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Lesson 1: All About Life︱ BIO13 ︱September 3, 2022

By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

BIOLOGY AS A SCIENCE • Sequoia tree – largest and most

enduring of all living things
Biology – is a natural science that deals with
• Biology comes from two Greek
the living components of nature.
words, bios (life) and logos (to study)
a. The knowledge in Biology is said to • Biology – deals with the investigation
be universal in concept of origin, history, structure, function,
b. Unlike arts and religion (which the identification, classification,
knowledge is based on appreciation distribution, development,
and faith) the knowledge is based on inheritance, and significance of living
facts. things as well as their relationships
c. Sense organs i.e. seen heard, felt, and interactions with the
tased and/or smelled to be environment
considered as pieces of evidence • Physical science – concerned with
• Social science and abstract science – the forces, motion, and energy
other fields of science apart from (Physics), composition and changes
natural sciences of matter (Chemistry), structure of
• Social science – dealing with the earth (Geology), and different
activities and relationships within the celestial bodies (Astronomy)
society (Sociology, Politics,
Economics, etc.)
• Abstract sciences – those dealing • Used for solving or investigating a
with inanimate objects and concepts biological problem
(Mathematics, Psychology, • Is the logical process of learning
Metaphysics, etc.) facts through observation and
• There are no boundaries between experimentation from which,
and among the types of language and certain conclusions or theories
there is always overlapping of ideas are drawn.
and information necessary to • Observation – most basic skill of
understand fully the whole scenario. a scientist


• Includes the entire field of living 1. Identification of the problem – any

organisms, ranging from the tiniest scientific process starts with
speck of microscopic life floating in observation using all the senses and
the air to the massive whale or giant from these observations, a problem
Sequoia tree may be identified.
Lesson 1: All About Life︱ BIO13 ︱September 3, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

2. Formulation of the hypotheses – a observation and a series of

set of assumptions or possible experiments to be true.
explanations to the problem should • Scientific principle – law of nature on
be formulated. These hypotheses are which other laws are established, it
preliminary conclusions or is established by certainty by
intelligent assumptions about the inference from adequate factual
problem that are merely based on information
3. Experimentation – the experiment is
a valid procedure used to test the • Testability – vital to the scientific
hypotheses. In an experiment, there process
must be two sets of set-up: the • Three areas of limitation of science:
control set-up and the experimental a. About God and the supernatural -
setup. scientists can only explain a
A. Variable – factor parameter to be phenomenon based from natural
tested (present in the laws of the universe
experimental setup) b. About appreciation and value – no
4. Analysis and interpretation of data scientific answer to subjective
and results – data or results must be questions of value and
gathered during and after appreciation
experimentation. c. Morality – problem of deciding
a. Data include records collected what is good and bad, right or
while making observations during wrong, is outside the scope of
an experiment science
b. Use tables and graphs when
anaylzing or interpreting records
of observations • German Reinassance astronomer
5. Generalization or formulation of Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) up
conclusion – based on the analyzed to English physicist, mathematician,
data, a theory may be formulated and astronomer Sir Isaac Newton
supported by experimental evidence. (1643-1727) – their times science
• Theories – may be developed into focused mainly on physical sciences
scientific law or into a scientific • Aristotle – father of Biology to the
principle. time of Andreas Vesalius (1543), a
• Scientific law – statement of what Belgian anatomist on human
occurs in nature as found by anatomy;
Lesson 1: All About Life︱ BIO13 ︱September 3, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

• William Harvey (1628), an English broth was sterilized through boiling

physician on blood circulation in two flasks.
• Marcello Malpighi (1661) an Italian • Gregor Mendel (1866) – an
biologist on blood capillaries Augustinian monk on genetics, father
• Robert Hooke (1665) an English of Genetics who discovered the basic
naturalist on the discovery of the cell principles of heredity
- known to built his own microscope, • Max Knoll (German Engineer) and
used a thin slice of cork as specimen Ernst Ruska (German physicist) –
• Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1674) – invented the electron microscope
scientist who studied the bacteria, • James Watson (American molecular
blood, and protist. biologist) and Francis Crick (British
a. Made a microscope which and molecular biologist) – discovered the
more powerful magnification than double helix structure of the DNA
Robert Hooke (1953)
• Matthias Jakob Schleiden –
professor of botany in Germany.
a. Stated that all plants are • All organisms are made up of cells
composed of cells • The basic unit of life is cell
• Theodor Schwann – physiology • All cells come from pre-existing
professor at the University of cells
a. Studied several slides of animal
tissues • Cell Concept (Schleiden, 1838,
b. Stated that animals are Schwann 1839, and Virchow, 1858):
composed of cells “All organisms are made up of cells,
• Rudolf Virchow (1858) – German and these cells come from pre-
Pathologist on cell theory existing cells.”
a. Stated that all cells arise from • Biogenesis (Pasteur, 1865): “Life only
pre-existing cells comes from life.”
• Charles Darwin – English naturalist a. Theory of spontaneous
who published “The Origin of Species” generation – states that
in 1859 which marked the birth of organisms come from non-living
modern era of Biology. things
• Louis Pasteur, French chemist and b. Francisco Redi – disproved the
microbiologist in 1865, who disproved theory stating that maggots
spontaneous generation when beef
Lesson 1: All About Life︱ BIO13 ︱September 3, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

