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nuoutr lrfotytd'||ri ttfgbAti!ils At3ncy (ctraracters) and JHS

Studft{Eeehit lrcir
Storter Afier schoot Like+ -ing; ccn ond con't;
o, on ond some;be going to
I We'rehoving Thepresentsimpt eo n d c o n t in u o u s
i cecr eo m ! Adverbsoffrequencg 8
2 A school.pLog The postsimple(1):be,hoveond regulorverbs
Posttime expressions L2
3 We sow o shork! ThepostsimpLe(2):irregu[orverbs L6
ReviewI 20
4 Ou rco m p in gtrip pronouns
Adverbs 22
5 We hoveto hurrg! Hoveto
Whg ond becouse 26
6 Thebe sth o lidog! Comporotiveo nd superlotiveodjectives 30
Review2 34
7 Wi Ltw ebe fomous? Wil.l.ond won't
Futuretime expressions 36
8 Lotsoffun! Much,mong,lotsof ond o lot of
Someond ong t8
9 AfootboLL
motch Theinfinitiveof purpose
How often...?ond odverbsof time 44
Review3 $
1O I've donemg The presentperfect(1)
homework 50
11 A speciotodventure The presentperfect(2):ever ond never 54
L2 We shouLdplog Shou[dond shou[dn't
outside Couldond couldn't 58
Review4 62
13 Hel"ping
others Objectpronouns
who ond which 64
14 Hoppgmemories Thepostcontinuous
Dotesond wos born
On ond in 68
1 5 We we r eh o vingfunl Thepostsimpleon d c o n t in u o u s
There,theg'reond their 72
Reviewl 76
Grommorreference 78
Irregulor verbs 80
Like + -irg; can and can't;
After school a, an and some: be going to

what do you like

d o i n ga f t e rs c h o o l?

I fike skateboarding.

t like ploying

We usetike+ -ingto totk oboutthingsthot we olwogstiketo do.

Whatdo you likedoingat the weekend?I likegoingswimming.
tr wedon'trepeottike+ -ingin shortonswers.
"( Does

Use[ike+ -ing.
1 Beth/ Like/ pLoV
tennis 2 I / Like/ pLog
B et h [ ik e sp t o u L n tae n n L s .

mgfriends/ Like/ wotchfiLms 4 theg/ like/ cook/ 7

Som/not Like/ pLoVthe

piono she/ Like/ pLoythe guitor

gou/ t ik e / s u r f / ? redondrheo/ nofii,,rn

Can t go to the caf€withToby?


We useconondcon't+ boseform to tol.koboutpermission.
t don'tchonge.
We useconin questions
ondconor con'twhenwe giveor refusepermission.
Canweplay on the computer?Yes,
you can./ No,you can't.

2 Writeguestions
Useconondcon'tondo verbfrom the box.
As' stog go do pLou bug use wotch moke visit
1 I /th e p o rk I C an I qo to th,i :: : . r ' i ' ' ' '
2 we / footboLl, /
3 theg / the TV ,/
4 he / sko te b oordi ng
5 I/o n e w co o t /
6 sh e/wi th So LLg X
7 t he g /th e co mputerX
8 I/ o co ke /
9 sh e/Gro n dmo /
10 w e / o u r h o mew orkLoterX Starter

we'd likesomeicecream,olease.

We useo or on beforecountoblenounsondsomebeforeuncountoble
ondplur o L s .
a cat an orange somewater someoronges

E, *. usewouldLike(U Like)totolk or oskoboutwhot we wont.It is

''-,i- o politeexpression
thot we oftenusein shops,coJ6s
ond restouronts.
t I'd likea cupof coffee,please.

3 Complete
the sentences.
Write'dLikeondo, on or some.
you likez

| '..] i tke sui,ri We

aubergines, lemon,please.

I 4 we
glassof milk,please. rice,please.

we I
orange,please. please.

I we
apple,please. fruit,please.

l'm goingto go
skateboarding now.
Are you going to
comewith me?

6. We usebegoingto + boseform to sogwhot we oreplonningto do.

- I'm going to listento mg MP3player.
I Mollg isn't going to plag with herfriendstoday.
Aregougoingto do gourhomeworkthisevening?

Lookof the tob[e.Writequestions

1 Mu m o n d Dod v i s i Jt r ie n d s X
2 Ho rr i e t pLogfootboLl.with Jriends
3 Dq d c Leo n
4 we wotcho DVD
5 G r o n d m oo n d Gro n d p o hov eo p ic n ic X
6 Morion w ri tet o h e rc o u s in
7 Li L go n d A m g go to t h e c in e m o x
7 Starter
We're hovingice creom! Adverbsof frequency

I u su a lly
h a veca keb, u t
t o da yl' m h a vin gicecr e a m .

t Weusethe present

Weusethe present
simpleto to[k obouthobitsondthingsthot oreotwogstrue.
Leogoesto the cafdafier school Giraffesare very toIL
continuous to to[k oboutwhot we oredoingnow.
HoIIy'supstairs.She'sdoingherhomework. I'm makingdinnerat the moment.
Seepoge78 forformotionof the -ingform.

Usethe presentsimpleor the presentcontinuous.

the sentences.
1 Complete
1 Lookot thot bog! He 5 tunnrng - (run)reoltgfost!
2 T ongoondh e rs i s t e r ( sto gwith
) u sto d o g .
3 Youcon'tpLogon the computer. Dod (use)it.
4 Us uo[ [ 9o,u rt e o c h e r s (notgive)usmuchhomework.
sIt ( b e )m g b ir th d o gto d o g .
6 Leo ( L i s t e n) to
th e r o d io .
7I ( w o L k ) t sch
o o oel ve r gd o g .
8 Corlo (Like) soLodbut she (noteot)it in winter.
9 Mum (toLk) on the phonerightnow.
8 Unit1
Wealwayssit by the window.

A W. useodverbs with the present

of frequencg simpleto toLkobouthowofien
*. dothings.
never rore[g sometimes usuo[[g olwogs
o% LO0%
Adverbs go beforemostverbs,butofiertheverbbe.
of frequencu
Weusuallg sithere. Thegarealwagslate.
Wedon'tuseodverbs withthe present
ofJrequencu continuous.

I Writethe wordsin the correctorder.Useshortformswhenpossib[e.

