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The table manner in Vietnamese meals

1. It is customary for Vietnamese people when they have a meal as to be called

“meals” because rice is the main dish in the meal. Then the different vegetables
serve with rice and meat. The ancient Vietnamese did not include a lot of meat in
daily meal, except the occasion of death anniversaries, Tet holiday, festivals, and
2. Since ancient times, all dishes has been served simultaneously. This is different
from the Western setting of dishes, in which courses are served one after another.
3. Why do Vietnamese dine at a round table? There are such explanations as it is
the image of the sun, or the moon... but perhaps, it is primarily a sensible way to
arrange dinner around a central serving tray so that they can be connected
4. The Vietnamese family meal includes glutinous rice, long vegetable fibers,
sliced pork, so they use the chopsticks to enjoy and pick up during a meal. The use
of chopsticks is indispensable to meal, proper holding of chopsticks, without
dropping the food, need to learn. In the old days, seeing one person hold chopsticks
could tell how one person was brought up, or was educated in his family.
5. In traditional Vietnamese families, usually, three or four generations live
together under the same roof. In light of the core cultural principle of showing
respect and love to seniors and protecting junior family members, the choicest
foods are given to grandparents and put aside for the youngest offspring.
6. The quantity of dishes served has less meaning than the warm reunion of family
members at a meal such as: what is on going in daily, recapture the past, retell
memorable experiences, share joys and sorrow with each other. These interactions
bind the family members together. The deliciousness of meal can be enhanced.

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