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School : SMAN 1 Banjarbaru

Subject : English
Grade/Semester : X/I
Topic : Descriptive Text (Person)
Skill : Reading
Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes

I. Core Competence

1. Responding to and practicing the teachings of their religion.

2. Rewarding behavior (honesty, discipline, responsibility, caring, politeness,
curiosity, confident, tolerant, internal motivation, healthy lifestyle, and
environment-friendly) to interact effectively with the social and natural
environment in a range of socially and existence.
3. Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on
his/her curiousity about science, technology, arts, culture related phenomena
and real events.
4. Trying, processing and presenting various things in the realm of concrete
(using, parsing, composing, modifying, and creating) and the realm of the
abstract (writing, reading, counting, drawing, and composing) in accordance
with the learned in school and from other sources in the same point of

II. Basic Competence

4.8 Understanding the meaning and purpose of oral and written descriptive text.

III. Indicator

4.8.1 Finding the main topics of every paragraph from descriptive texts about
4.8.2 Getting specific informations from descriptive texts about person.
4.8.3 Guessing the meaning of words from descriptive texts about person.

IV. Learning Objective

By the end of the lesson, the tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Banjarbaru are able to
find the main topics, get specific informations, and guess the meaning of the words
from the context of descriptive texts about person by answering 10 multiple choice
questions related to the text with minimum 70% accuracy.

V. Teaching Material
Oral and written simple text to explain, ask, and respond self introduction.
1. Social Function
Being proud, introducing, identifying, complimenting, criticizing,
promoting, etc.
2. Structure of the Text
1) Mentioning the name of person, tourist destination, and famous
historical site and the name of that parts which is choosen to be
2) Mentioning the characteristic of person, tourist destination, and
famous historical site and those parts, and
3) Mentioning the action from or related to person, tourist destination,
and famous historical site.
Where all of them are appropriate with the social function that want
to be achieved.
3. Linguistic Features
1) Nouns that are related to person, tourist destination, and famous
historical site.
2) Adjectives that are related to person, tourist destination, and famous
historical site.
3) Spelling and handwriting and printing that are clear and neat.
4) Utterance, stressed words, intonation, when presenting orally.
5) Referral word.

Descriptive text is a text which says what a person, a place, or a thing is like. Its purpose
is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. 

 Structure of the Text

 identification : describing the place, person, or things in
 description : describing the place, person, or things in parts,
qualities, or characteristic.

 Languange Features
 The use of adjectives and compound adjectives.
 Using the simple present tense.

 Topic : the overall subject of a paragraph or the most common thing that is
discussed on the paragraph
 Specific information : some parts of information that is contained in a text
 Meaning of the words from context : the meaning of the words based on
the clues given from the other parts of the text
Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is an American computer programmer and internet
entrepreneur. He is the co-founder of Facebook, the famous social media. Currently, he
operates as the chairman and chief executive officer of Facebook.

Mark’s height is 170 centimeters tall. His weight is 76 kilograms. His hair curly
with red color. He has blue eyes.
Mark Zuckeberg is the son of Karen, a psychiatrist, and Edward Zuckerberg, a
dentist. Mark Zuckerberg has married to Priscilla Chan. They have one daughter named
Maxima Chan Zuckerberg.

