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濶魏‡ COmpetitions




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FEATURES Look atthe photo.VVhat kind of competition is it?Do you like

this kind of sport?
22 Competitive sports
2 瘍 1.7 Listen to sOmeone talking aboutthe photo.Answer the
What it takes to be a real questions.
l 「hat are the dvee different ttFeS Of Sportin an lrorlman
24 Crazy competitions! competition?
2 1∼ here is the annual championship?
from all over
\Atrhen people
3 Vヽ by do thousands of spectatOrs watch the championship?
the USA make new rules
3 Work in groups.E)iscuss the questions.
26 Bolivian wrestlers
l Are you normally a competitor Or a spectator?VVhich do
Women competing in a you prefer?
national sport 2 Are you competitive?1/Vhat kinds Of competition do you
compete近 、?
30 Cheese rolling
A video about a crazy
and dangerous competition
in England

co m petito r (no u nl pe rso n)

Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ●│││


reading and speaking popular sports o grammar verb + -rng forms ' pronunciation ! '
vocabulary and listening talking about sports ' grammar like + -ing I 'd tike to speaking
guess the ambition

2a Competitive sPorts
Reading and speaking Granmmnar verb + 'ing forms
1 Read the quotes by famous sports people (1-6). 2 Underline the verb + -irg iorms in the quotes in
Then discuss the questions. Exercise 1. \Atrhich of the underlined forms are:

1 How are the six quotes similar? 1 the subject of the sentence?
2 Are all these sports popular in your country? 2 alter verbs (e.g. like, dislike) as an object?
\Mhat other sPorts are PoPular? 3 after a prePosition?

. Subject of the sentence. Swimming is good for you.

. After verbs (often /lke love, enjoy, prefe| don't like,
hate, can't stand) as an object: / like playing tennis.
. After a preposition: t'm good at learning languages.
For further information and practice, see page

「Ms盤 ∬糧悪d脚
verbs into the― j4g form.

A:The bzγ グιFη η

``is on TV tonight!1love
薫 縫 h it.観 ′力,電

B:Oh nol Cydeis so boring.

A:I really enioy see the cyclists on the mountains.

B: But it lasts for days!I hate■ vait for the end.

A:Today is the final day.It′ s excithg.

B: Sitin front of the Tヽ ris not exciting.I prefer do

something.I‐ Iey!Are you good at play tennis?
WVe could Play this afterlloon.

A:Butl walltto watch this.

B: I see.Are you afraid oflose against me
or sollnething?

4 Pronunciation/]/
a鼈 1.8 Listen to the words and llnderlhe the part
ofthe word with the角 /soundo whatisthe most
conunon spelling with the/3/sound?Listen again
and repeat.
1 watching 6 losing
2 langtage 7 winning
3 waiting 8 English
4 thinks 9 competing
5 cycling 10 thanks

b Read the conversation in Exercise 3 aloud

Pay attention to the /1/ sound in the verb
+ -ing forms.
Unit 2 Competitions

Work in pairs. Ask questions to complete the

sentences for both of you with the names of any
Granl:η ar rlike+_lingノ
sports or .leisure activities. 9り 1.10 Listen tO Kirsty again and`dcOmplete
rlike t。
1 I love watching but my partner doesn,t. sentences(a― b).Then answer the questions(1-2).
2 My partner likes but I prefer a l tennis sO lnuch that currently
3 I think is boring but my partner loves it! I′ Illl wOrking with a tennis coach.
4 We both enjoy but we can,t stand b One dav I to become a
5 I'm good at but my partner isn't.
professional player.

Do you like -ing? What do you like -ing?

1 Which sentence describes a future ambition?
2 \Mhich sentence is true now and talks about
Are you good at ...? a general feeling?

Vocabulary and listening ′dr'd)rike+f。 +infinitive


d″々e lο ρノ
Sわ e′ ay tennls/ater
talking about sports :〃
eで ノο1/eゎ becο me a bο χerο ne фy
:動 ey´И oυ ム
メη′ υtte the cο mρettο η
1ノ ke tο ノ
6 Write about the six sports in Exercise 1. Use these
words to say where you play each sport and what :For further infOrmatiOn and practice,see page 157
you need. Then think of two other sports you like
and describe them in a similar way.
where you play I what you need
Y:∬ 織歯
ょ税ξ 闘:鮒 税庸T∝ uing tt」

court course pitch I ball bat car club

pool ring track I Oloves goggles net

1つ ε
ろ ゲθ
Fθ 4 1r gο ピ

"rs`.10秘 “
″′グ̀ gθ 1/b
##rllttfθ ′ love / drive / formula one cars

Work in pairs Take turns to describe a sport for

your partner tO guess.

