First War of Independence 1857

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It was referred as sepoys Mutiny by British.

(1) POLICY OF EXPANSION- British gained control over India by 4 ways:
(a) By Outright Wars – Battle of Buxar (1764) gave Bengal, Bihar and
Odisha to British. By Anglo Mysore wars British acquired Mysore.
Similarly by Anglo Sikh war Punjab was annexed.
(b) By Subsidiary Alliance - It was introduced by
Lord Wellesley. All Indian states had to enter
into alliance with the company.
(i) Rulers have to accept British as supreme
(ii) They have to surrender foreign relation &
would not enter alliance.
(iii) They have to accept a British resident and
maintain British troops.
(c) By using the Doctrine of Lapse - Introduced by Lord Dalhousie. Any
ruler without a heir, his kingdom would come under company's rule.
Ex: Jhansi, Satara, Jaitpur, Sambhalpur, Udaipur, and Nagpur.

(d) On the pretext of Alleged Misrule: Awadh was annexed on this

ground in 1856 by Lord Dalhousie.
Nawab’s army was disbanded.
British took away the estates of Zamaindars.
High land tax tax on food, houses and ferries was imposed.
2. Disrespect Shown to Bahadur Shah: The name of the
Mughal King was removed from the coins minted by the
Company. In 1849, Lord Dalhousie announced that
successors of Bahadur Shah Zafar would not be
permitted to use the Red Fort as their palace. In 1856,
Lord Canning announced that after the death of Bahadur
Shah, his successors would not be allowed to use the
imperial titles with their names and would be known as
mere princess. This decision of the British hurt the
feelings of the Muslims. Consequently, Zeenat Mahal,
the wife of Bahadur Shah, began plotting against them.
3. Treatment Given to Nana Saheb: Nana Saheb was the adopted son
of Baji Rao II, the last Peshwa. The British refused to grant Nana Saheb
the pension they were paying to Baji Rao II. Nana Saheb was forced to
live at Kanpur, far away from his family seat at Poona.
4. Absentee Sovereignty of the British: Absentee Sovereignty means
that India was being ruled by the British government from England, at
a distance of thousands of miles. This was resented by the Indians.
The earlier rulers like the Mughals, who had conquered India, had in
course of time, settled in India. The revenues they collected from the
Indians were spent in India only. But in the case of Britain, the Indians
felt that they were being ruled from England and India's wealth was
being drained to England and not utilised for their welfare.

The British government's attempt to interfere in the social and
religious life of the Indians led to the widespread fear among the
1. Interference with Social Customs: Some of the social reforms
introduced by the British in India were aimed at improving the
conditions of the people. The result was that the reforms like the
abolition of Sati (1829), the introduction of the Widow Remarriage Act
(1856) and the opening of Western education to girls were not
welcomed by the masses.

2. Apprehensions about Modern Innovations: People were suspicious

of introduction of modern innovations like railways and telegraphs.
There were rumours that telegraph poles were erected to hang those
who were against the British rule. Orthodox Indians noted that in the
railway compartments the higher castes and the lower castes were
made to sit side by side. They believed that the British had introduced
such practices to defy their causes and relations.
3. Policy of Racial Discrimination: The British officers were rude and
arrogant towards the Indians. They believed that they were superior
to Indians and followed a policy of contempt towards the Indians.
They dubbed the Muslims as cruel and unfaithful. Some European
officers ill-treated and insulted Indians. Such acts of unjust
discrimination alienated the British from the Indian masses.

4. Activities of Missionaries: In the 19th century, the British attitude

underwent a change. The British began to interfere with the local
religious and social customs. They denounced idol worship and
dubbed local beliefs as ignorance. After 1813, there was an increase
both in the numbers and activities of the Christian missionaries. The
Indians thought that the Government was supporting missionaries
who would convert them to Christianity.
5. Fears Regarding Western Education: They saw in it an attempt to
discourage traditional Islamic and Hindu studies. People started
suspecting that the aim of Western education was not to promote
literature and sciences but to encourage their children to become

1. Exploitation of Economic Resources: Agricultural India was
made an economic colony to serve the interests of industrial
England. India was forced to export, at cheaper rates, raw
materials like raw cotton and raw silk that the British
industries needed urgently; plantation products (like indigo
and tea); and food grains which were in short supply in Britain.
India was made to accept readymade British goods either duty-
free or at nominal duty rates, while Indian products were
subjected to high import duties in England. The Indian
handmade goods were unable to compete with the cheaper,
machine-made British products. This ruined the Indian
industry, deprived the artisans of their income and reduced
the avenues of employment for labour.

