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Discuss how each of the three characters is described by the performer. How do you
imagine them after reading the descriptions? What qualities do you relate to/may be part
of you e.g. (reckless, in touch with culture, thinking you ‘know’ stuff, humble, guiding,
growing, maturing?)

Najwa described Niarra as a headstrong, slightly reckless and culture knowing girl. While Zac
described Te Umuroa as a boy determined to get in touch with his culture and he gets
humbled as the journey is continued. Tibian plays Tigs and describes him as guide and
something essential for the friendship of Niarra and Te Umuroa. I would imagine them
Niarra as know-it-all, pompous girl and Te Umuroa as a determined boy. Tigs would be the
fun, friendly and adorable dog. I would relate myself to the reckless, in touch with my
culture and humble parts of these characters.

Notice that Elaine is playing five characters. Discuss - how do you think she will do that?
What aspects of her acting – voice, facial expression, gesture, movement – might she need
to change and adapt for each character? What else could happen to indicate to the
audience she is now a new character?

She would need to change from angry and cruel to caring and loving within moments. Elaine
would need quick costume changes and a lot of makeup to indicate the character change
that occurs. She will need to change her costume to ensure that the audience knows that
she is a different character.

What are your thoughts? How do you imagine these designs being made ‘real’ in the

I think this is going to be a fun and creative play with lots of hard work to finish the play.
These designs will be brought to life through cool background scenes and props on set. With
lots of action scenes and an exciting storyline this theatre production is guaranteed to be a

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