西he t1/1/O teams ρ/ay on a ρノ

Icわ .

西he/υ se a b∂ land∂ わa〃 . Cricket

Correctノ 2 like / play golf

T譜 羅「
8 Oph ttkngあ 0■ wm・
Which sport Do they like Why dO
are they or dislike they dO the
talking doing the sport?
about? sport?
3 not like / lose

'l 1 Write down three ambitions for the future, one
Paul true and two false. Take turns to read them to
your parhrer. Can he/she guess which of your
ambitions are false?
l'd like to become a rock star.
No, you wouldn,t.

l'd like to jump from an

aeroplane with a parachute.

Yes, you would.


reading crazy competitions o grammar modal verbs for rules . listening rules of the competition '
vocabulary competitions . speaking rules for a competition

2b Craryr competitions!
ReadinE 3 Read the article again. Match the sentences (1-8)
with the competitions (A-C).
1 Look at the photos of competitions (A-C) in 1 Competitors run from one place to another.
the article. Which do you think is a fight, a 2 Youcanwinmoney.
match and a race? 3 lt's for individual competitors. . ...... .

2 Read about the competitions. Check your

4 The competition is once ayear. ................. ,
5 You use a tlpe of transport. .... .. ./
predictions in Exercise 1.
6 The rules are the same as another real sport.
7 lt's for teams. . ..... . ,
8 There is a time limit.

4 would you like to play or

\Atrhich of these sports
watch? Do you have any similar competitions in your

Crszy country?

Ross McDermott and Andrew Owen travel

round the United States going to different
festivals and write about their experiences
on the blog Ihe American Festivals
Project. Many of these festivals are also
com petitions.

The ldiotarod
The ldiotarod is an annual race in New
York City. Each team must have five people and a
shopping cart. They can decorate their carts but
they can't change the wheels. All the teams have
to start and finish at the same place but they don't
have to run on the same roads. The teams can
choose their route but the members of each team
must arrive at the finish line together. And they
mustn't finish without the cart!

Ivtud Bowl Championship

Mud Bowl football is similar to normal
American football. The match is shorter but there
are two teams and a referee. The winner is the
team with the most goals at the end of sixty
minutes. The only real difference is that the players
have to play in half a metre of mud !

Combine Harvester Fight

Combine harvesters are normally on farms
but, for one day every summer, in the small town
of Hillsdale in Michigan, farmers compete against
each other for a prize of $1,500. For three hours,
the giant machines have to fight until only one
combine harvester is still moving.
Unit 2 Competitions

Grammar modal verbs for rules vocaburary competitions

LoOk at the sentence from the article aboutthe 1O Complete the pairs of sentences with the correct
ldiotarod.VVhat dOes the highlighted lnodal verb words. Use a dictionary to help you.
mean?Ch00se the cOrrect answer(14).
1 (win / beat)
Eα ″ 後靱 ヵ
αυ υ ωグθα
κ″α My woolly worm yoursl
`ノ `′
Did you
κg θ
・ the race?
l ltis necessary and an obligatiOn. 2 (score / wn)
2 1tis allolved accOrding to the rules. How many matches did you ?

