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Contemporary Philippine literature as a means of responding to the demands of the
global village; various extended text types; lexical and contextual cues; appropriate and
polite oral language, stance, and behavior; and use of imperatives, prepositions, verbs,
and wh-questions.


ACTIVITY 2.Understanding sequence

Context clues are hints found within a sentence, paragraph, or passage that a reader can use to understand the meanings
of new or unfamiliar words. Learning the meaning of a word through its use in a sentence or paragraph is the most practical way to
build vocabulary, since a dictionary is not always available when a reader encounters an unknown word. A reader must be aware
that many words have several possible meanings. Only by being sensitive to the circumstances in which a word is used can the
reader decide upon an appropriate definition to fit the context. A reader should rely on context clues when an obvious clue to
meaning is provided, or when only a general sense of the meaning is needed for the reader’s purposes. Context clues should not be
relied upon when a precise meaning is required, when clues suggest several possible definitions, when nearby words are


ACTIVITY 2.Understanding sequence

unfamiliar, and when the unknown word is a common one that will be needed again; in these cases, a dictionary should be

What are context clues?

Context clues can help you figure out the meaning of unfamiliar words. There are hints around an unknown word that might give
clues about the word's definition. There are 5 types of context clues: synonyms, antonyms, inferences, definitions, and examples. 
Definition- The unknown word is defined in the sentence or a sentence by the surroundings.
Synonyms- The unknown word has a synonym, or alike word in the sentence.
Antonyms- The unknown word has an antonym, or opposite word in the sentence.
Inference- The unknown word has clues that help us to understand what the word might be. 
Examples- The unknown word has examples nearby the sentence. 

How do you use context clues?

Context clues help figure out the definition of a word that you don't know. You use context clues by searching the
surrounding sentences or words around the unknown word. There can be 5 different kinds of context clues readers can look for. The
5 types are synonyms, antonyms, inferences, definitions, and examples. 

When do you use context clues?

You use context clues when you approach an unknown word. No one has enough time to search a dictionary every time a difficult
word appears. When taking a quiz, dictionaries are not allowed. Then, you can use context clues to find you understand the gist of the

5 examples of context clues

1) The scorching day made me want to go to Antarctica to cool down from the heat.
Type of clue: synonym 
Definition to scorching: hot
2) Emma had a lot of anxiety because of the test, but I had no worries.
Type of clue: antonym
Definition to anxiety: worried 
3) The definition or meaning to depressed is sad.
Type  of clue: definition

Definition to definition: meaning

4) The dog was probably enraged because he bit his owner, barked loudly, chased other animals, and disobeyed his owner.
Type of clue: example
Definition to enraged: angry, mad
5) Dissuading her from going out to the dangerous dive did nothing. She would not stop. 
Type of clue: inference
Definition to dissuading: preventing

Benefits from context clues

During a test, dictionaries are not allowed to be used. Using context clues to discover the definition will help a lot. Also when talking
to other people in the future, you will hear a hard word. It will be easier to understand them if you know what they were talking
about. Then you can infer the word's definition.



 Question: What should I do while I read (or during reading)?
Answer: There are five components of the DURING READING STRATEGIES routine. These strategies are
Clarify, Revise Predictions, Ask and Answer Questions, Mental Imagery, and Paraphrase.
Answer:There is an acronym used to remember the strategies: CRAMP
  C- larify
R- evise predictions
A- sk and answer questions
M-ental imagery
P- araphrase

The order for DURING READING strategies does not matter. They can be performed in any order- It is just important that you DO the DURING
READING strategies as you read to assist you with understanding the text.

