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It’s great to enjoy a little bit away from school and home for rejuvenation and energy,

and this is exactly what happened.

After working hard and excelling in school, I was able to go out on an unforgettable
school trip.
Through this trip, I was able to define my goals and benefit greatly from them.

This was an excursion to one of the seminars of the great Steve Jones. Just being in
the midst of this huge crowd of scientists, inventors and businessmen made me know
what I want to become in the future, and what are my upcoming priorities.

On this journey I was able to find answers to many of my questions and found the
inspiration I wanted.
Now I want to become in the future an inventor of something useful that benefits
humanity and achieve great success for me, whether material or moral, through fame.

It is wonderful to know the importance of technology to society and how we inevitably go

to it and the development of all means of services around us.
And with just a little bit of clinging to the dream and fighting for it like Steve did, I can
certainly succeed too.

This assessment helped me to discover my Matured and Raw talent which I never knew I had. At

the end of the session, the below were identified as my five strengths.

Deliberative - I think it reflects my personality because I am a person that would plan and think

thoroughly about an action or task before plunging ahead with that task, so I believe this is

accurate. Collaborative - I feel strongly good about this strength as its speaks directly about me. I

am a team player and I always get everyone on the same page. Achiever - This aligns with my

personality. Strategic - This is also correct because I set the right goals and create action plans

and follow through with those plans. Learner - At first I found it difficult to align with this

strength, then I thought to myself what do I know. I wondered what I was meant to do with the

above strengths assessment. But on further reflection, I said to myself that they would be useful

for my studies and further activities in the futureneerz program.

I have always liked organizing everything around me, making plans – be it making travel
plans or shifting to a new place. I try to analyze the best possible way to do everything on
time and planning everything ahead. Before joining this course, I knew I wanted to become a
Project Manager and make a shift towards Management from technical domain. And when I
got Context – Arranger – Consistency – Analytical – Responsibility as my strengths in
FUTURENEERZ strength-based analysis report, it gave me a sense of confidence that I’m on
the right path and I’m trying to make a career which resonates with my strengths.
Futureneerz became that self-awareness program for me which I never knew I needed. At
first, I was a bit skeptical as how few questions can talk about my strengths. But when I took
the Clifton Strength assessment, every question asked made me think about how I react to
situations, how I take decisions, what’s more important to me and what’s not. Those questions
were enough to give me a quick self-awareness check about my personality.
I found the first workshop very interesting. The exercises which we did during the workshops
in the breakout room gave me a confidence to talk about myself with a clearer understanding.
I remember during one exercise; I was in breakout room with fellow peers and one person
talked about how her strength of being competitive sometimes works in a negative way for
her as she tends stuck in competing with herself. And every small hurdle affects her more than
it should at that time. I resonated with her a lot as my ‘Consistency’ sometimes annoys me if
things do not go the way I want them to be, or someone lacks effort in being as responsible as
I am. By the end of the workshop, I realized that now since I know about the problem, all I
need to do is look for a solution.
During the bus field trip, we had one speaker from Meta – Fiona Gallagher – Payet. When she
told us the story about how she got the job at Facebook I was extremely surprised as she was
from a non – engineering background. Though she was amazing at communication, and she
transferred that skill from being good at languages to being a part of accountancy team and
now in being Director of Enterprise Engineering. It gave my ‘Context’ a boost as what I have
learned in the past, I can transfer it into being good at what I want to become now.
The group I was in, everyone had very different strengths. At that time, I couldn’t understand
how the group dynamic would help us becoming a strong team for this assignment. Later,
when my team members and I discussed our strengths in detail, I realized everyone had that
one strength which I always admired and needed to keep my strengths at their best.

