Elem 2 Unit 1

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Elementary 2 Unit 1

1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
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Elementary 2 Unit 1

13 14 15 16

17 18 19

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What places are these? Activity 1

train station stadium


shopping mall

bookstore bus station

Can you guess the profession? Activity 2

1. a lawyer
He represents people in court. He’s __________.
2. an engineer
He constructs buildings, roads and bridges. He’s _____________. a/an accountant
3. a chef
He cooks in a restaurant. He’s _____________. a/an architect
an architect a/an chef
4. He designs houses and buildings. He’s ________________. a/an dentist
5. an accountant
He works with financial accounts. He‘s ___________________. a/an engineer
6. a dentist
He fixes people’s teeth. He’s ________________________. a/an lawyer
7. a teacher
She works in a school. She’s _______________________. a/an psychologist
a/an teacher
8. a psychologist
He studies people’s conduct. He’s ___________________.
Who are they? Activity 3 A

Linda Jeff Maggie Lucy

I live on Maple Street. I live with my I live with my family I’m a psychologist. I
I go to University and girlfriend at 253 in Philadelphia. My work at home. I live
I have a job too. I Glendale Boulevard. husband is an on Orange Avenue,
work at We live on the first accountant. He across from Gold
Bloomingdale’s in the floor. I work at Saint works in a bank very Square. My daughter
afternoons. My John’s Hospital. My near our apartment. Brigitte lives with me.
parents work in a girlfriend works at The bank is around She works in a school.
store. White Rocks High the corner from our
School. She’s a building.
Biology teacher.
Test your memory Activity 3 B

Say if these statements are Right or Wrong. Correct the wrong statements.

1. Linda works at Macy’s. Wrong. Linda works at Bloomingdale

2. Jeff lives at 253 Glendale Boulevard. Right
3. His girlfriend works in a bank. Wrong. His girlfriend works at White Rocks High School
4. Maggie lives in Philadelphia. Right. Maggie lives in Philadelhpia with her family
5. Her husband works in a bank. Right. Her husband is an accountant, he works in a bank near to their apartment
6. Lucy doesn’t work at home. Wrong. Lucy works at home, she is a phycologist
7. She lives on an avenue. Right. She lives on Orange Avenue, across from Gold square
8. Lucy’s daughter works in a school. Right. Lucy's daughter, Brigitte works in a school
What preposition? Activity 4

1. I live __________________
at 458 Grand Ave.
2. The bank is _______________________
on the corner of Main St. and 1st Ave.
3. on
The theater is ___________________ Blair St.
4. in
They don’t live _________________ in
B.A., they live ________________ Córdoba.
5. Where is he? He’s ___________________
at school.
6. She works ________________________
in a bank.
7. I live _________________
at in
54 Bank St., ___________________ apartment 3A,
on the third floor.
Pleased to meet you Activity 5

Pleased to meet you Activity 5 A

You meet a handsome guy / beautiful girl on the elevator of your office building. You
are interested in him/her. Ask him/her questions. Be very nice to him/her.
Invent an excuse to break the ice.

Useful language:

Excuse me, where is/are ... ?

… work in this building?
Where … you work?
What … you do?
… like your job?
… you live near here?
Is there a …. near here?
Where …that?
Pleased to meet you Activity 5 B

You meet a handsome guy / beautiful girl on the elevator of your office building.
Answer his/her questions. Also ask him/her questions.

Useful language:

It´s/They’re …
Yes, .... /No, ....
I work …
What about you?
I´m ...
There’s a/one …. on … street/ near.../across the street.
In my house … Activity 6

Match the parts of the house
to the pictures

1. Bathroom
2. Bedroom
3. Closet D
4. Living-room
5. Dining-room
6. Kitchen

Where are they? Activity 7

1. “ I see a large table and six chairs. Six people are ready to have dinner.”
2. “ I have to clean the stove and the fridge: they are very dirty!”
3. “ My skirts, my blouses and my shoes are here!”
4. “There is a large sofa and two small arm-chairs around the fireplace.”
5. “ It’s too late and I have to wake up early tomorrow. I’m going to sleep.”
6. “ I am washing my hands and I can look at myself in the mirror.”

1. The person is in the Dining room 2. She is in the Kitchen 6. She is in the Bathroom

3. She is in the closet 4. The person is in the Living room 5. He is in Bedroom

There is / There are / How many Activity 8 A

A) Look at these sentences with there is and there are.

There’s one bedroom downstairs.
There’s a balcony and an elevator.
There are three large bedrooms upstairs.
Complete these grammar rules with there is or there are.
there is
1. Use _________ with singular nouns.
there are
2. Use _________ with plural nouns.
B) Look at these questions
Is there a window in your bathroom? Yes, there is a window in my bathroom
Are there any closets in your bathroom? Yes, there is a closet in my bathroom
There is / There are / How many Activity 8 B


Complete this grammar rule.

is there
Use ______________________________to ask
questions using “is there”
are there
Use ______________________________ to ask
questions using “are there”

C) Look at this question with How many …?

How many bedrooms are there?


Complete this grammar rule.