1 never/ go/ on Soturdogs
/ I / to school
I n e ti er a jc tti scirlrlr ')i, .i*irirLt i' ir, l: i
2 the teochers
/ lotef ore/ never

3 o Lwogs
/ Do d/ f o r o L o n gt i m e/ L o o ks
o f th e m e n u

4 l o c k/ hism e o tI J i n i s h e/ so L w o gs

5 i s n't/ t he m e o Lf u s u o l l g/ v e r ge xp e n sive

6 rorelg/ got o/ w e l o u r L o c ocLo f e

7 I / hungrg/ ofterfootbo[Lproctice
f usuollg/ om Uni t 1
Usethe presentsimpleondthe present
Lookof the toble.Writesentences.
continuous. Useusuo[[gondtodog.
Usuo[19 Todog
1 the woitressf weor/ o reduniform she/weor / obLueuniform
2 MoU.g/ hovef somebreod she/ hove/ o bowl of soup
3 H o r rg/ dri nk l mi l .k h e / d r in k / o r o n g e ju ic e
4 Chorlieond MoL[g/ eot / posto t h e g/ e o t / s o L o d
5 we / sit / bg the window we / sit / in the corner
6 Tobgf come/ with us Tobg/ not be / here
7 Do d/ p o V/the bi LL Mum / pog/ the biLL
8 we / woLk/ to the cofe we / go / bg cor/ to the cof6

.'.ec.:sc..ed unlform, but todoq she's\i/eqrinq-a-blug-undAfn

The',vo,tress*s-rolr-o J--_.+4._J-

4 Complete the sentences. simpleor the present

Usethe present continuous
of the verbsin brockets.
1 I us uol. L U - - - - - ( g o)swim m in g o n So tu r d o g s.
2 Amg -- (send)on emoitto Hotlgot the moment.
3 Peoplein Chinonever (eot)with o knifeondfork.
4 Thewoitressolwogs- (bring)thebiLl. immediotetg.
5 fomie'son the phone.He - (tol.k)toEricrightnow.
6 We sometimes (pLoU)footbott ofier school.
7 I --- - - (do)mg homeworkrightnow.
8 Yourorelg (moke)me o birthdogcoke.
9 Thegolwogs (eot)breokfost.
10 T odogS id n e g ( r u n )in o r o ce .

5 Lookondwrite.Usethe presentsimpleor the presentcontinuous
of eot ondthe
wordsin the box.
pstr rice coke noodles somefruit histog

A m g ' sm u mo n dd o d/ so m e tim e s
A m u ' s m u m a n d d od so m e tlm e e
s o ,to o sto .


/ rightnow

t peopre',tl:'"

- f,E



6 Writethe wordsin the correctorder.Usethe presentsimpleor the present

1 of themoment/cook/ mVmum/ dinner
Mu mum'scookinodinnerat the moment.

2 eot/o Lotof fruit / Motlg/ olwogs

3 I /hove o shower/ sometim

es/ ofierschool

4 Horrgf weor/ the wrongtrousers

/ todog

5 the bilL/ brin g/ t h e w o i t e r/ o t t h e m o m e n t

6 bring/ the biLL

/ the woiter/ ofterthe meo[/ usuoLLg Uni t 1 11
A , _t_ _ _t -r _ Thepastsimple(1):
n SCnOOf PIOY Past

-,'zt. werec lot of people

at theplay.rheyhad a great
- rl1i.Chadie
actedverywellandtheaudience clapped.
- --.

t WhenweJorm

e n d svo w el+
the postsimple,we odd-edor -d to mostregulorverbs.
Her eor es o m em o r er u L e s :
E x o m p [ e Chonge
s top doublethe Lost
co n so n ont consonont+ -ed

e n d sco ns onont ti dg
-ied tidied didn'ttidg
v erbs
irr e g u L or be wos/were wosn't/weren't
hove hod didn'thove
In questions
we chongethe wordorder.
DidMollg act in theplay?
Beis different.
Weregou excited? Wasthe play good?

1 Circlethe correctonswer.
1 / wereo pionoon the stoge. 2
Thereiiryos Ethon'svoiceweren'tf wosn'tvergLoud.
3 Wewere/ wosexcitedoboutthe concert.4 Whg wos/ wereAnnoondKotetired?
5 Wos/ We r eg o uo f h o m e ? 6 ALIourfriendswere/ wosin the oudience.
7 LeoondSebwosn't/ weren'tot 8 Wh o two s/we r e th e n o m eo f the pl og?
the concert.
12 Unit2
2 CompleteHorrg'sdiorg.Writewos,wereor hod.

Ve l- hgd - -- ct schoo\
p\^y ftnis\^/eeKItrcrr\ie
in it nnd prog(ctmme ctboul 1'heccn.c?ri
Aolly played fhe g,ictr,c,
ou( frtenCscrnCfcrmi\Y
in f ire
t'rerfriends Suzy crnC i:.n,?
ftco(Jeft fl '
c.udience.LcrsI weeK,ve
(L conc€fl ve \ flo o d ,b u t Ac\\y, Su zu
r h , Cr[\d to_
crf schoo\ Aum cinC Uat
crll ve(y fired al the :nl
ou/ friends

3 Completethe sentencesond questions.Usethe post simpleof be or hove.

the exom wosn't
1 Phi['sverghoppgbecouse vergdifficuLt.
2 I'm v erghung r g . I b r e o kfo st.
3 -., Louise cokeof the cof6?
4 Thepeoplein t h e o u d i e n c e o g r e o ttim e .
5 He ten gesterdog.
6 g o uo t E m i l g ' b
s i r th d o gp o r tg ?
7 Mg grondporents -- -- rich.ThegLivedin o vergsmollhouse.
8 I o bobgwhenwe movedto London.
e t h e f i l m g o o d ?D i dg o ulikeit?
10 Thehomework hord.WeoLLgot goodmorks.

4 Completethe text. Usethe post simple of the verbsin brockets.

It I - Wgs ( b e )G e o r g eb' si r t h d o gp o r tgo n F r id o g .We
( h o v eo) g r e o t i m e .Ge o r g e ' ( in vite )
oLLh isf r iendson de v e r g o n e o ( e n jo git.
) T h eL ig h ts
(sporkl.e w)e, u ( L iste n ) to
m u sico n d
- - ( d o n c eo)L Le v e n i n gW . eo n d ( p L o U)
gomesI.'- -- - ( c l o pw) h e nGe o r g e ' ! (open)
hi spr es entWs . eo L L" - ( tid U)u p wh e nth e p o r tg
12 ( e n do) n dI i 1 - - ( n o two n t) tog o h o m e ! Unit2 13
l'vegota lotto tefl you.There
schoof last Saturdayandtwo
weeksago I playedin a concert.


We usetheseexpressions
to to[k oboutwhensomething in the post:
lost+ night/ Fridoglweek/month/geor Iwatcheda goodfitmlastSaturdag.
ogoofiero periodof time Wewentto Londonthreegearsago.
+ morning/ oJternoon
gesterdog / evening I emoiledhergesterdog

Timeexpressions congo of the beginning

or endof o sentence.
I playedin a concertlastweek. Lastweek,I playedin a concert.

Tick(/) the correctsentences.

