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Medical Technology Assessment Program Endocrinology


Acid-Base Balance
Yerenze Gregory W. Flores, MD
Saint Louis University
School of Nursing, Allied Health, and Biological Sciences
Department of Medical Laboratory Science
Blood Gases

Endocrinology Anterior Pituitary Gland

Pituitary Gland v Anterior pituitary gland
ü Master gland
Thyroid Gland ü It has 6 major hormones:
o (1) prolactin (PRL), (2) growth hormone
(GH), (3) adrenocorticotropic hormone
Parathyroid Gland (ACTH), (4) luteinizing hormone (LH), (5)
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and (6)
thyroid- stimulating hormone (TSH)
Adrenal Gland

Anterior Pituitary Gland Anterior Pituitary Gland

v Anterior pituitary gland v Anterior pituitary gland
ü Each of these pituitary hormones ü Elicited hormonal products of
elicits specific trophic responses in peripheral glands, in turn, exert
peripheral target tissues including the feedback control at the level of the
adrenal, thyroid, and gonads, as well as hypothalamus and pituitary to
tissues involved in metabolism modulate pituitary function
Anterior Pituitary Gland 1. Growth Hormone
v Anterior pituitary gland v The most abundant anterior
ü Disorders can increase or decrease the pituitary gland hormone
level of hormones ü GH-secreting somatotrope cells
ü Diagnoses are often elusive. this constitute up to 50% of the total
emphasizes the importance of anterior pituitary cell population.
recognizing subtle clinical
manifestations and performing the
correct laboratory diagnostic tests.

1. Growth Hormone 1. Growth Hormone

v GH secretion is pulsatile, with v Decline in hormone:
highest peak levels occurring at ü Age (middle age vs pubertal levels)
night, generally correlating with ü Obesity, Hyperglycemia
sleep onset. v Increase in hormone:
ü Deep sleep
ü Exercise
ü Trauma, Malnutrition, Sever fasting
ü Sepsis
ü Women (estrogen replacement)

1. Growth Hormone
v Note:
ü Using standard assays, random GH
measurements are undetectable in 50% of
daytime samples obtained from healthy
subjects and are also undetectable (<1 μg/L)
in most obese and elderly subjects.
ü Thus, single random GH measurements do
not distinguish patients with adult GH
deficiency from those with GH levels in the
normal range.
1. Growth Hormone 1. Growth Hormone
v Note: v Tests:
ü Using ultrasensitive GH assays with a 1. Insulin tolerance test
sensitivity of 0.002 μg/L, a glucose load 2. GHRH test
suppresses GH to <0.7 μg/L in women and to
<0.07 μg/L in men.
3. L-arginine test
ü GH is stimulated by oral ghrelin receptor 4. L-dopa test
agonists, intravenous l-arginine, dopamine,
and apomorphine (a dopamine receptor
agonist), as well as by α-adrenergic

1. Growth Hormone 2. ACTH

v Disease association: v ACTH-secreting corticotrope cells
ü Increase GH → Gigantism/Acromegally constitute 20% of the pituitary cell
o Tests: population.
1. Increase serum IGF-1
2. Failure to suppress serum GH
following oral glucose tolerance
3. Pituitary mass seen on brain MRI.

v ACTH secretion is pulsatile and v ACTH secretion is pulsatile and
exhibits a characteristic circadian exhibits a characteristic circadian
rhythm, peaking at about 6:00 a.m. rhythm, peaking at about 6:00 a.m.
and reaching a nadir about and reaching a nadir about
midnight. midnight.
v Adrenal glucocorticoid secretion, v Adrenal glucocorticoid secretion,
which is driven by ACTH, follows a which is driven by ACTH, follows a
parallel diurnal pattern. parallel diurnal pattern.
v Hormone increase: v Tests:
ü Acute inflammation 1. CRH test
ü Sepsis 2. Metyrapone test
o Acute inflammatory or septic insults
activate the HPA axis through the
integrated actions of proinflammatory
cytokines, bacterial toxins, and neural

3. TSH
v TSH-secreting thyrotrope cells
constitute 5% of the anterior
pituitary cell population.
v TSH shares a common α subunit
with LH and FSH but contains a
specific TSH β subunit.