2. Drain of Wealth: After the conquest of Bengal, the British stopped

getting gold into India. They began to purchase raw material for their
industries in England from the surplus revenues of Bengal and profits
from duty-free inland trade. The transfer of wealth from India to
England for which India got no proportionate economic return, is
called the Drain of Wealth.
3. Decay of Cottage Industries and Handicrafts: Heavy duties on
Indian silk and cotton textiles in Britain destroyed Indian industries.
The misery of the artisans was further compounded by the
disappearance of their traditional patrons and buyers - the princes,
chieftains and zamindars, admirer extinct.

4. Economic Decline of Peasantry: The peasantry bore the heavy

burden of taxes to provide money for the trade of the Company, for
the cost of administration and the wars of British expansion in India.
Increase in the land revenue forced many peasants into indebtedness
or into selling their lands The traditional zamindars were replaced by
merchants and moneylenders. These new landowners had no concern
for the peasants. They pushed rents to exorbitant levels and evicted
their tenants in case of non-payment.
5. Growing Unemployment: When the native States were annexed to
the British dominion, thousands of soldiers and officials in
administrative, military and judicial posts became unemployed
because British policies excluded Indians from high posts. All these
people became bitter enemies. of the British rule in India.

6. Inhuman Treatment of Indigo Cultivators: Indigo trade was highly

profitable to the British but the conditions Under which the peasants
had to work were inhuman) The peasants were forced to cultivate only
indigo in the fields chosen by the British planters.
7. Decline of Landed Aristocracy: According to the provisions of the
Inam Commission (1852), 20,000 estates were confiscated when the
landlords failed to produce evidence like title-deeds by which they in
India held the land.

1. Ill-treatment of Indian soldiers: The East India Company established
the British Empire in India with the help of Indian soldiers. Despite the
fact that Indian soldiers were as efficient as their British counterparts,
they were poorly paid, ill-fed and badly housed.

(2) General Service Enlistment Act 1856 - Indian soldiers could be sent
abroad on duty. It was taboo for Brahmin to cross the sea so they
(3) Larger Proportions of Indians in the British Army – No. of british
soldiers was as low as 1 in 4000. Dalhousie advised for more british
soldiers. It made easier for soldiers to take arms.
(4) Little Prospects of Promotion -Indian soldiers could not rise above
Subedar. All higher ranks were reserved for the British.

(5) Poor Performance of British Troops - The British army suffered

badly in the first Afgan war, in the Punjab Wars, in the Crimean War
and Santhal tribesmen of Bihar & Bengal. It broke the myth that they
were invincible.
Immediate Cause:
When British introduced a new 'Enfield Rifle'. The loading of rifle with
cartridge involved biting if the top greased paper with the teeth. The
grease had fat of cow and pig. For Hindus cow is a sacred and for
Muslims the pig is a taboo. They refused to use these cartridges &
Beginning of the Uprising:- Mangal Pandey, an Indian sepoy attack his
officer at Barrackpore He was executed.
EVENTS AT MEERUT:- 85 soldiers refused to use grease cartridge were
arrested. All sepoys revolted and freed them.
EVENTS AT DELHI:- The soldiers from Meerut were. joined by infantry
they declared Bahadur Shah Jafar locals as "emperor of India'. Later he
was caught & deported to Yangon & died in 1862.
EVENTS AT LUCKNOW:- Begum Hazrat Mahal led the revolt but British
recaptured Lucknow. She fled to Nepal.

EVENTS AT KANPUR:- Nana Saheb, adopted son of Peshwa Baji

Rao I, led the revolt. He fled to Nepal too.
EVENTS AT CENTRAL INDIA:- Rani Laxmi Bai was cheated by traitor but
fought bravely. She died fighting in 1858 at Gwalior. Tantia Tope was
caught and hanged.

OTHER CENTRES:- At Bareilly - Khan Bahadur, Bihar - Kunwar Singh, &

Faizabad - Ahmadullah led the revolt.

Consequences of the First War of

company's rule came to end by the
Government of India Act 1858.
a) The power was transferred to
the British Crown from East
India Company .
b) The Secretary of State and 15-
member India Council will be
responsible to British Parliament.
c) First Viceroy lord Canning was appointed.
d) Appointments to civil services were to be made open competition.
2) QUEEN VICTORIA'S PROCLAMATION - The government would follow
policy of non-intervention in social- religious matters of Indian and
treat all subjects equally. Pardon to all who have take part in war.

3) CHANGES IN THE ARMY - The no. of European troops were

increased. They were kept in key positions. All modern weapons & arm
were placed under them. Discrimination on basis of caste, region and
religion was practised. Soldiers were not allowed to get newspapers.

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