spontaneously generated from • Historical Biology

meat 1. Evolution – origin of species
c. John Needham – believed on the 2. Paleontology – fossils/evidence
SGT, repeated Redi’s experiment of the past
but got different result 3. Phylogeny – ancestral history of
d. Lazzaro Spallanzani – disagreed organism
to SGT after observing absence of • Distributional and Environmental
small organisms in chicken broth Biology
placed in sealed flask and heated 1. Ecology – interactions and
for 30 minutes relationships within an
• Homeostasis (Bernard 1858): “The ecosystem
internal environment remains within 2. Biogeography – distribution of
a normal range.” living things
• Evolution or Natural Selection 3. Biodiversity – variety of living
(Darwin 1858): “All living things have things
a common ancestor and are adapted 4. Forestry – wildlife and forest
to a particular way of life.” management
• Gene Concept (Mendel 1866; Wilkins, 5. Limnology – fresh water habitats
Franklin, Watson, and Crick, 1953): 6. Oceanography – marine water
“Organisms contain coded habitats
information that dictates their • Structural and functional biology
structure, function, and behavior.” 1. Biochemistry – composition of
• The scope of biology is enormous; it living things
is the history of all living organisms 2. Cytology – cells
and their role on earth. But all 3. Histology – tissues
biological concepts are unified by the 4. Organology – organs
theories. 5. Anatomy – dissection of body
6. Morphology – gross structure
• Biology is split into three main 7. Physiology – functions
branches that focus on three • Developmental Biology
different groups of organisms: 1. Embryology – development of the
a. Zoology (animals) embryo
b. Botany (plants) 2. Genetics – heredity
c. Microbiology (microorganisms) 3. Ontogeny – developmental history of
an individual
Lesson 1: All About Life︱ BIO13 ︱September 3, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

• Medical Biology 11. Carcinology – crustaceans

1. Medicine – diagnosis, treatment, 12. Conchology – shells
and prevention of diseases 13. Malacology – mollusks
2. Bioethics – moral values, rights, 14. Entomology – insects
and duties in medicine 15. Ichthyology – fishes
3. Pathology – diseases 16. Herpetology – reptiles and
4. Parasitology – parasites amphibians
5. Dermatology – skin diseases 17. Ornithology – birds
6. Oncology – cancer 18. Mammalogy – mammals
7. Urology – disorders of urinary
and male reproductive organs
8. Gynecology – disorders of female
reproductive organs • Focus on for a moment of life
9. Surgery – treatment of diseases, • Organisms – built by assembling
deformities, and injuries through large molecules
operations • Carbohydrates and lipids –
10. Anesthesiology – use of molecules that gives us energy
anesthetic substance • Proteins – molecules that speed up
11. Psychiatry – mental disorders specific chemical reactions
12. Pediatrics – diseases of children • Nucleic acids – molecules in which
13. Geriatrics – diseases of senior hereditary information is stored
• Systematic Biology
1. Systematics – classification and • The Big Bang Theory and expansion
phylogeny of cosmic bodies – following this, the
2. Taxonomy – classification universe is approximately 13 billion
3. Nomenclature – years old.
naming/assigning of scientific • When gravity pulled the rotating and
name orbiting dust and gases, Earth
4. Bacteriology – bacteria started to form and take its
5. Virology – viruses primordial or beginning state.
6. Protozoology – protozoans • Life seemed to appear billion years
7. Phycology – algae after when Earth started to stabilize.
8. Mycology – fungi • 3.5 billion years old – earliest piece
9. Bryology – mosses of evidence when evidences of life
10. Helminthology – worms were proven
Lesson 1: All About Life︱ BIO13 ︱September 3, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