'Responsible’ in me needed ‘Positivity’ of Lisa to stop being overstressed when something

goes wrong during project. The ‘Context’ in me needed ‘Ideation’ of Hulya so that whenever I
get stuck in with the old solutions, there is someone who can help look at new ideas and
solutions. In one exercise, my team and I discussed what annoys us and how we behave when
it happens and what we could do to tackle the situation. It reminded me of few incidents in my
previous company. Whenever I became a part of any new team, making new connection with
the team members always felt like a difficult task to me. And sometimes it would get difficult
to perform the tasks on time as I did not know how to get clear information regarding the task
which used to frustrate me. Having this kind of honest communication which I had during the
workshop prepared me well for difficult situation that could possibly arise during the project.
I believe this would be my new way of introducing myself in the new teams.
I also loved how fun the e2grow platform is, every then and now I use this platform to know
how I can refine my strengths. The feature of knowing about your teammates’ behavioral
personality is something I have never seen before. When I was facing some issue in
delegating tasks to one of my teammates, I resorted to e2grow platform and under their profile
looked at the feature – how to delegate task to this person. I picked few solutions and tried to
implement that. Irrespective of the outcome, I feel this platform has given me a change of
perspective as rather than thinking about what’s happening, I try to emphasis on why it’s
happening and try to understand others point of view towards a specific situation.
Every day I have learned something new during my master’s in international business and
with the help of futureneerz, I believe I have more clarity of how I can use this learning to my
full potential for my future and situations. I was self-aware about the strengths I have but
Futureneerz has helped me to portray a clear picture of me to other people, to communicate in
a far better way about who I am and how my strengths can contribute towards my career and
the company’s success where I will work. A recent example of that – few days back I gave an
interview at Amazon Web Services for an internship as Program Manager. The final round
was a behavioral interview where I was asked how I behave in certain situations. Now, since
I’m know about my Arranger personality, it got so easy for me to highlight how much I love
planning tasks and organizing meetings and I explained with giving examples of how I’ve
been handling group projects lately. I also highlighted how much the Responsible in me
would be a perfect fit for this Internship as a Program Manager. And the interviewers were so
impressed with me that I got the offer for the internship within few days of the interview. This
journal is a reflection cum gratitude for the university and e2grow as they have not only helped
me grow but they helped in knowing how I can channel my strengths into having a strengths into
having a thriving personality I always dreamt of

I had the privilege of being a part of history at the europeanparliament in Brussels during President
Volodymyr Zelenskyy's visit. President Zelenskyy continues to be a hero and leader, inspiring many
with his tireless efforts to secure a sovereign Ukraine.
It was moving to see the #europeanunion stand united in support of democracy. Their unwavering
support for President Zelenskyy and Ukraine's fight for independence is a beacon of hope.
Being present at such a historic event was truly an honor, and I am grateful for the chance to witness
it firsthand. The European Union's solidarity serves as a reminder of the significance of defending
democracy and human rights across the world.

I was fortunate enough to have had the honor of meeting Seán Kelly MEP, Member of the European
Parliament for Ireland South. Mr. Kelly's passion and dedication to the European Union and its
values was truly inspiring and a testament to the importance of working together toward a better
I am grateful Robertas Pogorelis for your awesomeness and the unforgettable experience you
provided. Your encouragement has sparked my interest in exploring the laws, cultures, and
languages of different countries even further.
I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from and be a part of this historic moment.

This past week I was privileged with the opportunity to be a part of an International Business trip in
Leuven, Belgium

This was a very amazing experience for me because I was fortunate to listen to speakers like Paula
Byrne from Samsung and Gustavo G. Müller from KU.

I also had the opportunity to visit Stella Artois Brewery which is part of AB InBev, Health House,
Edrone port, and The Nike Logistics site.
However, on my last day in Belgium, we went over to Brussels and visited the European parliament.
This was the best part of my trip because I was lucky enough to see President Volodymyr Zelenskys
give a speech while I was in the building.

We finished off the trip by speaking and gaining insight into the Permanent Representation of Ireland
to the Council of Europe

I must say this trip was a very successful one and I’ve gained so much insight into the European
Union and learned about corporate sustainability within some of these major companies.

I would like to thank Elaine O'Brien Pio Fenton and Josephine O’Halloran for guiding and preparing us
for this amazing experience.