1 Lostweek,Jonehodo portg.@ 2 Agotwo weeksit wosmg birthdog.D
fonehodo portgweekLost.! Twoweeksogoit wosmg birthdoU.D

3 Fronk's wosgesterdog
birthdog D 4 Weh o dg e ste r d oogb ig p o r tg.
Yesterdo birthOog
*os. [_l Wehod obigportggesterdoU

5 T inohodd i n n e re v e n i n g e s t e rd o g . 6 Wep lo g e dte n n iso g otwo h ours.D
T inohodd i n n e rg e s t e r d oegv e n in g . Weplogedtennistwo hourcogo. !

7 I hodon exomgesterdog
ofiernoonD 8 I phonedgouo Fridogogo.O
I hodon exomtostofternoon.[-l I phoned
U n it2
Completethe sentences.
Utetfi6 verbin brucketsond o time expression
from the box.
Thenrewriteeochsententewith the time expression
of the end.

LostSoturdog , Ctore ptoged htog)tennis.


(be)mg birthdog.

Ioson (ptog)bodmintonwith Henrg.

(tidg)mg room.

t we (wotch)o plogot the theotre.

Dod (phone)Roger.

Lookof the thingsthot hoppenedin exercise

6. Writewhenfteg hoppened.
Usetime exprcssions with ogoondthe wordsfiomfte bq.
Remember, todogisSoturdog lSthNovember.It
is9 am.

1 one week ooo 2

3 4;
5 6
We sow o shork! The pastsimple(2):irregular

ft" fVfong
commonverbshoveon irregutor
postsimpleformin theoffirmotive.
f Youolreodgknowwos/wereondhod.Hereoresomeothers:
Verb bug eot fl.g go heor
moke see think
Postsimple bought ote flew went heord mode sow thought

Formostregu[orond irregu[orverbs,weform the postsimplenegotivewith

didn't+ boseform.Seepoge80for o tistof irregulsrverbs.
Wedidn't look at the postcards. Amy didn't go to the museum.
Remember thot the thirdperson form of the postsimpledoesn'tchongein the
cffirmotiveor negotive.Theexceptionis the verbbe (wos,were,wosn't,weren't).

1 Motch 1-8 with the word endingsto moke irregulorpost simpleverbs.

heord he ught
ot ord
mo W
50 nt
fL tht
thou de
.we e

Un it3
Writethe postsimpleof theverbsin the boxintothe correct[ist.
#Y hove heor live hote woit oo eot

-qske-d -
\ ,,/

Circlethe correctverbform.
1 Weeoted/(dlErlunch vergeorlg.
2 Ericsow/ seeno robotof the exhibition.
3 Ho|'[gheord/ heoredthemusic.
4 losperond Rgonbuged/ boughto sondwich.
5 I went / goedto schoolgesterdog.
6 lomie moke/ modebreokfost this morning.
7 Thebirdsftew/tLied owog.
8 Thescientistthinked/ thoughtoboutthe question.

Lookof exercise3.Write negotivesentences.

r __W_e earlu

5 Completethe text. Usethe postsimpleof the verbin brockets.

OLtgondI i - - Went (go)too LoveLg
It2 _ - (notbe)vergfor owog.WeI (bug)some
cheese, breodondfruit,ondwe' - (think)obouthoving
o picnicneorthe river.We'- (nothove)vergmuchwoter.
OLLg i - (see)o shopbut it ? - (be)closed.We
- (eot)ourfoodond1--- (foLtosl.eep)
underthe trees. Un it3
Weform postsimplequestions
in the somewoy for most Didyou learnanything?
reguLor on di r r e g u [ ovre r b s .
We usedid + I/gou/he/she/it/
we/gou/theg+ boseform. Yes,we did.
Didyou buy any souvenirs?
DidAmy havebreakfastthis
Weconuseo question word
where,whenor which.
Whatdid you seeat the seaside?
W ec onus ew h i c ho n dw h o t
wit h o no u n .
what did you learn?
Whichmuseumdid you go to?
we learnt about sharks.
ons wersin t h e s o m ew o gf o r
mos treg u L oorn di r r e g u t ovre r bs.
Didyou enjoythe trip?
Yes,Idid./ No,I didn't.

Writethe wordsin the correctorderto mokequestions.

1 gouI eot/ did/ whot

2 He n rgo n d A ndU/ w here/ have lu n c h/ d id

* hg / Ma x/ b u g/ d i d/ t e n p o s tco r d s

the moneg/ where/ did/ find/ theg

ond plo nts/whot

Vou/Leorn/ did/ oboutrocks

V ou/ did/ h e o r / w h e n/ t h e g o o dn e ws

7 which/the closs/ goto / did/ portof the coost

U n it3
7 Lookof the pictures.

So L L/b
g u V/o p o stco r d
' r
: i) I f i {

theg/ hoveLunch
/ in o cof6

M u m o n d Do d/ g o / t o o c o n c e r t

th e ch iL d r e/h
n e o r /c fu n n r s::' -

, nnnl
"f/Y ,t
l {i nA
/' o n g t h in gin t e r e s t in g Uni t 3 19
ReviewI Units1-3

I Circlethe correctverbform.
Thewoitresses weor re weonn ew uniforms.
Theohos/'s hovingicecreomtodog.
I'm looking/look out of the windowof the moment.
Hurrgup!Thecof6ctosesf 's ctosingnow.
Howoftenis gourfomil,gcoming/ doesgourfomilgcomehere?
Lookot thot bird!Whot doesit do / isitdoing?
It doesn'tsnow/isn't snowingin summer.
Mondg's woshing/ woshesherhoirrightnow.

Usethe odverbin brockets.

2 Writesentences.
I cActeto school.(usuoLLg)
I usuotlucucteto schoot.

Thegsit bg the door.(olwogs)

3 Doro'shungrgof 5 o'clock.(sometimes)

duringthe week.(never)
4 Bethgoesshopping

( u su o il.g )
o n dG r o n d m o r eo f h o m eo n Su n d o g s.
5 G rondpo

6 I'm lotefor schoot.(never)

thetext.Usethe postsimpleof theverbsin brockets.

3 Complete
LostSoturdog,we' hod (hove)o portgto celebrote the end
HorrgondI ]
of term.Chor[ie, (invite)o[[ ourfriends.
Therel (be)Lotsof peoplethere.Mongof them
- (orrive)
with somefoodor drink.Mg friendGemmo
(ptoU)thepiono.EvergoneI (hove)so

4 Tick(/) the correctsentences.
1 Weorrived
threedogsogo.e 2 Theconcert
d ogothree
aogs.! Theconcertwosgoodlost geor.D

3 DionorongmeeveninggesterdoU.
D 4 Twoweeksogo,I visitedZoe.!
evening.D I two weeksogo,visitedZoe.|. I

5 Night[ost,it roined. we hodo portg.!

6 Yesterdog,
Lostnight,it roined.D Wehodo gesterdog

Usethe postsimpleof the verbsin brockets.

