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International Journal of Construction Management

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Developing an optimization financing cost-

scheduling trade-off model in construction project

Mehdi Tavakolan & Shayan Nikoukar

To cite this article: Mehdi Tavakolan & Shayan Nikoukar (2019): Developing an optimization
financing cost-scheduling trade-off model in construction project, International Journal of
Construction Management, DOI: 10.1080/15623599.2019.1619439

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Developing an optimization financing cost-scheduling trade-off model in

construction project
Mehdi Tavakolan and Shayan Nikoukar
Department of Construction Engineering and Management, School of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran,
Tehran, Iran

Time-cost trade-off analysis is one of the most challenging tasks of construction project plan- Financing cost; hybrid
ners. Project planners face complicated multivariate time-cost optimization problems that meta-heuristic algorithm;
require simultaneous minimization of total project duration and total project cost while consid- cash flow; scheduling;
multi-objective optimiza-
ering issues related to the optimal present value of profit. In addition, given the complexity of tion; large-scale project
construction projects in recent years, clever management has become increasingly important in
cases of project financing and scheduling. There are choices and limits that make it difficult for
project planners to develop a proper financing plan considering project time status. Therefore,
the methods of financing affect the project plan. Parameters such as interest rate, contract
terms, and financing options (i.e., types of the loan) in the project construction period can
change the final profit value of the project. Hence, a skilled planner should consider various
effective parameters for scheduling projects. This study presents a hybrid meta-heuristic algo-
rithm to solve a multi-objective optimization problem in construction project planning and
financing. The main objective of the model is to present a Pareto chart that shows the trade-off
between duration of the project and the financing cost by considering different durations for
each activity of the project and various financing options. The model is first validated in a sim-
ple case study and then applied to a large-scale case study. The model shows the optimal solu-
tions which have time and financing cost. For each optimal solution, the model will create a
cash flow containing project (direct and indirect cost and payments) and financing flows (bor-
rowed money and repayments of principal and interest) based on a work schedule. Finally, a
sensitivity analysis is performed to examine the effects of changes in the various parameters of
the project cash flow on the ultimate results. It is shown that the proposed model is superior to
the existing models in finding better project planning solutions with lower total project duration
and lower total project financing cost in the proposed construction project financing problems.
In addition, the proposed model improves the solutions through generations and provides opti-
mal solutions in acceptable processing time.

failures (Russell 1991). In this light, contractors need
Widespread adoption and complexity of new-fash- to provide appropriate funding with a variety of
ioned construction projects needs intense manage- methods (i.e., bank loans) to finance the pro-
ment. The necessity to reduce both the cost and ject properly.
execution duration of a project is one of the most The method of financing may give the contractors
important roles of contractors (Ng and Zhang 2008). insurance that at any periods of the project, their
The allocation of budget and project finance is a vital liability will not exceed the limits of credibility
aspect of construction projects. Ignoring this issue (Elazouni and Metwally 2007). Additionally, ignoring
can lead to losses to contractors (Liu and Wang financing along project scheduling affects the cash
2010). Instead, efficient management of financing flow making the schedules infeasible, which results in
projects will have benefits for contractors. High level contractors facing a high rate of failure (Alavipour
of uncertainty within the construction industry results and Arditi 2018). Financing problems may affect rela-
in the bankruptcy of many contractors every year. tions among project stakeholders such as conflicts
This happens mainly because of financial reasons. promotion (Harmon 2003), occurrence of the claim
The lack of finance causes 77–95% of contractor (Arditi and Pattanakitchamroon 2008) and increasing

CONTACT Mehdi Tavakolan

ß 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

of contract failures (Russell 1991) and it also may lack mathematical exactitude (El-Abbasy et al. 2012).
have an influence on the cash flow of the project. Fondahl’s method (Fondahl 1962), Prager’s structural
Therefore, integration of financing and scheduling is model (Prager 1963) and Moselhi’s structural stiffness
essential for minimizing and managing project method (Moselhi 1993) are good examples of heuris-
expenses. Recently, financing problems have become tic methods.
more essential in project management. In order to (3) Despite providing fairly good solutions, heur-
optimize objectives such as financing cost, profit, time istic methods do not contain the full range of pos-
and cost, decision-makers need to analyze and select sible solutions. So, meta-heuristic methods were
the best executive and financing method for each introduced to improve the quality of solutions. An
activity. Many project planners need to reduce project algorithm was developed by El-Rayes and Moselhi
financing cost and increase the profit of the project to (1998) to solve resource-driven scheduling of repeti-
be successful in the project while simultaneously tive activities. Some research employed Genetic
choosing a schedule that has the minimum duration. Algorithms (GAs) for solving resource allocation and
In some real projects, various methods are applied leveling problem at the same time (Hegazy 1999;
and the results are significantly suitable, but these Chan et al. 1996; El-Rayes and Jun 2009). Also, a
methods may suffer from a large amount of process- GA and Pareto front sorting was utilized by Eid
ing time to reach optimum answers. A full review of et al. (2018) to develop a simultaneous multi-criteria
related studies, including their corresponding back- optimization approach in order to solve linear infra-
ground and solutions, are discussed in the follow- structure projects scheduling problem. The shuffled
ing section. frog-leaping algorithm is introduced by Eusuff and
Lansey (2003) in order to solve complex optimiza-
tion problems in water resource planning area. In
Literature review
this algorithm, the population (a set of frogs) is div-
Over the past 25 years, many studies have been done ided into subsets which are called memeplexes. In
in the field of optimization. Problems such as time- each memeplex a local search inspired by the social
cost trade-off (Zheng et al. 2004), procurement sched- behavior-based PSO algorithm is done and the shuf-
uling (Dixit et al. 2018), real-time schedule estimation fling process then occurs (Elbeltagi et al. 2005).
(Pareek et al. 2016), economic optimization of con- Ashuri and Tavakolan (2013) presented a shuffled
struction project scheduling (Karshenas and Haber frog-leaping model for solving time-cost-resource
2006), resource leveling (Kandil and El-Rayes 2006), optimization problems in construction pro-
resource allocation (Valls et al. 2008) or a combination ject planning.
of the mentioned problems (i.e. integration of both Hybrid and improved meta-heuristic algorithms
resource leveling and allocation by Leu and Yang are used to increase the convergence rate and qual-
1999, and reducing time and resource-constrained ity of the solutions, especially in complex problems
with simulation modelling by Ahmed et al. 2018) have that may contain many activities. Improved algo-
been investigated. To solve optimization problems, rithms are the algorithms which have some changes
various techniques have been presented. These meth- in their operators. Shadrokh and Kianfar (2007)
ods can be categorized into three main areas: (1) introduced a twofold chromosome. Abido and
mathematical methods, (2) heuristic methods and (3) Elazouni (2011) presented precedence-preserving
meta-heuristic methods. crossover and mutation operators. Alghazi et al.
(1) Mathematical methods change the problem to (2013) initiated a chromosome repair and penalty
standard mathematical programming models and mechanism in GA for solving the finance-based
then try to reach the optimal solution of the problem scheduling problem. Hybrid algorithms may contain
with the use of linear, integer, or dynamic program- at least two algorithms (usually one algorithm is
ming (Ammar 2005). Kelley Jr (1961), Hendrickson used as a foundation of the hybrid algorithm).
and Au (1989) and Pagnoni (2012) used mathematical Study on hybrid algorithm can be summarized in
methods to obtain the finest solution in their opti- some researches such as hybrid GA of Hossein
mization problems. Hashemi Doulabi et al. (2011), hybrid GA and SA
(2) Due to the high computation time required by model of Sonmez and Bettemir (2012), and merged
mathematical methods to evaluate all possible solu- GA, SA and backward-forward scheduling model of
tions, Heuristic methods have instead been promoted. Sonmez and Uysal (2015). Recently, Luong et al.
These methods are founded on rules of thumb and (2018) presented a novel optimization model

