3.0 Water Resources Reviewer

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Water Resources obtained by digging wells or sinking tube

wells, etc. Groundwater lies under the

 Nearly three-fourths of the earth's surface is
surface of the land, where it travels through
covered with water. Most of which is found in
and fills openings in the rocks. The rocks
the ocean. Great amount of the freshwater is
that store and transmit groundwater are
found below the earth's surface called ground
called aquifers.
water and the rest of the freshwater is found in
 Water Distribution on Earth
lakes, rivers, streams Water is also present in air
- Figure 4 is a pie chart showing where all
in the form of water vapor.
water on, in, and above the Earth exists. The
 Water resources are natural resources of water
first pie chart shows how almost all of
that are potentially useful. Uses of water include
Earth's water is saline and is found in the
agricultural, households, recreational and
oceans. Of the small amount that is actually
environmental activities. Moreover, about 70
freshwater, only a relatively small portion is
percent of the human body in water and bodies
available to sustain human, plant, and
of all plants and animals also contain water. All
animal life. It is observed that only 3% of
living things require water to grow and
Earth's water is freshwater which is the
water needed for life to survive.
 The distributions of water on the Earth’s surface
- The middle pie chart shows the breakdown
is extremely uneven. Only 3% of water on the
of freshwater. Almost all of it is confined in
surface is fresh: the remaining 97% resides in
ice and in the ground. Only 0.3% of all
the ocean. Of freshwater, 69% resides in
freshwater is surface water, which serves
glaciers, 30% underground, and less than 1% is
most of life's needs.
located in lakes, rivers, and swamps.
- The last pie chart shows the breakdown of
 Thermohaline Circulation surface water. Most of this water is found in
- It is located in the deep zone which is driven lakes. Rivers make up 2% of surface
by density differences, which is controlled by freshwater and 11% swamps. Although
temperature (thermo) and salinity (haline) rivers account for only a small amount of
- This circulation is propelled by the sinking of freshwater, this is where humans get a large
cold salty, and dense water in the polar region, portion of their water.
and rising of the warm, less salty water of the
 Sources of Water.
- Rainwater, oceans, rivers, lakes, streams,
poods and springs are natural sources of
water. Dams, wells, tube wells, hand-pumps,
canals, etc. are man-made sources of water.
- Ocean
- It is about 71% of the Earth’s surface is
water covered, the Ocean holds about 97%
of all Earth’s water.
- Freshwater
- It is only 2,5% of Earth’s total water, it is
 Sources of Drinking Water
found in glaciers which has a percentage of
- Water is very important in each of our lives.
68%, Groundwater has 30%, Permafrost
Not only it is essential to our health, but
also, we use it for numerous household
- Surface Water
tasks. Every day we use water for cooking.
The surface water in RIvers, Lakes,
bathing, cleaning, and drinking.
Swamps, Soil moisture, Living things,
- The World Health Organization and
Atmospheric water vapor, and Ground Ie
UNICEF Joint Monitoring Report (2017)
constitute only about 0.4% of the total water
define improved drinking water sources as
on earth.
those that have potential to deliver safe
 Rain Water. Rain water is collected on Earth in
water by nature of their design and
the form of surface water and underground
construction. These include piped water tube
water. Two Main Sources of Water
wells or boreholes; protected dug wells,
1. Surface Water. Water present on the surface
protected springs; rainwater. Families that
of the earth in the form of oceans, rivers,
use bottled water or refilling stations for
lakes, reservoir, ponds and streams is called
drinking are classified as using an improved
surface water. The water in rivers and lakes
source only if the water they use for cooking
comes from main and melting of snow on
and hand washing comes from an improved
mountains. Rivers now into the sea.
2. Underground Water. Some of the rainwater
- According to the results of the 2017 APIS,
seeps through the soil on to the non-porous
94 percent of the 24 million Filipino
rocks below. This is underground water.
families have improved source of drinking
Sometimes due to high pressure, this water
water. In the urban and rural areas, 97 and
sprouts out in the form of springs. It can be
91 percent, respectively, have improved
source of drinking water. Residents in rural
areas are more likely to have an unimproved
source of drinking water than those in urban
areas (9.1% vs. 2.6%). Almost four in every
five families (77%) do not practice any
method or treatment in ensuring that their
drinking water is safe to drink.

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