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CPE 301

Operating Systems November 26,


Instructions: Analyze the illustrations and answer the corresponding questions for each.
Use 3-5 sentences in answering. (6 items x 5 points)

1. Which partitioning setup could possibly reduce internal fragmentation and how?
 Utilizing a dynamic partitioning approach that splits processes as they enter is the
partitioning arrangement that, in my opinion, might decrease internal fragmentation the
best. Inability to adhere to a predefined partition size leads to internal fragmentation.
The Fixed Partition Scheme of Memory Management includes both internal and external

2. Based on the two partitioning setup above, would you recommend the implementation of
the fixed partitioning technique in developing automated machines? Why or why not?
 No, I would not recommend the implementation of using a fixed partitioning technique
in the development of automated machines due to the variety of tasks performed by
automated systems that the fixed size partition strategy has a disadvantage.
3. In your perspective, what are the possible downside of utilizing an equally sized memory
partitions? Rationalize your answer.
 According to what I understand, a fixed equal size partition scheme that divides memory
into a predetermined number of partitions determines both the quantity of partitions as
well as the size of each partition. The amount of multitasking is now constrained by the
quantity of partitions since each partition could only host one process. The partition size
restricts overall maximum size of a process, making it unable to support large processes.

4. What do you think is the possible reason why Process 2 was pulled/swapped out (e) of the
 There are several potential causes for this. Process 4 replaces Process 2 because
memory is occupied as well as other high-priority tasks require the CPU's attention. It
has been placed on hold as a result.  It's possible that Process 2 is ended and thus no
longer requires Processor time. It recurs in option (h), proving that the option is wrong,
nonetheless. It is also due to the time-sharing mode of the execution CPU and therefore,
Process 2 is already momentarily stopped.
5. When Process 1 finishes the execution (g) and Process 2 is swapped back in the memory
(h), what possible condition or phenomenon can occur within the memory? Rationalize your
 Process 1 context has been removed, and memory has been identified as available,
since all of the modifications performed to Process 1's memory block have just been
stored to the storage device. After that, Process 2's context is loaded and memory is
assigned to it.

6. If you are to develop a file management system, would you suggest the implementation of
the dynamic partitioning technique in memory management? Why or why not?
 If I were to create a file management system, I would implement dynamic partitioning
technique as contrasted to fixed partitioning, because data must be loaded from the a
storage device. If we could somehow create a memory management system that is
more sophisticated than dynamic memory management, then we can lessen the
execution time of processes.

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