Panspermia (means: seeds everywhere) / • took some people the other path and
Cosmozoic or Interplanetary Theory- life on believed that life is a product or
earth came from contaminated materials creation of supreme beings or deities
from space • life is believed to be created by the
Almighty God, based on the book of
• Life existed already in some parts of
Genesis according to the Holy Bible.
the universe, some was it was able to
• God created all living things
attach or cling to cosmic bodies
• When the primordial earth became Spontaneous Generation – live came from
bombarded by meteors or asteroids, non-living things and it is a common event
our planet became contaminated by
• Comprehensively postulated by
other extraterrestrial life forms
Aristotle in his book “On the
• Life is believed to have been
Generation of Animals” around 350
originated from a resistance spore
coming from outer planets propelled
• Organisms such as rats, flies, and
by radiation pressure
maggots suddenly emerged from
• Was put forward by Richter (1865)
rotting meat, hay, and other
and strongly supported by Arrhenius
decomposable items
• Organisms do not descent from a
• Theory is divided into three:
parent organism and only require
a. Lithopanspermia or interstellar
that certain conditions in their
panspermia – the biomicrobes
environment be fulfilled
may have come in the Earth with
• Francisco Redi (1668) and Louis
the help of an Asteroid from
Pasteur (1865) disproved this
another star family
b. Ballistic panspermia or Miller-Urey Experiment – life came from
interplanetary panspermia – the non-living things through multiple
bio microbes may have come evolutionary process
here with the help of an Asteroid
• Life is believed to have been
from within our solar system
appeared in the warm, primitive
c. Directed panspermia – intentional
ocean, and was heterotrophic rather
spreading of the seeds of life from
than autotrophic
other planets by advanced
• Russian biochemist Aleksandr
extraterrestrial civilization
Oparin – proposed a theory that
Creationism/Divine Creation Theory – life suspects life on Earth is developed
came from supreme beings or deities through the gradual chemical
Lesson 1: All About Life︱ BIO13 ︱September 3, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

evolution of carbon-based molecules Deep sea vents theory – suggest that live
in a “primordial soup” may have been created in the depths of the
• British biologist J.B.S Haldaine – ocean
proposed a similar theory, both
• Without the help of sunlight,
believing that organic molecules
biomolecules formed in the deep
could be formed from non-living
• Under the Earth’s ocean, there are
materials in the presence of an
vents where seawater comes in
external energy source (e.g. UV
contact with the minerals from the
radiation and that the primitive
Earth’s crust
atmosphere was reducing, having
• Hot minerals from the Earth’s crust
very low amounts of free oxygen,
react with the vent to emit black
with ammonia and water vapor)
• Abiogenesis – natural phenomenon
• Hot gas and salty water mix together
or process where life came from
making a warm, alkaline
non-living things or matter. These
environment containing hydrogen
processes are complex ones since
they involved multiple events of Chilly start – suggest that life may have
evolutionary processes. evolved from ice.
• American Chemists Harold Urey and
• Researchers proposed that repeated
Stanley Miller (1953) – tested the
cycles of freezing and thawing
theory and became what was known
accelerate some of the chemical
as Miller-Urey experiment,
reactions necessary for life
simulating the conditions of
• Organisms evolved from water to
primordial Earth3.
A. Results showed that they
successfully produced organic Community clay – introduced by Alexander
molecules, including amino acids, Graham Cairns-Smith
from some of the inorganic
• Suggest that first molecules come
components thought to have been
from clay
present on primitive Earth
• Over time, the biological molecules
B. Inorganic components present
learn how to do “genetic takeover”
1. Gases
without crystals
2. Water vapor
3. Methane RNA World – the first proto-life was self-
4. Ammonia replicating RNA molecules
5. Molecular hydrogen
Lesson 1: All About Life︱ BIO13 ︱September 3, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander


