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Embedding the Advanced Practitioner Role within

the Organisation



Level HE7
1. Overview.......................................................................................................................
2. Learning and Teaching Strategy..................................................................................
3. Module Communications..............................................................................................
4. Module Description......................................................................................................
5. Learning Outcomes and Assessment...........................................................................
6. Assessment Deadlines..................................................................................................
7. Assignment feedback....................................................................................................
8. Formative Assessment..................................................................................................
9. Module Calendar...........................................................................................................
10. Indicative Reading:......................................................................................................
11. Guidelines for the Preparation and Submission of Assignments:............................
12. General Assessment Criteria Level HE7 ...................................................................
13. Assessments...............................................................................................................
1. Overview

Module Tutor: Sue First

Room: T3-50 Eagle Block
Tel: 01204-903755
Level: HE 7
Credits: 10 credits
Module Pre-requisites: None

Web-link to Module Specification:

2. Learning and Teaching Strategy

The module will embrace a participative approach to learning and encourage personal
reflection, drawing on your experiences of developing your AP role within the
workplace. The 100 notional hours are delivered by a number of strategies that are
effective and popular with our students. These will include individual tutorials with the
work based learning facilitator aimed at meeting your individual learning needs, plus a
mixture of methods including lectures, individual and group exercises and discussion,
self directed study, DVD triggers, case studies, experiential learning, action learning
and activity-based learning. Further learning will explore managing, leading
organisational change, motivational skills, evaluation of interventions and
effectiveness. Associate lecturers/guest speakers may be invited to provide a
perspective from their specialist sector and relevant visits or activities outside of the
university may be undertaken to help you develop personal insight. This will be
complemented by continuing personal reflection throughout using SWOT and similar
self analysis tools.

3. Module Communications
The Module Tutor’s contact details are provided at the top of this page. You must
check your University of Bolton email address and the ‘Moodle’ area dedicated to
this module regularly as many module communications are channelled through these
Your Module Tutor will normally aim to respond to your email messages within 2
working days of receipt; however responses will be longer in holiday periods.

4. Module Description
Delivery ;There will be 15 hours of lectures, 6 hour of tutorial and 79 hours of guided
independent study.

Module Outline: In the face of a rapidly changing health care system it is envisaged
that this module will enable you to meet the challenges and influence the delivery of
health care at strategic level. In addition you will be able to identify the impact you
have made as an Advanced Practitioner within your organisation and beyond as a role
model and ‘trail blazer’ and to identify areas for further leadership. It is hoped that you
will gain expertise in your area of practice demonstrated through the achievement of
advanced clinical skills by applying them to complex and ambiguous situations. This
module also serves to develop employability skills with particular emphasis on the
following: Communication Skills (D) Team Working (TD)Organisation and Planning
(DTA)Problem Solving (DTA)Flexibility and Adaptability (DT)Action Planning
(DTA)Self Awareness (DTA)Initiative (D)Personal Impact and Confidence (DT)
Internationalisation (DT)Environmental (D)Social and Ethical Responsibility (DTA)

Indicative Content:
Number Description

The syllabus is flexible and shaped by your needs with innovative approaches
to delivery

2 Intensive self assessment

Mapping of personal skills and competencies and personal development

planning (PDP),

4 Portfolio building and goal setting.

5 Reflective practice

5. Learning Outcomes and Assessment

Learning Outcomes Assessment

1.Critically evaluate your role, formulating how you function as an Assessment 1& 2
autonomous Advanced Practitioner in the workplace.

2.Reconstruct the vision of your role by critically defining areas of Assessment 1&2
your leadership potential within and across organisations and other
agencies and presenting yourself as a role model to others.

3.Examine and draw conclusions whilst undertaking relevant

consultation and clinical assessments of clients in complex and Assessment 3
ambiguous situations

6. Assessment Deadlines

Assessment item Due Date Weight

A 2000 word assignment reflecting on the development 100%
1 and establishment of your role in the context of your 23.06.2016


2 A completed portfolio of evidence for competence reflecting 28.07.2016 0%

your learning, professional and personal development
3 LOGS - 100 completed clinical skills relevant to your own 28.07.2016 0%
Advance Practice role and area of expertise.

7. Assignment feedback
Feedback on items of assessment can be formal (such as on a signed feedback form)
or informal (such as advice from a tutor in a tutorial). Feedback is therefore not just
your grade or the comments written on your feedback form, it is advice you get from
your tutor and sometimes your peers about how your work is progressing, how well
you have done, what further actions you might take.

