Impact of Technology On Education: Abstract-This Article Overviews The Advancement of

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Impact of Technology on Education

Madushan Rajendran Balwinder Kaur

Student at Sheridan College, ON Professor, Sheridan College, ON
Canada Canada balwinder.kaur3@sheridancollege.c

Abstract—This article overviews the advancement of Furthermore, multiple cloud relying applications are also
technology and how it is has revolutionized the world supporting the students which is specific to the educational
mainly in terms of education. Technology without a doubt institute.
is the greatest invention of humans that has changed our Today’s generation is growing with technology constantly
everyday lives in all perspectives. Use of technology in in their fingertips, the internet and social media spikes an
education has risen with time especially during the interest in the youth which supports the insight mentioned
COVID pandemic. Everything in this world has its previously. According to Klopfer, et al. (2009) [3], “Every
positive and negative so does the technology. This article day, many students are spending countless hours immersed in
briefs about the positive and negative impact of popular technologies—such as Facebook, MySpace, World of
technology in education too. 21st century became the era Warcraft, or Sim City”. The impact of technology in education
of technology. is not only for students but also for teachers too. In order to
connect student’s passion in learning teachers work hard to
I. INTRODUCTION integrate technology into the everyday teaching. According to
Harris (2016) [3]: Today’s educators are under great pressure
Technology has overtaken the world and all industries, to provide 21st century students with a quality education based
wherever we go we see technology is been used. Computers on 21st century standards. Those standards include providing
are the major success of technology which has turned our lives students with the technological and informational skills
completed different. As technologies became advanced so did needed to compete in an ever-changing, technology-driven
many industries, slowly with time many industries adapted world. Technologies that enhance learning of students are
their workstyle with technology. From healthcare, finance, constantly sought by institutes.
food service to education technology usage gradually
increased to the point where without the technology these Even though technology is considered a valuable resource
industries could no longer operate. A country with poor in education it too have negative effects on students and their
technology can no longer grow in economy. In aspect to learning. In a study conducted by Sülzenbrück, et al. (2011)
education traditional on-class has been the most effective way [3] that examined the effect computer use has on motor skills,
of learning for a very long time. It was the most preferred they discovered that using modern technology could effect
method and proven to produce results until Covid-19 changes in basic psychomotor and cognitive skills. This
pandemic put a halt to meeting in person. Pandemic was the includes using tools such as computers, electronic organizers,
time taken when education systems actually went through a navigation systems, etc. This can cause concerns in student
revolution. If we look back in history, it is clearly visible that growth in the classroom. Modern students are not capable of
as computers advanced so did the use of technology in doing what students were able to do a decade ago as they rely
education. too much on technology. Robots, videos, virtual classrooms,
augmented reality and other tools does not only increase the
II. LITERATURE REVIEW interest of students but also develop more effective practises
If we consider the impact of technology on modern students, that foster cooperation and intellectual curiosity while
latest insights reveals that using modern technological teachers can gather data about the student’s performance.
devices has increased the learning and interactivity of Internet is the very start of the technology in education,
students. When there is an involvement of technology our computers were just a device until internet was found that is
interests have always been higher than traditional method and when it reached its peak capability. Its importance and needs
this applies signifacntly in education. Knowledge transfer has have grown into multifold over the decades that a minute of
become very convenient, effective and easy as our focus outage in internet has so many major impacts globally. Even
increases when aided by technology. Use of technology not though internet is known for its drawbacks and scams it is also
only has higher influence in students but also in teachers too. a blessing for the students and teachers. Students before the
Kaite J.Carstens et al.,2021 [3] states that flipped classroom origin of internet in education was required to go libraries and
approach is being used by most teachers now and students are bookstores to do their researches and thesis. This was a time-
able to study the notes in home and engage proactively in consuming task as they were needed to travel and also was a
difficult one as they had to go through so many books. Not
discussions, activities and exercises occuring in school.
