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Who is she?

Achievements Marie Founded the Curie Institute was

also a member ofthe International
Commision for the Intelectual Coope-
ration of the League of Nations and
the French National Academy of Me-
She was born
The couple published a

on November 7 joint article announ-

in 1867. cing the existence of an
element they called po-
lonium . Marie was
awarded the Nobel Pri-
ze in Physics in 1903.

She The end...

studied at a
university for
women, some In 1911 she received the No-
She die on July
time later she bel Prize in Chemestry for 4 1934 due to
had to change the Discovery of Radium aplastic anemia
her name to study at the caused for the
University of Paris where she met high radiation
Pierre exposure.
Marie Curie
• When Marie married with
Pierre, her wedding dress
was a laboratory coat

• She fall in love of Pierre for

share interest in science

• For pay her studies of Uni-

versity, she taught classes at Pa lm a Cab rera Gusta vo Gi ussepe
night Pim entel Mora les Ric a rdo
R ob lero Bení tez Ja neth Fabi ola
R uiz Gonza lez Ka ren Gua da lupe
Z a rag oz a Cruz Da lia

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