Answer The Following Questions

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The development of many countries depends on the

system of education where they form different
specialists, many subjects are taught and students of
many ages graduate from different schools .The students
of today are the professionals of tomorrow and the
ministers of education have the duty to develop the
ministries. The students study in primary ,secondary
,tertiary schools and universities . The age of the students
is from 6 years to 24.
Answer the following questions
Are schools important for the development of a country ?
Is the system of education of a country important ?
Does the development of a country depend on the system
of education ?
Where do students study ?
Who are the professionals of tomorrow ?
Do students of many ages graduate from different
What is the average age of a student?

Write the past and the past participle of the following
Read, sell ,teach, eat ,drink, see, go .do
Read-read-read sell-sold-sold .teach,taught,taught,
Study ,work, watch, need, live.see saw-seen

Eat;ate eaten see;saw;seenIII)
Fill in the blanks to finish the conversation, use simple
present and present perfect tense
A) Do you like films ?
B) Yes, I do
A) Have you seen (see) Fast and Furious ?,it has
moved (move )many people and it has sold(sell )
many copies
B) Yes ,I have . Where have you lived (live) until
(A) I have lived (live) in Benguela

Until now ,up to the present, for 6 months

(B) Last holiday.last weekend. last Sunday no less
than 100 words

​ eals around the world have different foods

because they have different customs but most of the
countries have from four to five meals a day comprising
breakfast,snacks ,lunch and dinner. But every family has
his own kitchen with his own customs while in Italy they
prefer pastas in Angola funge is very popular ,in Mexico
tacos and in Cuba congri.
Answer the following questions
How are meals around the world?
What do they prefer in Italy ?
Where do they prefer tacos ?
Do you like to cook?
Is funge popular in Cuba ?

II)A:How long ___ it___ since you live in Brazil?

B: It ___ ___ 2 years. I like it a lot .what places ____ you
___ to visit ___ you were in Brazil?
A: The city of Brasilia .when did you move to Barzil?
B: I moved to Brazil ____ 2020.
A: what ___ you done ___ 2020 ___ now ?
B: I ___ worked in school.
III) write a paragraph about you town, the facilities and
mention the places where you can buy appliances and
their use .Also talk about food

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