i o n for e d g e forces a n d d e f o r m a t i o n s

^12 = da = cAs = c/21 = f/23 = A i = d3\ = d32 = d33 = d3i = d 3 6

= d,2 = d,3 dt 5
Substitution of equations (18), (19), and (20) into equation (22)
= = rf5i = f/03 = {/si = 0

yields the following six simultaneous equations: C*21 = C22 = C51 = C52 = 0

bn + du 612 bu 6 H 0 0 " - C n —Cn

£•21 b2 2 d22 b33 0 — da 0 4 0

b3i b3> b33 0 0 0 C31 C32

[0I.S] = [*] (23)
—Aid 4, 0 0 bu — Aidu 645 £>46 -4lC41 A1C42

0 — AidS2 0 £>55 + ^2fZs5 £>56 — 4.4 3 0

0 0 0 bet £>65 i>66_ A2ctn -<12^62

where A33 / 4g2 log 2 q\

K1 = «32

f t

1 /l _ log q \ A _ q log <?

[ 0 . . . ] =
X, \2 g 2 -l/ e ' 2 Ai \2(? g2 — 1


K2 = — 681 + eci +
r j . x
- .
(9« - 1 - 4 9 2 log q)
Ki L 16X,y
= M-23; .42 = A',2A-23; Ai = A,3A-23 ( 2 4 )

Solution of equations (23) allows the edge deformations to be
expressed in terms of the loading as + xAi " l / l logryA
~ xT U -
l / l q log q\
q ^ l )

M.s] = [c][F] (25)

For no internal pressure, the second term in equation (27) will
where \e] is a six-row, dual-column matrix. vanish. When internal pressure is applied, it is usually ad-
vantageous to consider stresses in the bellows restrained from
Flexibility expansion -q, = 0 and then superpose the stresses due to an
equivalent axial deflection of the expansion joint. The force re-
The total axial elongation for one corrugation is given by the
quired to keep the expansion joint from elongating under internal
sum of displacements of each element
pressure is given by
IIt = 2(2/i + yB + 2/2) (26)
f p = —Kip l (28)
which, with appropriate substitutions from equations (21) and
(25), can be written as
and, by substitution into equation (27), the total elongation may
T], = 2Ki(F -(- K2P1) (27) then be expressed as
where V, = 2K,(F - Fp) (29)

26 / MARCH J 962 Transactions of the A S M E

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Moments, Forces, and Stresses (a) O u t e r T o r u s

The meridional moments, membrane forces, and corresponding M v i = <6ii?>i + 6,2^1 + 613771)

shears are given by equations (18) and (19) for locations 1 and 2 ai

(the junctions of component elements) of the corrugation. A t Di

other locations, the moments are obtained from equations (3) Mvia = — ( C „ + 2.029426C.2 + 4C H
and the circumferential membrane stresses from equations (11)
+ 6CI6 + 8Cis)
which yield, for the outer torus
Mgi = — [ —A,C,, + K-2.190476C,2
Mv - —- cos tp + ^ 2nCi,2n cos (2ntp
+ 4 C h - 6C16 + 8 C , „ ) ]

A/flio = w l / ^ i o (31)

VII SID tp sin i<p +

71 = 1
Ci.2,. sin (2n<p) >
H, A
(b 2 i$i + fefi + 623J7, — 4pl)

4 A r 2 A 1 2 ( 1 + A , ) "1
a H10 =
Me = Ai in tp sin tp + s'n (2'!P)
ai ?! — 1

£*1 = 62,Pl + e22 F

tp + J2 2nC<. '» cos (2ntp) I fio = f , - (0.5Cn + 0.667071C,2 + 0.266667Ci4

n=l J' - f 0.171429Ci6 + 0.126984C,S)
(fa) I n n e r T o r u s

i i Di
r = r. 2 2
C „ ( l + cos 2tp) M v 2 = —
a 2
( 6 « U 2 + 645^2 + 646^2)

cos (2n — 1 )tp cos (2n + 1 )tp
+ 2 M - 1 +
2n + 1
(30) a?
n = 1 + 6C2S + 8 Cn)

For the inner toroidal section similar expressions hold, with #2, Me 2 = — [-A2C2, + P(-2.190476C22 + 4C 2 (
Di, (?2, A2 and the appropriate C2.2n-coefficients replacing the cor-
responding quantities having the subscript 1 in equations (30). - 6C26 + 8 C i S ) ]

Since the meridional strains were neglected in the analysis, the Me 20 = vMvn (32)
meridional membrane stresses are given by equations (18) and
(19) for locations 1 and 2 onfy. At locations 10 and 20, these H i = ~ [ b ^ i + 6 5 5 f 2 + bi6V2 + 4.4>p, ]
stresses can be calculated by considering the conditions of static a2
equilibrium of the expansion joint in the axial direction. Di 2 / 1 , A _ , 2 A 3 ( 1 - A )
Hm =
2 2

