Betacarotene Acide Ascorbique Clhorophylle Legumes Feuilles

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Lebensm.-Wiss. u.-Technol.

, 33, 295}298 (2000)

E!ect of Blanching and Drying Methods on b-Carotene,

Ascorbic acid and Chlorophyll Retention of Leafy
P. S. Negi* and S. K. Roy

Division of Fruits and Horticultural Technology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012 (India)
(Received September 1, 1999; accepted February 24, 2000)

Leaves of savoy beet (Beta vulgaris var bengalensis), amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor) and fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum)
were subjected to diwerent blanching and drying treatments to establish the retention of b-carotene, ascorbic acid and chlorophyll. The
vegetables were blanched at 95$3 3C in (i) water, (ii) water followed by potassium metabisulphite (KMS) dip, (iii) salt solution, (iv) salt
solution followed by KMS dip, and (v) mixture of sodium bicarbonate, magnesium oxide and KMS and dried in (a) sun, (b) shade,
(c) solar drier, (d) cabinet drier, and (e) low temperature drier. Method (ii) was found most suitable for blanching and selected
for subsequent drying and method (e) had least drastic ewect on b-carotene, ascorbic acid and chlorophyll content of the processed

 2000 Academic Press

Keywords: ascorbic acid; b-carotene; blanching; chlorophyll; drying; vegetables

Introduction Several researchers have studied the e!ect of di!erent

processing methods on the level of carotenoids. Speek
Certain green leafy vegetables are a rich source of b- et al. (5) reported substantial losses of b-carotene during
carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, and grown abundant- processing in di!erent vegetables, but little or no change
ly in India. Besides b-carotene, these vegetables are a rich (6) or an increase in carotenoid levels as a result of
source of ascorbic acid, iron, zinc, folate and dietary "bre. processing (7) are also noticed depending on procedure.
It is often noticed that the leaves of some vegetables are Onayemi and Badifu (8) reported higher losses of ascor-
rejected despite their high nutritional value (1). Seasonal- bic acid of amaranth in water blanching followed by sun
ity can be overcome by suitable processing methods and drying than steam blanching and cabinet drying. Due to
storage. Blanching is a primary step in processing of high z-value of spinach chlorophyll, a high temperature
vegetables. Despite its preserving advantage, it leads to and short time treatment can increase chlorophyll reten-
nutrient degradation, particularly of vitamins, and loss of tion (9), but Loaf and Thung (10) reported improvement
colour. Duration and temperature of blanching inacti- in colour of processed spinach by blanching at 65 3C for
vate particular enzymes; overblanching may result in an up to 45 min. Bajaj et al. (11) recommended objective
undesirable loss of colour, #avour, texture and nutrient based blanching treatments for improvement of various
quality in addition to excessive energy requirement and parameters. In light of such contradictory reports, an
water disposal. Peroxidase is one of the most heat stable attempt was made to analyse the e!ect of di!erent blanc-
enzymes and is often used as an index of blanching (2). hing and drying conditions on b-carotene, ascorbic acid
Peroxidase inactivation is faster at higher temperatures and chlorophyll retention of selected leafy vegetables
(3). Selman (4) reported that controlled blanching grown in India.
can contribute to retention of vitamins and nutrients in
processed foods.
Materials and Methods
Sample preparation
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Current a$liation:
Department of Human Resource Development, Central Food Techno- Savoy beet, commonly known as Palak (Beta vulgaris
logical Research Institute, Mysore 570 013, India. var bengalensis cv. &Pusa jyoti'); Fenugreek (¹rigonella
0023-6438/00/040295#04 $35.00/0 doi:10.1006/fstl.2000.0659
 2000 Academic Press All articles available online at on