only this finding a particular context in a book was also not
Obstacles in education such as fulltime job and illness is
easy as we do now by simply doing a google search, there was
technically no more an obstacle due to virtual classrooms no place where you can find all related resources relevant to a
happening via modern technologies. Technology has particular topic under one place. All resources such as
provided the students the flexibilty to maximize their journals, books, articles, videos and more are available in
studying time. Nethra R quotes [4] that operation of palm of our hand via internet now. Accessibility and
classrooms has changed vastly when compared to decade flexibility were also a major issue before internet as libraries
before. IDPD (Interactive Flat Panel Displays) to smartphone and stores are closed after a specific time in earlier days so
and laptop are being used with interconnection among them students had to make sure they visit during the opening times
via bluetooth and WiFi are being used in classroom’s today. and preplan their day accordingly but after internet these can
be accessed anytime and anywhere by the students at their blocked from any means of communication similar to tradition
flexible time. The other great thing about online resources is in-class exams. Assignments are submitted in Turnitin which
these can be accessed completely for free; students do not scans the entire internet for plagiarism to check the
need to spend money buying books or CDs anymore. Teachers authenticity of the student’s work so that teachers do not need
are also benefiting greatly from internet as they can prepare to check every work for authenticity which would be a
their notes going through resources in internet, nightmare. Teachers are also greatly benefitted from software
communicating with other educators across the world, playing such as above and furthermore they do not have to correct each
videos of lessons in class so that students are more interactive and every quiz done by students anymore instead they can
and interested and more. Graduates before internet had double simply upload the answers online in the systems which
thoughts on their PhDs as they needed to do thesis which automatically corrects the students’ answers by comparing
required great amount of researching but now most graduates with uploaded answers. Use of email has made
are opting for a PhD without any worries. Not only has social communication between teachers and students easier too,
media has connected many families around the world together students can mail their teachers with any doubts and teachers
specially during the time of pandemic but it also helps students can reply on their convenient time. Students can make
work on their homework easily with the help of social media professional notes using applications such as MS Word which
apps such as reddit where they can post their homework and provides many options and neat work in note taking. More and
ask a member of it to help them with it. Students are also able more applications are being developed as per the requirement
to get help from their seniors or experienced people from with time for education.
social media. Not only this if they find to understand a lesson
taught on class they can look up for notes from a different Online degrees are currently a very prevalent
student in a different institute through internet. There also so phenomenon. People educate themselves more often for their
many virtual classes available online now so that students can certifications and learning in online courses now. Almost all
learn from different people who they are able to understand prominent institutions provide reputed online programs and
better. Internet in education has broken the geographic barrier this will continue to surge as time goes by because more and
too as a student in India can now connect through internet to more people prefer to study in online globally due to the
an institute in Canada to study. Internet without a doubt has flexibility of this. There are multiple platforms both paid and
made a huge impact on education now. free that offers so many online programs. Due to the online
programs age is no more a barrier in education, a 7-year-old
Pictures, video and audio always had a stronger appeal in kid can learn to develop an application or a 70-year-old adult
contrast to text so with the help of technological devices such can still graduate from a degree right from home. R.Raja
as visuals and projectors learning has become more interesting mentions that “Thanks to technology; education has gone
and likeable for students. From kids to teenagers show more from passive and reactive to interactive and aggressive” [1].
focus in studying when the lesson is shown as a video in class.
This means their level of interaction and interest increases and In the recent times data analytics has been a hot topic, data
improves motivation. Students prefer engaging graphics and analytics is collecting data and using it to make useful insights.
content that encourages them to think for themselves as To make education even better data analytics is being used in
opposed to just reading text. With regard to technology, the few institutes. Data of the students such as marks, topics they
learning process also becomes quite effective. Teachers in top are weak in are being collected in order to understand the
universities and colleges do not hand out notes in papers but strengths and weaknesses of the students which is then later
instead they are using PowerPoint Presentation so that they trained and developed.
could gain the attention of students during lessons. This not Modern technology in education also motivates students.