VI. Teaching Method

1. Approach : Scientific Approach and Cooperative Learning

2. Technique : Course Review Hurray

VII. Media
 Cards of Multiple Choice

VIII. Sources of Material

 Students’ handbook grade X published by Ministry of Education and
Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
20 Pre Activity
minutes  Teacher greets the students using English in  Students reply it.
order to create English Environment. “Good afternoon, Miss. I’m
“Good afternoon, students. How are you fine. Thank you. How about
today?” you?”
 Teacher checks students’ attendance.  Students reply it.
“Are the members of the class complete “Yes, Miss.”
 Teacher checks students’ readiness.  Students answer it.
“Are you ready to study now?” “Yes, Miss.”
 Teacher gives motivation to the students by  One of the students in the
choosing one of the students in the class to class come to the front of the
come to the front the class. class.
Refer to the main topic of the lesson.
“You, please come to the front of the class.”
 Teacher asks the students to describe her/his  Students answer the
friend that is chosen by the teacher to questions.
activate students’ background knowledge.
“You, please come to the front of the class!”
“Guys, what is the color of his/her hair?/ “Black, Miss./ She/he is
What is his/her characteristic?/ How about kind/smart/friendly./ She/he is
his/her height? How is about his/her nose?/ tall./ Her/his nose is sharp./
How about his/her eyebrows?” Her/his eyebrows is thick.”
“From this picture and these informations, “Descriptive text, Miss.”
can you guess what we’re going to learn
 Teacher tells about the lesson objectives.
“Today, we’re going to learn descriptive text
about person. I expect all of you are able to
find main topics, get specific informations,
and guess the words meaning from context of
descriptive text about tourist destinations by
answering 10 multiple choice questions and
in while activity we will do a game named
course review horay.”
“In this game, I will divide you into some
groups. Each group consists of 4 until 5
people. After that, I will give you a
descriptive text. Then, I will give exercise
related to the descriptive text. I will
distribute ten cards for each group. Each
member of the group will get two or three
cards. On the card, there is multiple choices
(A, B, C, D, and E) and the number of the
question. I will read the questions randomly,
and the member who has the number of
questions that I read should answer it on the
card by crossing the letter. After all of the
questions are already read by me. I will read
the questions once again, and you discuss
the answer in group.”
“After all of you already finish, we will
discuss the right answer and the group who
gets highest score should shout “hurray.”
The group who gets the highest score will get
reward and the group who gets the lowest
score will get punishment.”
(Students receive information about
competence, material, purpose, benefits, and
lessons that will be implemented.)
Refer to the learning objectives and the
learning activities.
50 While Activities
minutes  Observing
 Teacher gives an example of descriptive  The students observe the
text and the explanation or material example of the descriptive
about descriptive text (See Appendix 1) text that the teacher gives
and asks the students to read and (See Appendix 1).
identify it.
“This is an example of decriptive text “Yes, Miss.”
about person. I will give you 10
minutes to understand the text.”

 Exploring
 Teacher gives the paper that contains  The students explore the
the information about the identification material that the teacher gives
and decription part also the information (See Appendix 2).
of Mark Zuckerberg’s profession,
family, and physical appearances (See
Appendix 2).

 Questioning
 Teacher gives chance to the students to  The students respond the
ask questions about the material (See teacher.
Appendix 1 and 2).
“Guys, do you have any questions about “No, Miss.” / “Yes, Miss.
our material today? / Is there something What is the meaning of this?”
that you do not understand yet about
our material today?”
 Teacher explains to the students who
ask some questions related to the
 Teacher asks some questions to the  The students answer the
students related to the material to make question that the teacher asks.
sure that they already understand about
the material.
“So, what is the purpose of descriptive “To describe a place, Miss. /
text? / What are the structures of Identification and
descriptive text?/ What is the function of Description, Miss. / To
identification? / What is the function of describe a place, person, or
description in descriptive text?” things in general. / To
describe a place, person, or
place in parts, qualities, or
 Teacher asks some questions related to  The students answer the
the example of descriptive text (See questions.
Appendix 1 and 2), then chooses some “Mark Zuckerberg, Miss./
students to answer them. The first paragraph is the
“What is being described in this identification. / The second
descriptive text?/ What paragraph is and the third paragraph is,
identification?/ What paragraph is the Miss.”
 Teacher asks some questions related to  The students answer the
the example of descriptive text (See questions.
Appendix 1 and 2) about the main
topics, the specific informations, and the
meaning of some words, then chooses
some students to answer them.
“Anyone knows what is the main topic “The main topic of the first
of the first paragraph? / What is the paragraph is Mark
main topic of the second paragraph?/ Zuckerberg’s profession. /
What is the main topic of the third The main topic of the second
paragraph?” paragraph is Mark
Zuckerberg’s physical
appearances. / The main
topic of the third paragraph
is Mark Zuckerberg’s
“What is the profession of Mark “An American computer
Zuckerberg? In which line do yo find programmer and internet
the information? / What are Mark entrepreneur. In the first line.
Zuckerberg’s physical appearances? In / Red hair and blue eyes. In
which line do yo find the information? / the fourth and sixth line. /
What is the name of Mark Zuckerberg’s Priscilla Chan. In the seventh
wife? In which line do yo find the line.”

“What is the meaning of famous in “The meaning of famous is

Indonesian Language? What is the terkenal and the synonym of
synonym of famous?” famous is popular.”