lwt/vol. 33 (2000) No. 4

foenum graecum cv. &Pusa early bunching') and Amaranth hydrogen peroxide (0.5 mL/30 mL water) were added.
(Amaranthus tricolor cv. &Pusa kiran') were harvested No discoloration of sample was observed after 3 min
manually at the research farm in the early hours of the con"rmed absence of peroxidase activity (12). Moisture
morning, quickly transported to the laboratory and of the sample was estimated by drying in a hot air oven at
washed. 65$5 3C until constant weight was achieved (12). For b-
carotene determination (13), the sample (5.0 g fresh or
1.0 g dried) was extracted with acetone (20 mL portions)
Blanching until the residue became colourless. The extracts were
Washed leaves were blanched in i) plain water; ii) plain transferred to a separating funnel, and water (50 mL) and
water followed by potassium metabisulphite (KMS) dip petroleum ether (10 mL) were added. The water acetone
(5 g/L in water) for 1 min; iii) water containing salt layer was drawn into another separating funnel and
(20 g/L NaCl in water); iv) salt solution (20 g/L NaCl in reextracted using the same procedure. The petroleum
water) followed by KMS dip (5 g/L in water) for 1 min; ether extract collected from all the extractions was passed
and v) mixture of sodiumbicarbonate (1 g/L in water), through anhydrous sodium sulphate and volume was
magnesium oxide (5 g/L in water) and KMS (5 g/L in made up to 50 mL. This extract (5 mL) was loaded onto
water) at 95$3 3C for times ranging from 30 s to 180 s. a 10 cm long column of supercel and magnesium oxide
The adequacy of treatment was judged by residual per- (3 : 1) overlaid by 1 cm length of anhydrous sodium
oxidase activity (12). Retention of b-carotene, ascorbic sulphate. The column was washed using eluent (3 mL
acid and chlorophyll was analysed under di!erent acetone : 97 mL petroleum ether) until the b-carotene
blanching conditions and the best blanching method was moved o! the column and the "ltrate became colourless.
selected for further drying. The contents were diluted to 100 mL with eluent. The
intensity of colour was measured at 450 nm using a spe-
Drying ctrophotometer (Spectronic 20, Milton Roy, U.S.A.).
Five drying methods; a) sun, b) shade, c) solar, d) cabinet Concentration of b-carotene was determined from the
(65$5 3C), and e) low temperature (30$2 3C); with standard curve.
a uniform tray load of 1.25}1.50 kg/m were followed For ascorbic acid determination, sample (5.0 g fresh or
until the sample contained 7}9% moisture. Dried sam- 1.0 g dried) was extracted in metaphosphoric acid (30 g/L
ples were collected in 200 gauge high density polyethy- in water). The extract was titrated against the 2,6-dich-
lene (HDPE) bags and kept for moisture equilibrium lorophenol-indophenol dye of known strength (13). Total
before being subjected to further analysis. chlorophyll content was determined by the method of
Hiscox and Israelstam (14). One hundred mg of leaf
fraction was placed in a vial containing 7 mL of di-
Analysis methyl sulphoxide and chlorophyll was extracted at
For estimation of residual peroxidase activity, small pie- 65 3C by incubating for 3 h. The extract was "ltered and
ces of blanched sample were placed in a vial and to it made up to 10 mL with dimethyl sulphoxide. The inten-
1 mL guaiacol (1 mL/100 mL ethyl alcohol) and 1 mL sity of colour was measured at 645 and 663 nm using a

Table 1 Retention of b-carotene (mg/100 g)* during processing

Savoy beet Amaranth Fenugreek

Fresh Dry Fresh Dry Fresh Dry

weight weight weight weight weight weight
Processing condition basis basis basis basis basis basis

Fresh Vegetable 7.32$0.48 84.1$4.3 9.79$0.51 59.4$4.6 5.34$0.36 36.3$2.4

Blanching condition
Water 5.44$0.29 41.0$2.7 6.78$0.43 54.9$2.6 2.55$0.19 29.9$2.1
Water and KMS 6.25$0.28 41.8$2.3 8.81$0.49 58.5$2.2 3.17$0.14 33.2$1.8
Salt solution 5.11$0.24 39.1$2.1 7.15$0.57 57.2$2.1 3.00$0.17 27.4$1.9
Salt solution and KMS 5.26$0.28 38.0$1.9 7.74$0.52 56.6$2.3 3.55$0.22 30.9$2.2
Mixture 4.81$0.19 41.1$2.5 6.66$0.66 56.8$2.5 2.78$0.21 31.8$2.4
(NaHCO , MgO and KMS)

