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Name: CASTRO, BENEDICT D.S. __ Section: Date:

I. IDENTIFICATION (15 items X 2 points): Read each statement carefully. Select and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The fourth generation was based on integrated circuits.

9. This is a special-purpose computer that functions as a component in
a. True b. False a larger product.
2. This generation is based on microprocessors. a. Embedded computers c. Server
a. 1st c. 3rd b. Game consoles d. Net PC
b. 2nd d. 4th 10. This is small enough to carry in a pocket and does not usually have
3. The generation of computers started with using vacuum disk drives.
tubes as the basic components. a. Personal computer c. Network PC
a. 1st c. 3rd b. Mobile device d. Embedded computers
b. 2 nd d. 4th 11. This is a small, low-cost computer designed to be centrally managed
4. It is an emerging brand in computer science that interprets means and and to support businesses using network applications.
method to make computers think like human. a. Personal computer c. Network PC
a. Block chain c. AI b. Mobile device d. Embedded computers
b. VR d. Cloud computing 12. It is a case that contains the electronic components of the computer
5. What is the hallmark of technology during the third generation? that are used to process data.
a. Vacuum tube c. Artificial intelligence a. Output device c. System unit
b. Transistor d. Integrated circuit b. Input device d. Storage device

6. This is considered the most expensive and the most powerful 13. This device holds data, instructions, and information for future use.
computer. a. Output device c. System unit
a. Personal computer c. Laptop b. Input device d. Storage device
b. Supercomputer d. Mobile device 14. It is any hardware component that conveys information to one or more
7. Which of the following is NOT considered a personal computer (PC)? people.
a. Personal digital assistant (PDA) c. Mainframe a. Input device c. System unit
b. Laptop d. Tablet b. Output device d. Storage device

8. This computer is intended to use on a single location only. 15. Some examples of this component are keyboard, mouse, microphone,
scanner, and webcam.
a. PDA c. Laptop
b. Tablet d. Desktop a. Input device c. System unit
b. Output device d. Storage device

02 Quiz 1 *Property of STI

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II. ESSAY (2 items x 5 points). Briefly explain the following items. Write your answer on the space provided.

1. Identify the characteristics of computer.

- Computer systems have various characteristics based on their size, capacity, and specifications. However, the major characteristics of a
computer can be classified as follows: speed, accuracy, diligence, versatility, reliability, consistency, memory, storage capacity, memory
power, and automation:
• SPEED- With its incredible speed, computers can reduce the amount of time to perform any digital task. The speed of a computer is
measured in microseconds and nanoseconds.
• ACCURACY- The degree of accuracy in computers is very high; computers can perform calculations at almost 100% accuracy. Errors may
occur in a computer system, but only because of wrong human input or inaccurate data.
• DILIGENCE- The computer does not get tired or lose attention the way people do. This characteristic allows it to execute most daily
chores better than humans. It has a long fault-free operating life. To put it another way, if there are millions of calculations that need to
be performed, a computer will perform them all and produce correct results.
• VERSATILITY- Versatility is one of the most wonderful features of computers. This means that the computer has the ability to perform
completely different kinds of works with the same accuracy and efficiency at the same time. It is not just a calculating machine
• RELIABILITY- The results obtained by the computer are very reliable. But this is true only when the data given to the computer or
program is correct and reliable.
• CONSISTENCY- The computer is so consistent that it can perform trillions of processes without errors for several hours. This means that
we can use a computer 24 hours a day or 365 days a year continuously.
• MEMORY- A computer has a built-in memory, where it can store instant data immediately. Here, we are referring to random access
memory (primary memory) that holds data as long as the computer is connected to a power source.
• STORAGE CAPACITY- Computers can store vast amounts of data. Today's computers have increased storage capacity compared to
earlier days. Besides, we also have the option to store data in secondary devices such as external drives, or floppies, etc. These
secondary devices can be kept separate from the computer or attached to other computers.
02 Quiz 1 *Property of STI
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• MEMORY POWER- The computer has the power to store any data or information for as long as we like. Data can also be recalled easily
if needed. It is our choice to decide how much data we want to store on the computer and when to recall or erase these data.
• AUTOMATION- Computers can also be used to automate routine tasks with the help of a task scheduler such as launching a specific
application or software, sending an email, scanning for viruses, and many other maintenance tasks. Besides, computers can also be
programmed to perform many complex tasks.

2. Explain the relationship between data and information.

Data and information are related but distinct concepts. Data refers to a collection of raw and unprocessed facts, figures, and symbols, such
as numbers, text, images, and sounds. Data can be quantitative or qualitative and can exist in various forms, such as tables, spreadsheets,
databases, or files.
Information, on the other hand, is the result of processing and analyzing data to derive meaning, context, and insights. Information is the
output of data that has been transformed into a useful and meaningful format. It can be interpreted, organized, and communicated in a way that
makes it valuable and relevant to decision-making.
In other words, data is the raw material, while information is the processed and refined product. Without data, there can be no
information, but without processing, data is meaningless and cannot be used for any practical purpose. Therefore, information is a higher-level
concept that relies on data as its foundation.

Criteria Description Points
Content Clear understanding of subjects; clear connections between subject and task. 3
Organization Clear and appropriate focus; logical and controlled organization throughout 2
Word Choice, Sentence Variety and Structure Sentence variety enhances style and effect; varied and precise word choice 1

02 Quiz 1 *Property of STI

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