 Associating
 Teacher divides the students into groups  The students form their
which consist of 4-5 persons based on group.
their heterogeneous achievement of
their pre-test score.
“I will divide you into some groups
which consist of 4-5 people.”
 Teacher distributes a paper of a  The students get the paper
descriptive text about Taylor Swift (See about Taylor Swift text.
Appendix 3).
 Teacher gives time for the students to  The students read the text
read Taylor Swift text (See Appendix about Taylor Swift.
“I will give you 5 minutes to read the
 Teacher explains about the rules in
Course Review Hurray game.
“I already divide you into some group.
After this, I will give you multiple
choice questions about Wakatobi
National Park. I will give some cards to
write the answer. Each member of the
group will get 2-3 cards. Then, I will
read the questions randomly and the
member that gets the number of the
questions that I read should answer it.
After all of the questions are already
read by me, you can discuss the answer
with your group.”
 Teacher distributes the cards of multiple  The students get cards and
choice to the students. Each member of the multiple choice.
the group will get 2-3 cards (See
Appendix 4).
“Time is up. Now, I will give an
exercise about this text. I will read the
questions one by one and you have to
choose the correct answer on the cards
 Teacher reads the questions one by one  The students listen to the
randomly (See Appendix 5). question and answer it on the
“Please, listen carefully. Choose the cards.
correct answer. For question number
 Teacher gives time to the students to  The students answer the
answer the questions individually (See exercise individually.
Appendix 4).
 All of the questions are already read by  The students stop doing the
the teacher. exercise.
“Time is up.”
 Teacher reads the questions once again  The students discuss the
and asks the students to discuss the answer in group.
answer in group.
 Teacher asks the students to prepare
their yel-yel (“hurray” shouting).
“Let’s we discuss the answer. The
group(s) who answer the questions
correctly should shout “hurray”,

 Communicating
 Teacher asks the the vice of the group to  Each vice of the groups
write down their answer on the comes to the front of the class
whiteboard. to write down their answer on
the whiteboard.
 With teacher’s guide, the students
discuss the right answer.
 Teacher corrects students’ answer on
the whiteboard and counts their score.
 Teacher asks the group who gets the  The group who gets the
highest score to shout their yel-yel. highest score shout their yel-
 Teacher gives the reward to the group  The winner gets the reward
who gets the highest score. from the teacher.
 Teacher asks the group who gets the  The winner decides the
highest score to decide the punishment punishment for the group
for the group who gets the lowest score. who gets the lowest score.
 Teacher gives punishment to the group
who gets the lowest score.
20 Post Activity
minutes  At the end of the lesson, teacher and the  The students with the teacher
students conclude the lesson that they have conclude the lesson.
learned today. “We have learned about
“Okay, students, what we already have descriptive text about person,
learned today? / What is the purpose of Miss. / The purpose of
descriptive text? / What are the generic descriptive text is to describe
structures of descriptive text? / What are what a person, a place, or a
some examples of famous persons?” thing is like. / Mark
Zuckerberg, Taylor Swift, and
J.K. Rowling.”
 Teacher gives evaluation activity (See  The students answer the
Appendix 6). evaluation activity (See
Appendix 6).
 Techer gives time for students to do the “Yes, Miss.”
evaluation activity.

“I will give you 10 minutes to do the test.”

“Time is up, now please collect it to me.”
 Teacher ends the lesson by saying goodbye.  The students respond it.
“Okay, that’s enough for today. Thank you “Good bye, Miss.”
so much for your attention. Good bye and
good day.”
Banjarmasin, March 12th, 2018

Lecturer, Teacher, Student,

DR. Rina Listia, M.Pd.______ Tri Yunita Rahmi, S.Pd. Riana Paramitha_
NIP. 19640424 199403 2 008 NIP. NIM. A1B213086
Appendix 1

Descriptive text is a text which says what a person, a place, or a thing is like. Its purpose
is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. 

 Structure of the Text

 identification : describing the place, person, or things in
 description : describing the place, person, or things in parts,
qualities, or characteristic.

 Languange Features
 The use of adjectives and compound adjectives.
 Using the simple present tense.

 Topic : the overall subject of a paragraph or the most common thing that is
discussed on the paragraph
 Specific information : some parts of information that is contained in a text
 Meaning of the words from context : the closest meaning or the synonym
of the words based on the clues given from the other parts of the text

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is an American computer programmer and internet

entrepreneur. He is the co-founder of Facebook, the famous social media. Currently, he
operates as the chairman and chief executive officer of Facebook.

Mark’s height is 170 centimeters tall. His weight is 76 kilograms. His hair curly
with red color. He has blue eyes.

Mark Zuckeberg is the son of Karen, a psychiatrist, and Edward Zuckerberg, a

dentist. Mark Zuckerberg has married to Priscilla Chan. They have one daughter named
Maxima Chan Zuckerberg.

