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STEP BY STEPS Communication XChange

In this document, you will find the following step by steps:

▪ How to create a crew account?

▪ How to create a voucher and allow to a crew member to assign it to themselves?

▪ How to do a credit request as a crew member? – OPTION A on the web interface.

▪ How to do a credit request on the mobile app XChange Data as a crew member? –

▪ Best practices when a XChange does not work as expected.

▪ How to launch a data session to access all main information? – OPTION A on the
web interface.

▪ How to launch a data session on the mobile app XChange Data? – OPTION B
Step by step
How to create a crew account? (1/3) XCHANGE

: All : 5 mins : 5 mins


This step by step show s you how to create a crew account through crew and master views. After the
successful self-creation of a User account, the Master can change this one to the desired User group.

IMPORTANT: Steps 4 to 7 have to be realized in the “Master dashboard” to have access the “BOX SETTINGS”
section. The previous one can be carried out by any User.

01 To create your own User account, access the XChange login page and
click on “Create an Account”.

02 Set all your personal details as requested and click ‘Register’.

Note: It is recommended to use a strong password. The “Strength” bar turns green (very strong) if at least 8
characters including 1 special character, 1 capital letter, 1 lowercase letter and 1 number are used.

03 The page will refresh and show the “User Account Voucher” with account
details (next page) such as username and password, PIN code, Internet
access and voice call description. If you want to, you can note down the User
credentials or click “Print” to print them.
Once a new self-created User account is available, the Master will be notified
on his dashboard immediately after login.

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
How to create a crew account? (2/3) XCHANGE


04 Either by clicking on the “Hot Actions” field or by accessing: BOX SETTINGS >
Accounts > New, a focused overview page provides details about all self-registered
User accounts.

05 To change the User account from the “NewEntry” User group to the desired User group
(Crew, Officer…), select the User in question and click the grey button “SWITCH
GROUP”. In the pop-up window that appears, select the new User group and click

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
How to create a crew account? (3/3) XCHANGE

06 Before this User group change occurs, reselect the User and click the grey “SAVE”
button above the table.

07 An ‘Updates Summary’ pop-up appears with an overview of changed User accounts.

Click “OK” to finally confirm the change.

Note: After the change is saved, a new User account voucher is presented with the new PIN code and password,
which is changed AUTOMATIC ALLY by the system. The changed User accounts disappear from the “NewEntry” User

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
How to create a voucher and allow a crew member to assign it to themselves? (1/3)

: All : 5 mins : 5 mins


This step by step will help you as a Master to reload manually the crew’s personal credit via the creation of a
batch of embedded prepaid vouchers. Personal credit can be used for any kind of communication, including
voice communication.

IMPORTANT: Steps 1 to 5 have to be realized in the “Master dashboard” to create a batch of vouchers and
unblock them. The next steps are carried out in the “Crew dashboard” by a crew member.

01 Click on “MY PROFILE” section, then Credits > Prepaid vouchers. This overview
page shows a table with all created vouchers, containing the status, batch name, unique
voucher number and the assigned credit amount.

Note: It is recommended to use a strong password. The “Strength” bar turns green (very strong) if at least 8
characters including 1 special character, 1 capital letter, 1 lowercase letter and 1 number are used.

02 Expand the “Create new vouchers” panel and set the number of new vouchers
to be created and the amount of credit per voucher:

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
How to create a voucher and allow a crew member to assign it to themselves? (2/3)

03 Clicking the “CREATE” button will refresh the page and the newly created
voucher codes with status “New” are shown in the overview table.

IMPORTANT: Before newly created prepaid vouchers can be used for credit top-ups, it is mandator y that
these vouchers are unblocked by the Administrator.

04 To unblock new vouchers, expand the panel “New vouchers”.

05 Select the new voucher(s) to be unblocked and click the “UNBLOCK” button
above the table. A confirmation pop-up appears summarizing the selected
vouchers. Click on “UNBLOCK” to process the action.