We recognise the value of prompt feedback on work submitted. Other than in exceptional
circumstances (such as might be caused by staff illness), you can expect your assignment
work to be marked and feedback provided not less than three working weeks from the
date of submission. However, please note that that such feedback will be provisional and
unconfirmed until the Assessment Board has met and may therefore be subject to change.

8. Formative Assessment

Formative assessment is an important aid to learning. It is designed to provide you

with feedback on your progress and inform development. It can be used to identify
any areas which would benefit from extra attention on your part, or extra support from
your tutor. It does not contribute to the overall formal assessment for the module.

Informal formative assessment is provided in this module through:

- Group activities and discussion
- Tutorial (Group & Individual) feedback on assessment drafts. You will have the
opportunity to submit a sample of work to meet one or more of the learning outcomes.
Formative assessment is a systematic and planned assessment that you are expected
to undertake and to receive feedback on, but is not considered at an assessment
board and is not subject to internal or external moderation. Formative assessment will
take the form of a draft of the work to be submitted and returned with feedback mid
semester. A draft plan (which can be emailed) of what you intend to include in your
assignment must be submitted prior to the tutorial date and you will be given formative
feedback will be given on Thursday 26th May2016.
9. Module Calendar

Date: Theory Topic Tutor

All sessions are 10 – 3 PM unless otherwise stated
05.05.2016 Introduction to the module Michelle /
Advanced Practitioners who are taking the role forward. Sue
‘Bridging the Gap’ Guest
Insights from AP’s leading in the workplace Speakers
Domains 1 and 2 of the portfolio
12.05.2016 Assignment guidance Sue
(10-12am) Domains 3 and 4 of the portfolio
19.05.2016 Research and Audit – domain 5 Michelle /Sue
26.05.2016 Tutorials - Formative submission of assessments Michelle /Sue
02.06.2016 Directed Study

09.06.2016 Directed Study

Summer Programme:
16.06.2016 Service User Perspective: The other side of care Guest
10 – 12 Speaker

30.06.2016 Mental Health And Dementia Care Guest

07.07.2016 Care of the Frail Adult or Paediatric care Guest
14.07.2016 Portfolio drop in and review (optional – need to book with Michelle
tutor) /Sue/Chris
21.07.2016 Celebration Event and Presentations



NB: Please note that this module calendar may be subject to change.
10. Indicative Reading:

Avery,G.C. (2004) Understanding leadership: paradigms and cases. Sage. London. In

D.A..Buchanan & R.J. Badman (2008) Power, Politics, and Organisational Change.
(2nd Ed.) Sage. London
Christensen M (2011) Advancing nursing practice redefining the theoretical and
practical integration of knowledge. Journal of Clinical Nursing 20, 873-881 .
Department of Health (2009) Transforming Community Services; enabling new
patterns of provision, Crown Copyright.London
Furlong, E., Smith, R., (2005) Advanced Nursing Practice ; Policy , education and
Role Development, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 14 , 1059-1066
Ham, C.(2009)Chronic Care in the English National Health Service;Progress and
Challenges, Health Affairs 28,(1)190-201
Hincliffe, S., Rogers, R., (2008)Competencies for Advanced Nursing Practice . Hodder
and Arnold.London
Jones,R., Jenkins, F.,(2006),Developing the Allied Health Professional. Radcliffe.
Lyon, N., (2009)Handbook of Reflection and Reflective Inquiry: Mapping a Way of
Knowing for Professional Reflective Inquiry. Springer.London
Mantzoukas, S., Watkinson. S., (2006) Review of Advanced Nursing Practice; The
International literature and developing generic features, Journal of Clinical Nursing,
NWSHA (2006); Concordat Agreement for the Development of Advanced Practice.
North West Strategic Health Authority, NHS North West.Manchester.
Paniaguia, H., (2010) Reviewing the concept of Advanced Nurse Practice . Practice
Nursing 21 (7)371-5
Paniaguia, H., (2011) Advanced Nurse Practitioners and GP's: What is the difference .
Practice Nursing 22 (7)383-388
Pearson, H., (2011)Concepts of Advanced Practice ; What does it mean? Br J of
Nursing 20 (3)184-185
Robbins, S.P. & Judge, T. A. (2008) Essentials of Organisational Behaviour. Pearson
Prentice Hall. Australia
Rollinson, D. (2008) Organisational Behaviour and Analysis (4th Ed.) Prentice Hall.
Royal College of Nursing. (2008). Advanced Nurse Practitioners an RCN guide. Royal
College of Nursing.London.
Scottish Government (2008)Supporting the development of Advanced Nursing
Practice- A toolkit Approach.CNO Directorate. Edinburgh
Taylor, B, J. (2010) Reflective practice for health care professionals: a practical guide.
Buckingham: Open University Press.