For tp = 7t/2 (the junction points of component elements), F H ^ pi

1 - a, A ,
equations (18) or (19), and (30) should give identical meridional
moments. However, it is characteristic of energy methods that = e5,p, + eaF
deformations are determined with good accuracy while forces and
stresses, which depend on derivatives of the deformation func- fso = f 2 -(O.5C21 + 0.66707IC22 + 0.266667C24
tions, can show considerable variations from their true values. + 0.171429C26 + 0.126984C28)
In the present case, numerical calculations showed that Mvl, as Most commonly, moment maxima occur at tp = 0; that is, at
obtained from equation (30), can be up to about 10 per cent the crown or trough of the corrugation. However, in certain
smaller than that obtained directly from equation (18). cases the maximum moment can occur over 0 < tp < t/2. In
The accuracy of equations (30) can be improved by including these cases the location and magnitude of moment maxima must
more terms in the assumed ^-function of equation (12). Since it be obtained by recourse to equation (30), suitably modified to
is exceedingly lengthy to do this for the complete analysis, the allow for the inclusion of higher C-terms.
deformations given by equations (25) were retained, while an Stresses are obtained in a conventional manner from the
extended ^-function was used to derive the expressions of equa- moments, forces, and displacements already calculated.
tions (30). Furthermore, the higher C-terms were determined by
considering only the main bending energy term of ( $ ' ) 2 in equa- Semitoroidal Expansion Joint
tion (10). By thus neglecting a part of the strain energy, an in- For the case where the annular plate is omitted and the toroidal
finite series of C-terms will overcorrect the moments under con- sections are joined directly to one another, the U-shaped expan-
sideration. From numerical calculations it was ascertained that sion joint reduces to the familiar semitoroidal expansion joint,
a proper balance was obtained by including six terms in addition shown in Fig. 2. The simplified geometry of this structure allows
to those considered in equation [12 J. Under these conditions, the for some shortcuts to be made in the general analysis presented
moments, forces and displacements at tp = 7r/2 and tp = 0 are before. Thus the continuity and compatibility conditions lead
given by to the following four simultaneous equations:

Aibn + 644 Aibn — 645 A ,6,3 b,6 "0 0

Aibn — 654 A2&22 + 655 /I2&23 —655 4 ( ^ 2 + A,) 0

[F] (33)
Aib3l — b6l J4>632 + &G5 /I2633 — &66 0 0

631 b3i b 3 0 2 / A i 2A,

Journal of Applied Mechanics M A RCH 1 96 2 / 121

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Solution of equations (33) expresses the edge deformations in
g 8
terms of the applied loading and permits the calculation of the r o CVJ

flexibility factors and stresses.

Further simplification of the analysis is possible if the toroidal y, = 0 . 0 7 9 971 y, t - c cr
radii and az and the thickness of the two toruses are identical. y b = 0.337 477 y , —
Then the array of the [621 matrix becomes identical to that of the to cu a
[61] matrix, permitting equations (33) to be readily solved to give
explicit relationships between the edge deformations and applied

\ h (I +
to inQ

613O31 — O11O33 \ A /
§ fc'
k y, =
+ ye * n
f i = = r r Yi
(y 2 = 0.082 552 y,) /
v + 61163: 6I363]
2 5

2x6u ^ f ty
V + 7 - T F
O11O33 — O13O3I


The method of obtaining the 6-coefEcients and the subsequent

derivations for moments, forces, and stresses follows the lines of Fig. 7 Stress and deformations of sample bellows under axial force

analysis presented in the foregoing for the more complex U-shaped

expansion joint. The total elongation per complete corrugation

Vt = 2(2/1 + iji) (35)

or, upon substitution of the last two of equations (34)

Vt = (36)

611633 613631

From equation (36) the end force necessary to keep the semi-
toroidal bellows from elongating under internal pressure is 9 Q

ca ijj

Fp = - p / \ 2 (37)

or, after substitutions reverting to dimensional forms,

Fp = — 7T),2p (38)

It is seen that this end force equals the total pressure on an z 5

area prescribed by the radius between the two toroidal sections. UJ LiJ

This result is due to the simplification made in the analysis of

considering the radius r constant, as exemplified by equation (16).
For the present case n = and the contraction of the inner
toroidal section under pressure is exactly counterbalanced by the
elongation of the outer toroidal shell. The terminal corrugation
of the expansion joint then requires the application of the axial
compressive force given by equation (38). Fig. 8 Stress and deformations of sample bellows under internal
pressure, restrained from axial elongation