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
How to create a voucher and allow a crew member to assign it to themselves? (3/3)

06 As a crew member, go to “MY PROFILE” and type the voucher code in the
“Voucher number” field:

07 Once the credit refill is successful, a notification is shown in green, and the
“Personal credit” value is topped up with the amount of credit that was linked to
that voucher.
If there is an error during refill, for example, if the voucher code has
already been used, is blocked, or not does not exist, then the
corresponding error message is displayed above the refill function.

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
A – How to do a credit request as a crew member? – Web interface XCHANGE

: All : 5 mins : 5 mins


This step by step allow a crew member to do a credit request on the web interface to reload its personal credit.
If the request exceeds the monthly order limit, the Master’s approval will be asked, otherwise, it will be
processed automatically. Personal credit can be used for any kind of communication, including voice

01 Click on “MY PROFILE” section, then Credits > Credit Request. Top-up requests of
between 10 and 50 $/€ can be made by using the slider.
A monthly order limit can also be set and displayed on the interface, as well as the
remaining amount that can be ordered before the monthly limit is reached.

02 To request new credit, simply drag the slider to the correct amount to be requested.
If the new request is still within the monthly order limit, the credit top-up will be
processed immediately.
If the new request exceeds the monthly order limit, a warning message is shown:

If the button “WAIT FOR APPROVAL” is pressed, the credit request is stored and
transmitted to the Master to decide. Then, this one can accept or decline the request.
The “Request History” table, shown below the credit request, provides tracking
information for each credit request. The “Status” column indicates if a pending credit
request was accepted or declined.

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
B – How to do a credit request as a crew member? – Mobile interface (1/2) XCHANGE

: All : 5 mins : 5 mins


This step by step allow a crew member to do a credit request on the mobile app, XChange Data to reload its
personal credit. If the request exceeds the monthly order limit, the Master’s approval will be asked, otherwise, it
will be processed automatically. Personal credit can be used for any kind of communication, including voice

01 Click on “MY PROFILE” section, then Credits > Credit Request.

02 To request new credit, press the “request personal credit” button. We can see in this
example, that the crew has 60.00$ of personal credit.

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
B – How to do a credit request as a crew member? – Mobile interface (2/2) XCHANGE

03 Top-up requests of between 10 and 50 $/€ can be made by using the slider. Simply
drag the slider to the correct amount to be requested.
If the new request is still within the monthly order limit, the credit top-up will be
processed immediately.
If the new request exceeds the monthly order limit, a warning message is shown,
and the request is transmitted to the Master who will accept or decline it.

04 The request is accepted as shown below. From now on, the user has 90.00$ of
personal credit with an increase of 30.00$, requested at the step 2.

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
Best practices when XChange does not work as expected (1/3) XCHANGE

: All : 10 mins : 10 mins


This step by step indicates you be st practice s when a XChange does not work a s expected. Usually, the
XChange is designed to operate without a reboot for long time but in rare cases, it can be useful to reboot it.
When should an XChange be rebooted:
▪ After installation of important security patches, the box notifies the Master to reboot.
▪ In the “Event Logs” section of the Dashboard, a message asks for a reboot
▪ Marlink support asks to reboot the unit.
▪ In the rare case, the XChange is frozen or a service of XChange does not work.

IMPORTANT: If you encounter any problem, have any questions, or need additional assistance with XChange,
the Master shall contact Marlink Support:

01.A The “Power Control” allows the Master to either reboot or shut down the XChange
without touching the XChange Box.
To restart or shut down the XChange Box, go to BOX SETTINGS > System > Power
Control and click the “Shutdown” or “Restart” button.

The XChange will stop all running services and reboot appropriate. A reboot can last a
few minutes. Do NOT interfere with the system or disconnect from power supply during
that time. Wait until the XChange user interface is accessible again.

IMPORTANT: If the XChange Box is shut down or restarted, all data and voice sessions will be closed, without
warning any Users, and network clients will lose their network access for a short time.