(Opposition-based Multiple Objective Differential Research contribution

Evolution) to solve the time-cost-quality a trade-
The existing cash flow optimization models have
off problem.
some shortages: (1) none of them have considered
Time-cost trade-off (TCTO) problem is one of the
profit value as an independent parameter to the cost
first issues raised in optimization problems. It was and time of the project. (2) Although there are several
introduced by Hindelang and Muth (1979) for the financing methods (i.e., times of cash provisions,
first time. After that, many researchers have estab- interest rates, and repayment options), most of the
lished their studies on TCTO problems. Khalafallah mentioned studies have applied only a credit line as a
and Abdel-Raheem (2011) introduced a new meta- source of financing. (3) All pertinent studies con-
heuristic algorithm called ‘Electimize’ which was cap- ducted so far have used direct cost only for activity
able of calculating solutions with proper quality. They progress where material can be linked to a different
used Electimize to solve TCTO problem. Other procurement plan. (4) Almost all previous studies
researches in TCTO area are the Yang et al. (2007) except the one conducted by Alavipour and Arditi
study which used a modified particle swarm optimiza- (2018) shifted the start time of activities within its
tion to solve the problem, the Zheng and Ng (2005) total float in order to minimize financing cost, but
fuzzy model, and the Sonmez and Bettemir (2012) these models may result in a more critical work
complex case study. schedule. (5) None of the finance-based studies have
In addition to time and cost variables, cash flow is considered different finance costs with different pro-
one of the challenging variables in literature because ject durations concurrently. None of the finance-based
of its distinctive feature that cash is being used analo- models combined a detailed financing schedule (bor-
gous to any resource to advance work and after com- rowing and repaying money including interest) with a
pleting the effort, it is generated from the work to comprehensive construction plan for the purpose of
finance remaining activities (El-Abbasy et al. 2012). developing more realistic optimization problems. The
Elazouni and Gab-Allah (2004) originated the main contribution of this paper is to optimize the
finance-based scheduling to solve cash flow problems. financing cost of the project allowing for a shift in
They applied their model to determine a feasible the duration of activities based on changes in resource
schedule that simultaneously minimizes project delay utilization.
and financing cost when a cash constraint exists. In this study, a multi-objective model that simul-
Elazouni also carried out a few studies in the area of taneously optimizes financing cost and duration of
cash flow and profit of project (Elazouni and two case studies is developed. A hybrid SFL-GA algo-
rithm is used to solve the problems. The proposed
Metwally 2005; Elazouni and Metwally 2007; Ali and
optimization model has two objective functions. This
Elazouni 2009; Abido and Elazouni 2010; Elazouni
includes minimizing total project time and summa-
and Abido 2011; Gajpal and Elazouni 2015).
tion of interests of repaid money that are borrowed
Similarly, Park (2004) applied GA on finance-based
with different methods in order to prevent the cash
multi-objective optimization construction problem
flow from falling down below the specified limit of
and forecasted cash flow in a construction project in
liquidity. The time and cost of each activity is also
two different studies. Recently, Ock and Park (2016)
considered to be dynamic in an indicated range and
have used an algorithm to forecast cash flow in the in a discrete space, which represents different options
planning stage of a practical construction project. of activities. In each calculated duration of the pro-
Moreover, Alavipour and Arditi (2018) proposed a ject, the minimum total financing cost and the min-
model to minimize financing cost by considering dif- imum net present value of profit are computed and
ferent financing options in a common CPM the results are shown in a two-dimensional Pareto
work schedule. chart. A sensitivity analysis is then performed to dem-
Although there are significant improvements in the onstrate the sensibility of various project parameters
solutions of the aforementioned categories of opti- (i.e., advanced payment, advance payment percentage
mization problems, there are rarely studies that com- of pay requests, lag in paying payment requests, etc.).
bine the stated categories to actualize the problems The process of developing the model is categorized
and its solutions. This matter can be a suitable back- into two main stages. In the first stage, model param-
ground for optimizing financing cost and scheduling eters are defined and in the second stage, the solving
of complex project and solving it with a fast and algorithm is presented. In the following sections, both
acceptable method. stages are described in details.