11. Guidelines for the Preparation and Submission of Assignments:

1. Assignments should be word-processed in Arial 12 point font, be double-spaced,

on A4 size paper. Writing should appear on only one side of the paper, be fully
justified and with each page being numbered in the footer, numbering to be

2. There should be a title page detailing the programme, module title, assignment
title, student number, marking Tutor and date of submission. Do not put your
name on the assignment. It is good practice to put your student number in the
top left hand side of the header of each page, and the date of submission in the
top right.

3. If there is a word count limit for your programme please include the following text:
Word Count: You are expected to revise and edit your assignment to remain
within +/- 10% of the indicative word length outlined. In order to ensure that word
counts can easily be checked you should include a note of the word count as
identified by your word processing package. A deduction should be made from
this figure for all tables, figures, quotations, appendices and references which DO
NOT count towards the overall word limit. However, direct quotes ARE included
in the word count.

Students who exceed a specified indicative word length for a written assignment
will be subject to the following penalty system:

 Up to 10% over the specified indicative word length = no penalty

 10 – 20% over the specified indicative word length = 5 marks subtracted

(However if the assignment would normally gain a pass mark, then the final mark
will be not be less than 40%).

 More than 20% over the indicative word length = maximum 40%.

Assignments shorter than the indicative word length will not have marks
deducted (even if these are more than 10% short). However, it is likely to be an
exceptional piece of work that covers the assignment requirements fully in much
less than the set word count, less 10%.

4. All written work must be referenced using the Harvard System, full details of
which are available from the UOB Library website.

5. Unless otherwise notified by your Module Tutor, electronic copies of

assignments, saved as a Word document, should be uploaded to the Moodle
area for this module. Your Tutor will explain the process. If you experience
problems uploading your assignment to the designated area, then you must
forward an electronic copy as an attached to your Module Tutor, by the due
deadline. The time you send the email with your assignment as an attachment,
will evidence the time the assessment was submitted

Please note when you submit your assignment via Turnitin to the Moodle area for
this module, it will automatically be checked for evidence of plagiarism as part of
the process.

ONE PAPER COPY of your assessment MUST also be submitted via the
Student assignment submission box on the ground floor at the end of
Chancellors Mall near the lifts, Eagle Tower by 9pm on the due date. Please
ensure you complete the paperwork appropriately and obtain a receipt. Failure to
do so may result in late return of assignment feedback.

Submission of assessments may be done on or before the published submission

date. Assignments not available at this time will be considered as “late” unless an
extension has been previously agreed, with the Programme Leader for your

Students who fail to submit assessments by the specified date (without an

extension being granted or without accepted Mitigating Circumstances) will be
subject to the following penalties:

 Up to 7 calendar days late = 10 marks subtracted but if the assignment would

normally gain a pass mark, then the final mark to be no lower than 40%.

 Up to 10 calendar days late = 20 marks subtracted but if the assignment would

normally gain a pass mark, then the final mark to be no lower than 40%.

 More than 10 calendar days late = 1 mark will be awarded only.

Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that the assignment is submitted in
the format/s specified in the Module Guide or on the Assessment Brief.


6. In the case of exceptional and unforeseen circumstances, an extension of up to 7

days after the assessment submission deadline may be granted by your
Programme Leader, following firstly discussing the problem with the Module
Tutor. You should complete an Extension Request Form available from your
Tutor and attach documentary evidence of your circumstances, prior to the
published submission deadline.

Requests for extensions for periods longer than 7 days must be made using the
Mitigating Circumstances procedures*.
*Please note that the failure of data storage systems is not considered to be a
valid reason for mitigating circumstances. It is therefore important that you keep
multiple copies of your work on different storage devices before submitting it.

Please see your Programme Handbook for further details.

