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1. A ball is dropped from a height of 5 ft on a surface that causes it to bounce up 10% of the distance that it fell.

If the probability that the ball is on its way up at any point in time is represented by the fraction (m/n) in lowest terms, where m and n are positive integers, what is m + n?

2. A circle on the coordinate plane is centered at the origin and has radius r. What proportion of the circle is located below the line y = r/2? an and is dened such that bn all even numbered terms are the reciprocal of the immediately preceding term and in all odd numbered terms, an and bn are equal to an2 + 1 and bn2 + 1 respectively. If t1 = 2 what is: 3 3. A recursive sequence has terms tn in the form (a2005 + a2006 + a2007 + a2008 ) (b2005 + b2006 + b2007 + b2008 )

4. Isosceles triangle ABC is inscribed in a circle with radius r1 such that side AB is a diameter of the circle. If a circle inscribed within triangle ABC r2 has radius r2 , what is ? r1 5. Let F , T , and W be digits with (100F + 10T + W )(F + T + W ) = 2008. What is F T W ?

6. How many positive 3 digit integers satisfy the property that the tens digit is the geometric mean of the hundreds and units digits?

7. Let E and F be the respective midpoints of BC and CD on unit square ABCD. If lines DE and BF intersect at G, what is the area of triangle BDG?

8. Let n represent the number of 16 digit palindromes divisible by 11. What is the remainder when n is divided by 11?

9. What is the sum of the tens and units digits of 999 1111 ?

10. If tan > 1 and


1 = sin +cos , nd in the interval 0 tann

11. The function f (x) = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d has 3 positive real roots. If the c sum of the roots of f (x) is 4, what is the largest possible value of ? a 12. Two circles are located on the coordinate plane such that the distance between their centers is 2 units. If both circles have a radius of 1 unit, what is the area of the region enclosed by their intersection?

13. If r is equal to the sum of the rst n positive integers and s is equal to the sum of the rst n positive integer squares, for how many values of n in s the interval 0 < n < 2008 will be an integer? r 14. If cos 2 = 1 , what is sin4 + cos4 ? 4 3 + 3i m 15. What is smallest positive integer m for which the expression ( ) 2 is an integer?

16. If the function f (x) = x2 bx + 9999 has positive integer roots, what is the dierence between the minimum and maximum possible values of b?

17. If f (x) = (x2 + 4x + 3)2 + 5(x2 + 4x + 3) + 3, what is the sum of its complex roots?

18. cyclic quad, triangle, max length of altitude - AM-GM 19. complex roots of xn = 1, regularn gonincomplexplane

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