CD (0.05) 0.58 6.0 0.86 7.8 0.39 2.0
Drying condition
Sun 26.2$2.4 26.8$2.5 10.3$0.6 10.8$0.7 14.0$0.4 15.0$0.5
Solar 28.6$2.6 29.7$2.7 11.8$0.8 12.2$0.9 15.9$0.7 17.9$0.9
Shade 22.7$2.2 23.9$2.3 13.3$0.6 13.8$0.6 14.3$0.7 16.3$0.9
Cabinet 28.4$2.5 29.3$2.6 31.3$1.2 33.2$1.3 25.9$0.9 26.5$1.0
Low temperature 32.2$2.7 33.4$2.9 27.3$1.0 28.8$1.1 27.4$0.8 30.9$0.9
CD (0.05) 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.8 1.8

* mean value and s corresponding to three replications

lwt/vol. 33 (2000) No. 4

Table 2 Retention of ascorbic acid (mg/100 g)* during processing

Savoy beet Amaranth Fenugreek

Fresh Dry Fresh Dry Fresh Dry

weight weight weight weight weight weight
Processing condition basis basis basis basis basis basis

Fresh Vegetable 41.3$2.4 467.2$23.6 68.8$2.8 464.3$22.9 163.5$8.6 1047.4$44.6

Blanching condition
Water 10.5$0.5 79.1$3.8 22.7$1.6 183.2$9.7 56.0$2.7 659.0$32.2
Water and KMS 10.5$0.6 70.3$3.2 28.2$1.5 187.6$9.0 54.3$2.2 572.0$27.5
Salt solution 8.8$0.4 67.1$3.0 22.6$1.2 180.8$8.6 56.1$2.4 511.1$22.8
Salt solution and KMS 8.8$0.5 63.4$2.9 22.6$1.4 165.6$7.9 54.3$2.3 474.0$20.6
Mixture 7.6$0.4 65.1$2.9 22.6$1.3 193.2$9.3 54.3$2.7 628.0$29.8
(NaHCO , MgO and KMS)

CD (0.05) 1.2 20.0 4.9 37.0 1.0 76.5
Drying condition
Sun 11.5$0.7 11.8$0.7 31.6$1.3 33.0$1.5 128.2$5.6 136.7$5.9
Solar 11.9$0.8 12.4$0.9 34.5$1.2 35.7$1.5 407.8$25.6 457.2$29.2
Shade 20.8$1.2 21.9$1.6 24.7$1.1 27.1$1.2 250.0$15.6 284.6$17.4
Cabinet 14.5$1.1 15.6$1.2 33.0$1.5 34.4$1.7 480.8$24.0 490.8$28.9
Low temperature 34.4$1.8 35.0$2.1 131.6$6.6 139.0$7.2 461.5$22.5 520.3$24.8
CD (0.05) 10.3 10.6 8.7 9.2 15.9 77.9