only enhances learning but also reduces deforestation as usage Students are always curious and eager in trying out something
of paper is reduced. Students can also access their notes via new and they are more likely to retain it. Millar [3] conducted
mobile phones on their preferred time instead of carrying the a study on motivating students in classrooms and the difficulty
notes around with them all the time. of it. She said that “technology is, like giving each student
Many educational applications were developed in recent their own smartboard”. They can show what they know, and
teachers can be comfortable knowing learning is occurring.
times which ease the life of students and teachers. There are
applications for tuitions, discussions, institute specific and The use of technology allows all students the opportunity to
many more. Virtual classes are done 1 on 1 via applications so participate, “It's hard to be honest when you have to put your
that teachers and students can work in their comfort at home hand up in front of the room”. Students feel proud and
at a flexible time. As mentioned earlier social medias allows confident too when they gain knowledge using technology and
students to connect and communicate with other peer students complete tasks.
around the world. Universities and colleges use applications Accessibility to education has never been this easier,
such as MS Teams to conduct virtual classes professionally thanks to the modern technology that students with disabilities
and also to help students if required without the need to meet too can study their preferred program and be part of the regular
in person. These applications also have tools such as screen society. There are many specialized devices for different
sharing, whiteboard, notes so making virtual classes more disabilities so that everyone receives good education equally
convenient than traditional classes. Classes can also be in this world. There are other devices made specifically with
recorded so students can watch them whenever they wish to. education in mind such as amazon kindle which is more of a
They also have institute specific applications such as LMS, digital version of a book where thousands of eBooks are
SLATE so that they could upload notes, announcements, available online for users to read. Interactive white boards
update calendar so that students are aware of the future allows students and teachers to collaborate and comment on a
academic plans and more. Exams are conducted online under single surface so that the entire class can see and participate
special applications such as LockDown Browser where actively simultaneously.
students are prohibited from accessing external resources and
Use of technology in education also means that students too as a result their writing skill is tremendous. Due to the
are learning to use them ahead before they are exposed into support of autocorrection students do not know how to use the
industries. Today all industries rely on technologies heavily so grammar correctly, how to write cursive or the spelling of
if someone does not know to use a technology will be declared different words. Use of laptops in class has made the students
as an unworthy candidate so using technology in education feel that writing is a burden and they have become lethargic.
can be highly beneficial for the students’ future as they gain This has negatively affected the fine motor skills of students
the knowledge of using them before they actually start too. Katie J. Carstens et al.[3] states that Teachers “encourage
working. their students to do at least some writing by hand...because
they feel students do more active thinking, synthesizing, and
Although education and technology together have so many editing when writing by hand, and writing by hand
benefits there are drawbacks too. Day by day advancement of discourages any temptation to copy and paste others’ work”
technology is rising and this demands that teachers will need
to learn how to use these new technologies every once in Advancement of technology is resulting in advancement
awhile. Gressard and Loyd (1985)[1] asserted that teacher's of cheating too. Students find new ways and technology in
attitudes toward computers are a key factor in the successful order to pass the exams. Technology advancements like
implementation of ICT in education. They pointed out that graphic calculators, high-tech watches, miniature cameras,
teachers do not always have positive attitudes towards and related tools have developed into effective exam-cheating
computers and their poor attitudes may lead to a failure of the tools.
computer- based projects. A study by Fernández-Batanero,
Román-Graván, Reyes-Rebollo, and Montenegro-Rueda Even if technology motivates students, teachers
(2021)[5] found that the use of new technologies can be sometimes feel hard to gain students’ attention in classes as
detrimental to teachers because it implies changes to their they text messages or play games even during the classes.
instructional strategies or pressure to pick up technological Students do not spend adequate time focusing on their studies
know-how, leading to consequences like physical, social, and at home as they are addicted to these things resulting in poor
psychological issues. Teachers will also be lack of time as they academic performance and sometimes even in sports and
have focus on their career and family whilst trying to learn extracurricular activities.
