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Risk assessment template

Company name:           Assessment carried out by          

Date of next review:           Date assessment was carried out:          
People The potential risks and the The required controls to be implemented The person(s) Risk after implementing
What are the who are at the control measures
level of risk responsible for
hazards? risk the control
Sliping Residents, Elderly persons sometimes To alert residents, staff, and visitors to the Administration Low
Falling and Tripping Staff, have diminished mobility and area to be cautious when walking there, Staff
Visitors motor skills, which makes place a wet floor sign on the spot of the Care home health
Director of them more prone to tripping spill. Officer   
care homes or falling. Cleanup the spill right away.
Any obstructions that could cause a trip or
    fall must be removed from walkways and
doorways, and extension cords and power
cables must be kept neatly tucked away
and out of the way.
Infection and Residents, If the people infected don't The restroom and other facilities should Administration medium
disease Staff, properly wash their hands, be tidy, staff, residents and visitors should Staff
Visitors this could spread to other regularly wash their hands with soap, and Care home health
Director of people. Medium Risk Bins must be frequently cleaned and Officer 
care homes emptied.
Hoist usage Residents This can cause a fall and By frequently performing inspections Staff medium
and Staff injury Making sure Hoists are continually
serviced, and routine maintenance is in
constantly in place.

Fire accident Residents, This can cause severe burns Deploys fire doors, fire extinguishers, and Administration low
Staff, or kill. High-risk level other firefighting tools and conducts Staff
Visitors regular fire safety training Care home health
Director of Officer 
care homes

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