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Family and Community Medicine Department

CM442- student’s report (2023)

The WASH program works on long-term prevention and control measures for improving

health, reducing poverty, and improving socio-economic development as well as responding

to global emergencies and outbreaks of life-threatening illnesses. Write a report regarding

the WASH program. Please use the following questions as your headlines.

1. Define the WASH program

2. What is the importance of WASH services in schools and in health-care facilities?

3. Water safety plans (WSP) were introduced by the World Health Organization (WHO).

What are the objectives of the water safety plan?

4. WSP has three key components to ensure that drinking water is safe for the public;

mention those components.

5. What is the disease impact of unsafe water use?

6. Write the most commonly used methods to make water at home safe (Household Water


Report format and submission information:

• The total number of pages should not exceed 4 pages, excluding the cover page and
references list.
• It should be written with 12 font size, Times New Roman font, and 1.5 line spacing.
• All used sources must be indicated, both, in the text, and in the references list at the end
of the report.
• All the pages should be numbered, except the cover page.
• The report should be submitted to your supervisor as a hard copy by 30/03/2023

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