3 1tis nOt necessary(but alloヤ ved). How many goals did you ?
4 1tis nOt allovved. 3 (fans / spectators)
We're your biggest IWe come to every
Find five rnore lnodal verbs in the article abOut match.
Match them tO the rneanings(1-4) There were about 50,000 at the match.
lillIよ :ξ (referee / judge)
The sent the player off.
One gave the ice skater 1,0/10.
. Necessary and an obligation must, have to (trophy / prize)
. Allowed: can The President gave the winning team the
. Not necessary (but allowed): don,t have to silver .
. Not allowed: mustn't, can't The for the winner is $500.
り ■││■ IⅢ●IⅢⅢ
Iや ●■││■ │“│││■│1赫 │
7 ch00se the correct options tO cOmplete the 11 Work in groups. Imagine that you want to have
sentences abOut different sPOrts. a new annual competition for your town. Follow
l Youカ クυθ′ ア these steps.
θ/グ θ
κナ υθ′
θPlay 7J′
Cricket vvith
a bat and a ball. 1 Decide on a ctazy competition.
2 COmpetitorsグ θれ′
θ//Jzク s`η 7argue witl■ 2 Discuss the rules and write a list. AIso discuss
thejudge/s decisiOn. any other details.
η/“ κ′
3 Rugby playersθ ″ チthrow the ball 3 Present your new competition to the class and
forwards.It rnust alマ vays go backttvards. explain the rules.
4 COmpetitors θ
αz′ ′//11夕 sチ run 42 kilo■ letres in
a rnarathon.
5 A referee“ κ/“ 夕s′ 4t send a player Offthe
6 The goalkeeper■ n foOtball力 αs′ θ/グ θθ
sれ 行7oα υθチ
stay in the penalty area.
7 A tennis player77α ′
S′ θ/グ θ チカ′υθ′
θhit the ball
inside the wvhite lines.
8 The players π夕s′ れ竹/″ θκノ
θvvtt■ every
po■ lt to、vin a llnatch.

8蝙 1.1l Listen tO a description Of anotller racc
TheツV001lyツ VOrIIn Raceo Wl■ at dOes the speaker
describe?Ch00se the correct answer(1■

l why people like racing wvoolly worlns

2 the rules of the competition
3 the histOry ofthe cOmpetition

9鷺鰊 1,1l Listen again.Answer the questions.

l HOル v Often is the cOmpetition?
2 HOwv 01d dO yOu havetO betO enter?
3 Do you haveto brillg your own wOolly vvorm?
4 Can you touch your vvOrln during the race?
5 7Vhatis the prize for the wvinner?

土仏蠍聟八仁鯰量憑L・ AMB「 10NS>【 (Ol lVI旧 議薔│コ ロ 0日 RIIn串 綱 lNTERESTS AN ADVERT

魃 25
reading an unusual sport r critical thinking reading between the lines ' word focus like
speaking opinions about sPort

2c Bolivian wrestlers
Reading Critical thinking reading between
Look at the photos on pages 26 and27. the lines
Before you read, do you think the 4 an article doesn't always tell us everything about how
statements (1-3) willbe true (T) or false (F)? the people feel, but we can often guess. Match these
Read the article and check your predictions. people from the article (1-3) with the sentences (a-c).
1 Wrestling is popular in Bolivia. 1 Yolanda
2 Only men can wrestle in Public. 2 One of Yolanda's daughters
3 People earn a lot of money from 3 Esperanza
a I don't like the days when the wrestling is happening.
2 Read the article again. Which paragraph b I get a wonderful feeling every time I go out there.
(1-6) describes: c Life is very hard for people like me.
a the two wrestlers before the fight? 2
b the popularity of male and female Word focus like
wrestling in Bolivia?
灘 Look at the sentences from the article.Match:′ たθin each

the moments before the wrestlers enter?

Yolanda's family life? sentence(1-4)v√ ith the uses(a― d).

the reason why a fan watches it? 1 ルマould they like to become、 へ
Frestlers one day?

the fight between the two women 2 Yolanda and Claudina v√ alk through the cro、 へ
wrestlers? like pop stars.
3 Esperanza exPlainS` Vhy she likes、 へ
/atching the
Find words in the first three paragraphs of

the article to match these definitions.
4 She also hastv√ o daughters wvho both look like her
1 three words meaning a large group of
a e可 OyS in general
people at a performance or sporting
b wantsto do in the future
event: a... ... .. , s . . .... ... / c .... ... ...
.... ..

c silllilar behaviour tO
2 two verbs meaning to speak loudly and
d silnilar appearance to
make a lot of noise: s .... ..... .. .., s.... .. . .....
3 to clap your hands together: a . .....
4 people who support someone famous: Speaking

5 to get away from someone or something: Discuss the questions.

e.. ... . ........ 1 Do you like watching sports with women in your
6 three verbs to describe fast movements: country? Would you like to watch the type of
j ,s ,t wrestling in the article?
7 thebad person (usually in a story, film 2 How important are sport and sports people in your
or book): b country? Do any of them look like or behave like pop
8 the good person (usually in a story, film or film stars?
or book): e 3 Do you think most people like watching sport because
they want to 'forget their problems' for a few hours?
Are there any other reasons?
計   ヽ

・魯燿罐 F 〓


一一 ・.