Research methodology weeks to complete the project (n) as follows:

Model parameters CFO ¼ OF  n (4)
Project schedule and activity relationship Another overhead cost called Variable overhead
includes utility costs on the job site, staff and man-
The critical path method (CPM) is an algorithm for
agement costs, taxes, insurances, and etc. (Fathi and
scheduling a set of project activities. The start and
Afshar 2010). Unlike the CFO ; variable overhead cost
finish times of activities are the basis of cash flow.
(CVO ) tends to vary with the volume of work per-
CPM determines the early start, early finish, late start
formed (Peterson 2013). Despite aggregation of fixed
and late finish of activities. Formulation of this article
and variable overhead cost by some previous studies
schedule model is acquired from the Liu and Wang
(e.g., Ali and Elazouni 2009; Elazouni and Metwally
(2010). It supposes that only Finish-to-Start relation
2007; Liu and Wang 2008) CVO is separately calcu-
connects the activities. This relationship which is
lated by multiplying the weekly direct cost (DCi ) with
shown in Equation (1), illustrates the logic among
start date of activity, duration of activity, and finish a percentage (Ov) based on the historical documents
date of activity. Also, the earliest start date of each of organization (Fathi and Afshar 2010). Equation (5)
activity is maximum of the finish date of its predeces- presents the calculation of CVO :
sors. Equation 2 presents the relationship between the CVO ¼ O  DCi
i¼1 V
earliest start date and the predecessors of an activity.
Mobilization cost is associated with those costs that
Si þ di ¼ Fi (1)
are vital for project equipment, supplies, personnel,
Si ¼ max fFpi g i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n; (2)
8i machinery, and facilities needed to prepare the project
beginning on the job site. The mobilization cost (CM ) is
In Equations (1) and (2), Si represents the start
considered as a percentage (OM ) of (direct cost þ vari-
date of activity i; Fi is the finish date of activity i; di
able overhead cost) which is shown in Equation (6):
states the duration of activity i; Pi denotes the prede-
cessors of the activity i; FPi is the finish date of prede- CM ¼ OM  ðDC þ CVO Þ (6)
cessors of activity i and n is number of activities in
Equation (7) illustrates the calculation of the
the project.
markup (CMP ):
Cost estimation CMP ¼ OMP  ðDC þ CVO þ CFO þ CM Þ (7)

The total cost of a project comprises of direct cost After knowing the total project cost, (direct cost,
and indirect cost. Also, financing cost can be added indirect cost and markup) the bonding cost can be
to the calculation of total cost of a project. The total calculated. The contractor pays the premium (OB )
direct cost which is composed of materials, labor, expressed as a percentage for the bond which varies
equipment, and subcontractors (Fathi and Afshar from 0.5 to 2% (Clough et al. 2015). Therefore, the
2010) is calculated by the sum of weekly direct costs bonding cost (CB ) is computed by using Equation (8):
(Equation 3), where is the project duration expressed CB ¼ OB  ðDC þ CVO þ CFO þ CM þ CMP Þ (8)
in weeks (the time unit of activity duration) and com-
puted from CPM algorithm. The sum of the direct cost, the fixed and variable
Xn overheads, the mobilization cost, the cost of bonding,
DC ¼ i¼1
dci (3) and the markup is equal to the contract bid price
(CBP ) (Equation 9).
In contrast to direct cost, indirect cost of a project
includes more parameters like fixed overhead, variable CBP ¼ DC þ CVO þ CFO þ CM þ CMP þ CB (9)
overhead (Fathi and Afshar 2010), and mobilization
and bonding costs. Fixed overhead made from the
Cash flow model
organization and administrative expenses, generally
remains constant over the duration of a project Au and Hendrickson (1986) presented a model of
(Clough et al. 2015). For example, the rent of the contractor’s cash inflows and outflows. These compo-
office as a fixed overhead cost (CFO ) does not change nents were charted at ends of periods which could be
during the unbalanced progress of the project weeks or months (Elazouni and Metwally 2007).
(Peterson 2013). CFO of a project is calculated by mul- Contractors need to build project cash flow according
tiplying the CFO per week (OF ) with the number of to their credit line accounts. The model is inspired by