Appendix 2
Mark Zuckerberg

Structure of the Text The Text

Identification : Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is an American
(Describing Mark Zuckerberg in computer programmer and internet entrepreneur.
general : his profession that makesHe is the co-founder of Facebook, the famous
him famous) social media. Currently, he operates as the
chairman and chief executive officer of
Description : Mark’s height is 170 centimeters tall. His
(Describing Mark Zuckerberg weight is 76 kilograms. His hair curly with red
specifically: his physical color. He has blue eyes.
appearances and his family) Mark Zuckeberg is the son of Karen, a
psychiatrist, and Edward Zuckerberg, a dentist.
Mark Zuckerberg has married to Priscilla Chan.
They have one daughter named Maxima Chan

Mark Zuckerberg’s Profession: Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is an American computer

programmer and internet entrepreneur. He is the
co-founder of Facebook, the famous social media.
Currently, he operates as the chairman and chief
executive officer of Facebook.

Mark Zuckerberg’s Physical Mark’s height is 170 centimeters tall. His weight
Appearances: is 76 kilograms. His hair curly with red color. He
has blue eyes.

Mark Zuckerberg’s Family: Mark Zuckeberg is the son of Karen, a

psychiatrist, and Edward Zuckerberg, a dentist.
Mark Zuckerberg has married to Priscilla Chan.
They have one daughter named Maxima Chan
Appendix 3


Taylor Swift

Taylor Alison Swift is an American singer and song writer. She is known for
narrative songs about her personal life. Taylor Swift has appeared as one of the most
influential and powerful woman in the world by Forbes and Time magazines.

Taylor Swift was born on December 13, 1989 in Reading, Pennsylvania, United
States. This beautiful girl has 178 centimeters tall and weight 54 kilograms. Her hair is
blonde and her eye color is blue. Her lips are usually red as she likes red color very much.

Taylor Swift is a famous and wealthy woman but her life was not always so
sweet. She suffered bullying in the school especially in Juniour High. She said that she
got dumped by a group of popular girls in the school. They thought that it was weird that
she liked country music. This changed after she moved to Nashville and became a
successful singer.
Appendix 4


Choose the right answer on the card given by crossing the letter
(A, B, C, D, or E)!

1. 2.
A. Taylor Swift’ physical appearances A. Taylor Swift’s physical appearances
B. Taylor Swift’s characteristics B. Taylor Swift’s characteristics
C. Taylor Swift’s personal life C. Taylor Swift’s personal life
D. Taylor Swift’s career D. Taylor Swift’s career
E. Taylor Swift’s song E. Taylor Swift’s song

3. 4.
A. Taylor Swift’ physical appearances A. 28 years old
B. Taylor Swift’s characteristics B. 27 years old
C. Taylor Swift’s personal life C. 29 years old
D. Taylor Swift’s career D. 18 years old
E. Taylor Swift’s song E. 17 years old
5. 6.
A. Taylor Swift was born in December 13 , 1989
A. Blonde hair
B. Taylor Swift is a wealthy and famous woman B. Thin body
C. Taylor Swift is a short and thin woman C. Perfect life
D. Taylor Swift’s middle name is Alison D. Blue Eyes
E. Taylor Swift is a singer from America E. Tall body

7. 8.
A. Because she is famous and wealthy A. Delightful
B. Because she moved from Nashville B. Cheerful
C. Because she liked country music C. Impresive
D. Because she was not popular D. Attractive
E. Because she has blonde hair E. Elegant
9. 10.
A. Bitter A. Marvelous
B. Hard B. Ordinary
C. Salty C. Bizarre
D. Sour D. Funny
E. Easy E. Plain
Appendix 4

Choose the correct answer by crossing the letter (A, B, C, D, or E) on the card!

1. The first paragraph of the text mostly explains about...

A. Taylor Swift’ physical appearances
B. Taylor Swift’s characteristics
C. Taylor Swift’s personal life
D. Taylor Swift’s career
E. Taylor Swift’s song

2. The main topic of the second paragraph is...

A. Taylor Swift’ physical appearances
B. Taylor Swift’s characteristics
C. Taylor Swift’s personal life
D. Taylor Swift’s career
E. Taylor Swift’s song

3. The third paragraph is mainly about...

A. Taylor Swift’ physical appearances
B. Taylor Swift’s characteristics
C. Taylor Swift’s personal life
D. Taylor Swift’s career
E. Taylor Swift’s song

4. In the year of 2017, Taylor Swift’s age is...

A. 28 years old
B. 27 years old
C. 29 years old
D. 18 years old
E. 17 years old

5. These following statements are true, except...

A. Taylor Swift was born in December 13th, 1989
B. Taylor Swift is a wealthy and famous woman
C. Taylor Swift is a short and thin woman
D. Taylor Swift’s middle name is Alison
E. Taylor Swift is a singer from America

