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Compact Answer Guideline

Last Updated: June 2022


1 MANDATORY: Your a) Main answer → Your answer must begin with a paragraph that briefly
answer must contain two and directly states the answer to the question.
parts (paragraphs):
a) Main Answer For SEO friendliness, please avoid unnecessary words in this section
b) Supporting details (for example, "The answer to the following question is as follows") as it
(Explanation) does not add any value to the user experience and SEO.

Important: Do not start your answer with a greeting (such as "Hi" or

"Good Day") or with the word "Answer"

Please make sure that the Main Answer section contains one or more
keyword(s)* that appear in the question, and 1-2 keywords are
formatted in bold text.

Please answer the question by rephrasing the question, whenever

possible. For example:
Q: How to make a cheer dance routine in a solo performance? Explain.
A: To make a cheer dance routine in a solo performance, you will need

b) Supporting Details (Explanation) → This section should explain the

Main Answer in further detail, providing an explanation of the facts, a
step-by-step, if necessary (especially for STEM subjects), etc.
2 The answer should  Each aspect of the question must be addressed in the answer.
address each aspect or  For example, if the question asks to choose the correct theory
component of the and explain why it is correct, the answer should not only include
question. the correct theory but also why it is the correct one.
3 Answers must end with  The links you add must lead to other similar verified answers
an Internal Link to other on Brainly.
similar (and verified)  Links can only be from the same domain. Ex.: cannot
answers on Brainly be redirected to and vice-versa.
 Please add links correctly. They should end with the question id
(numerical) rather than parameters such as "referrer/ search
results" etc.
 Important: Before adding an internal Brainly link, use a
sentence that contains (at least) one keyword about the topic of
the question.
 Avoid adding an internal link to the same/ very similar question
with a different URL, since those pages are being merged to
avoid duplicate content and improve user experience.
4 -Answers should be  To check whether your answer meets the minimum character
minimum of 100 words length, you can use this tool:
(500+ characters) long
(for STEM answers)
 STEM and Non-STEM answers must be a minimum of 100
words (500+ characters) long
-Answers should be
minimum of 100 words
(500+ characters) long
(for non-STEM answers)
5 Images, graphs,  Please make sure your images are original or sourced from a
diagrams, etc., should be bank of royalty-free images.
included in your answer  Only include images if they are relevant to the question and add
depending on the type of value to the explanation.
question (Optional)  The image must be digitally created by you (graphics, tables) or
extracted from a bank of royalty-free images such as Pexels,
Unsplash, and Pixabay.
 To Find free stock images on Google follow,
 1. Type the keyword (question topic) on Google.
 2. Click on “Images”.
 3. Click on “Tools”.
 4. Click on “Usage Rights”.
 5. Select “Creative Commons Licenses”
 Avoid low-resolution images and manually drawn image
6 Include hashtag in the Please include a hashtag based on the guideline at the end of the
end of the answer answer
example: #XXX

1 *Keywords  Please make sure your answer includes keywords in bold text
formatting- 1 bolded keyword in each answer section (Main
Answer and Explanation)
 It is unnecessary to use bold text formatting for every keyword
 Keyword must be included in the first two sentences of the Main
Answer section (first paragraph of your answer)
 Keyword chosen by the answerer must be relevant to the topic
of the question.
 Please do not unnecessarily overuse keywords, they should
be included naturally and contextually in your Main answer and
Supporting Details (Explanation)
 For non-STEM answers, keyword synonyms and conceptually
related terms should be used whenever possible to help search
engines to better understand the content on a webpage.
 It is crucial to use market-specific terms (e.g., for the US market
use American English terms and not British English terms)
2 Bullet Points should be Bullet points should be used only if a list of facts or data with commas is
used (depending on the needed.
type of question)
(Optional) Here are some of these instances:

 Enumeration of elements: When your answer lists objects,

countries, names, organs in an organ system, etc.
 Series of events: When you are required to list causes,
consequences, reasons, etc., either in words or phrases, bullet
points should be used. Please have a look at the image on the
 Steps / Phases / Stages: Especially in STEM/ Science, when
you have to explain the steps, phases, or stages of a process,
you must separate each stage as separate bullet points. For
example, this will apply when explaining the stages of mitosis in
3 Minimum answer length:  To check whether your answer meets the minimum character
length, you can use this tool:
-STEM: Min 100 words
(500+ characters) long  STEM and Non- STEM answers must be minimum of 100
words (500+ characters) long
-Non-STEM: Min 100
words (500+ characters)
4 LaTeX  Please use LaTeX only when it is really needed when writing
complex equations for instance.
 If the equation in the question is added as an image, please
repeat the equation in the answer in plain text without LaTeX as
much as possible
 Never use LaTeX for simple equations. (2x4 = 8) and individual
numbers (Ana has 3 cards) should be written without LaTeX

5 Attach original or royalty-  Add relevant and good resolution images.

free images depending  Please make sure your images are original or sourced from a
on the type of question. bank of royalty-free images.
6 Internal Links  Mandatory! Your answer must contain a link to another related
and verified answer on Brainly
 Please refer to row 3 of this checklist for further instructions on
adding internal links to your answers
 To find the most appropriate links for your answers, you can go
to Google and type the following: <your topic>
site: intext:Answer Expert Verified

