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Dear Ron

We've had a reply from Mr T.D. Games concerning delayed payment of his February account He
says the delay is the result of a serious fire, which destroyed the company's records. However,
their insurers are about to release funds to enable them to start settling their debts, and Mr Games
assures us that we will be fully repaid as soon as funds are available. Meanwhile, he apologizes
profusely, and encloses a cheque for 55.00 pounds.



183-7 Copwood Road

North Finchley
London N12 9PR
Telephone: +44 (0)20 8239 9653
Facsimile: +44 (0)2082399754
Our ref: SB/RW

1 March 2022

Sig. Claudio Bini

International Books
Via Santovetti 117/9
00045 Grottaferrata

Dear Sig. Bini

Thank you for your enquiry of 15 February about readers for intermediate students of English.

Unfortunately, we have no readers in stock at the moment, but will be publishing a new series of
intermediate-level readers, “Storyworld”, in the autumn. I have pleasure in enclosing a leaflet
about the series, and our current catalogue.

We hope you will be interested in the new series, and look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely.

Rosalind Wood

p.p Sarah Barnard

Sales Manager


Dear Ms Theodorou

Thank you for your letter concerning the arrangements you have made for my trip to Cyprus in
June. In general, I am very happy with them, but there are one or two things I would like to raise.

First, concerning the travel arrangements, please could you inform your driver that my flight on
9 June is scheduled to arrive in Larnaca at 15.30. And please note that my return flight to London
on 16 June leaves Larnaca at 18.00, not 18.30.

With reference to the training course, how many trainees are there likely to be? Also, are there
photocopying facilities at the Training Centre?

Finally, I can confirm that it will be convenient for me to meet Mr Charalambides at 14.30 on
Friday 16 June.

Thank you for all your help.

Yours sincerely


Dear Sir/Madam

We are planning a Sales Conference on 8 and 9 December this year and are looking for a hotel
which can offer us accommodation and conference facilities for forty delegates.

We require executive-grade accommodation for twenty-seven delegates on the nights of 7 and 8

December, and a conference room with full seating, presentation platform, public address
system. PowerPoint, and facilities for recording from 09.00 to 18.00 on both days of the
conference, we would also like morning coffee and biscuits at 11.00, bar facilities, a buffet
lunch, and tea with snacks at 16.00

If you can meet these requirements, I would be grateful if you could send me full details of your
rates and facilities.
Yours faithfully

Lynn Paul

PA to Diane Taylor

4. FAX
To: The Manager, Royal Hotel
From: Lnynn Paul
Fax: 01372908754
Subject: Additional reservations
Date: 3 December
Page/s: 1

Dear Sir/Madam 4

I would like if possible to make reservations for the nights of 7 and 8 December for two more
delegates attending our Sales Conference. Their names are Charles Bickford and Claire Ramal
Preferably, the reservations should be for executive-grade rooms.

I would be grateful if you could let me know by return if you can accommodate them.

My apologies for the short notice.

Lynn Paul

PA to Diane Taylor

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