6. The thing that does not describe Taylor Swift is...

A. Blonde hair
B. Thin body
C. Perfect life
D. Blue Eyes
E. Tall body
7. Taylor Swift got dumped by a group of popular girls in Junior High School
A. She is famous and wealthy
B. She moved from Nashville
C. She liked country music
D. She was not popular
E. She has blonde hair

8. The word beautiful on the second paragraph has similar meaning with...
A. Delightful
B. Cheerful
C. Impresive
D. Attractive
E. Elegant

9. The opposite meaning of the word sweet on the third paragraph is...
A. Bitter
B. Hard
C. Salty
D. Sour
E. Easy

10. The similar meaning of the word weird on the third paragraph is...
A. Marvelous
B. Ordinary
C. Bizarre
D. Funny
E. Plain

 Evaluation

Skor Perolehan
Nilai Siswa = x 100
Skor Maksimum
Appendix 6

Evaluation Activity

J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling is a British novelist who writes the phenomenal fantasy book series
of Harry Potter. Although she writes under the pen name J.K. Rowling, her name before
her remarriage is simply Joanne Rowling. Anticipating that the target audience of young
boys may not want to read a book that is written by a woman, her publishers asks her to
use two initials rather than her full name. As she has no middle name, she chooses K (for
Kathleen) from her paternal grandmother as the second initial of her pen name.
Furthermore, her name is Joanne Kathleen Rowling, where J.K. stand for Joanne

Joanne Kathleen Rowling was born on 31 th July 1965 in Yate, Gloucestershire,

England. Her father’s name is Peter Rowling, he is a Rolls-Royce aircraft engineer. Her
mother’s name is Anne Rowling, she is a a science technician. Rowling has married two
times. Now, she has two daughters and a son. Her daughters’ names are Jessica Arantes
and Mackenzie Murray. Her son’s name is David Murray.

J.K. Rowling is a terrific and successful novelist that becomes the richest woman
in England. In fact, once she ever becomes unemployed with a destitute life. By writing
Harry Potter books which are loaded with spectacular magic and high imagination, she
turns to be very famous and wealthy. The books have got worldwide attention. They have
become the best selling book series in history. The books were sold more than 400 milion
Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) the letter (A, B, C, D, or E)!

1. The first paragraph mainly discusses about...

A. J.K. Rowling’s family
B. J.K. Rowling’s career
C. J.K. Rowling’s name
D. J.K. Rowling’s book
E. J.K. Rowling’s life

2. The main topic of the second paragraph is...

A. J.K. Rowling’s family
B. J.K. Rowling’s career
C. J.K. Rowling’s name
D. J.K. Rowling’s book
E. J.K. Rowling’s life

3. The third paragraph mostly tells about...

A. J.K. Rowling’s family
B. J.K. Rowling’s career
C. J.K. Rowling’s name
D. J.K. Rowling’s book
E. J.K. Rowling’s life

4. From the text, we know that...

A. J.K. Rowling is a rich woman that uses her money to publish Harry Potter book
B. Joanne Kathleen Rowling uses pen name J.K. Rowling to abbreviate her name
C. J.K. Rowling was born on 30th July 1965 in Yate, Gloucestershire, England
D. J.K. Rowling middle name is Kathleen that is given by her parents
E. J.K. Rowling becomes rich because of Harry Potter bookselling

5. Jessica Arantes is J.K. Rowling’s...

A. Grandmother
B. Daughter
C. Mother
D. Father
E. Son

6. These statements are true, except...

A. J.K. Rowling has married two times with Arantes and Murray
B. J.K. Rowling uses initials J.K. based on her publisher request
C. Actually J.K. Rowling does not have middle name
D. Harry Potter is the best selling book series in history
E. By the year of 2017, J.K. Rowling is 51 years old

7. The purpose of the using of J.K. Rowling’s pen name is…

A. To attract young boy to read her book
B. To remind her of her grandmother
C. To make the book interesting
D. To abbreviate her full name
E. To hide her identity
8. J.K. Rowling is a British novelist who writes the phenomenal fantasy book series of
Harry Potter (Paragraph 1). The similar meaning of the italics word is...
A. Rudiculous
B. Fantastic
C. Familiar
D. Unique
E. Rare

9. In fact, once she ever becomes unemployed with a destitute life (Paragraph 3). The
opposite meaning of the italics word is...
A. Wealthy
B. Happy
C. Needy
D. Lucky
E. Easy

10. Anticipating that the target audience of young boys may not want to read a book that
is written by a woman (Paragraph 1). The similar meaning of the italics word is...
A. Avoiding
B. Expecting
C. Preparing
D. Thinking
E. Realizing

 Evaluation

Skor Perolehan
Nilai Siswa = x 100
Skor Maksimum

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