1 Your answer must be Exception: Plagiarism from external sources: we allow a maximum of
unique, original, and not 20% coincidence*
copied from other sites

 This is to allow for definitions, quotations, theorems, etc., that

cannot be reformulated in your own words

2 Avoid self-plagiarism:  You should not post the same answer to similar questions
Even if two questions are twice, even if you wrote it yourself.
similar, you must not post  You must modify your answer so that it is not identical to any
the same answer twice. other Brainly answer.
 The % of similarity between the new version of your answer
Please modify your and your old answer should not exceed 50%.
answer so that it is not
identical to other Brainly
3 Do not mention or add  External sources such as Wikipedia, Yahoo, Google, YouTube,
links to external websites etc., should not be linked or quoted in your answers
in your answer  Links to competitors' websites are also forbidden in answers

4 Use quotation marks and In the following instances, quotes can be included in answers:
(if possible) give credit to  Quotes from certain figures
the author when the  Contents of paragraphs or articles of law (legal articles)
answer contains text from  Religious verses or scriptures (from the Bible, Al-Quran,
original sources etc.)
 Specific statements of theories/ scientific laws

When you use quotes:

 Use quotation marks " "
 Give credit to the author
 Put the title of the book and the year (if possible and

1 Your answer must  Please make sure your answer is correct with the right
contain factually correct mathematical solution, correct dates of historical events, titles
information and authors of books, names of historical events, correct
terminology, etc.
 Always try to verify with other sources that your answer is
correct and double-check it.
2 Spelling and grammar Your answer must be grammatically correct and free of typos and
spelling errors

 Always proofread your answer and use grammar and spelling

check tools if you are not 100% sure (e.g.,
 Correct spelling and grammar are a big part of user experience,
and user experience is a factor in how Google assesses a
website's content quality. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that
your answer is grammatically correct and free of spelling errors.
3 Helpful and high-quality When the question is incomplete,
answers should be  Search the question on Google: if you find the full
provided for all questions question add it to your answer as “Although part of your
you are assigned, question is missing, you might be referring to this full
including tricky questions question: XXX”.
 If the full question is not available give a general
answer to the topic.
 Still not understandable then only mark as
For the Creativity question.
 For e.g., “Write the composition about the disadvantages
of the Internet” here, give tips on how to write their own
 You could suggest some disadvantages points in bullets.
Non-Educational Questions.
 Where a question asking help to obtain a 3rd party content like
downloading books, movies, etc. answer structure will be given
a summary of the book or movie at first.
 Then provide the legal way through which they can obtain the
book or movie.
 Don’t provide any external links and also remind don’t put any
information on how to download or stream illegally.
Tech Related questions.
 For these types of questions provide an educational answer.
 For e.g. “How to clean my computer” you can specify some
technical terms and steps which help to reset or clean the
computer. So that he can learn some technical basics.
Questions about an upcoming test.
 Provide the information about the test they are mentioning.
 Give tips on how to study for the test.
Do Not answer spammy questions which include personal
questions, jokes, or offensive words.

In the case where the full question is only in an image that is not
attached – do not reply.

1 MANDATORY: Your Please refer to Complete Point 1 of this checklist
answers must contain
these two parts

a) Main Answer
b) Supporting details
2 Bullet Points (should be Please refer to SEO Friendly Point 3 of this checklist
used depending on the
type of question)

3 LaTeX Please refer to SEO Friendly Point 4 of this checklist

4 Bold Text Please use bold text formatting for 1 keyword, especially in the Main
Answer section of your answer (first paragraph)
5 Line Spacing between  Please make sure you use a 1-line space between paragraphs
paragraphs in your answer.
 Please make sure one paragraph does not exceed five

1 Peer-friendly language,  Please make sure your answers are not only educational but
understandable by most also friendly for students.
of the users  Always explain your answers in the simplest way possible using
short sentences as much as possible.
2 Adapted to school level  Please remember that your answer must be adapted to the
school level of the question
 The school level is indicated in the question (please refer to the
3 For markets where  For example, the US market should contain answers with US
answers are provided in English spelling and language conventions only, avoiding UK
English, please follow English.
country-specific language
conventions and
4 Be extra careful about It is strictly forbidden to include personal ideas such as:
avoiding prohibited
content in your answers
 Political Views: It is not allowed to state opinions for or against
political parties or ideologies, criticize what the party has done,
the government of a country, politicians, etc
 Religion Views: It is not allowed to criticise a religion/cult or its
related people
 Public figures: It is not allowed to criticise a person for their
actions. We must offer objective facts and not disqualify or
convey subjective positions
 Companies: It is not allowed to criticise a company
 Social causes: It is not allowed to criticise or position yourself
for/against controversial issues such as abortion, racism, LGBT
+, etc. We must always offer objective answers
 It is also forbidden to provide any kind of personal
information (your name, your phone number, social media
 If a question is about writing a text about yourself, make out a
fake persona or give general tips on how to write such text, so
that the student will learn.
5 Please do not answer Questions that should not be answered include:
questions that contain
prohibited or forbidden
 Spam questions (personal data, insults, jokes ...)
 Questions that contain advertising

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