12.General Assessment Guidelines Level HE7
Relevance Knowledge Argument/Analysis Structure Presentation Written English Research/Referencing
Directly relevant to title. Demonstrates an excellent Presents a comprehensive Coherently Excellent A very well written All sources accurately
70+ Addresses all of the knowledge of theory and critique of key research material articulated and presentational style & answer with standard cited in the text and a
implications and practice for this level. resulting in clear, original and logically structured. layout, appropriate to spelling and grammar.

extensive appropriate
assumptions of the title. illuminating conclusions. An appropriate the type of assignment. Style is clear, resourceful
format is used. Effective inclusion of and academic. reference list in the
Expertly interprets appropriate Demonstrates distinctive and
concepts and theoretical creative thinking. figures, tables, plates correct style is
models. Produces exceptional work that (FTP). provided.
makes a contribution to the
Demonstrates originality in development of knowledge and
conceptual understanding. understanding in the subject area.
60-69% Directly relevant to title. Demonstrates a sound Presents a cohesive critique of For the most part The presentational Well written with All sources accurately
knowledge of theory and key research material resulting in coherently style & layout is correct standard spelling and
Very Good Quality

cited in the text and an

Addresses key practice for this level. clear and original conclusions. articulated and for the type of grammar. Style is clear appropriate reference
implications of the Demonstrates insightful and logically constructed. assignment. and academic.
Comprehensively interprets list in the correct style
issues. creative thinking. An appropriate Effective inclusion of
appropriate concepts and Produces superior work that format is used. FTP. is provided.
theoretical models. makes a contribution to the
development of knowledge and
Demonstrates originality in understanding in the subject area
conceptual understanding
Generally addresses Demonstrates an adequate Presents a critique of key Adequate attempt at The presentational Competently written with Most sources
50-59% the title and its knowledge of theory and research material resulting in articulation and style & layout is correct minor lapses in spelling accurately cited in the
implications. practice for this level. original conclusions. Loss of focus logical structure. for the type of and grammar.
Good Quality

text and an appropriate


in places. assignment. reference list in the

Minor irrelevance in Competently interprets some Demonstrates creative thinking. An acceptable Style is readable and
places. appropriate concepts and Produces satisfactory work that format is used. Inclusion of FTP but mainly academic. correct style is
theoretical models. makes some contribution to the lacks selectivity. provided.
development of knowledge and
Demonstrates conceptual understanding in the subject area.
40-49% Some key implications Demonstrates knowledge of Presents some critique of key Some attempt at The presentational Generally competent Relevant sources cited.
of issues explored. theory and practice for this research material, although articulation and style & layout is largely writing although Minor weaknesses in

level with minor omissions. descriptive in places. Some logical structure. correct for the type of intermittent lapses in referencing technique.

Irrelevant and/or Interprets some appropriate original conclusions. assignment. grammar and spelling.
superficial arguments in concepts and theoretical An acceptable
places. models. format is used. Some inappropriate Style hinders clarity in
Demonstrates conceptual use of FTP. places and is not
understanding in places. academic throughout.
Some significant degree Demonstrates weaknesses in A basic argument is presented, Poorly structured. For the type of Deficiencies in spelling Inappropriate sources
35-39% of irrelevance to the title knowledge of theory and but too descriptive or narrative in Lack of articulation. assignment the and grammar makes and poor referencing
practice for this level.

is common. style. Format deficient. presentational style reading difficult in places. technique.
Limited originality. &/or layout is lacking.

Issues are addressed at Limited understanding and Conclusions are not clearly Simplistic or repetitious
a superficial level and in application of concepts. stated. FTP ignored in text or style impairs clarity.
unchallenging terms. not used where clearly

Relevance to the title is Demonstrates a lack of basic Severely limited arguments. Unstructured. For the type of Poorly written with An absence of
<34% intermittent or missing. knowledge of either theory or Descriptive or narrative in style Lack of articulation. assignment the numerous deficiencies in academic sources and
practice for this level, with little with no evidence of critique and Format deficient. presentational style grammar, spelling,

poor referencing
The topic is reduced to evidence of conceptual originality. &/or layout is lacking. expression and style. technique.
its vaguest and least understanding. Conclusions are sparse. FTP as above.
challenging terms.
13. Assessments

Assessment Number 1: Assignment

Assessment Title: Reflective assignment

Assessment Length: 2000 words

Submission Deadline: 23.06.2016

Learning Outcomes:
LO1. Critically evaluate your role, formulating how you function as an autonomous
Advanced Practitioner in the workplace
LO2. .Reconstruct the vision of your role by critically defining areas of your leadership
potential within and across organisations and other agencies and presenting yourself as
a role model to others