Concerning my studies, this field trip has allowed me to put my knowledge into context and
reminded me that you could not learn about something like international relations just from reading
and writing. As someone who enjoys academic writing, I can often overlook the importance of more
societal factors when producing work and thinking about finding solutions. This trip has reminded
me that context is everything – and to be effective in development and progress, you must work
within the current climate when starting to look for solutions. I also learnt much more about Turkey’s
relationship with the EU, their geopolitical issues and advantages and gender relations. I hope to
keep in touch with academics from the trip to continue learning from them and potentially work on
projects with them in the future.

Reflective Journal on International Field trip

• Write a brief description of the material covered

• Carry out an analysis of the talks and visits on the Field Trip by reflecting on selected
aspects of it:
1. Discuss your perceptions and attitudes towards the field trip prior to taking part.
2. Include what you found especially interesting/enjoyable in the field trip, either within your
group or individually.
3. Thoughts on how the talks and visits might assist you in your personal or professional
development (how can you use the material covered/insights into effective group work/how
might you do things differently in the future). Draw on your learning with
FUTURENEERZ where relevant.
4. Consider future actions in light of what you have learned. For our purposes: ask yourself
what are the main learning points you can take from this experience as a whole. How does
it feed into your overall MTU experience and preparation for your
future career?
5. Include your feelings about your program of study and your progress in it and
Answer from your tutor:

Day 1:
When I was in the bus going to Kundalika, my mind was filled with excitement. When the
bus arrived at the destination, I happily got off the bus and with the noise of my suitcase
wheels rolling, I walked to the main gate with happiness and excitement. When we went
into the dining area, teachers gave us our tent keys and told us to go and get changed
into comfortable T-shirts and shorts. Once we changed and met in the dining area, we
ate our lunch and started our team building activities. When we were done, teachers told
us to go to our own tents and get changed into our swimming costumes. When we got
changed, we went to do the activity called Tarzan Swing. You had to hold the rope which
was tied to the tree and jump to the other side of the mud pit. If you didn’t hold tight
enough, you could fall into the mud. I fell in the mud everytime that I tried but I still had
lots of fun. The teachers tried it too and they all fell into the muddy water! Except Mr.
After doing this activity, we went to the lake to do Kayaking. We had to get on the boat
and paddle to the tree far away and get back. I was teamed up with Soumya and we
successfully did it. We also got to swim in the lake which was very refreshing! When we
were done, we went back to our tents and changed into comfortable clothes and went
to the dining area for the last activity which was Jungle Cooking. We were divided into
four groups and cooked pasta on the campfire. We had to come up with a name for our
pasta dish and were judged on the presentation and taste. We ate the pasta for our
dinner and also some other food. Then, we went to our own tents and went to sleep.
Day 2:
We woke up at 02:30 hrs. Instead of at 06:00 hrs as our alarm was set incorrectly. We
immediately changed into our costumes thinking it was time for breakfast but then our
teachers told it that it was the middle of the night and that we could go to sleep again!
At 07:00 hrs, we went for our breakfast and then for river rafting. It was really fun! At
first, the water level in the river was really low because the

water had not been released from the dam,

but soon the water was released and we saw the water gushing into the river! We got to
know the names of so many rapids and even got to do body surfing! When we were
done, we went to the dining area and ate our lunch. We rested for a while and then went
onto ziplining which is basically going over a cable tied from one tree to another. We
then participated in the tree ladder and burma bridge activities which were challenging
but also lots of fun!
We then went to our tents for some free time after which we got ready with our
flashlights and water bottles to do some night time jungle trekking. At first, it was really
scary because I am scared of bugs. But then we learned about anthills and tried
identifying birds and insects with the sounds they make. When we got back, we ate
dinner and got ready for a bonfire for which each group had to present a Madad for a
product that they were given to advertise.
Day 3:
I woke up at 06:30 hrs as usual and went to the dining area to have breakfast. We then
changed into our swimming costumes to have a final chance at the tarzan swing. When
we got back to our tent, we packed our suitcase and bag and got ready to go back to
school. We left our suitcases on the way and went to the dining area to have our lunch.
When we were done, we went into the bus and got back to the school.
The field trip was lots of fun and I will remember it forever!

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