the cash flow model of Elazouni and Metwally (2005) C þ CB
PM4t t¼0
Dt ¼
and it contains a variety of cash outflows and inflows. ð4t Þ3 ðDCi þ OF þ CVOi Þ t ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n
As the project starts and proceeds with time, cash (12)
inflows will be added to the model and cash outflows
will be subtracted from the model at due times. In At time of zero, there are two expenses that are
this article, it is assumed that the contract is a lump mobilization and bonding cost. As the project begins,
sum. So the progress payments are through calculat- at the end of month t; the contractor calculates the
ing the worth of work items based on the unit prices. sum of weekly direct cost, weekly fixed overhead, and
These payments are usually made on a monthly basis weekly variable overhead for the last four weeks to
(Hinze 2012). Generally, after the contractor has submit the payment request to the owner. It should
requested payment at the end of each month, the be noted that to calculate the cash outflows and
owner deducts the retainage and pays the remainder inflows, several parameters,OAP ;R; Lp ; LR ; OF ; OV ;
to the contractor 1 month or more after the payment OM ; OMP and OB ; should be input through the user.
request has been submitted. An advance payment is a
type of payment that is made ahead of its normal Financing the project
schedule. This is common in construction projects
where the owner pays a percentage (OAP ) of contract In this article, three categories of financing with several
bid price at the start of the project which is located at alternatives in each category is applied to the cash flow
time of zero in the cash flow. Moreover, the final pay- model. These categories inspired by the study of
ment is settled about 1–3 months after the last pay- Alavipour and Arditi (2018) are short-term loans, a
ment request submission (Hinze 2012). This payment long-term loan, and a line of credit. This financing
includes the release of the retainage. This article model considers almost all possible offers by lenders.
assumes that the contractor regularly submits a pay Although there are a variety of repayment schedules for
request every month. Therefore, t is the time when paying back loans to lenders, in this study paying back
the payment requests are submitted (at the end of the is considered monthly for long-term loans and 3, 6, 9
month). Subsequently, (t þ Lp ) is the time when the or 12 months after borrowing the funds for short-term
payment is made by the owner where Lp is the lag loans. Short-term loans can be taken either monthly or
time expressed as months which the owner needs to quarterly while the long-term loan is taken once at the
analyze and respond to the request. Equation (10) beginning of the project. For the repayment of the
shows the progress payment at the end of each period loans, there is a difference between short-term and
(t þ Lp ) denoted by PtþLp : long-term loans. For the long-term case, both the prin-
  cipal and interest are repaid monthly with a fixed
PtþLp ¼ ð1RÞ   i¼ð4t Þ3
DCi amount. However, repayment of the short-term loan is
DC such that the principal is paid off after a specific time
ðOAP  CBP Þ (e.g., 3, 6, 9 or 12 months after the time of borrowing)
 ; t ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n
n and the interest can be paid monthly or compounded
where R is a retained percentage of payment requests, over a specified time.
and n is total duration of the project. In contrast to short-term loans, the total credit
Also, the final payment (PtþLR ) is calculated by withdrawn from a line of credit can be reused as long
using Equation (11), where the lag time to respond as the contractor pays back his/her debts periodically.
the ending request is indicated by LR which is differ- Each month the contractor can withdraw money, con-
ent with Lp : sidering its limitation and can pay back some of the
PtþLR ¼ ½R  CBP ; t ¼ n þ Lp (11) borrowed money including its interest. But, the longer
the payback period is, the higher the compound inter-
As discussed in this section, cash inflows are pay- est rate will be. Therefore, line of credit payback
ments of the owner to the contractor based on the seems to be done as soon as possible.
work progress during the project. On the other hand, Generally, the interest rate is expressed as annuals
cash outflows are the expenses of the contractor dis- (Hendrickson and Au 1989). Also, an annualized rate
bursed at the end of a typical project period. that considers both compounding and lending fees
Equation (12) formulates the disbursement (Dt ) of the leads to Effective annual percentage rate (APR)
contractor at the end of period t (expressed as (Peterson 2013). To calculate the monthly interest
months). rate, this study assumes that a lender states the

effective APR to the contractor. It should be noted (stated in the ‘Cash Flow Model’ Section). The financ-
that each alternative may have limitations in helping ing flows including the borrowed money (financing
the model be more realistic. In practical situations, inflows), the repaid money (financing outflows), and
lenders may impose a limitation on the amount of a financing costs (financing outflows) are set up by
loan or withdrawal from a line of credit in each using Equations (15)–(17). These flows are inspired
period or total duration of a project. In addition to by the study of Alavipour and Arditi (2018).
several parameters of cash flow that are input by the TF ¼ M þ LP þ LR (14)
user, some financing data such as financing alterna-
Bt ¼ Babt þ BLPt þ BLCct t ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ; TF (15)
tives, APRs, interest payment times, total credit limits,
and credit limits in each period are taken from the Rt ¼ Rabt þ RLPt þ RLCct t ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ; TF (16)
user. This model also lets the contractor choose a Ft ¼ Fabt þ FLPt þ FLCct t ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ; TF (17)
maximum negative cumulative net balance of the cash
Where Bt ; Rt and Ft represent the borrowed
flow (MN) which means that the contractor can have
money, the repaid money, and the financing cost,
a negative cumulative cash flow during the project.
respectively, at the end of period t; a is the time of
Therefore, if the contractor has the ability to postpone
taking money for short-term loans; b is the time of
some expenses without any interest, the MN is set up
repaying the principal for short-term loans and ct is
as such. Otherwise, the MN is set to zero.
time of repaying for a line of credit after t month(s).
Also, net financing outflow at the end of period t
Model creation and objective function (TRt ) and net financing flow (NFt ) are subsequently
The primary purpose of this section is to determine the computed by Equations (18) and (19).
total financing cost based on project financing flows. For TRt ¼ Rt þ Ft t ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ; TF (18)
contractors, the profit of their projects often arrives at NFt ¼ Bt TRt t ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ; TF (19)
the end of the project. Usually, in this juncture, the posi-
The cumulative net balance of the financing cost
tive outcome of all the inflows and outflows represents
(NFCt ) is calculated by Equation (20), where NFCt1
the profit. However, it has to be considered that the
inflows and outflows do not occur at the same time but is the cumulative net financing costs from period zero
in different sections of the project time span. Therefore, to period (t1):

a present value of inflows and outflows needs to be Ft t¼0
NFCt ¼ (20)
employed to present a good schema of the project’s NFCt1 þ Ft t ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; TF
finance factors to contractors. This schema helps deci-
The objective function of the model is presented in
sion makers and project planners to select a proper
Equation (21):
option for each project activity to optimize all three
objectives time, cost, and profit concurrent. The profit Minimize FC ¼ 0
Ft (21)
estimation of the project is calculated in Equation (13).
X 1
 The two next sections illustrate the constraints of
P¼ inflow i  the model in two categories of financing and
i ð1 þ rÞti
X   (13) cash flow.
þ outflowj 
j ð1 þ rÞtj
Constraints of the financing
Where P¼profit of the project; ti ¼date of inflow;
similarly, tj denotes the date of outflow; and r¼ daily In the following, constraints of financing are pre-
interest rate. Counters i and j respectively illustrate sented from Equations (22)–(26):
the number of inflows and outflows. The total amount of borrowed money relative to
As discussed in the preceding two sections, the each short-term loan alternative (Tab ) should not
time at which the final payment is made and retain- exceed the total limit for each short-term loan alter-
age is returned is the sum of the project duration, the native (CLab )
lag in paying payment requests, and the lag to make Tab ¼ B  CLab t ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ; TF (22)
t¼0 abt
the final payment and return the retained money.
Equation (14) formulates the time of final payment The amount of borrowed money at the end of
which is donated by TF : To make the complete cash each period (t) for short-term loans (Babt ) and a long-
flow, the financing flows are added to cost flows term loan (BLPt ) should not exceed the limits of