When you clarify during reading, you stop and figure out things you do not understand. You may not understand a word pronunciation or word
meaning. You may not understand the meaning of a sentence or paragraph. You may have a question about the story, such as "Why would a
character do that?" OR "What does that mean for the story?"
Clarifying will help you pause and figure out what to do in these situations.
Using VIP Notes (with post-its) can help you clarify during reading and identify important events or information.
“Fix-up” strategies can also help you clarify during reading.
This is a strategy to be done DURING READING- It will help you clarify confusing information or words- It will also help you identify important
information. You will mark specific places in the text with post-it notes while you read. You may mark places that have a vocabulary word you
don't know the meaning of, places that have information you don't understand or have a question about, or places that include very important
events or information.
Making predictions before you read any text, as well as making new predictions and revising previous ones, helps you understand the text better.
You can use clues from the story to help you make an educated guess as to what might happen as you continue reading. During reading, you may
find out that your predictions are correct or incorrect. Keeping a clear focus of your original prediction in your mind and revising your predictions
as you read helps you monitor your comprehension and understanding as you read. Make a conscious decision to make, check, and revise
predictions throughout the reading process.
Asking and answering questions throughout a story is another way to monitor your comprehension and get as much from the text as you can. You
can ask questions to understand the story better and clear up confusion as you read (for clarification purposes). You can ask questions to aid in
comprehension, such as "Why would the character do that?" Then you can find the answers to your questions as you read. There are also
questions that are asked in a specific fashion or for a specific purpose (as with the QAR method). If you know what type of question it is, you can
figure out the answer much more easily, which helps you comprehend the text better and be more knowledgeable. See the QAR note sheet (on
the next page) for specific information about the QAR method.
You will use the QAR method with the during reading strategy of Ask and Answer Questions. “QAR” stands for “ Question-Answer Relationship.”
This method will help you realize that the answer you seek is related to the type of question that is asked…that there is a definite relationship
between questions and answers.
There are two categories of QARs: “In the Book” and “In my Head.”


ACTIVITY 2.Understanding sequence

Directions: Read the selection. Answer the following questions by choosing the letter of the best answer.

Kind-hearted is one of the most beautiful, delightful, and pleasing qualities anybody can possess.
It’s nice to be kid and loving to your neighbor. Remember the second commandment of the Lord: “Thou shalt love thy
neighbor as thyself.” All men are included in the world “neighbor,” but it refers more especially to your parents, friends, the poor
and afflicted, and also your enemies. Possessing kindness of heart will help you rejoice with the joyful, relieve tensions, soothe
miseries, and repay ingratitude with love. To attain real kindness of heart, discard selfishness, jealousy, and vanity. Kindness of heart
was particularly shown in the following incident. A Protestant once visited a hospital. Among the unfortunates, his eyes were
focused on a man who was suffering from a certain disease which deprived him of both arms and legs. The visitor was visibly
shocked at the terrible but pitiful sight. His horror gave way to great wonder upon seeing a Sister of charity kneeling down by the
bed of the ailing man. She was asked why she was so kind to the repulsive object, and she answered that she loved him best because
he was dreadfully afflicted. This act of charity deeply impressed the Protestant. His heart became soft and had kind words for the
sick man. Shortly afterwards he gave financial aid. He mused that with the small amount he contributed, he could make sick man
happy and cheerful.
Strive, therefore, to be truly kindhearted. Help others in their necessities. Remember what Solomon taught us, “He who
confers benefits upon others will himself receive many and he who gives much to him shall much be given.” Exercise kindness of
heart to the fullest.
1. One of the most beautiful, delightful and pleasing qualities anybody can possess is _________.
a. kind-heartedness
b. obedience
d. civic mindedness
2. Be kind of your neighbors. The word “neighbors” refers to ________.
a. all men
b. friends and relatives
c. enemies
d. all people
3. Being kind to others will _____________.
a. create tension to you
b. makes you happy
c. wears you’re off
d. spoil others
4. To attain real kindness, one has to discard _____________.
a. anger and madness
b. cheerfulness and friendliness
c. selfishness and jealousy
d. wealth and position
5. Being kind to others, will make others ___________.
a. lazy
b. depends on you
c. forgets God
d. has more faith in God


ACTIVITY 2.Understanding sequence

Directions: Read each sentence. Use the context clues to help figure out the meaning of the underlined word. Encircle
the letter of the correct answer.

1. Everyone complained about the bland taste of the potatoes.

a. tasteless b. delicious c. wonderful
2. Stop arguing with your brother before it escalates into a fight.

a. stops b. worsens c. lessens

3. Do not evade the question just because you don't want to admit the truth.
a. avoid b. repeat c. face
4. The fireman broke down the door and went in to retrieve the family pet.
a. get b. notify c. look for
5. Due to the gas leak, they were asked to remain calm and vacate the building.
a.remain b. stay c. leave

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