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Evermore: Advertising Techniques

“Evermore” is a company that sells dresses for special occasions. I used bribery, col-
our psychology, and emotional appeal to design a promotional poster for this busi-
ness. In this essay, I will discuss how SWAT codes have been utilised to sell my
products to the market.
Customers are enticed by a limited-time deal in my advertisement, which exploits
bribery. Bribery is when commercials bribe consumers with something extra if they
buy the product. At the top of my advertisement, it reads ‘MID-SEASON SALE’ in
large, capitalised, pink font. This seeks the attention of the target audience as the dis-
count itself is not specified, rather it could be anything ranging from 10% to 50%.
“Evermore” uses bribe to tempt women into buying formal wear for their special
Techniques my commercial “Evermore” utilises are colour scheme and setting. A
colour scheme is significantly important when it regards advertisements because it is
an essential part of getting your company's message across to the target audience and
distinguishing your company from the competition. My advertisement takes advant-
age of this by having the model’s clothing and the setting in baby pink. This rein-
forces the theme of ‘fairy tale collection’ and femineity as both these terms are im-
mediately associated with the colour pink. Furthermore, the plants in the background
are roses which symbolise romance, and beauty and overall share a connection with
women. My advertisement uses a colour scheme and setting to target women who
want to look classically feminine.
I have used emotional appeal in this advertisement to interest women with my cloth-
ing brand. Emotional appeal is one of the best ways to convince your audience with
your product as it relies on descriptive, sensory language and imagery to evoke an
emotional response. In my advertisement, the model is shown with her face turned
upward and standing tall; this body language is exuding confidence. Furthermore, her
facial expression is showing a reserved, self-assured emotion. Her crossed arms is
showing a picture of elegance waiting for her prince. My advertisement is selling the
idea that if have an “Evermore” dress you’re guaranteed to feel attractive and confid-
ent. My advertisement uses emotional appeal to target women who want to feel like a
princess stepped out of a fairy tale.
I have used SWAT codes through the use of bribe, colour scheme, setting and emo-
tional appeal. Bribe was used to tempt women into buying products from “Ever-
more” because of the Mid-Season Sale. Colour scheme and setting have been care-
fully chosen to enhance the feminine feel of the advertisement. Finally, emotional
appeal has been manipulated in a way to make the consumers feel special and beauti-
ful. To conclude, “Evermore” entices customers using a simple composition with the
help of bribe, colour scheme, setting and emotional appeal.

By Alvia Thomas
For some reason the green keeps saving as a lighter green the original green intended
is darker. Please view it like that to see the advertisement like it was meant to be.
Please change the fairy tale collection and evermore. For you. Forever.

That greens the one

the fairy tale collection
mid-season sale now on!


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