short-term loans (CL0 ab ) and a long-term loan (CL0 LP ) Improved hybrid multi-objective algorithm (IHA)
in each period (t), respectively.
In order to understand the advantages and disadvantages
Babt  CL0 ab t ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ; TF (23) of each meta-heuristic algorithm and consequently
BLPt  CL0 LP t ¼ 0 (24) develop an improved hybrid algorithm, the authors devel-
oped and applied five general algorithms (Genetic algo-
The required credit at the end of each period rithm, Particle swarm, Ant colony, Magnetic charged
(CLCt ) should not exceed the total credit limit of line system and shuffled frog leaping) on a common case
of credit (CLLC ). study which can be found in literature. The case study
CLCt  CLLC t ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ; TF (25) whose network precedence relations and alternatives are
shown in Table 1, is an example of a hypothetical project
The withdrawal from the line of credit at the end
which is employed to demonstrate application of the
of each period (TBLCt ) should also not exceed the
TCTO model. Table 3 shows the results of five meta-heur-
credit limit in each period (CL0 LC ).
istic algorithms applied on the case study.
TBLCt  CL0 LC t ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ; TF (26) In most studies, GAs are used as a foundation of
hybrid algorithms. However, authors used the concept
of shuffled frog leaping algorithm as a base for the
Constraints of the cash flow hybrid algorithm. This is because of SFL’s reasonable
The cumulative net balance of the cash flow (includ- computation time that was presented in the last section.
ing financing flow), in period t; is denoted by N 0 t and Furthermore, given that chromosomes are grouped into
is computed by using Equation (27) memeplexes, it is simpler to monitor the behavior of
 chromosomes during the execution of the program.
0 Pt Et þ NFt t¼0
Nt¼ However, the quality of the solutions is not as good
N 0 t1 þ Pt Et þ NFt t ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; TF when compared with other algorithms. In larger search
(27) areas, failure to reach an optimal solution may be more
The minimum cumulative net balance of the cash frequent. Therefore, an auxiliary algorithm needs to be
flow (including financing flow) is denoted by MN utilized to increase the accuracy of optimal solutions. In
and the constraint N 0 t is provided in Equation (28) order to avoid time inefficiency, this algorithm should
not burden the calculation. In summary, the second
N 0 t  MN t ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; TF (28) algorithm must strike a balance between the quality of
solution and calculation time.
GAs are the most recognized meta-heuristic algo-
Pareto front rithms in recent years. A GA contains simple calcula-
Arranging a complete Pareto front is one of the important tions and its operator is easily customized. Hence, it can
stages in the optimization of different factors such as be a good alternative as the auxiliary algorithm.
time-cost optimization (Tavakolan and Share 2013). One However, some changes need to be applied to GA
of the significant features of the Pareto chart is that in a
set of answers, no one is superior to others. Therefore, for Table 1. 20-Activities Project schedule and cost data.
Name P1 P2 P3 Duration Cost MinTime MaxTime MinCost MaxCost
project plan makers, a Pareto front will provide more
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
flexibility in selecting suitable options for activities of the 1 0 0 0 9 45,000 7 13 35,000 65,000
project, according to the project conditions. Since the 2 0 0 0 7 115,000 4 8 70,000 130,000
3 0 0 0 9 46,500 8 16 42,000 78,000
objective of this study is to optimize time, cost and profit 4 1 2 0 4 60,000 2 6 42,000 78,000
of project in parallel, a set of non-dominated solutions 5 2 0 0 2 28,000 2 4 28,000 52,000
6 2 3 0 4 76,500 3 7 63,000 117,000
among all solutions is needed. So the basis of Pareto dom- 7 4 5 6 5 20,000 3 7 14,000 26,000
inance is utilized. As shown in Equation (29), if the situ- 8 5 0 0 5 21,000 5 11 21,000 39,000
ation described below occurs, a decision vector u is said 9 6 0 0 4 42,000 4 10 42,000 78,000
10 7 8 0 4 63,000 4 8 63,000 117,000
to strictly dominate the decision vector v : 11 6 8 0 6 11,5000 3 7 70,000 130,000
12 9 11 0 7 48,000 6 12 42,000 78,000
ðDu <Dv and Cu  Cv Þ or ðDu  Dv and Cu <Cv Þ 13 10 11 0 10 48,000 5 11 28,000 52,000
14 11 0 0 3 49,000 3 7 49,000 91,000
(29) 15 12 13 14 3 59,500 2 6 49,000 91,000
16 13 0 0 5 76,500 4 8 63,000 117,000
where Du and Dv are durations of u and v decisions, 17 15 0 0 7 60,000 4 10 42,000 78,000
respectively. Correspondingly, Fu and Fv are financing 18 12 15 0 7 65,000 3 7 35,000 65,000
cost of u and v decisions. 19 16 17 18 4 42,000 4 10 42,000 78,000

operators to improve their efficiency. In the following categorized into three main phases. The following sec-
section, the structure of hybrid SFL-Improved GA tions describe phases specifically and separately.
is developed.
Phase 1: Initialization
In this phase of the model, an initial set of possible
solutions with the population of S is generated ran-
Hybrid algorithm structure
domly. Then, a reproduction function is used to
Figure 1 shows the flowchart of the hybrid algorithm. improve initial generation quality. A function is
As can be seen, the process of implementation is engaged to prevent the creation of repetitive answers.

Figure 1. IHA flowchart.


