Name: Salsabila Nazwa Balqis NIM: 2110026005 Study Program: Dentistry (2021) Faculty: Medical

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Name : Salsabila Nazwa Balqis

NIM : 2110026005
Study Program : Dentistry (2021)
Faculty : Medical

University students experience a variety of writing tasks as they work toward their field.
Academic writing is a product of many considerations: audience, organization, style, flow,
purposes and presentation.

The audience for most university students will be someone who is presumably quite
knowledgeable about the assigned writing topic. To be successful in a writing task, students need
to have understanding of their audience expectation and prior knowledge, because this will affect
the content of your writing.

Consider the following statements. For whom were they written? What are the differences
between the two?
1a. Thermal system is a very broad field involving many separate engineering fields.
1b. Thermal system is an interdisciplinary field which involves the traditional discipline of
thermodynamics, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, mass transfer, and chemical engineering.

Write a ONE-SENTENCE definition of a TERM in your field for two different audiences:
1). One will be a graduate student without background knowledge of your field.
2) The other will be your fellow or someone with expertise in your field.

Information is presented to readers in a structured format.

LABEL the parts of the letter below according to the appropriate organization.

- Preparation for bad news

- Bad news
- Close
- Acknowledgement

Thank you for your interest in the

graduate program in Industrial and
Operations Engineering. We have now Acknowledgement

finished our rigorous review process for

Fall 2023 applications.
We received an unusually high number of
application for the Fall term and we
Preparation for bad news
unfortunately had to limit the number we
could accept.
While your background is impressive, I
regret to inform you that your application Bad news

to the program has not been accepted.

Given excellent qualifications, I trust you
will be able to pursue your academic
interests elsewhere and wish your luck in
your further endeveours.


A distinctive feature of academic writing style is choosing the more alternative when
selecting a verb, noun, or other part of speech.

Researchers looked at the way strain builds up around a fault ( less formal style)
Reserachers observed the way strain accumulates around a fault. (academic style)

Choose a verb from the list that reduces the informality of each sentence. NOTE that you
may need to add TENSE to the verb from the list.

- Assist - reduce - create- investigate - raise

- Establish - increase - determine - fluctuate - eliminate

1. Expert Systems can help out the user with the diagnosis of problems.

= Expert Systems can assist the user with the diagnosis of problems.

2. This program was set up to improve access to medical care.

= This program was establish to improve access to medical care.

3. Research expenditures have gone up to nearly $350 million.

= Research expenditures have increase to nearly $350 million.

4. The use of optical characters readers (OCRs) should cut down the number of
problems with the U.S mail service.
= The use of optical characters readers (OCRs) should reduce the number of
problems with the U.S mail service.

5. Researchers have found out that this drug has serious side effects.

= Researchers have investigate that this drug has serious side effects.

6. Building a nuclear power plant will not get rid of the energy problem completely.

= Building a nuclear power plant will not eliminate of the energy problem
7. Researchers have been looking into this problem for 15 years now.

= Researchers have been ? this problem for 15 years now.

8. This issue was brought up during the investigation.

= This issue was raise during the investigation

9. Engineers can come up with better designs using CAD.

= Engineers can come up with better designs using CAD.

10. The emission levels have been going up and down.

= The emission levels have been fluctuate.

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