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• Education is important.
• Education is the process of receiving and giving knowledge.
• Education serves as a cornerstone for all countries to progress.
• Basic education is important for one’s future.
• Primary and secondary education provides both content knowledge and skill
• Knowledge-seeking skills develop critical thinking and research skills, leading
to change agents transforming communities and society.
• Children must complete their basic education to avoid dropping out of school.
• Dropout is defined as any learner who leaves the school system before
successfully completing the final or highest grade in school.
• There are consequences/effects of dropping out of school.
• Low self-esteem is an effect.
• Decreased motivation.
• Unemployment and difficulty in maintaining a steady job.
• Lower income
• Higher criminal rates
• Unemployment leads to poverty.
• Negative effects on the economy.
• School dropout rate is high in low socio-economic, poverty-stricken
developing countries.
• Dropout rates creates inequality.
• Education is important for human development.
• Lower levels of education access to poor health care systems.
• Lower levels of education often have compromised health and succumb to
premature death due to lack of knowledge.
• Lack of education may not give on the opportunity to improve their situations
and conditions in which they live.
• Lack of education limits your options.
• Education helps one see their capabilities and act on it.
• When learners drop out, they may be described as capability deprived.
• Dropouts undergo a loss of self-esteem.
• Dropouts may turn to drugs/substance abuse.
• Motivation is a force that directs someone towards their goal(s).
• Self-efficacy is one’s belief that they can complete a task or achieving a goal.
• Self-efficacy is the fuel behind personal achievement and perseverance.
• High self-efficacy=more motivated and determined
• Low self-efficacy=less motivated and likely to fail.
• Learners who are distant and detached from school have low self-esteem and
don’t believe in themselves.
• Low socio-economic school=lack of resources, poor quality of education,
overcrowded classroom, learners come from poor areas, no fees.
• High socio-economic school=access to resources, good quality of education,
fees must be made, private schools, learners come from stable/rich
• More learners from low socio-economic schools intend to drop out.
• High dropout rates=increase in unemployment.
• Dropping out of school is not an impulsive decision.
• Making this decision takes time and is different for each learner.
• Every learners has their own struggles and reasons for making this decision.
• Learners who lack motivation feels that acquiring education is not important to
• Learners who are likely to drop out make excuses such as feigning illnesses,
staying absent from school frequently and being passive in class.
• Pressure is one of the main reason why learners drop out.
• They pressure becomes too much which could lead to depression, anxiety etc
which eventually leads to them giving up and dropping out.
• Self-efficacy reflects one’s confidence in their behaviour and motivation.
• The quality of education is important.
• Low quality of education does not motivate learners.
• Good quality of education motivates learners and makes them confident in
achieving their goals.
• Education is beneficial for one’s future.
• Education helps with one’s personal and national development.
• Motivation of learners in low socioeconomic schools is higher than the
motivation levels of learners in high socio-economic schools because they
have goals which are not related to school.

1. Education
• Education includes both the act of imparting information to others and
the process of learning from someone else.
• Education serves as a cornerstone for all countries to progress.
• Basic education is important for one’s future.
• Primary and secondary education provides both content knowledge
and skill development.
• Knowledge-seeking skills develop critical thinking and research skills,
leading to change agents transforming communities and society.
• Education helps with one’s personal and national development.
• Lack of education may not give on the opportunity to improve their
situations and conditions in which they live.
• Lack of education limits your options.
• Education helps one see their capabilities and cat on it.
• When learners drop out, they may be described as capability deprived.

2. Low socio-economic school’s vs High socio-economic school’s

• Low socio-economic school=lack of resources, poor quality of
education, overcrowded classroom, learners come from poor areas, no
• High socio-economic school=access to resources, good quality of
education, fees must be made, private schools, learners come from
stable/rich backgrounds.
• More learners from low socio-economic schools intend to drop out.
• Hardly any learners from high socio-economic schools intend to drop
• Academic skill development is slower for kids from low socio-economic
families and communities than it is for kids from higher socio-economic
• Due to this, pupils' academic progress and results are frequently
significantly impacted in low socio-economic regions' school systems.

3. Self-efficacy
• Self-efficacy is one’s belief that they can complete a task or achieving a
• Self-efficacy is the fuel behind personal achievement and
• High self-efficacy=more motivated and determined
• Low self-efficacy=less motivated and likely to fail.
• Self-efficacy reflects one’s confidence in their behaviour and
• Self-efficacy has been shown to increase academic performance,
promote emotional health and wellbeing, and act as a reliable predictor
of motivation and learning.
• Learners with higher levels of self-efficacy are more engaged in class,
put in more effort, persevere longer, and experience less negative
emotional reactions when faced with challenges.

4. Effects of Lack of education

• There are consequences/effects of dropping out of school.
• Low self-esteem is an effect.
• Decreased motivation.
• Unemployment and difficulty in maintaining a steady job.
• Lower income
• Higher criminal rates
• Unemployment leads to poverty.
• Negative effects on the economy.
• Dropout rates creates inequality.
• Lower levels of education access to poor health care systems.
• Lower levels of education often have compromised health and
succumb to premature death due to lack of knowledge.
• Lack of education may not give on the opportunity to improve their
situations and conditions in which they live.
• Lack of education limits your options.
• Dropouts may turn to drugs/substance abuse.

5. Motivation
• Motivation is a force that directs someone towards their goal(s).
• Learners who lack motivation feels that acquiring education is not
important to them.
• Motivation of learners in low socioeconomic schools is higher than the
motivation levels of learners in high socio-economic schools because
they have goals which are not related to school.
• The quality of education is important.
• Low quality of education does not motivate learners, if anything it does
the opposite.
• Good quality of education motivates learners and makes them
confident in achieving their goals.

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