Therefore, maximum of various possible solutions are (1) Chromosomes are sorted and evaluated by the
produced. The initialization phase in this model is fitness function.
performed in two main steps. (2) Regarding the number of memeplexes, the
(1) Read all case study and algorithm parameters. chromosomes are classified in groups. The process is
Parameters of the case study include number of activ- that the best chromosome enters the first group. Next
ities of the case study, predecessors and successors of chromosome goes into the second memeplex. Once
activities, executive options of each activity and con- the first member of the last memeplex arrives, the
sequently direct cost and duration time of each next member goes to the first group again and this
option, retainage rate, markup rate, monthly interest cycle continues until the classification of the last
rate, mobilization cost, bond premium cost and over- chromosome of the population.
head and tax rate. IHA’s parameters contain initial (3) The worst chromosome of each group is devel-
population, number of memeplexes, number of gener- oped through SFL operator which is shown in
ations and length of chromosomes which is equal to Equations (30) and (31).
the number of activities of the case study. Di ¼ RandðÞ  ðXb Xw Þ (30)
(2) Generate the initial population with a set of
random solutions. Then a quick sort function is Xw;tþ1 ¼ Xw þ Di Dmax  Di  Dmax (31)
obtained to sort the solution order by fitness value. where RandðÞ is a random real number between 0
Considering the reproduction rate, some solutions and 1; Di is change in the position of chromosome;
with lower ranks is omitted and new random solu- Dmax is maximum change in the position of chromo-
tions with higher ranks are replaced. These new high some; and Xw and Xw;tþ1 are the position of the
ranked random solutions increase the convergence chromosome in current and next generation,
rate and quality of optimal solutions. respectively.
(4) Two chromosomes from the remaining chro-
Phase 2: Fitness evaluation mosomes of each group (all chromosomes except best
The main goal of this phase is to calculate the time and worst one) are selected randomly and a one-point
and direct cost of project and cash flow parameters, crossover operator is applied. Also, the crossover
including cash inflows and outflows, for each possible point is selected arbitrarily. Therefore, two new mem-
solutions s in generation g to determine the fitness of bers from each group are added to the current popu-
the solution. This phase evaluates the three major lation. The new members, the best of each memeplex,
objectives of this study using the following four steps. and a global best chromosome are chosen for
(1) Calculate the project duration for each solution improved mutation. The improved mutation function,
s in generation g using the previously explained pro- whose process is stated in the next section, is defined
cess in the activity relationship section. to increase the convergence rate in a reasonable com-
(2) Calculate the total project cost for each solution puting time.
s in generation g using the previously explained pro- (5) All chromosomes (s initial population plus k
cess in the cost estimation section. new child chromosomes) are evaluated with the fit-
(3) Calculate the project’s cash inflows and out- ness function and then sorted in descending order.
flows for each solution s in generation g using the The last k chromosomes which have a lower fitness
further process which will be explained in the case function value are removed from the population.
study section. (6) The remaining population are shifted to the
(4) Calculate the project profit for each solution s next generation.
in generation g using the cash flow parameters,
described in the previous step and the previously Improved mutation function
explained process in the Profit Estimation section.
The general GAs mutation function randomly selects
one or more genes from a chromosome and changes
Phase 3: Generation improvement
its value. This may result in the chromosome getting
The main purpose of this phase is to create a popula- away from the optimal solution. Hence, the improved
tion of a new generation using SFL operators and function needs to avoid facing this problem and con-
improved genetic operators. The procedure of this sequently, if a mutated chromosome has lower fitness
phase is implemented in the following six steps. function, the changes should be ignored.

Additionally, due to the random nature of muta- Validation of the model

tion function, repetitive and weak mutated chromo-
An example project accomplished by Alavipour and
somes may be produced over the generations.
Arditi (2018) is used to validate the model. The pro-
Furthermore, it may result in massive calculations for
ject information is shown in Table 1. Also, cost data
the program. This problem has a significantly nega-
and contract terms assumptions are presented in
tive effect on large search space problems.
Table 2. These data are input by the user in a form
To enhance the impact of the mutation function,
produced using VISUAL STUDIO. The schedule data
some changes are applied without removing its ran-
are read from an Excel sheet by the form. Also, the
dom nature. An integer array which contains available
CPM calculation is done in the Excel sheet. The solv-
genes for mutation is attached to each chromosome.
ing program is written in language. After
An integer array is also attached to each gene that
starting the program, the costs of the project and the
carries available options for a mutation function to
contract bid price are calculated. Then, the project
select from. Improved mutation function randomly
cash flow is computed using mentioned Equations to
chooses its gene and options from the available genes
be used in the calculation of project financing flow.
and options that have been included in the array of
In this example, all suggested financing options are
chromosome and its genes. If the changes do not lead
to a better solution, the related options are removed considered. In addition, no credit limit is considered
from the array. The number of mutations trying to for the problem. For APRs, the long-term loan is
improve each chromosome fitness is limited to a spe- assigned a 7% APR, short-term loans are assigned
cific number in each generation. Finally, if there is no between 8% for a 12-month loan to 23% for a 3-
change in the global best chromosome of the popula- month loan; and a line of credit is assigned a
tion in one generation, the next mutation is applied 15% APR.
to a smaller and more efficient space. This results in To solve this example, the proposed hybrid algo-
increasing the quality of solution while avoiding too rithm is used. The population has been stagnant over
much computing time. 20 generations. The chromosomes are categorized
into 30 groups. The number of iterations is equal to
Table 2. Project cost and contract data. 100. The programming models were coded using
Data type Item 20-Activities network VISUAL STUDIO 2013. All the experiments were
Cost data OF 25000 conducted using a laptop with a Core i7, 2.2GHz
OV 10% Intel processor and 8GByte of RAM. In addition, the
OM 5%
OMP 6% stopping criteria of the meta-heuristics were deter-
OB 1% mined by the number of generations in each test.
Contract terms OAP 0%
R 10% The results obtained by the proposed hybrid algo-
LP 1 rithm are presented in Table 3. A comparison
Submitting pay requests interval 1
LR 0 between the results of this study and the research
results of Alavipour and Arditi (2018) can be seen in

Table 3. Model output of optimized financing cash flow.