・ 一
..  ‰


n EI Alto in Bolivia, an audience is sitting around up behind her. Then Claudina pushes Yolanda onto
a huge wrestling ring. The spectators are the ropes. The crowd shouts at her. Claudina is the
getting impatient and so they start to scream: baddie in this competition so when Yolanda - the
'Bring them on! Bring them on!' Suddenly, an goodie - gets up and throws Claudina out of the
announcer speaks into the microphone: ,Ladies and ring, the crowd cheers with happiness. One minute
Gentlemen. lt's time for Yolanda and Claudina!,The Yolanda is winning. The next minute, Claudina is
crowd shouts and applauds with excitement. winning.
Two women enter. Yolanda and Claudina walk Wrestling in Bolivia is incredibly popular and after
through the crowd like pop stars. They smile and greet a hard day's work many people love watching this
their fans until suddenly the music stops. Both women mixture of sport, drama and entertainment. Usually,
jump into the wrestling ring and within seconds, the wrestling matches are between men wearing
Claudina hits Yolanda. Yolanda grabs CIaudina. masks and special costumes. But in El Alto, where it,s
Claudina tries especially popular; you can also see
to escape, but women wrestling.
Yolanda doesn't
Iet her go. She Yolanda is
spins Claudina round and throws her one of the
down on the floor. The audience goes crazy! top women
wrestlers. Her father was also a wrestler so it,s a
As Claudina lies on the floor; yolanda is smiling and family tradition. During the day she makes clothes.

」 waving to the crowd. She doesn't see Claudina get She also has two daughters who both look like
her. Would they like to become wrestlers one day?
Yolanda doesn't think so. 'My daughters ask me
why I do this. lt's dangerous and they complain that
wrestling doesn't bring any money into the house.,
But Yolanda loves wrestling because of her fans, and
she has lots of them!
One fan called Esperanza Cancina pays g 1 .50 (a
large part of her salary) to sit near the ring. She
explains why she likes watching the wrestling: ,lt,s
a distraction. The women wrestlers fight here and
we laugh and forget our problems for three or four
hours. At home, we're sad.'

11■ ■■││■ ■■■││││■ │■ ││■ ■ ■ ‐ │‐ ■ ‐ ■

││■ ││││││││││││■

垂重炉笙餃炉│た AMBIT10NS coMPEnloN RULEs >f,f[f,fl INTERESTS 塁三雷匡亘曇菫 AN ADVERT

speaking clubs and membership . real life talking about interests o pronunciation silent letters

21 JOining a club
Speaki ng Reallife talking about
1 Who is a member of a club or local group in your class? interests
Ask them these questions.
3磋 1.12 ЪvO peoPle arelookil■ g atthe
1 Does the club have regular meetings? How often? adverts in their local nevvspaper.Listen tO
2 Do you pay a membership fee? How much is it? their conversation and number the adverts
3 What are the benefits of being a member? in the order they discuss them.
4 Does it ever have competitions?
4瘍 1.12 Listen again and cOmplete tl■ e
Look at the adverts (A-C). \zVhich of the questions sentences from the conversaLion.
in Exercise 1 do they each answer?
l YOu′ re really dOing that.
A 2 ンVell′ jOining sometl■ ing
Our running group meets at7 p.m. else?
every Wednesday. 3 Areyou acting?
There are two groups: 4 1 standing up in front Of people.
o Beginner's group (for anyone) 5 1′ In good at singing.
. Experienced (you must be able to run 6 Go .Ithink you′ d it.
twenty or more kilometres) 7 1tl■ ink I′ d jOin this On
new It's non-competitive and a fun way to get fit! Vヽ bdnesday evenings.
Call Mike Burgess on 0776 58945. 8 1t fun. you come

Match flie sentences in Exercise 4 with the

three categories in the box.