Completethe sentences.
1 Emmo Sqw-- (see) dinosours
ot themuseum. She -didnltsee (notsee)fish.
2 They (eot)outside. Theg (noteot)inside.
3 SidnegondI (go)to school. We (notgo)to the swimmingpool.
4 Thegir ls ( b u g )c h e e seT.h e g- ( n o tb u g ) fr u it.
s I-- ( h e o ro) c o t .I ( n o th e o ro) d o g .
6 Seb-- - (moke)Lunch todog.He (notmoke)breokJost.

Lookof exercise5.Write post simptequestionsond onswers.

1 Em mo/ s ee/ d i n o s o u r s
Did _Emmo see dinosours?Yes,she dld _
2 where/ theg/ eoI
Where did theg_eat?They ate outslde.
3 Si dneg
ondI / g o / t o t h e s w i m m i n gp o o l

4 thegirls/ buV/fruit

5 whot / gou/ heor

6 whot / Seb/ moke Review1
Our compingtrip Adverbs

S* W. usepossessive
soswhosomethins ls ityours?
Thisisn'tmy ructrsack.
T B:ft:[lil:'to
' Is thisgour ruckack?

We usepossessive pronounsinsteod
of nounsto to[k obout possession.
Is thisgours?
Possessive Possessive
odjectives Pronouns
mu mine
9our gours
his his
her hers
its its We ofien usepossessive pronounsin onswer
our ourS to the this/thot?or
whose... ore these/those?
gour uours Whosejacket is this? It's his.
their theirs Whosemapsarethose?Theg'remine.

Tick(/) the correctsentence.

1 Thot'smgwoterbottle.[-Z 2 Isthisgoursl[-l
Thot'sminewoterbottle.! Isthisgorrl [-_l

3 ThereoreoursDVDs. D
Thisisn'tmg uniform.It's her's.
oreourDvos.! Thisisn'tmg uniform.It's hers.D

No,it isn'ttheirt. O
5 Is thistheirbol.L? 6 Don'ttokethot comic.It's his's.[_-l
No,it isn'ttheir.[-l
Isthistheirbo|'L? Don'ttokethot comic.It's his.D

7 Lookof theirnewcor. 8 No,thot isn'therrucksock.

It's mine. [_l
Lookof theirsn.*.or. [-l No,thot isn'thers.It'sminerucksock.

U n it4
2 Replocethe underlinedwordswith o possessive
1 Thisisn'tmq trumpet m!.ne- -
2 Thisis mg woterbottle.Whereis uourwoterbottle?-
3 I'vegot mg uniform.Whereis hisuniform? * - --
4 but I hoven'tgot herrecorder.
I've got mg recorder,
5 WhoseCDsorethese?Theg're GorqondTom'sCDs.
6 Thoserockets oren'tmineondLeo's.
7 Theicecreomsorefor qouondBittu
8 Theg'reniceinstruments. ArethegAnnoondZoe's?

3 Circlethe correctonswer.
1 Thot'sours/@-Ddovourite tog.
2 ThetittLedogis her/ hers.
3 ThisT-shirtis gour/ gours.
4 Someof the sweetsorehis/his's.
5 Thoserucksocks oretheir/ theirs.
6 Theicecreomis mg / mine.
7 Is this CDgours/ gour?
8 TheDVDplogeris oursf our.

4 Completethe sentences.Usepossessive
1 Mum ond Dodhovegot o trophg.Thetrophuis the-rrs
2 Leo'sgot o footboLL. ThefootboLL is
3 Yo uondI hov eg o t o g u i t o rT. h eg uito ris - - - -
4 got o ptont.ThepLontis -..-.
5 You'vegot sometroiners. Thetroinersore
6 loe ondKimhovegot o Lodder. TheLodder is
7 We'vegot o woter bottle.Thewoterbottleis
8 I'vegot o rucksock. Therucksock is Unit4 23
5 Lookof the pictures.Circlethe correctonswer.

Th et roiners
o r eh i s l h e r s . Is th o t th e ir s/ th e irco r ?

Th et rophg iso u r s/ u s . T h isju m p e r ' sm g / m in e .

It'st heir s/ t h e i rd o L L . Thewoterbottle'shers/ his.

Is it gou/ gourfootboLL? TheMP3ploger'shers/ her.

24 U n i t4
we'regoingto havea game We'vegotsomegoodplayers on our
offootball. putyour
Please team,sowe'regoingto playwell.
on quickly.


Weuseodjectives nouns(things).
to describe Weuseodverbs verbs(octions).
to describe
Adjective Exomple Chonge Adverbs
E mostodjectives slow + -[g slowlg
endsconsonont* -U heoLthy 21+-itg heoLthilg

Someobverbs oreirregutar.Goodchonges to we[[ ondfost becomes

Weput odverbs of the endof o sentence, or oftero verb.Compore
with odjectives.
Adjective Heis a slow runner.Sheis afast wolker.
Adverb Herunsslowlg.Shewalksfast.

6 Chonge into odverbs. 7 Circlethe correctonswer.

the odjectives
l quick,luickl'g 1 T h o tco risve r gslo wL g / sL o w.
2 fost 2 Yo up lo g e dr e o L Lggo o d/ we l.L
3 nice 3 T h e gp lo g e dh o p p iL/h
g o p p Vto gether.
4 ho p p g 4 Weo lwo g se o t h e o [th g,' h e o L thi Lg
5 good s Wh gd o e sF ino L wog stc Ik to u d/ Loudl .g?
6 heo lth g 6 T h o tte o mco n ' tr u nve r gq u ick/ qui cktg.

Writesentences. ondthe verbin brockets.

1 Mo L L gi s o L o uds i nger.(s i ng)
2 I ocko n d L e ooregoodtenni spLoU e r (sp. L o g )
3 I'm o fo st ru nner.(run)
4 Mi L L ge o tsh e ol thgmeoLs(eot)
5 S o m eo n im o Lsorev ergs l ow .(mov e )
6 T hesu n i s ve rgbri ghttodog.(s hi n e )
7 Isobellehoso nicevoice.(toLk) Uni t4 25
We hove fo hu rryl. Whyand because

Youhaveto go straighton
I hoveto for theScience
he hosto
s hehost o turn Lefi
we hoveto

We usehoveto + boseform whenwe

totk oboutsomething thot we mustdo.
It's late. Wehaveto \eavenow.
Weofien usehoveto whenwe give
to someone.
Youhaveto go left at the traffic lights.
Thepostsimpleformis hodto + boseform.
Theghad to go overthe bridge.

Whengivingdirections, we oftenusethe
imperotive.Thisis o moredirectformof
givingon instructionthon hoveto.
Turnleft.6o overthe bridge.

F. Weofienuseof whenwe toLkoboutwherewe hoveto turn or stop.


il Stopat the traffic lights.Gostraighton at the roundabout.