something new. Due to their busy schedule, they might also Physical health and technology are like the north and south
be unable to attend training sessions held to learn the new pole because they are opposite to each other. As technology
technology. Teachers always try to give their best to students rose so did the health issues. Nethra R [4] says “All electronic
and they sacrifice a lot while doing it and using technology for devices emit radiation which is harmful for human body”.
education only means more and more sacrificial from them. Main reasons of headaches, eyesight problems and back pain
Lack of resources and accessibility is another barrier of is laptop screen or mobile phones. We tend to look at them for
technology. In order to learn the technology both students and long hours even without blinking our eyes unconsciously.
teachers should have access to it and not everyone is fortunate Unique experience of music or video is given with the usage
enough to buy the latest technologies so this means the of earphones but it ends up with hear loss in the long run.
institutes will need to purchase them so that it is available to Obesity and stress are the end result when students are seated
access in school/institute. Number of resources available also in the same place for longer hours using technology for study
matters as teachers and students who wish to learn them will time. Screens emit blue light radiation independent of the
need to wait for long hours in order to use if it is very limited device, Harvard University’s Health Department (2012)
in number. This could also be a time-consuming task and no conducted an experiment comparing the effects of 6.5 hours
flexibility at all as they need to travel to and for from school of exposure to blue light to exposure to green light of
in order to utilise the technology. Another major factor is comparable brightness. The blue light suppressed melatonin
finding a suitable trainer who could teach to use the for about twice as long as the green light and shifted circadian
technology, if it is new to the market, it also means less users rhythms by twice as much (3 hours vs. 11⁄2 hours). Melatonin
who knows to use them well so arranging a well-suited trainer and circadian rhythms are key factors for receiving quality
for it is also a hassle. Another barrier given by Butler and sleep[5]. If sleep is disrupted at a very young age this means
they are putting themselves at a greater rish of severe health
Sellbom (2002) and Chizmar & Williams (2001) is
reliability[1]. Reliability included hardware failures, concerns in the future. Not only this, few studies as shown that
incompatible software between home and school, poor or slow exposure to blue light in night increases the chances of cancer,
internet connectivity and out of date software which are obesity, depression, diabetes and heart diseases. Students
available mostly at school while the students/educators are prefer to stay home and play games instead of playing sports,
having more up-to-date software at home. Technological this means their body is becoming physically unfit.
delay such as slowness in WiFi ends up with classes getting Social skills of students or in generally humans has been
delayed as contents takes time to load, servers breaking down majorly affected by technology. Key of social skills is face to
during submission of assignments and students end up with face interaction although technology has brought the entire
low grades, computers shutting down in middle of the exams world together through networking apps such as social media
and much more. Getting latest technology is expensive too, it has replaced the real-life communication resulting in
from buying the hardware to getting a trainer will cost the isolation and social rejection. Nonverbal cues like eye contact,
institute significantly. voice tones, and facial expressions help people feel more
As many students nowadays prefer to use laptops in class connected to others during interpersonal conversation, but in
instead of writing down notes, there has been a significant digital communication, these indications are absent, which
decline in writing skills. Not only this, students are using lessens kids' sense of confidence, empathy, and personal
exercising online chatting in social media with shortcuts for connection. Addiction to games and mobile phones has
typing that they tend to do the same when it comes to writing increased the screen time but reduced the family time.
III. CONCLUSION [4] R, N. Impact of technology on education - JETIR. Available at:
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technology in education is an ever-changing landscape”. The
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means to develop their talents and learn more than was
previously thought feasible. It has provided students to learn [7] Knezek, G. and Christensen, R. (1970) Impact of new information
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F..Kettering is definitely true in terms of technology. Teachers
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in time it has opened many possibilities in terms of education [10] Bay Atlantic University June 3, University, B.A. and *, N. (2022) How
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the flexibility and convenience that technology provides as Washington, D.C. Available at:
well as the compelling need for change it has inspired. impact-on-learning/
Technology has both its goods and bads in education, it comes
down to the user to use it in a meaningful way at the end of
the days. Its effectiveness in terms of student outcomes when
compared to traditional education, however, is still debatable.
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