3. TSH
v TSH secretion is stimulated by TRH,
whereas thyroid hormones,
dopamine, somatostatin, and
glucocorticoids suppress TSH by
overriding TRH induction.
3. TSH 3. TSH
v Thyrotrope cell proliferation and v Single determinations of TSH
TSH secretion are both induced suffice to precisely assess its
when negative feedback inhibition circulating levels.
by thyroid hormones is removed. ü low amplitude of the pulses and the
ü Thus, thyroid damage (including surgical relatively long half-life of TSH.
thyroidectomy), radiation-induced
hypothyroidism, chronic thyroiditis, and
prolonged goitrogen exposure are
associated with increased TSH levels.

3. TSH 4. LH, FSH

v Tests: v Gonadotrope cells constitute 10% of
1. Basal thyroid tests anterior pituitary cells and produce two
2. TRH test gonadotropin hormones̶LH and FSH.
v Like TSH and human chorionic
gonadotropin, LH and FSH are
glycoprotein hormones that comprise α
and β subunits. The α subunit is
common to these glycoprotein hormones

4. LH, FSH 4. LH, FSH

v GnRH is secreted in discrete pulses v Estrogens act at both the hypothalamus
every 60‒120 min, and the pulses in turn and the pituitary to modulate
elicit LH and FSH pulses gonadotropin secretion.
v The pulsatile mode of GnRH input is v Chronic estrogen exposure is inhibitory,
essential to its action; pulses prime whereas rising estrogen levels, as occur
gonadotrope responsiveness, whereas during the preovulatory surge, exert
continuous GnRH exposure induces positive feedback to increase
desensitization. gonadotropin pulse frequency and
LH, FSH Prolactin
v Tests: v PRL acts to induce and maintain lactation
1. LH, FSH, Testosterone, Estrogen and to suppress both reproductive
2. GnRH test function and sexual drive. These
functions are geared toward ensuring
that maternal lactation is sustained and
not interrupted by pregnancy.

Prolactin Prolactin
v Normal adult serum PRL levels are about 10‒ v Tests:
25 μg/L in women and 10‒20 μg/L in men.
v PRL secretion is pulsatile, with the highest
ü Serum Prolactin
secretory peaks occurring during non‒rapid
eye movement (non-REM) sleep.
v Peak serum PRL levels (up to 30 μg/L) occur
between 4:00 and 6:00 a.m. The circulating
half-life of PRL is 50 min.

Posterior Pituitary Gland Posterior Pituitary Gland

v The neurohypophysis, or posterior v The neurohypophysis, or posterior
pituitary, is composed of large neuronal pituitary, is composed of large neuronal
axons that originate in cell bodies in the axons that originate in cell bodies in the
supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of
the hypothalamus. the hypothalamus.
v Hormones: v Hormones:
1. Vasopressin (Supraoptic nucleus) 1. Vasopressin (Supraoptic nucleus)
2. Oxytocin (Paraventricular nucleus) 2. Oxytocin (Paraventricular nucleus)
1. Vasopressin 1. Vasopressin
v The most important, if not the only, v In the absence of AVP, these cells are
physiologic action of AVP is to reduce impermeable to water and reabsorb
water excretion by promoting little, if any, of the relatively large
concentration of urine. volume of dilute filtrate that enters from
v This antidiuretic effect is achieved the proximal nephron.
primarily by increasing the hydroosmotic
permeability of principal cells that line
the distal tubule and medullary collecting
ducts of the kidney

1. Vasopressin
v Disease association:
ü Deficiency in ADH → Diabetes Insipidus
o Diabetes insipidus (DI) is a syndrome
characterized by the excretion of
abnormally large volumes of dilute urine.
The 24-h urine volume exceeds 40 mL/ kg
body weight, and the 24-h urine
osmolarity is <280 mosm/L.