L Lookof the Listof jobs.Writesentences

with the correctform of hoveto.
1 Jornle'.cs :r nelp Dod inthe gorden,
I Jomie/ helpDod in the gorden
2 Bobond Poul/ woshtheior
3 4
Amy/ mqke lunch
4 Lt you
ond I / go shopping
5 6 I / do my
you/ cJeonthe kitchen

U n i t5
Complete Usehoveto ondthe verbin brockets.
the conversotion.
Anno Excuse thecinemo?
io ci-t (go)stroighton for 2OOmetres.Then,
Mr Lee You' i'1.1,.'i:'
uou' (turn)Lefi.At the roundobout,
( t u r n )r i g h t .
Anno O K t, ho n k s .
Mr Lee No,woit.Youo (go)overthe roilwogLine.
Anno s th e p e tr o sto
YesI, k n o wi t .T h ec i n e m o 'bg l tio n .
Mr Lee No,gou' (go)postthe petrolstotion.The
c inem o 'osn o t h e5r 0 0m e t r es.

Lookof the mqp.Givedirectionsfrom the schoolto the Science
Usehoveto ond the wordsfrom the box.
gost{€ighfon go over turn Lefi turn right go stroighton

F romth e sch o ol gou

' hsve t0 q o s trui !i rr.'-;' .Then
ot the bonk.Afier thot, gou

th e b r idge.T he ny o u

ot th e t rof f icLig h t sF.i n o [ L g ,o u

of the r oundob o uTt .h eS c i e n c e

Mu s eumist he b i gw h i t eb u i L d i n g .

3.Writeoboutthejournegin th e p o st.UseI h o d to .
Lookof exercise
1 F irst, in :i ,1 i -.- ).:,.-'-
2 Then,
3 Afierthot,
4 T he n ,
5 F in oL L g , Uni t 5 2t
the instructions
Chonge intothe imperotive.
1 Youhov eto g o s t r o i g hot n .
2 Y ouhov eto t u r n L e f o
t f t h e r o u n d o b o u t.
3 Y ouhov eto g o b o c kt o t h e c i t gc e n tr e .
4 Youhoveto tu rn rightct the trofficLights.
5 Yo uh o veto go ov erthe roi Lw oglin e .
6 Yo uh o veto go s troi ghton of the r o u n d o b o u t .

W h y a ft ysvl Because the museum

r v o r r i e d, C h a rl i e ? cfosesat threeo'clock.

' 51

TL W eus ewh g w h e nw e w o n tt o o sko b o u to r e o so n

o r co u se .
Weus ebe c o u swe h e nw e e x p l o ino r e o so n
o r co u se .
t Whgaregou late? Becausetherewasa |ot of traffic.
Whydo gou eatsoquickty?Because I'm alwayshungry!

Motch 1-8 w i t h o - h .
1 Wh go r eg o uw o i t i n gh e r e ? a Beccuse
I s t u d gh o r d .
2 Wh gi sT o r os ot i r e dt o d o g? b B e c o u s it
e ' s m g b ir t h d o gt o m o r r o w .
3 W hUd o g o uL i k eb o o k s ? c B e c o u s it
e ' sW e d n e s d o g .
4 Wh Ud o g o uf i n d e x o m se o sg ? d B e c o u s Uo
e ud id n ' t b r in go m o p !
5 W hUo r eU o us oh o p p g ? e Becouse
it's mg fovouriteJood.
6 W hUi st h e m u s e u mc l o s e d ? f B e c o u s Ie' m g o in gt o m e e tA liceh e r e .
7 WhUdo gou eotpizzosooften? g B e c o u s Iee n jo gr e o d in g .
8 Wh Uo r ew e L o s t ? h B e c o u s seh ed id n ' ts le e pwe L LL o stn i g h t.

28 U n i t5
Writethe wordsin the correctorderto mokequestions.
I whgI hungrg/ ore/ gou

/ sogreen/ whV/is
2 Englond

3 drive/ do/ Vou/sofost / whV

4 Horriet/ is/ whV/crging

s did/ get/ *hV / we / lost

6 score/ oLotoJ/ does/ Fronk/ gooLs

/ whV

7 enjog/ gouond loson/ whg / comping/ do

8 orrive/ ot the concert/ Lote/ PenngondTino/ did/ whV

9 whg /Coro/tired / is/otwogs

o pronounond the wordsfrom

Lookof exercise7.Write onswers.UseBecouse,
the box.

@ not leovehomeonti,me goto bedlote gothe wrongwog

be in o hurrg tikebeingoutside !ss,:gmd ploger it roino lotthere besod

1 Because
I dldn't eat breokjost.


., Unit5 ',,ffi

Comparative and
The bestholidoyl superlative

Yourroomis nicerthan mine. Butourroomis smallerthan vours.

n Tomokecomporotive odjectives,
we normoLLg odd-eror -r.
Thistable is cheaperthan that toble. It'snicerthan thoseoverthere.
endingin consonont + -9,we delete-g ondodd-ier.
Witliamisfunny but Ericisfunnier than Witliom.
with two or moresgLLob[es, we put morebeforethe odjective.
Thesenew chairsaremorecomfortablethan the old chairs.
Theopposite oJmoreis [ess.We uselessin the somewou os more.
Thissofais lesscomfortablethan that sofa.
Thetwo mostcommonodjectives thot hoveirregu[or comporotives
goodondb o d .
Ryanisgoodatfootball, but OIly is betterthan Ryan.
Ryonis worseatfootball.

1 Chongethe odjectives
1 wh ite 2 hoppu
3 comfortobLe 4 soft
5 expensive 6 modern
7 b ig 8 toLL

U n i t6
Lookof the picturesondwrite sentences.
Usethe comporotive
exercisel in the someorder.

* Uni t 6
3 Lookof the tob[e.Completethe sentences.
Usecomporotive ond [ess.
ToL[ Inte[tigent Hoppg I T h e ois t a t le r t h a n ALice.
1 1 .55m 2,/,/ 3,/ 2 T h e ois oLtg.
4 1.50m ,/,/,/ r/
3 T h e ois ALice.

4 A lic eis oLL9.
s O L L 9is ALice.
6 O L L gis ALice.

TomokesuperLotive odjectives,
normoL[g odd-estor -st.Forodjectives
with two or moresgllobles, we put
the mostbeJore the odjective. Whereare the least expensive
I |ikeFrenchandGeogrophy, but
Historgis the mostinterestingsubject.
Theoppositeof the mostisthe leost.
Weusethe leostin the somewog os
the most.
All the lampsareexpensive,but this
oneis the leastexpensive.
Thetwo mostcommonodjectives thot
hoveirreguLor superlotives oregood
The cheapestroomsare at the top,
becauseyou haveto climbmorestairs!
Olty is the bestatfootbaLl.
Ryanis the worstatfootbaLl.

