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SHIP TRACE Portal Documentation

SHIP TRACE Portal Documentation

The ‘SHIP TRACE’ web application has the goal of collecting all the shipping notifications
concerning to the products leaving from European Ferrero plants.
It is possible to search for and view shipping notifications simply through a web browser (MS
Internet Explorer).

Opening the home page of the application

• Open MS Internet Explorer
• Digit in the address bar this URL: http://jafer/SHIP_TRACE/
• Insert your USERNAME and PASSWORD
• Click OK

Searching for Sipping Notifications


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SHIP TRACE Portal Documentation
The main page will open displaying a table containing all the shipping notification for the current
In order to search for shipping notification for different dates, change the ‘Date From’ and/or ‘Date
To’ (to do this, digit the date or use the ‘calendar object’) and click on the button ‘FIND’.
In order to find shipping notifications concerning specific data (for example ‘Lot Number’,
‘Resource’, ‘Plate number’, ‘Producer’, ‘Destination’ …) insert these data in the appropriate fields
and click on the button ‘FIND’.
EXAMPLE 1: To find all shipping notification having the plate number beginning with ‘L’ write ‘L’ in
the field ‘Plate Number’ and click ‘FIND’
EXAMPLE 2: To find all shipping notification having the plate number ending with ‘59’ write ‘%59’
in the field ‘Plate Number’ and click ‘FIND’
To clear all fields and do another research, click on the button ‘CLEAR’
To order the data in the table according to a field, click on the header of the table on the
corresponding column. Clicking another time will order the data decreasing.

Viewing shipping notification details

Clicking on a row of the table, a new window will open showing the detail concerning that shipping

To see the same report in PDF format click on the button ‘PDF’.
To open the same report in EXCEL format click on the button ‘EXCEL’.
To show or hide columns in the report click on the button ‘Fields’, check the fields to be shown,
click ‘OK’.

For further information refer to or

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