* mean value and s corresponding to three replications

spectrophotometer (Spectronic 20) and chlorophyll con- Standardization of drying

tent was calculated by Arnon's formula (15). Drying losses of di!erent crops show that sun drying and
shade drying resulted in maximum loss of b-carotene,
ascorbic acid and chlorophyll, whereas solar drying was
Results and Discussion
at par with cabinet drying. Low temperature drying
Standardization of blanching (30$2 3C) gave maximum retention of di!erent con-
The peroxidase inactivation was dependent on temper- stituents. Low temperature drying has shown promising
ature and additives to the blanching medium and mass of results, probably because of less harsh conditions during
vegetable pieces. The peroxidase activity of savoy beet, drying. Higher losses of total carotene and ascorbic
amaranth and fenugreek was reduced to negligible acid in open sun drying as compare to enclosed drier
amounts in 60 s at 95$3 3C in water followed by potas- have been previously reported for leaves of cassava,
sium metabisulphite (KMS) dip. In the case of spinach, cow pea and African spinach (19). Higher losses in
the same was achieved at 85 3C in 30 s or 95 3C in 15 s (5). shade drying may be due to longer time of drying.
Okoli et al. (16) also reported that blanching of spinach Carotene is degraded by free radical oxidation
and amaranth for 1 min at 95 3C was su$cient for the mechanism and the degree of oxidation depends on
negative peroxidase test, whereas 3}6 min steam or hot drying temperature (20). Schwartz and Lorenzo (21) re-
water blanching (97}99 3C) is necessary for A. hybridus to ported that chlorophyll is sensitive to heat and its reten-
achieve the same e!ect (8). Blanching of Fenugreek leaves tion is a!ected by temperature and duration of heat
at 99 3C for 2 min was considered adequate for reduction treatment.
of su$cient peroxidase activity (11).
The leaching losses of b-carotene, ascorbic acid and
chlorophyll during processing are presented in Tables
1d3. Sulphur treatment preventing leaching losses and Conclusion
retention of b-carotene, ascorbic acid and chlorophyll
was better in hot water at 95$3 3C for 60 s followed by Ascorbic acid and b-carotene were sensitive to heat and
KMS (5 g/L in water) dip for 1 min. It was therefore oxidation during blanching and drying. Loss of vitamins
judged the best treatment and was used for further drying and chlorophyll in leafy vegetables during blanching
of vegetables. Similar observations of losses during heat necessiates a proper combination of time and temper-
treatment, viz. 25% reduction in vitamin A activity of ature for blanching. Potassium metabisulphite treatment
spinach by cooking (17) and almost 20% reduction per successfully reduced losses of b-carotene, ascorbic acid
min of chlorophyll during heating at 100 3C in Amaran- and chlorophyll during blanching of savoy beet, ama-
thus hybridus (18) are available in the literature. Higher ranth and fenugreek. Low temperature drying at
retention of ascorbic acid and chlorophyll in fenugreek 30$2 3C resulted in better retention of b-carotene, as-
by blanching at 99 3C for 2 min followed by KMS treat- corbic acid and chlorophyll as compared with sun, shade,
ment are also reported (11). solar and cabinet drying.

lwt/vol. 33 (2000) No. 4

Table 3 Retention of chlorophyll (mg/g)* during processing

Savoy beet Amaranth Fenugreek

Fresh Dry Fresh Dry Fresh Dry

weight weight weight weight weight weight
Processing condition basis basis basis basis basis basis

Fresh Vegetable 1.16$0.06 13.1$0.6 1.41$0.07 8.9$0.5 2.01$0.08 15.7$0.9

Blanching condition
Water 1.02$0.05 7.6$0.4 0.81$0.04 6.6$0.3 1.15$0.05 13.5$0.8
Water and KMS 1.42$0.07 9.5$0.5 1.10$0.05 7.3$0.4 1.31$0.06 13.8$0.7
Salt solution 1.06$0.05 8.1$0.4 0.77$0.03 6.1$0.3 1.13$0.05 10.3$0.5
Salt solution and KMS 1.31$0.07 9.5$0.5 0.90$0.04 6.6$0.3 1.12$0.06 9.8$0.5
Mixture 1.20$0.06 10.6$0.5 0.83$0.04 7.3$0.4 1.15$0.06 13.1$0.6
(NaHCO , MgO and KMS)

CD (0.05) 0.11 1.5 0.14 1.0 0.11 1.6
Drying condition
Sun 7.77$0.42 7.9$0.4 2.95$0.30 3.1$0.3 5.93$0.6 6.3$0.4
Solar 8.53$0.48 8.9$0.5 3.14$0.31 3.2$0.3 5.93$0.7 6.3$0.7
Shade 7.58$0.41 8.0$0.4 3.48$0.33 3.6$0.4 6.93$0.7 7.9$0.9
Cabinet 5.86$0.38 6.1$0.4 4.26$0.39 4.5$0.5 7.08$0.7 7.2$0.8
Low temperature 8.65$0.49 9.0$0.5 3.97$0.37 4.2$0.5 6.19$0.6 7.0$0.8
CD (0.05) 0.45 0.5 0.30 0.3 0.27 0.3

* mean value and s corresponding to three replications

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