4 Writesuperlotive
Adjective Comporotive Super[otive
1 nic e ni c e r th e n L cers
2 hungrg hun g r i e r
3 interesting m o r ei n t e r e s t in g
4 br ight b r i gh t e r
5 impor t on t m o r ei m p o r t o n t
6 comfortobLe morecomfortoble
7 coLd c oLder
8 beoutifuL morebeoutifuI

,2 U n i t6
5 Circlethe correctonswer.
qot the(worst)/worsemorkin moths.
1 Li[L,t
2 She's
mostintelligent/ the mostintelligentgirLin the closs.
3 Themostimportont/ Theimportontest
thingto remember
is someone's
4 Whichsubjectisthe leost/ the lessdifficuLt?
5 Youmustcomewith us.It'sthe best/ goodestmorketin the world!
6 Thot is worst/ the worst ideoI conthink of.
7 ThotfiLmwosthe leostfunng/ leostfunniest.
8 I Liketheseshoes.
Theg'rethe morecomfortobLe
/most comfortobte.
9 Andg'so nicest/ the nicestpersonin the ctoss!
10 Mg G r ondp ot' s
h e o l d e s /t m o s to l d p e r so nin o u r fo m iL g .

Lookof MoLLg's
schoolreport.Completethe text. Usecomporotive
ond superlotive
lessondthe leost.
MoLLg isverggoodot historg.
In foct,she'sI the best (good)
School Report
inthecloss.In Eng[ish,
( h ig h )m o r kin the cLoss.
Name: ffloll1Jon..
It isn ' tsu r p r isinth
g o t M o L [gis
( g o o din) th e cLoss
Fc.n.h 68"'. o t En g [ishSh . er e o d so lo t o f En g L ish
t10"'. sto r ie s.
Sh eL ikem s o th sth e L e o st.soi t i sn't
lfl"ths o
su r p r isinthg o t sh eg o t
English w
( to w)m o r ksin th o t su b je ct. T h esu bj ect thot
G.ogrophl CZU" s h eis t ( h o p p gobout
) is
Historl 1Gu" o r t.Sh e[ike so r t o L o t,sosh ewo ssodw hen
(9oz^ sh eso wh e rm o r k.Wh e nsh ed isco vered
th o t h e rm o r ksfo r scie n ce we r e
Art u ( b o d th
) o n m o s tother
su b je cts,sh ed id n ' two n tto te L Lh e rporents! Unit6 33

Kgvlew I Units4II I

1 Completethe sentences.

2 Completethe sentences.Moke odverbswith wordsfrom the box.

IK corefut heovg good quiet bod loud

1 ThegwereLote.Theyron -J-os!
2 I'm vergpleosed.
I plogedfootboll
3 Wegot wet.It wosroining
4 Theicewosdongerous. Wewolked---
5 Peoplewereosleep.WetoLked
6 Hegot o Lowmorkforhishomework. Hedid it
7 Wecouldheorherfromthe nextroom.Shesong

3 Completethe diotogue.Usethe verb in brocketsond hoveto, hod to

or on imperotive.
'AregouLooking YouI hqv-e
for thecinemo? to t!{[ (turn)Lefthere.

right.You1- (go)overthe bridge.It isn'teosuto find.

I5 (osk)someonewhenI first movedhere!"
,4 Review2
Writethe wordsin the correctorder.Usewhg or becouse.
1 gou/ ore/here/ woiting/ ? WhUore gou woltlnghere?
2 didn't/ o mop/we / hove
3 is/hoppg/IudU/7
4 ongrg/ ore/ Mum ondDod/ ?
5 we / did/get Lost/ ?
6 her/it's / birthdog

Lookof the tobles.Completethe sentences.

expensrve comfortoble interesting
I redcorpet 2 troiners 3 historg
f2Opersquoremetre ,/,/ ,/./

5 bluecorpet 6 high-heeLed ? r"tht

f4O persquoremetre shoes/

1 Theredcorpetis lessexPensive
thon - the bluecorpet.
2 Thetroinersore the high-heeled shoes.
3 Historgis moths.
4 In s wimm in gS, e bi s- - Leo.
5 Thebtuecorpetis the redcorpet.
6 Th ehigh-heeted
shoesore th etr o in e r s.
7 Mothsis historg.
8 In swimming,Leois Seb.

Lookof the tobles.Completethe sentences.

comfortoble ol,d good
HotelAl,bert 1 ,/ /,/ 2,///
HotelChorles / 3,/,/ / 4,/
HotelVictorio / / s ///
I HotelAlbertis the tol l es t
2 HotelAlbertis
3 HotelChorlesis
4 HotelChorlesis
5 HotetVictoriois Review2
Will andwon't
Wiff we be fomous? Futuretimeexpressions

ln the future,t'll be rich Yes,

and l'll havea fastcar. won't haveto do homework!

We usewi[[ ondwon'tto to[k oboutthefuture.
Affirmotive= wi[[ or '[[ + boseform.
It will be warmer. We'lltravel bg rocket.
Weofien usethe controcted form '[[ ofier pronounsl"ikeI ond gou,ond ofierthere.
We'lI eat betterfood. There'llbe morepollution.
We mokenegotives with won't + boseform.
Peoplewon't havebig cors. Money won't be important. Theformswi[[, Jil
'[[ ondwon't t:
We mokequestions with wi[[ + subject+ boseJorm. o o n T c n o n ge . I
Willthe testbe easy? Yes,it will. / No,it won't.

with '[[ or
Lookof the notesoboutHorrg'sLifein the future.Writesentences
won't ond be,hoveor [ive.
't Age?26 lHe 26.
2 Morried?Yes 2 He morri ed.
3 NotionoLitgof wife? French 3 He o French wife.
4 ChiLdre nN?o 4 He chi Ldren.
5 Iob? No,studentof o French universitg 5 He o job.
6 Addr es s5?R u ed u M o r c h 6P, o r is 6 He in E ngLond.
7 Houseorflot? FLot 7 He in o flot.
,6 Unit7
2 Lookof the notes.Writesentences
Lifein thefuture.Usewi[[ ondwon't.

I I / drive / 6 forsl cci( /
1 I / nctvelo / go to schoo\r(
my dcrd / h(^veto / vofi, /
\ tnere/ be / ccu'toons/ on TV crl\ tt''e tine /
I / taY,e/ friends / to the moon/
fhere / be / ctnypollutionX
/obofs / do / ct\\the boring vor\, /
people/ tr(rve\ / bv plcrneI
v Iowns and cifies / be / s(^fe{
10 I / hcrvefo pcryf or / crnythingrY

1 I't|'drlveo fost cor.



3 Lookof exercise
2.Writequestionsond shortonswers.
1 WittI drive_
--- --
Yes,I witl
_cqr?-- f

10 Unit 7 ,7
E t,,

ln a month'stime,we'llbeon holiday!