Numerical Example
where F is expressed in pounds and yt in inches.
The U-shaped expansion joint selected for numerical analysis
Fig. 8 presents the deformed shape of the expansion joint and
is shown in Fig. 7. The pertinent dimensions of the bellows and
the stresses produced by an internal pressure p. The calculated
values of elastic constants assumed in the analysis are
stresses refer to the case where the bellows is held against axlia
a = 0.54 in. Xi = 0.039301 q = 1.096568 moment. This requires the application of a compressive force
n = 13.74 in. X2 = 0.043097 E = 30 X 10s psi
7*2 = 12.53 in. Mi = 0.491837 v = 0.3 Fp = 541.478?;
t = 0.05 in. 112 = 0.591419
to the joint, where F is given in pounds, and p in pounds per square
The deformed shape of the bellows and the stresses produced inch.
by an axial load are indicated in Fig. 7. Stresses are expressed in Comparisons with Salzmann's analysis [6] can be carried out
terms of the total axial elongation per corrugation which, in turn, only for the axial loading case. His expressions yield
is related to the applied load by F = 11,000)/,
F = 10,428y, <rm a, = 263,000;/,

26 / MARCH J 962 Transactions of the A S M E

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As is seen in Fig. 7, Salzmann's analysis underestimates the siderations of elastic instability. Simplified treatments for the
flexibility of the expansion joint by about 5 per cent and, cor- latter case can be found in [12],
respondingly, overestimates maximum stresses by about 19 per The results of the analysis answer the two basic questions in
cent for the specific numerical example considered. It seems connection with expansion joints; namely, their load-extension
likely that deviations between results of the two methods will and load-stress characteristics. The knowledge of these relation-
increase as the q and X-ratios increase. Salzmann's analysis ships allows the selection of suitable expansion joints, which are
does not include the effect of internal pressure, so that no com- able to absorb the desired amount of thermal expansion, while
parison could be made with this solution for the pressure-loading holding both stresses in the bellows and forces transmitted to
case. connecting equipment to tolerable limits.
A further comparison of results obtained here can be made with
[11]. The treatment presented in this reference is based on the Acknowledgment
simplified premise of ignoring the stiffening effect of circum- This work was carried out while the authors were affiliated
ferential stresses, although both axial loading and internal-pres- with The M . W . Kellogg Company, New York. Their permis-
sure effects are considered. For the expansion joint at hand, the sion to publish the results of this analysis is gratefully acknowl-
relationships given in [11] yield edged.

F = 79G0IJ, References
O" max = 311,000?/, + l,050p 1 H . Reissner, "Schalentheorie," Miiller-Breslau, Leipzig,
Germany, 1912.
2 E. Meissner, " D a s elastizitatsproblem fur dunne Schalen von
Comparing these results with values presented in Figs. 7 and 8, it
Ringflachen-, Kugel-, oder Kegelform," Physikalische Zeitschrift, vol.
is seen, as anticipated, that the approximate equations overesti- 14, 1913, pp. 343-349; also, "Uber Elastizitat und Festigkeit dunner
mate both the flexibility of the joint (by 24 per cent), as well as Schalen," Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in
maximum stresses, which are 41 per cent higher for axial loading Zilrich, vol. 60, 1915, pp. 23-47.
and 78 per cent greater for pressure than the results predicted 3 H. Wissler, "Festigkeitsberechnung von Ringflaechenschalen,"
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Zurich, 1916.
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5 R . A. Clark, " O n the Theory of Thin Elastic Toroidal Shells,"
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6 F. Salzmann, "TJeber die Nachgiebigkeit von Wellrohrexpan-
This paper presents an elastic analysis of U-shaped expansion
sionen," Schweizerische Bauzeitung, vol. 127, 1946, pp. 127-130.
joints of the tj'pe shown in Fig. 2, with the semitoroidal bellows 7 N . C. Dahl, "Toroidal-Shell Expansion Joints," JOTJENAL o r
as a special case of the solution. The analysis considers both axial APPLIEO MECHANICS, v o l . 20, TRANS. A S M E , vol. 75, 1953, p p . 497-

load and internal-pressure effects. 503.

8 G. D . Galletly, "Edge Influence Coefficients for Toroidal
The solution given is extremely flexible and permits the treat- Shells of Positive Gaussian Curvature," Journal of Engineering for
ment of any combination of axial load and internal pressure, for Industry, TRANS. A S M E , series B, vol. 82, 1960, pp. 60-68.
joint profiles ranging from the semitoroidal to one having very 9 G . D . Galletly, "Edge Influence Coefficients for Toroidal Shells
deep corrugations. Different forming radii may be assigned to of Negative Gaussian Curvature," Journal of Engineering for Indus-
try, TRANS. A S M E , Series B, vol. 82, 1960, p. 69.
the inner and outer toroidal sections, and it is permissible to vary 10 S. K o p p and M . F. Sayre, "Expansion Joints for Heat E x -
the average thicknesses of the two toroidal sections and the changers," A S M E Annual Meeting, New York, N. Y., 1950.
interconnecting annular plate independently. 11 The M . W . Kellogg Company, "Design and Piping Systems,"
John Wiley & Sons, New York, N. Y „ 1957, pp. 214-230.
The method presented remains valid for the case of external
12 J. A. Haringx, "Instability of Thin-Walled Cylinders Sub-
pressure, by simply reversing the sign of the applied pressure in jected to Internal Pressure," Philip Research Reports, vol. 7, 1952, p.
the analysis, as long as the expansion joint is not subject to con- 112.

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