The Barton Photography Club

welcomes new members. We
are a busy club with regular
speakers at our club meetings.
Join before l st March and you
can also enter our summer
photography competition.
Three prizes including a brand
new camera. The entry fee
is I 5 euros (including club
membership for a year). Visit to
download an entry form and for
membership details.
6 Pronunciation si:ent letters

磋 1.13 SOme letters are not pronounced in

English ttvords.Listen to these wvords fl・ om
the cOnversation in Exercise 3 and cross
out the silent letters.Then listen agail■ and

l in/rested 4 evenings
2 should 5 something
3 friends 6 wvhat

Work in pairs. Imagine you are interested

in joining a club. Talk about each advert in
Exercise 2 and each other's interests. Then
choose one of the clubs to both join.


writing an advert and notice o writing skill checking your writing Unit 2 Competitions

2e Advertising for members

Writing an advert or notice 4 爾 ぽititts skill checking your Ⅵ′riting

1 Read the advice about how to write effective a lt′ s always importantto check your、 vriting fOr

adverts and notices. Then look back at the three lllistakes/especially when a lot of people vvill read
adverts on page 28. Answer the questions. it(e.goin an advert)Read the sentences(1-8)from
di∬ erent adverts and find the nlistake in each.
1 \z\fhich advert follows most of the advice?
Match the sentences lvith the types of lllistake
2 How could you improve the other adverts?
(a― h).Then cOrrect tl■ e mistakes.

1 1■ 11::1:丁 ●1::Ⅲ :幸 :■ ■
「::=Ⅲ l■ ■■:│■ ■::=手 →■■

う4   ●υ
Start with a good headline. You could ask a
question or so1r.e a problem.
4 ンヽ
そ22τ θθ′α s″ αンs απ′T力 z/s′ αys.
The advert should explain the benefits. 5 itrs fun way to get fiti

If possible, offer something for free or a prize. 6 屏◎警

鶴 鷺疱警
顆鰈 鰊鬱亦 亀

Include any other important information 7懇 奪

afhv ttrl轟 :〕 :轟 vv《 〕轟
f「 _

(dates, times, location, etc.)

Cail pete「 o購 0772375980.


Photos, pictures or images always help.

spelling e grallllnar

ll■ issing word f wvOrd order

2 Work in pairs. You are going to plan a new c1ub. punctuation g capital letter

Discuss the questions.

preposition h wrong word

1 What type of club is it (e.g. a chess club, a b Read your advert in Exercise 3 again. Are there
tennis club, a walking group)? any mistakes? Correct them.
2 Who is the club for?
5 Display your adverts around the classroom. Walk
3 Are there any rules for members?
4 Is there a membership fee? Hou, much is it?
around and read about each other's new clubs.
Consider these questions.
5 How often r,r.ill it meet?
o Which clubs would you like to join?
Plan and lt,rite an advert for your new ciub. r Which adverts are effective? Why?


膠S Cheese r01ling
・ ・一
.・  一

・  一
一一● 一一一
一   一一一一・●

   一 .
・ 一 一 一一 .