1. Vasopressin
v Tests:
1. 24-hour urine osmolarity
2. Basal plasma arginine vasopressin test
1. Vasopressin
v Disease association:
ü Increase in ADH → SIAD
o Characterized by excessive free water
retention, euvolemic hyponatremia with
continued urinary Na+ excretion, urine
osmolality > serum osmolality.

2. Oxytocin Thyroid Gland

v Act mainly on mammary ducts to v Hormones:
facilitate milk letdown during nursing. 1. T3
v It also may help initiate or facilitate labor 2. T4
by stimulating contraction of uterine ü Acting through thyroid hormone receptors
smooth muscle. (TR) α and β, these hormones play a critical
role in cell differentiation and organogenesis
during development and help maintain
thermogenic and metabolic homeostasis in
the adult.

1. T4
v Forms about 90% (bound to
thyroglobulin) of the total thyroid
hormone secretions
v 99 % of the circulating T4 are bound to
carrier proteins.
v 75% to thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG)
v 15% to thyroxine-binding pre-albumin
v 9% to albumin
1. T4 Conversion of T4 to T3
v T4 acts for longer periods than T3 v T4 may be thought of as a precursor for
v T4 has more affinity and strongly binds the more potent T3.
with plasma proteins so that it is v T4 is converted to T3 by the deiodinase
released slowly enzymes
1. Type I deiodinase: Low affinity for T4
2. Type II deiodinase: High affinity for T4
3. Type III deiodinase: Inactivates T3 and

Conversion of T4 to T3 2. T3
v Only 9% to 10% of the total secretion
v More active form than T4
v 80% comes from the extrathyroidal
deiodination (removal of one iodine in the
liver and kidneys) of T4

2. T3 Disease association
v About 99.5% is bound to TBG, and about
0.5 % is free
v Potency of T3 is four times more than
that of T4
v Has less affinity for plasma proteins and
combines loosely with them so that it is
released quickly
Thyroid function tests Thyroid function tests
v Other tests:
1. Measurement of TPO antibodies or
TRAb in the diagnosis of Grave s

Grave s Disease
v Triad:
1. Dermopathy
2. Ophthalmopathy
3. Thyrotoxicosis

Grave s Disease Grave s Disease

v The hyperthyroidism of Graves disease v Other thyroid autoimmune responses,
is caused by thyroid-stimulating similar to those in autoimmune
immunoglobulins (TSIs) hypothyroidism, occur concurrently in
v Such antibodies can be detected by patients with Graves disease. In
bioassays or by using the more widely particular, thyroid peroxidase (TPO) and
available immunoassays (TSH receptor thyroglobulin (Tg) antibodies occur in up
antibody [TRAb]) to 80% of cases.
Hashimoto s Thyroiditis Parathyroid Gland
v Autoimmune hypothyroidism v Hormone: Parathyroid Hormone
v Most common cause of hypothyroidism in v Action: Calcium and Phosphate
iodine- sufficient regions. Metabolism
v Laboratory: ü Kidney: Inc. Ca reabs (DT), dec. phosphate
ü Once clinical or subclinical hypothyroidism is reabs (PCT), Inc. activation of Vit. D
confirmed, the etiology is usually easily ü Bone: Inc. Ca and Phosphate resorption
established by demonstrating the presence ü Net effect: Inc. serum Calcium, Dec. serum
of TPO and Tg antibodies, which are present Phosphate
in >95% of patients with autoimmune

Parathyroid Gland Adrenal Gland

v The adrenal cortex produces three classes of
corticosteroid hormones: glucocorticoids (e.g.,
cortisol), mineralocorticoids (e.g., aldosterone),
and adrenal androgen precursors (e.g.,
dehydroepiandrosterone [DHEA])
v Disorders of the adrenal cortex are
characterized by deficiency or excess of one or
several of the three major corticosteroid