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
Best practices when XChange does not work as expected (2/3) XCHANGE

01.B Rebooting the XChange hardware directly only, if the XChange user interface is
absolutely not accessible or an error message is displayed in the web browser.
To reboot the hardware, press the power-button just short, just for 1 second, and

IMPORTANT 1: The XChange will stop all running services and reboot appropriate. A reboot can last a few minutes.
Do NOT interfere with the system or disconnect from power supply during that time. Wait until the XChange
user interface is accessible again.

IMPORTANT 2: If you press the power button for more than 10 seconds, the XChange is shutdown completely. Never
use this way to shut down the service on your own. Shut down the XChange via power button only when being
advised by Marlink Support!

02 When the problem is unlikely to be with XChange itself, you can check in the
“Connectivity” block, the actual status of each installed communication device.
A red cross indicates an error, either on board (left side) or on the connectivity
side (right side). Moving the mouse pointer above the red cross will display the
error message.
All available communication devices that can be used for communication have a green
bar below their name, while any devices that are not available have a red bar below
their name.

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
Best practices when XChange does not work as expected (3/3) XCHANGE

02 The problem does likely come from the onboard cabling. Verify that the XChange box
router is well connected with the third-party systems (i.e., check the correct access
between systems’ physical ports).

CMA CGM Palais Royal - Network cabling

IMPORTANT: If you encounter any problem, have any questions, or need additional assistance with XChange,
the Master shall contact Marlink Support:

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
A – How to launch a data session? – Web interface (1/2) XCHANGE

: All : 5 mins : 5 mins


This step by step will allow you to launch a data session on the web interface in order to have access the
internet. A data session is a laps of time during which users (i.e., crew & officer) spend their corporate and
personal credits to access the internet.

00 The “Connection” block enables the Captain and Crew member to

launch/disconnect a data session.
It displays:
• “Connection” (available data device).
• “Personal Credit” (local prepaid User).
• “Corporate Credit” (local prepaid User).
• “Cost” (cost per MB/min).
• Available channel: the number of available channels depends on the available
device and the User profile.

01 To launch a data session, select the communication channel and press the green
“Connect” button. Depending on the individual setup, you may only be able to select
one communication channel.

02 A status bar will inform you about the connection status:

03 When the data session is established, the User’s personalized favorites are displayed
automatically in a separate tab in the browser.

Note: During a data session, you can still access the local Intranet, but cannot close the XChange Box portal. If you
try to close the XChange Box portal, a warning message pops up and asks you to first close the data session.

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
A – How to launch a data session? – Web interface (2/2) XCHANGE

03 During an active data session, the “Connection” block gives Users information about
traffic consumption and credit levels:

04 To disconnect and close the data session, just press the red “DISCONNECT”

04.A When the User exceeds their allowed time window, or when they have already
reached the set maximum communication duration for that day, the “Connection”
block displays a warning message, and the User can no longer connect to the

04.B When the User logs into the XChange web interface but does not have enough
prepaid credit left, the system displays the following message instead of the
connection controller:

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
B – How to launch a data session on XChange Data? – Mobile interface (1/2) XCHANGE

: All : 5 mins : 5 mins


This step by step will allow you to launch a data session on the mobile interface, XChange Data in order to have
access the internet. A data session is a laps of time during which users (i.e., crew & officer) spend their
corporate and personal credits to access the internet.

01 To launch a data session, press the green “Offline” button, below on the mobile

02 Then, the “Connection” block appears and enables the Captain and Crew member
to launch/disconnect a data session.
It displays:
▪ “Localtime”: the current time on your mobile.
▪ “Connection”: the allowance supplier.
▪ “Personal Credit” (local prepaid User).
▪ “Corporate Credit” (local prepaid User).
▪ “Cost” (cost per MB/min).
▪ Available channel (i.e., crew channel): the number of available channels depends
on the available device and the User profile.

View the picture in the next page.

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
B – How to launch a data session on XChange Data? – Mobile interface (2/2) XCHANGE


03 A status bar will inform you about the connection status:

04 During an active data session, the “Connection” block gives Users information about
traffic consumption and credit levels.
To disconnect and close the data session, just press the red “DISCONNECT”

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11

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