Weoftenusetime expressions whenwe toLkoboutthefuture.Hereoresome
c omm onfu t u r et i m ee x p r e s s io n s:
t next week nextmonth nextgear next Tuesdaynextlulg
this evening this afternoon this week this year
on Monday
in a week'stime in a month'stime in a year'stime

we writethe
Whenwe toLkoboutmorethon onedog,week,monthor Ueor,
opostrophe ofierthe noun.
in two months'time in ofew years'time
TotoLkoboutsomething we usesoon.
thot wiLLhoppenin the vergneorfuture,
WitIyou writesoon?
Totol'koboutsomething thot wilLhoppenon the somedog,ofiero shorttime,we
Iane will beherelater.

4 Todogis Soturdoy10thIonuorgot 1Ooklock.Motch1-8 with o-h.

1 10thFebruorU a th isg e o r
2 W ed n e s d o1g4 t hI o n u o r g b soon
3 S un d o g1 1 t hI o n u o r g c in th r e em o n th s' tim e
4 S ot u r d o1g7 t hI o n u o r g d nextmonth
5 30thN o v e m b e r e tomorrow
6 3 p.m . t o d o g f thisofternoon
7 in t e n m i n u t e s ' t i m e g nextWednesdog
8 in A p r i L h nextweek
38 Unit7
5 Lookof Mol.l,g's diorgondwrite sentences. from the box.
Usetime expressions
It is Fridqgllth Februorgot 9.55o.m.

Friday llth February

- Saturday l2th February

Morning Morning
100O do the shopping maKe cctKe

Afternoon Afternoon
ring Tincr preperethe food
have 6 sho\"/ef
fidy fhe hoqse Evening
6 30 the parly stcrrtsl

Sunday13th February
rest c.\\ CcryI

in Jrve,minut-esl
1 I'LLdotheshopping tlme-
2 I'LLmokethecokeon --, --
3_ I ' t t r i n gTin o .
4 Thesecond thingI'LLdo is prepore
5 -*-- ofierthot, I'[[ hoveo shower.
6 I ' L Lt i d gt he h o u se .
7 I'[[ -

with wi[[ or won't ond on or -.

5 Lookof exercise5.Completethe sentences
1 M ol. LgW -o l - 1 'dt ot h e s h o p p i n g o n So tu r d o g .
2 Mol.l.U ringTino thisofiernoon.
3 M oLLg- r e s to L Ld o g F r id o g .
4 Moltg prepore the food tomorrow.
5 Mol"l.g hoveo shower Loter.
6 M oLt g t i d gt h e h o u s e Su n d o g .
7 MoLLg - hoveo shower - Soturdog. Unit7 39
Much,many,lotsof and a lot of
Lotsof fun! Some andanv


You'vegot fotsof them!

We usemuch,mong,Lotsof ondo Lotof whenwe tolk oboutquontitg.
We usemuchwith uncountoblenounsin negotive ondquestions.
Wehoven'tgot muchtime. Hoveyou got muchhomework?
We usemongwith pluroIcountoblenounsin negotive ondquestions.
I didn't visitmongmuseums.Didyou buy mangsouvenirs?
Wec onus em u c ho n dm o n gi n t he e xp r e ssio h
nos wm u ch ...?
o n dh o wm o ng...?
Theseexpressions oreofienfoltowedbg o noun.
How muchfooddid you bring? How mang touristswerethere?
We useo tot of ondLotsof with uncountobleondplurolcountoblenouns,in
offirmotiveond negotive sentences,
ondin questions.
Wehaven'tgot a lot of time. HasTomgot lotsof sweets?

I Complete
the sentences.
Writemuchor mong.
1 I hov en'tg o t rQ.ich time.
2 Didgoubr i n g Luggoge?
3 T hereore n ' t p o s s e n g eor n
s th e p lo n e .
4 Wedon'tneedto bug food.
5 Wewon'thoveto toke moneuwith us.
6 Hovegougot suitcoses?
7 T hereor e n ' t n e w s p o p einr sth e sh o p .
8 I con'tsee hotels.
40 U n i t8
Usewordsfrom the box.
2 Completethe sentences.

k( lots much mong Lotof mong o lot

1 E[[o's
goto lot of books.
2 Thereoren't sondwiches.
3 Hehosn'tgot -- time.
4 Thotshop'somozing. got
Theg've oJmogozines.
5 Look!Thereoreo t o gs!
6 Wedidn'tbug offood.
7 Hovegougot c o i n s?

3 Lookof the list.Writequestions.

Usehow muchond how mong.

Clcr-re- orcLngesc,-nd apples

Actrfin - lemonade (1 litres)
George - breo.d (\ofsl-)
T*ra ' 5OOg cheese
Fr.ed - ccr-Kes(5-)
Ccrrrie - wrrt|er (1 Uig botfle)
Henry - dcrfes (r''c.le cr. Ki\o)

1 - How monu o r o n o e so n d o p p l es wi[[ C[orebring?

2 wi[[ Mortinbring?
3 wi|'[Georgebring?
4 wi[[Torobring?
5 wi[[ Fredbring?
6 wi[[ Co r r ieb r in g ?
7 wi| ' [He n r gb r in g ?

4 look of exercise3.Write onswerswith lots of or o lot of.

I ([otsofl Clorewill bringlotsoJ orongesond oPPles.
, 2 (o tot of)
3 (totsof)
4 (o Lotof)
s (o tot of)
6 (Lotsof)
7 (o Lotof) Unit8 +t'
Haveyou got
any lemonade?

No,but we'vegot some

bottlesof water.


e Weusesomewith uncountoble ondpluroLcountoble nounsin offirmotive

nJ I've qot some

fruit. She'sgot somebottlesof water.

',l We useongwith uncountoble ond plurolcountobte nounsin negotivesentences
ondin que s t i o n s .
Theshophosn'tgot ang soap. Havegou got ang coins?

the sentences.
5 Complete Writesomeor ong.
1 I'd Like icecreom.
2 Thereore n ' t f l i g h tsu n tiIto m o r r o w.
3 T hereore o f t h e p e o p le fr o mo u r p lo n e .
4 A mUhos n ' tb r o u g h t su ncr e o m .
5 I s t here i n J o r m o t i on o b o u to u rflig h t?
6 I 'v egot c h e e sh . eg o uh u n g r g ?
e e r eAr
7 Therewo n ' tb e s h op sn e o rth e h o te l.
8 Didgoub u g s o u v e n ir s?
9 Shehos n ' g
t ot L u gg o g e .
10 M um did n ' tb u g b on o n o sg e ste r d o g .
42 U n i t8
Usesom€1ohgrHow muchond How mong.
6 Completethe conversotion.
MrsLoneGoodofiernoon. Hovegougot 1 -ong bononos?
AssistontYes,certointg.l wouldgoutike?
MrsLone Five,but I hoven'tgot 1 moneu.I'vegotfour pounds.
MrsLoneYes,but I need , - cheeseosweLL.
MrsLones isthot?
AssistontThot'sthreepounds, pLeose.
MrsLone HereUouore.
Liketo brg ' gropes?
of our Lovetg
MrsLone Yes,pleose.I Lovegropes.
AssistontYou'reLuckg. Wedon'tusuollghove Lefiot thistime of dog.
MrsLoneI 'LLbri n gm o r em o n e un e x t im e !