Project Long-term loan Short-term loans Line of credit
Month Inflow Outflow Inflow Outflow Inflow Outflow Inflow Outflow
0 – 522,260 1,358,798 – 212,769 – – –
1 – 768,000 – 94,738 – 1,369 – –
2 1,082,229 958,000 – 94,738 – 1,369 – –
3 927,625 749,000 – 94,738 38,292 1,369 – –
4 760,137 793,000 – 94,738 – 1,901 – –
5 773,021 760,000 – 94,738 – 1,901 – –
6 850,323 936,000 – 94,738 74,949 1,901 – –
7 1,030,694 1,068,000 – 94,738 – 2,995 121,394 –
8 1,043,578 595,000 – 94,738 – 2,995 – 122,816
9 515,347 408,000 – 94,738 169,479 116,236 – –
10 283,441 672,000 – 94,738 – 3,844 193,260 –
11 824,555 837,000 – 94,738 – 3,844 306,551 195,524
12 798,788 474,000 – 94,738 – 386,092 466,184 310,142
13 373,627 364,000 – 94,738 – – 556,756 471,645
14 309,208 298,000 – 94,738 – – 646,808 563,278
15 1,235,402 – – 94,738 – – – 654,385
Total 10,807,975 10,202,260 1,358,798 1,421,070 495,489 525,816 2,290,953 2,317,790
Net Cumulative Balance 605,715 (62,272) (30,327) (26,837)

Table 4. As can be seen, the results are approximately activities and the project data are inspired by Sonmez
equal, while the value of the total financing cost in and Bettemir (2012) study. The cost data and contract
this study is slightly less as the profit of the project is terms of this project are shown in Table 6. In this
marginally more for the proposed algorithm. This test, each activity has a specified range for the dur-
shows that the hybrid algorithm is superior in obtain- ation and its linked direct cost from which to select.
ing optimum (near-optimum) solutions in Similar to the previous test, the relationship between
such problems. time and the direct cost is considered linear and
inverse. Thus, each activity has a minimum and max-
imum duration for implementation. The number of
Results options depends on the difference between the max-
The proposed model is used to develop a Pareto chart imum and minimum duration. The objective of this
which provides a group of non-dominated solutions. test is to concurrently minimize the total cost of
Hence, the model is applied to two tests that are dif- finance options and the duration of the project.
ferent in complexity and can challenge the model in An initial population of 300 solutions was pro-
terms of quality of results and processing time. The duced randomly by selecting different executive meth-
first test has the same network as before, with the dif- ods for each activity. The process then continued
with 30 memeplexes for 200 iterations of generations.
ference that the duration and cost of the activities
At the end of the process, the results were converted
fluctuate in defined intervals. The relationship
to a Pareto front chart. These results are presented in
between the time and direct cost of activities is
Figure 3 and suggest a tradeoff between time and
assumed to be linear and inverse. Therefore, as the
financial cost of the project. The results show that the
duration of an activity increases, its related direct cost
project time varies from 73 to 102 working days with
falls. Figure 2 shows the optimal Pareto front of the varying levels of financing cost. Figure 3 indicates
developed model for the 20-activities project. The fig- that the final generation improved significantly when
ure presents the results when the inputs obtain the compared with the initial population since the dur-
values shown in Table 2. ation and financial cost decreased over generations.
Table 5 shows the details of the second test Hence, the final profit of the project increases. The
example. As can be seen in this table, the project net- minimum duration and minimum financing cost for
work contains 63 activities. The relationships among the initial population were 79 days and 23,803$,
respectively. After the 200 generations, the minimum
Table 4. Comparison between the results of the proposed obtained duration and financing cost was 78 days and
model and the previous study.
8639$ correspondingly. These outcomes show the
Alavipour and
Obtained Arditi (2018) process that these two conflicting objectives are opti-
Financial parameters results results mized from the first population through the
Total financing cost of the project ($) 119,436 120,202 last population.
Profit of the project ($) 486,279 484,013
Despite numerous calculations of cash flow param-
eters and extremely large search space, the processing

Figure 2. 20-Activities Pareto front chart.


