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Name of Patient: Patient X

Age / Gender: 27, Male


1. Assess the patient’s 1. To provide appropriate teaching

Subjective: Within 8 hours of plan. After 8 hours of
Deficit related to readiness to learn.
“Maam, dili ra kaha lack of information nursing interventions, 2. To provide information on nursing interventions,
2. Explain what colon cancer is
about the disease
ko magka-infection ani the client will colon cancer and its the goal was met.
process and and its symptoms. Avoid using
maam?” As verbalized prognosis. understand the pathophysiology in the simplest The client is able to
medical jargons and explain in
by the patient. disease process and way possible. understand the
layman’s terms.
prognosis 3. To explore patient’s experiences disease process
3. Use open-ended questions
Objective: 4. To provide an important starting and prognosis.
to explore patient’s lifestyle
Vital Signs taken as point in education. Knowledge
4. Observe and note existing
follows: serves to correct faulty ideas.
misconceptions regarding
*Body Temperature – 5. To know what to prioritize will
material to be taught.
37°C (98.6°F) help prevent wasting valuable time.
5. Determine priority of
*HR- 77bpm 6. To identify more ideas on
learning needs within the
*RR- 16cpm material to be discussed.
overall teaching about
*BP- 120/80mmHg 7. To allow verification of
occurrence of an infection.
understanding of given information
6. Determine patient’s
8. To allow the patient retain
perception of Colon cancer
information without distractions.
and ask about previous
9. To provide accurate and concise
7. Encourage questions.
10. To understand how the
8. Create a quiet learning
patient respond to the information.
9. Provide anticipatory
guidance with patient’s SO
regarding the disease process
and prognosis
10. Explore reactions and
feelings about learning the
occurrence of infection.

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