accomplished through a complex
• DNA compound – main things that all
series of chemical processes
living organisms have in common
(intussusceptions), occurring when
a. Considered as blueprints of life
constructive activities occur faster
b. Help direct the most basic needs
than destructive activities
living organisms have
a. Intussusception – growth of a cell
1. Metabolism
wall by deposition of new
2. Growth
3. Reproduction
b. Accretion – gradual accumulation
• Metabolism – chemical and energy
of additional layers or matter
transformations that occur in cells
• Asexual reproduction – wherein only
as they carry out processes in life
one parent is involved and the cells
a. Can be either anabolism or
produced are essentially identical as
in the case of bacteria
b. Anabolism – building up process
• Sexual reproduction – two different
parents join to produce a new
c. Catabolism – breaking down
process such as cellular
• Development – cycle change where
organisms experience aging
• Assimilation – changing of matter
• Aging – an organism becomes less
from an outer environment and
efficient at the process of life and the
transforming that matter as part of
ability to reproduce comes to an end
the cells so that the organism can
• Irritability – ability of living things to
benefit from the energy being
react to a stimuli
produced by metabolism and uses it
a. Can be rapid or slow usually in
for the other necessities of life.
changes of metabolic processes
• Eating – process which we take
or through growth
matter from the outer environment
b. Stimulus – anything in the
inside our body so that the cells in
environment that causes an
our bodies can transform it into
organism to react
substances that our body can use to
1. Light
help us live
2. Temperature
• Reproduction – ability to make copies
3. Odor
of themselves in order to ensure that
4. Sound
life will continue
5. Gravity
Lesson 1: All About Life︱ BIO13 ︱September 3, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

6. Heat scientific is the Oparin-Haldane

7. Water Hypothesis and Miller-Urey
8. Pressure Experiment.
• Adaptation – refers to modifications • To define life is to enumerate the
of changes occurring not only to common properties of living
individuals but to all members of a organisms.
population to promote the likelihood • Living systems are characterized by
of survival the processes of metabolism,
Organisms that are not suited to new growth, irritability, reproduction,
conditions of their habitat either do: adaptation, and organization.
A. Migration – moving to a better • Biology is a science that attempts to
environment describe and understand both the
B. Evolution – change that can span unity and diversity of life on earth.
over many generations • As a science, biology also uses the
• Organization – living things are scientific method in solving or
composed of different levels, starting investigating a biological problem.
from subatomic particles • Among the pioneers of biological
a. Subatomic particles (protons, studies were Aristotle, Vesalius,
neutrons, and electrons) Harvey, Hooke, and Leeuwenhoek.
b. Atoms • The publication of Darwin's The Origin
c. Molecules of Species gave birth to the modem
d. Organelles – work together in era of biology.
sustaining life within the cell
e. Tissues
f. Organs • Great Basin Bristlecone Pine (Pinus
g. Organ systems longaeva) – estimated to be 5,000
h. Multicellular organisms years old
i. Community • Sequioa sempervirens (redwoods)
j. Ecosystem (community + physical can grow up to approximately 100
environment) meters tall.
k. Biosphere • Rafflesia (corpse flower) – parasitic
plant that gets nutrient from its host
• Titan arum (Amorphophallus
• There are several theories on the titanium) – tallest inflorescence in
origin of life. The most accepted of the world
which and considered to be the most
Lesson 1: All About Life︱ BIO13 ︱September 3, 2022
By Franchez Cassandra B. Escander

• Jade Vine or Tayabak (Strongyldon process that includes capturing

macrobotrys) – found in the back of light energy and its energy
the new five-peso coin, Philippines’ transformation into the chemical
forest chandelier energy of organic molecules
• Kapa-kapa (Medinilla magnifica) – (manufactured using carbon
majestic plant with vivid pink flowers dioxide and water)
and modified leaves, found in the • Species – basic unit or rank in
back of our new ten-peso coin taxonomy and biodiversity
• Botany and zoology – core disciplines • Gravity – plants respond to this type
of biology of stimuli, as seen in the downward
• Botany – was derived from the Greek movement of roots.
words, botanikos and botanique • Plants also respond to water and
(botanical), and boskein (to feed). food in the soil, hence the lateral
movement of the roots
• Plants also respond to light,
• It is just not plants that are capable particularly the young developing
of photosynthesis (cyanobacteria and seedlings
protozoans) • others respond to touch, either
• Plant – multicellular organism clinging to the host or trapping of
capable of making its own food by prey
photosynthesis • growth - refers to the increase in cell
a. Highly organized and is made up number and cell size
of cells • development – changes in an
b. Tissues – aggregated cells that organism from its immature to
functions as one unit mature life stages
c. Organs – tissues functioning as • genes – hereditary units of
one unit information
• Characteristics of a plant
a. Major organs typically include
1. Roots
2. Stem
3. Leaves
4. Flowers
5. Fruits/seeds
b. They take in and use energy
through photosynthesis, a

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