Adrenal Gland
v The adrenal cortex produces three classes of
corticosteroid hormones: glucocorticoids (e.g.,
cortisol), mineralocorticoids (e.g., aldosterone),
and adrenal androgen precursors (e.g.,
dehydroepiandrosterone [DHEA])
v Disorders of the adrenal cortex are
characterized by deficiency or excess of one or
several of the three major corticosteroid
Adrenal Gland Adrenal Gland
v Diagnostic tests assessing the HPA axis make v Dexamethasone, a potent synthetic
use of the fact that it is regulated by negative glucocorticoid, suppresses CRH/ACTH by
feedback. binding hypothalamic-pituitary glucocorticoid
v Glucocorticoid excess is diagnosed by receptors (GRs) and, therefore, results in
employing a dexamethasone suppression test. downregulation of endogenous cortisol

Adrenal Gland Adrenal Gland

v Disease association: Cushing s v Disease association: Cushing s
syndrome syndrome
ü Inc. cortisol due to a variety of causes: ü Presentation:
o Exogenous glucocorticoids
o Primary adrenal adenoma, hyperplasia, or
o ACTH-secreting pituitary adenoma
(Cushing disease); paraneoplastic ACTH
secretion (eg, small cell lung cancer,
bronchial carcinoids)

Adrenal Gland
v Diagnostics:
ü Inc. free cortisol on 24-hr urinalysis,
ü Inc. late night salivary cortisol
ü Suppression with overnight low-dose
dexamethasone test
Toxicology Toxicology
Basic concepts v Toxicology is the study of toxic
drugs or poisons.
Laboratory tests v A toxicant (poison) is any substance
that, when taken in sufficient
Drugs quantity, causes sickness or death.

Toxicology Therapeutic drug monitoring

v Toxicity is a relative term used to vMost
v often performed
Performed by patient
to determine atomic
compare one substance with absorption
to the drug-taking regimen,
another; a toxic substance is one to monitor drug interactions, and to
with a toxicity defined as monitor drugs that are used for a
extremely or super toxic. preventive effect.

Therapeutic drug monitoring Therapeutic drug monitoring

v often
Changes inperformed by atomic in the
drug concentrations 1.Most
v often performed by atomic
absorption spectrophotometry.
body are related to the course of the absorption spectrophotometry.
ü Release of the ingredients
pharmacologic effects: ü Drug passes into solution
1. Liberation
2. Absorption
3. Distribution
4. Bioavailability
5. Metabolism
6. Elimination
Therapeutic drug monitoring Therapeutic drug monitoring
v often performed by atomic
Absorption 3.Most
v often performed by atomic
vabsorption spectrophotometry.
Drug is taken up by the blood circulation vabsorption spectrophotometry.
Drug molecule leave the blood stream
v First-pass elimination or metabolism and enter the extravascular space, or
ü Intestinal mucosa → Veins of the they can migrate into various tissues.
intestine → Portal vein → Hepatic v Occurs between a period of 30 minutes
circulation and 2 hours.

Therapeutic drug monitoring Therapeutic drug monitoring

v often performed by atomic
Bioavailability 5.Most
v often performed by atomic
The amount spectrophotometry.
of drug that is absorbed into vabsorption spectrophotometry.
Transformation of the parent drug
the system and is available for molecule to its metabolites.
distribution v Metabolites are usually water soluble and
can be easily excreted.
v Most of the metabolism occurs in the
liver, where enzymes catalyze oxidation,
reduction, or hydrolysis of the drug.

Therapeutic drug monitoring Therapeutic drug monitoring

v often performed by atomic
Elimination vMost
v TDM often performed
measures by atomic
drug concentration
process of spectrophotometry.
excretion of the drug from absorption spectrophotometry.
during therapy with pharmaceutical
the body. Drugs are typically excreted in agents.
the urine but also can be eliminated in the v A steady-state drug level (complete with
feces, sweat, expired air, and saliva. peaks and troughs) exists for each drug.
Therapeutic drug monitoring Therapeutic drug monitoring
v Whenoften performed
a single dose of by atomic
a drug is vMost
v often performed
For single-dose by atomicthe rate
absorption spectrophotometry.
administered orally, the blood level absorption spectrophotometry.
of decline in concentration is ex- pressed
changes markedly over time and, at some in terms of half-life, which is the time
time, the concentration in the plasma required for the concentration of the
reaches its peak (highest point) and then drug to decrease by 50% (Figure 1‒6).
declines. The half-life is different for each drug.
v Immediately before the next dose of
medication, a trough level occurs.

