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Jeane Irish Egot February 18, 2023

ECHE - Environmental Ethics

The importance of environmental ethics in the conservation of human lives and our ecology

In today's society, the role of ethics is crucial. As we take into account the concept of
environmental ethics, we reflect and define it as the moral basis for protecting the environment of our
planet as well as constantly improving the environmental pollution we humans have created over the
years. With environmental ethics, we are reminded of our environmental responsibility and our
ecological awareness is awakened. With the ecological awareness offered by environmental ethics, we
can and are able to lead a sustainable future, a balanced ecological system and enriched environmental
diversity. As humans, we are expected to be most responsible for keeping our environment habitable and
clean. This is where ecological ethics now come into play. Among the 3 basic ideas where environmental
ethics rests, the one that I resonate most with is responsibility. I believe that we people should maintain
ecological balance by properly utilizing our limited resources. The importance of being mindful about our
usage of resources is that we are able to preserve enough so that future generations can still maintain the
quality of life that we experience and be able to enjoy what nature has to offer in a satisfactory way. When
we partake in this movement and inculcate in our hearts and minds that each one of us has a role to play,
then we have this sense of responsibility to go out of our way to manage and care for the environment.
With this sense of stewardship, we strive to live by our moral responsibility. This moral responsibility
takes into account four criteria, and these are: We people have the knowledge of the consequences of the
act, we have the capacity to do the act that impacts the environment, we have the choice to do these
actions, and lastly we have the knowledge to prevent or remedy them. These will serve as our guideline in
each and every action that we do and to put in mind how our actions contribute to either safeguarding or
destroying the environment.

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