Use How many to ask questions about _____________
Plural / singular
Let´s listen again Activity 9

1. The apartment in Paris is next to the park.

2. They need the second bedroom for their son.
3. There are three one-bedroom apartments available in Tokyo.
4. The customer needs a house in Montreal in July.
What about your home? Activity 10 A


Is there a
 a balcony in your house or apartment? Yes, there are two balconies
Are there
 three bedrooms in your house? Yes, there is
Is there
 a garden in your house? Yes, there is
Is there
 a stairway in your home?
Are there
 any closets in your bedroom?
Are there
 any banks near your house or apartment?
Are there
 two large bedrooms in your house?
What about your home? Activity 10 B


Is there
 a dining room in your house or apartment? Yes, there is
Are there
 two bathrooms in your house?
Are there
 any restaurants near your home? No, there aren't

 a school on the corner of your house?

 a lot of windows in your house?

 any closets in your living room?

 a garage in your house or apartment?

A millionaire’s home Activity 11

A millionaire’s home Activity 11 A

You are a journalist for LIVING magazine. Interview a

millionaire about his/her home.

Useful language

- Do you live in a house or an apartment?

- Where…?
- Is/are there… in your house/apartment?
- Do you have ……?
- How many …..?
- Is your …. big/small/new/beautiful?
A millionaire’s home Activity 11 B

You are a famous millionaire. Answer the journalist’s questions

about your home.

Useful language

- I live…
- … in/ on/ at /on the corner of/ between/ very near…
- Yes, there is/are
- No, there isn’t/aren’t
- I have…
- There are…
- big/small/new/beautiful
- I have…
A new house Activity 12

A new house Activity 12 A

You are very happy because you have a new house!

Tell you partner, B, about it.

Useful language:

 Hi.
 I’m great.
 I have a …
 It’s in… / on…
 It’s big / small
 There is / are …
 The kitchen / living room / is…
 The bedrooms are…
A new house Activity 12 B

Your partner, A, is very happy because he/she has a new house. Show interest and
ask questions.

Useful language:

 Hello. How …?
 Congratulations!
 What’s … like?
 Is it near / next to …?
 … big / small?
 Is / Are there…?
 How many rooms …?
Can you match these pictures
with their names? Activity 13



1. a cabinet D 4. a basin C 7. a mirror A

2. a toilet E 5. a file cabinet H 8. a rocking chair G
3. a bathtub F 6. a dresser A 9. a rug B
Unscramble these sentences Activity 14

1. are/ bedrooms/in/house/there/How many/your/?

2. a /There’s/ the/ on/ table. /TV
3. is /The/ under/ telephone/ chair/ the.
4. in/ a lot of/ my/ There are /bedroom. /CDs
5. garage /Is /there/ your/ a /house/ in/?
Let’s listen again Activity 15

A: _______________ a nice sofa. What

B: Actually, I think
A: And what about ______________________?
B: I _________________. ______ not sure.
Describing things Activity 16

Are the following adjectives positive or negative in meaning?





nice great beautiful awful terrible plain

gorgeous terrific ugly strange horrible

extraordinary awesome
Shopping for furniture Activity 17

Shopping for furniture Activity 17 A

You have a new apartment . You are now shopping for

furniture with a friend. Ask him / her for his / her opinion
about the different things you see at the store.

Suggested language

 This is…
 What do you…?
 I think it is…
 And what about…?
Shopping for furniture Activity 17 B

You are shopping with a friend because he / she has a new

apartment and wants to buy some furniture. Give him/her your
opinion about the different things you see.

Suggested language

 Actually, I think it is…

 I don’t know. I’m not…
 And that’s a…
 What do you…?
Writing time Activity 18

A) Discuss these questions with a partner.

1. Do you live in a house or an apartment?

2. Does it have a nice view?
3. If you live in a house, how many floors does it have?
4. If you live in an apartment, what floor is it on?
5. Describe each room in your house or apartment.
6. What is your favorite room? Why do you like it so much?

B) At home, write two or three paragraphs to describe your house or

apartment, using the ideas you discussed previously.
Looking for a home Activity 19

Looking for a home Activity 19 A

You are a real estate agent. You have one apartment to rent. This is the ad you put on the
3 bedroom apartment for rent. Great Opportunity! Near transportation.
Schools and supermarkets around the corner. 2 complete bathrooms.
Big kitchen. Furnished. Call 678-9876

Answer B’s questions about it. Ask him/her for personal information.

Useful language.

- It’s …….
- Near, around the corner, across from, between…
- There is… / there are…
- It has….
- In the … (living room) … there is/are…
- What do you do?
- How old…?
- Are you single or married?
- Do you have any children?
Looking for a home Activity 19 B

You want to rent an apartment for you and your family. You´ve
read an ad in the newspaper. Call the Real Estate Agency to ask
for extra information about the apartment. Ask about the furniture
and the location, of the apartment. Give the real estate agent
information about you and your family.

Useful Language

- Is there…?
- Are there..?
- Does it have ….?
- … in the (living room)
- I’m …..
- I have ….

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