Therapeutic drug monitoring Specimen consideration

v oftenstate
At steady performed
levels, by
rate of v Most often performed by atomic
absorption spectrophotometry.
administration of the drug is equal to the absorption spectrophotometry.
rates of metabolism and excretion,
allowing the drug level to remain

Specimen consideration Specimen consideration

v Most often performed by atomic v Most often performed by atomic
absorption spectrophotometry. absorption spectrophotometry.
Toxicology Screening
v Screening VS Confirmatory v The drug screen rapidly identifies a
drug or drugs present in the blood,
urine, or gastric contents of a
patient suffering from toxicity

Screening Screening
v Neutral and basic drugs as well as v Neutral and basic drugs as well as
drug metabolites are best detected drug metabolites are best detected
in urine, whereas acidic drugs are in urine, whereas acidic drugs are
best found in detectable best found in detectable
concentrations in blood and serum. concentrations in blood and serum.
v Following a positive drug screen, v Following a positive drug screen,
confirmatory methods must be used confirmatory methods must be used
to quantitatively analyze drug levels to quantitatively analyze drug levels
in a patient. in a patient.

Screening 1. Handheld immunoassay

v Methods: v The most common type of drug screen.
1. Handheld immunoassay They detect a wide variety of drugs but
2. Gas-liquid chromatography cannot separate closely related
compounds. Blood and urine can both be
analyzed with this method.
2. Gas-liquid chromatography Confirmatory tests
v allows for greater sensitivity in the v Methods:
identification of drugs. It can be used as 1. Gas chromatography/mass
a confirmatory technique for drugs spectrometry
detected by drug screen. 2. Immunoassay technique
3. Ethanol
4. Heavy metal testing

1. GC/MS 2. Immunoassays
v a sensitive technique used to confirm v use antibodies to detect drugs. These
drugs detected by screening techniques. methods are usually automated and in
v Typically, urine samples are initially the form of enzyme immunoassays.
analyzed by gas chromatography to
determine the presence of compounds,
then reanalyzed by mass spectrometry to
examine fragments of these compounds
for relative abundance in the sample.

3. Ethanol testing Toxicology

v Typically performed using gas v Categories of Toxicants
chromatography. However, an enzyme 1. Analgesics
assay using alcohol dehydrogenase and 2. Barbiturates
measuring the increase in NADH 3. Narcotics
formation following the reaction is widely 4. Pesticides
used and can be automated. 5. Carbon monoxide
6. Metal poisoning
7. Substance of abuse
v Therapeutic drugs
1. Cardioactive drugs
2. Antiarrhythmic drugs
3. Anticonvulsants
4. Bronchodilators
5. Psychotropic/antipsychotic drugs
6. Antineoplastic drugs

Acid Base Acid-Base Disorders

Acid Base Disorders

Acid-Base Disorders Blood gases

1. Identify if it is ACIDOSIS or ALKALOSIS

2. Identify if it is RESPIRATORY or

3. Identify if it is COMPENSATED or
Specimen collection Laboratory testing
v Specimen collection: Arterial blood v FACTORS AFFECTING ABG
v Anticoagulant: 0.05mL heparin/mL of ü Temperature
blood ü Elevated plasma protein
v Common errors in specimen collection concentrations
and handling: ü Bacterial contamination
ü Form and concentration of heparin ü Improper transport
ü Speed of syringe filling
ü Maintenance of anaerobiosis
ü Collection device
ü Transport

Laboratory testing Laboratory testing

1. Gasometric (Van Slyke or Natelson)
v Reagents:
ü Mercury: provides vacuum
ü Lactic acid: releases carbon dioxide
ü Caprylic alcohol: prevents foaming
ü Sodium hydroxide absorbs carbon

Laboratory testing
2. Electrodes
v pH: glass electrode connected to a
reference electrode (calomel electrode
and mercury-mercuric chloride Thank you!
v pCO2: Severinghaus electrode
v pO2: Clark electrode

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