Unit 2 Competitions

Before you watch TIer you watch

Work in groups. Look at the photo and discuss
6 Roleplay an interview with Craig Brown
the questions. Use the words in the glossary to
help you. Work in pairs.
1 What are the people doing? Student A: You are a joumalist for National
2 \Nhy do you think they are doing this? Geographic. Use the ideas below to prepare
3 Do you think they enjoy doing this? questions to ask Craig Brown.
2 Complete the summary with words from the Student B: You are Craig Brown. Look at the ideas
glossary. below. Think about what you are going to say to
Most towns have their own 1t Hor,r.e.,'er,
the journalist.
one town in England has a very unusual one: the t age
annual cheese-rolling 2r . At the start, the e interests
wait at the 4t of Cooper's . why you take part in the race
Hill. Then someone pushes a wheel of cheese . how many times you have taken part
a) down the ss slope. The competitors run r if youhave everbeeninjured
after the cheese. The winner is the first person who
gets to the 6b of the hill. The ?p Act out the interview. Then change roles and
is the wheel of cheese. The race can be dangerous, repeat the interview.
for the competitors and the 8 s . One vear
a wheel of cheese went into the crowd and thirty
At the end of the video, the narrator says: 'It's
people were ei more than just cheese that makes people want to
. Nowadavs there are
to protect the crowd.
win.'What does she mean?
8 Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.
While you watch 1 \zVhat kind of people do you think take part in
3 Watch the video and check your answers from the race?
Exercise 2. 2 Would you like to take part in the race? Why? /
4 Watch the video again. Put these people and 3 Would you go to watch the race? \Mhy? / Why
events in the order you see them. not?
a Doctors helping an injured person.
4 Do you have any unusual traditional races in
your country? What are they and why are they
b People clapping to encourage the competitors.
c Someone carrying a British flag.
d A japanese man with blond hair talking.
a<eident (n) /'eksrdantl an event where a person is hurt
e Craig Brown holding up the cheese. unintentiona lly
f The view from the top of Cooper's Hill. balance {n) /'belans/ a position in which your body stays in an
upright position
5 Watch the video again. Are these sentences true (T)
bottom (n) /'boten:/ the lowest part of a thing or place
or false (F)? competitor (n) lksm'petrto/ a person who takes part in a
1 The race is more than 200 years old. sporting event
2 The cheese travels at more than forty miles an rash barrier (n) l'kraf beris/ an obstacle that stops people
hour. being hurt
crazy (adj) 1'krerzil mad
3 Competitors have to catch the cheese before it
oowd (n) /kraud/ a large group of people
reaches the bottom of the hill.
fail (v) /feil be unsuccessful
4 Craig Brown works in a pub. ground {n} lgraond/ what is under your feet when you are
5 There is no protection for spectators. outside
6 The race is dangerous for competitors when the injured (adj) ,'rngadr hurt
weather is cold. protect (v) lprs'tekt/ keep someone or something safe
7 You can only compete once a day. prize (n) /prarzl something given to a person who is successful
: in a competition
race (n),1rers/ an event to see who can go the fastest
slope (n) /sleupl the side of a mountain or hill
spectator (n) lspek'terte/ a person who watches a sporting event
steep (adj) /stilp/ going up or down at a sharp angle
top (n) /top/ the highest part of a thing or place
traditions (n pl) ltre'drJenzl things that people have done for a
long time
wheel (of cheese) (n) lwi:]/ a round object
Grammar Vocabulary
1 Put the words in order to make sentences and 4 Choose the correct options.
1 My favourite football team scored f belt
1 than / losing / winning / is / fun / more another goail
2 I'm / new / good / learning / at / garnes 2 In ice-skating, t1-re lrLdges / spectators give
3 learning / languages? / you / do / llke points to the competitors.
4 like / a musical instrument? / learn / would / 3 My grandmother \\'on a trophy / prize of a
to / you thousand dollars in a competition.
5 you / like / who / look / do / in your family? 4 My team allr,avs loses. We never win / beat
any matches.
2 Complete the description of a competition with 5 Hit the tennis ball with your racqnet / net!
these verbs. 6 During the fight, the two boxers must not leave
the court / ring.
can don't have to have to mustn't 7 Wear these gloz;es / goggles orrer your eyes when
you ski.
8 The track / pitch is 100 metres long. The fastest
runners can complete it in less than ten

5 Work in pairs. Which sports person would you

like to meet one day? Why do you admire this

talk about different kinds of sports
talk about future ambitions

Real life
「rite one wvord in
6 cOmplete the conversation.ヤ ヽ
each gap
A: Are vou interested 1
painting? There's a
new evening course at my college.

I'm afraid I'm not very good 2 art.

I′ lll not either but I′ d like 3 1earn.
Go4 YOu shOuld do it、 へ
rith me.
B: Sorry
ノ yOu like taking photos?There′ s alsO a
course for that
There's a competition in Alaska where you B: Actuallシ it looks interesting.
arrive without facial hair! That's
because it's the world's moustache and beard 7 cOmplete these sentences lv‐ ith your Own interests.
competition. The judges choose the
l I′ lll good at.…
winners from the beards and moustaches of
2 1wvouldn′ t like to.…
over 300 contestants from all over the wor1d. But
3 1′ n■ also interested in.…
you 3 have the longest moustache or
4 1thinkI′ d el■ ioy learning …
biggest beard because there are many different
categories. For example, 1zou a ヽVlll iCAN
the prize for 'Best English moustache' and 'Best talk about interests
natural moustache'. recommend and encourage people to do things

3 Work in pairs. Which sport on TV do you like

watching most? Explain the rules to your partner. 8 予ヽ40rk in Pairs. Take turns to tell each other about

ICAN your interests in Exercise 7.Then reconllnend one

of your interests to your partner and encourage
talk about likes, dislikes and ambitions
them tO dO itin the future.
describe the rules of a competition or sport using
modal verbs

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