Assignment Brief:
2000 word Reflection
This assessment is the submission of a 2000 word assignment where you will critically
reflect on your own learning and development since the commencement of the MSc
programme. You are expected to reflect and critically evaluate your role, formulating
how you function as an autonomous Advanced Practitioner in the workplace. You will
critically analyse how your own personal skills, attributes and competencies within
your Advanced Practice role have developed and reconstruct the vision of your AP
role by critically defining areas of your leadership potential within and across
organisations and other agencies. You will discuss how you will present yourself as a
role model to others in the future, to become Advanced Practitioners themselves.
Action plan and PDP;-Part of the assignment is to provide a plan of what actions you
need to take personally to establish yourself in your Advanced Practitioner role, within
your organization and across other agencies.

Assessment Number 2: Portfolio

Assessment Title: Reflective Portfolio

Assessment Length: Evidence in 5 domains

Submission Deadline: 28.07.2016

Learning Outcomes:

LO1. Critically evaluate your role, formulating how you function as an autonomous
Advanced Practitioner in the workplace
LO2. .Reconstruct the vision of your role by critically defining areas of your leadership
potential within and across organisations and other agencies and presenting yourself as
a role model to others
Assignment Brief:

Portfolio of Evidence to Demonstrate Advanced Practice Competencies- This is

a compilation of personal evidence applied from the workplace with a rationale to
demonstrate your achievement of the core competencies of Advanced Practice.
Sessions on how to build your portfolio will be offered with the option of a paper or
electronic submission of the evidence

Assessment Number : Clinical skills logs

Assessment Title: Clinical skills logs

Assessment Length: 100 patient assessments

Submission Deadline: 28.07.2016

Learning Outcomes:

LO 3. Examine and draw conclusions whilst undertaking relevant consultation and

clinical assessments of clients in complex and ambiguous situations

Assignment Brief:
Client Assessments
Please submit 100 records of patient assessment in combination with records of
student assessment and Learning logs of clinical examination skills, all signed off by
your mentor and by yourself, undertaken in the workplace, in the log book provided.

Secondary Research Level HE7 - It is expected that the Reference List will contain
between fifteen to twenty sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include
four refereed academic journals and five academic books.

The general marking criteria will apply to this section. In addition the marking tutor will
be looking for evidence of the following:

Does the answer cover the salient points of the question topic logically?
Is the answer presented in an appropriate context?
Is a coherent and well-structured answer to the question made?
Is there evidence of personal research in relation to the question topic beyond material
covered in class?
Is there evidence of understanding of the question topic?

Please see Section 13 for General Assessment criteria.

Submission Instructions:

Assessment 1:- You are required to submit electronic copies of assignment 1 , reflective
assignment as it is a written assessment.

This assignment must be submitted through Turnitin by the submission date below.
You will be offered feedback sessions and individual tutorials to assist you in
preparing you for the assessments and you are strongly advised to ensure that you
attend these tutorials.

Submission date 23.06.2016

Assessment 2&3:

These are not submitted through TURNITIN

ONE PAPER COPY of each assessment MUST be submitted via the Student
assignment submission box on the ground floor at the end of Chancellors Mall near
the lifts, Eagle Tower by 9pm on the due date. Please ensure you complete the
paperwork appropriately and obtain a receipt. Failure to do so may result in late return
of assignment feedback.

Submission date 28.07.2016

 Do not cut and paste phrases or paragraphs from published sources. You
should seek to use your own words to explain concepts and theory.
 If you wish to refer to specific quotes from published sources then you must use
full Harvard presentation. See BISSTO for clear guidance.
 Do not share work with other students.

Fitness to Practice: Confidentiality

The University applies its Fitness to Practice Procedure to all students following
programmes of study accredited by professional, statutory or regulatory bodies which
require the University to make a ‘fitness to practice’ or equivalent declaration or where
a student subject to professional code of conduct is undertaking a relevant programme
of continuing professional development. The procedure can be found at:

You must always protect the identity of patients, clients, colleagues and their relatives
in all assignments. Wherever possible you should also make efforts to anonymise
organisations, colleagues and individuals. However, the work based context of this
module means that this is not always possible, but please ensure that any individuals
are not recognisable within any of your assignments. Please note that Service Users
have the right to refuse student care, and intervention should only occur through
informed consent.

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