Table 5. 63-Activities Project schedule and cost data. Table 6. 63-Activities Project schedule and cost data.
Name P1 P2 P3 Duration Cost MinTime MaxTime MinCost MaxCost Data type Item 63-Activities network
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cost data OF 16100
1 0 0 0 2 2700 1 2 1875 3125 OV 10%
2 0 0 0 3 5401 2 3 3750 6550 OM 5%
3 0 0 0 3 9317 2 4 7484 10,550 OMP 6%
4 0 0 0 3 7200 2 3 5934 7200 OB 1%
5 0 0 0 4 9563 3 4 7795 10,350 Contract terms OAP 0%
6 1 0 0 6 10,539 5 7 9044 11,359 R 10%
7 1 0 0 5 10,963 4 6 9520 11,950 LP 1
8 2 0 0 7 10,372 5 8 8878 11,679 Submitting pay requests interval 1
9 3 0 0 8 10,780 7 9 9094 12,438 LR 0
10 4 0 0 8 9475 5 9 8313 10,807
11 5 0 0 8 12,224 6 9 10388 14,050
12 6 0 0 9 9725 7 10 8389 10,728
13 7 0 0 5 8792 4 6 6850 9750
14 1 8 0 4 15,849 3 5 13188 1663 project. Also, the selected financial option leads them
15 9 0 0 5 9527 4 7 7628 10,820
16 9 10 0 10 11,273 8 11 9460 13,285 to related time and cost for each activity.
17 10 0 0 7 13,034 6 9 11208 13,522
18 10 11 0 10 15,458 8 12 12715 16,190
19 11 0 0 5 20,340 4 6 16500 20,340 Sensitivity analysis
20 12 0 0 5 11,894 4 6 9670 13,360
21 13 0 0 9 11,090 7 10 9473 12,639 A sensitive analysis is performed to examine the
22 14 0 0 8 10,838 6 9 9282 12,175
23 15 0 0 6 12,636 4 7 11075 14,742 effects of changes in contract data on the total financ-
24 16 0 0 9 9300 7 10 8056 10,712 ing cost of the project. As shown in Table 7, the ana-
25 17 0 0 7 1055 5 8 9522 12,400
26 18 0 0 11 1016 8 12 8500 11,682 lysis is applied based on changes in the percentage of
27 20 0 0 9 9899 7 10 8723 10,528 monthly repayment retained by the owner (R), the
28 21 0 0 9 10,280 7 10 9445 11,167
29 22 0 0 10 10,459 8 11 9270 11,560 percentage of the contract bid price advanced by the
30 23 0 0 5 6351 3 5 5500 7240 owner at the start of the project (OAP ), and the lag in
31 25 19 0 12 14,055 10 14 12084 15,759
32 26 0 0 6 8578 4 7 7192 10,242
owner payments (LP ). The Pareto front chart of each
33 26 0 0 7 9825 5 8 8750 11,358 sensitivity analysis number (as noted in Table 7) is
34 28 30 0 10 9973 8 11 8925 11,425 displayed in Figure 4 and can be compared
35 27 29 24 17 14,003 14 20 10765 17,500
36 24 0 0 6 9464 4 8 7917 11,375 with others.
37 31 0 0 5 5348 3 5 4500 6320 The worst condition occurs when there is no
38 32 0 0 7 3036 5 8 8750 11,486
39 33 0 0 9 10,235 7 10 9017 11,423 advanced payment and the owner pays the contractor
40 34 0 0 6 8532 4 6 7542 9700 with 1 month lag while deducting the retainage.
41 35 0 0 4 6710 3 6 4375 8075
42 36 0 0 6 7132 4 7 6067 8375 Therefore, a significant amount of financing cost is
43 36 0 0 9 8491 7 11 7423 9578 needed to ensure that the contractor debt will not
44 37 0 0 10 12,698 9 12 10275 14,600
45 39 0 0 8 12,661 6 9 10594 17,844 exceed the limits of credibility (assumed zero in
46 39 0 0 9 12,030 7 10 10473 15,112 this study).
47 40 0 0 7 11,945 5 8 10500 13,343
48 42 0 0 6 7302 4 6 6125 8992
The role of advanced payment in reduction of
49 38 41 44 21 14,854 17 25 12739 18,941 finance cost is evident from sensitivity analyses number
50 45 0 0 9 8533 7 15 5312 10,167 3, 4 and 7 as these have the three lowest finance costs.
51 46 0 0 11 8955 8 12 7691 10,291
52 47 0 0 4 7449 3 5 5788 8800 Among these three mentioned sensitivity analyses, the
53 43 48 0 5 7557 3 6 6300 8920 situation that the owner pays the contractor without
54 49 0 0 3 6580 2 4 5500 8100
55 52 53 0 4 6728 3 5 5850 8125 any delay (LP ¼0) and does not withhold any retainage
56 50 53 0 5 9557 4 6 8250 11,090 (R¼0) hast the lowest finance cost (number 3).
57 51 54 0 5 9121 4 6 7560 10,680
58 52 0 0 3 5087 2 4 4167 6484 Moreover, in case of having advanced payment, the
59 55 0 0 4 10,313 2 4 8650 12,688 impact of payment lag and retainage are nearly equal as
60 56 0 0 4 8310 3 5 7125 10,950
61 56 57 0 4 6813 2 5 5625 8375
it can be observed in numbers 4 and 7.
62 60 0 0 3 14,917 2 4 12917 17,034
63 61 0 0 4 2525 3 4 2375 3175
Practical contribution of the proposed model
time to reach the last generation was about Currently, existing planning software (i.e., Primavera
10 minutes suggesting a reasonable time. These out- P6 and MS Project) does not have the ability to create
comes let the Managers have the ability to select their schedules with different options. These software pack-
suitable financing options based on the tradeoff ages have significant shortcomings in this area of
between the total time and financing cost for the scheduling. Using the deterministic method of

Figure 3. 63-Activities Pareto front chart.

Table 7. Sensitivity analysis results.

Number Contract terms Minimum financing cost ($)
Retained percentage of pay requests (R) Advance payment percentage (OAP ) Lag in paying payment requests (LP ) (months)
1 (0-0-0) 0 0 0 24981
2 (0-0-1) 0 0 1 73662
3 (0-5-0) 0 5 0 8639
4 (0-5-1) 0 5 1 11430
5 (10-0-0) 10 0 0 32153
6 (10-0-1) 10 0 1 80374
7 (10-5-0) 10 5 0 15553
8 (10-5-1) 10 5 1 43125

Figure 4. Sensitivity analysis Pareto front charts.

scheduling in such software often leads to schedules planning tools regardless of project changeable nature
having major problems. Moreover, failure to obtain may benefit from using advanced planning tools with
financing methods in a scheduled project (using cur- the ability to determine optimized project scheduling
rent software) will divert project scheduling from and financing options by using the model proposed
existing reality, which makes the implementation of in this study.
the schedule not practical. The proposed method may be added to existing
As mentioned throughout the article, practical con- planning software as a plugin in order to provide a
tribution of this study targets both finance scheduling range of financing methods and scheduling alterna-
solutions and the way to obtain to these solutions. tives for planners. Also, the offered model is going to
This means that project planners who tend to use be utilized in several construction projects in Iran and

is considered to be formed as a general plugin which contexts of optimization problems in construction

is capable of determining a set of financing and projects which allows the model to be more practical.
scheduling optimal solutions. However, this research has some limitations. First,
while the construction companies may need to
finance and manage a portfolio of projects, this study
considers single project optimization. Second, separat-
This article presented a finance-based schedule model ing procurement and construction scheduling can
that can handle a variety of constraints. A hybrid make the research problem more realistic as it can be
meta-heuristic algorithm, which considers SFL as the used by project planners to satisfy contractor financial
primary algorithm and uses an improved GA as sub- needs. Third, the fuzzy theory can be included in fur-
sidiary, was applied to solve the problem. The follow- ther research as it will lead to a more complete
ing are some significant improvements that are understanding of the performance of the hybrid algo-
accomplished by using the proposed model, as com- rithm. Moreover, the hybrid strategy presented in this
pared to previous research. paper can be improved further by considering the
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utilization and scheduling plans. Each of these plans
is determined from a set of feasible executive and
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(2) As a result, the proposed model identifies an No potential conflict of interest was reported by
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