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ゴ顎Iデ EDO

Shiseido Co.′ Ltd

Date:December 19,2022

Direktorat Registrasi Obat Tradisional,Suplemen Kesehatan dan Kosmetik

Badan Pengawas Obat Dan Makanan RI
JI.Percetakan Negara No.23,RT,23/RW.7,
Johar Baru′ Kec,Johar Baru′
Kota Jakarta Pusat,Daerah Khusus ibukota Jakarta 10560

Dear Sir/Madam′

This is to inform you that we,Shiseido Co.,Ltd.,7-5-5 Ginza,Chuo― ku′ Tokyo′ 104-006生 Japan′ has
acknowiedged and a‖ owed PT Shiseido Cosmetics indonesia to have grace period to spend depletion
stockofproductsunderthebrandnamesSENKAusingtheBPO「M Iabel with notification number under
PT Shiseido Cosmetics indonesia after ternlination letter with PT, Shiseido Cosmetics indonesia
effective on December 31St 2022,from lStJanuary 2023 unti1 30thJune 2023.

ヵ素 毎
Namei Tsutomu Kato

Titie:Vice president


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