Diary Writing

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Diary Writing

Example – 247 words

Dear Diary…

I started my day by waking up to the sound of birds on the roof, sounds charming but really it was just
annoying. I went back to sleep and woke up half an hour later. After checking the weather, I felt so
happy to see the sun shining and the skies as blue as the sea. I rushed down the stairs, opened the fridge
and shouted to Mum to ask what I could have for breakfast. Unfortunately for her but fortunately for
me, she didn’t answer so I reached in and helped myself to the box of flapjacks that we had made a few
days ago. I joined my sister on the sofa, our usual Saturday seats, and turned the TV on.

Later on in the day, I played with my dogs in the garden. Lucy, the oldest dog, is the best at fetch - she
actually gives the toys back for you to throw again. I also sat by the side of the pool and dipped my feet
in. (I haven’t been brave enough to jump in yet!) Whilst sat there, I watched a dragonfly fly around – I
think this was my favourite part of the day.

In the evening, we all had dinner together and shared some funny stories of back when my sister and I
were very little. We decided that tomorrow that we would look through some old photos of when we
were younger. Looking forward to that.

Night Diary x

Your turn – Please write between 150 – 250 words a day for Thursday - Sunday.

Thursday 30th April

Dear Diary….

Friday 1st May

Dear Diary…

Saturday 2nd May

Dear Diary…

Sunday 3rd May

Dear Diary…

Irregular Plural Nouns| Rules
Words that end in “f”, you change the “f” to “ve” and add an “s.”
Irregular plural nouns that end in ves:
 knife => knives
 wolf => wolves
 elf => elves
 loaf => loaves
 calf => calves
 shelf => shelves
 loaf => loaves
Changing vowels, changing the word, or adding a different ending
 man => men
 foot => feet
 tooth => teeth
 louse => lice
 cactus => cacti
 goose => geese
 person => people
 mouse => mice
 appendix => appendices
 ox => oxen
 child => children

Keeping the same spelling as the singular form or by adding an s or es.

 quail => quail or quails
 cod => cod or cods
 fish => fish or fishes
 shrimp => shrimp or shrimps

Irregular Plural Nouns List

 Ellipsis –> Ellipses
 Codex –> Codices
 Larva–> Larvae
 Alumna –> Alumnae
 Erratum –> Errata
 Ox –> Oxen
 Oasis –> Oases
 Swine –> Swine
 Trout –> Trout
 Genus –> Genera
 Diagnosis –> Diagnoses
 Analysis –> Analyses
 Man -> Men
 Person -> People
 Foot -> Feet
 Tooth -> Teeth
 Child -> Children
 Mouse -> Mice
 Sheep ->  Sheep
 Fish ->  Fish
 Leaf ->  Leaves
 Goose ->  Geese
 Woman ->  Women
 Aircraft ->  Aircraft
 Apex  ->  Apices
 Bison -> Bison
 Crisis ->  Crises
 Curriculum ->  Curricula
 Datum ->  Data
 Focus ->  Foci
 Series ->  Series
 Vita ->  Vitae
 Tuna ->  Tuna
 Quiz ->  Quizzes
 Index ->  Indices


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