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The difference between men and women is almost as different as night and
day for a wide variety of reasons, the least of which being the fact that our brains tend
to be wired a little differently. Most men are action oriented; meaning that we get up,
we jump in, we get stuff done. Women on the other hand or more detail oriented;
meaning they’ll pause, study the situation for a few moments, and then proceed to
resolve the situation. Now, is any one way more correct than another? Of course not. Is
this in any way an absolute? Again, of course not. I’ve seen my fair share of men that will
pause, study situation, and then jump in and get it done (I tend to be this way for
example) as well as women to just dive headlong into something.

Other instances where men and women behave differently can be noticed when they
gather in groups. I have said this in other posts before, but I’m going to say it again

When a group of men get together, they insult each other continuously and relentlessly;
but they never mean it. When a group of women get together, they complement each
other continuously; but they never mean it.

When a group of men get together, everyone in the group seems to relax and have a
good time while they’re out doing whatever it is they’re doing. You usually won’t find
one person in the group who feels that he’s in charge of this group since everybody in
this group is going to be a colleague of some sort. Essentially, everybody in this group is
going to be an equal. Women on the other hand are completely different. When you get
a group of women together, you’re almost always going to have the one girl who’s in
charge (alpha female) and the other girls in the group are people that this alpha female
has surrounded herself with because she feels that they are inferior to her in some way
and subsequently pose no threat to her power. Socializing with a person like this is one
thing but working with someone like this can be almost unbearable.

When working with male managers, you’ll find that almost every male manager out
there tends to look at the larger picture when making an executive decision of any kind.
Male managers also tend to form a connection with their subordinates so that there’s
more of a sense of camaraderie within the ranks of his subordinates. Female managers
on the other hand, tend to want to micromanage everything their subordinates do and
tend to have predetermined ideas of how they want everybody that works under them
to behave. Female managers, in my experience, do not sincerely form a connection with
their subordinates, and instead choose to manipulate them rather than form a sense of
camaraderie with them.

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