7 Tick(/) the correctsentences.

1 @ Theshopon the ferrghosgot o Lotof comics.
! rf'. shopon the ferrghosgot o Lotcomics.

2 ! weremonuchitdrenin the gift shop.

! wereLotsof childrenin the gift shop.

3 D Howmuchof moneghovegougot?
! Ho* m uc hm o n e gh o v eg o ug ot?

4 ! nr. theremonUpeopLe
in the cof6?
! nr. thereo Lotpeoplein the coJe?

5 O W ehov e n 'gt o t s o m ei c ec r e o m.
O * . hov e n 'gt o t o n gi c ec r e o m.

6 ! r f , . re is n ' tm u c hi n J o r m o t i oonb o u tth e Je r r g .

! r h. re is n ' ts o m ei n f o r m o t i oonb o u tth efe r r g .

, D I c on'tc o r r g m o nLgu g g o g e .
D r con't corr1ongLuggoge. Unit8 4t
of purpose
The infinitive
A foofball mofch How often...? andadverbsof time

we wentto thestadiumto watchthematch.

ft *" useto + boseformofieron octionto sogwhgwe didthe oction.

I Strewentupstairsto get hercoot. Dadswitchedon the TVto watchthe news.

1 Motch1-10with o-j. Writesentences.

1 Edwordswitched
on the comcorder a seethe odverts
2 A ndgondM o xw e n t u p s t o i r s b p o g fo rth e ticke ts
3 Mum put o n h e rb e s td r e s s c to keo n h o lid o g
4 S uet ookt h e g l o s si n t ot h e k i t ch e n d p L o uo tr icko n h im
5 Dodt urn e du pt h e r o d i o e g o to th e p o r tg
6 Thegboughto newsuitcose f listento the news
7 Peopleuseo remotecontrol g chongeTVchonnels
8 Wes ov e do [ [ o u r m o n e g h fiL mh isfo m ilg
9 T heowen t i n t oS i d n e g 'bse d r oo m i p lo go co m p u tegr ome
10 Mum onlg wotchesTV j get somemorewoter

1 _ h_ EC';r.,orc
hc_d_o^n tq flim hrsfqmrfu.
tA Unit9
We usehow often...?to osksomeonehow
How oftendoyougo
frequenttgtheg do something. to footballmatches?
How often do you eat in a restaurant?
Toto[k obouthowfrequentlgwe do things,
we con usethe expression once/twice/
threetimeso + dog/week/month/geor.
I eat in a restaurantaboutancea month
Sattygoeson holiday twicea geor.
We olso useeverg+ hour/oJternoonf
dog/Tuesdog/week/month/ geor.
I get up at 7o'clockevergdag.
Weplag bosketbailevergFridag.= WepLag
basketballon Fridays.

'L l=ortr once

.i1 2=h^rotirnes twice
{ l=t h r e e t i m e s Notveryoften.Wego about
4 = fourtimes threetinnesa year.

Useeverg,once,twice or three times.
1 On Mondogs, Tuesdogs ondFridogs -thre-etLlnes o week
2 O nS ot u r d o gosn dS u n d o g s we e ke n d
3 A t L0o. m .o n d2 p . m . - _o d o g
4 I n I onuo r yM, o go n dO c t o b e r o Ue o r
5 Onthefirst Fridogof evergIune Ueor
6 O n S und o g s Su n d o g
7 At 10o'clockevergdog o dog
8 Ev er Tg ue s d oogn dT h u r s d o g , o we e k
9 O n mg bi r t h d o g Ue o r
10 Evergdog beforebreokfost morning

U n i t9
2 Completethe sentences.
Useverbsfrom the blue box,nounsfrom the redboxondto.

climb +W corr7 toke pictures music asmes peopleondploces

switchon trovelto tistento foodondclothes thetime hoLidog
know bug moke fitm open o wotl o door theTV the moon thenews

1 Weconuseo computer--tQ-dqg0 o m e s.
2 Weuseo comero
3 We useo rocket
4 We useo suitcose
5 We useo ctock
6 We usemoneu
7 We useo remotecontrol
8 Weconuseo rodio
9 We useinstruments
10 We useo comcorder
l1 Weuseo keg
12 We useo lodder

Write the words in the correctorderto moke sentencesond questions.

1 upstoirs/tidg /to / herroom/ Moil.g/ went
Mot lu went u p s t o l r st o t l d u h e r r o o m .

2 Dod/ to the petrolstotion/ somepetrol/ went / get/ to

3 go / con/ to the zoo/the onimoLs/to / we / see/ ?

4 to the hospitol/ get/ to / he/ turnedLefi

5 somedolphins/ we / the zoo/to / see/ visited

6 people/ write/ the olphobet/ to /words f use

7 wotked/ wotch/ to the pork/ Kotie/ the f reworks/ to

8 th ef ood/ m ok e / M u m / t o / b o u g h/o
t p icn ic Unit9 4t
5 Lookof the toble oboutLibbg.Trueor folse?WriteT or F.
Activitg Howofien?
1 go to the hoirdresser's LstSoturdogof
2 wolkto school onceo week
3 do the housework i n the mo r n in g s
4 go o n h o l i d o g i n Morcho n dA u q u s t
5 visith e rGro ndmo on S und o g s
6 hoveo picnic Ls tS und o gin I u n e , I u [ go n dA u g u s t
7 getspresents on herb ir t h d o g

1 Libbggoesto the hoirdresser's onceo month. T-

2 LibbgwoLks to schoolevergdog.
3 L i b bgdoest he h o u s e w o rekv e r gd o g .
4 L i b bggoeson h o l i d o gt w i c eo g e o r .
5 LibbgvisitsherGrondmoeveruweekend
6 L i b bghoso pi c n i c f o ut ri m e so U e o r .
7 Libbggetspresents everggeor.

Write questionswith How often.Thenwrite the onswerswith once,twice

or threetimes.
1 He nr g/ v is it h i sg r o n d p o r e n t H
s o w o Jte r d
t o - e He
s- - n r gvislt h r sg r o n Gp :' :' .:s?
hirEcndpcr-entsthreetlmeso uea'.
threetimes/ geor tlenrg-uisLts
2 Mondg/ wot c ho d o c u m e n t o r g
on S ot urdoU s
3 Ctor e/ orguew i t h s o m e o n e
2 times/ V eor - - - , -
4 Mox/ wotcho film
on Tues dogosn dT h u r s d o g s
5 Fi n/ go s wim m i n g
l tim e/ week
6 Zok/ visithisgrondporents
3 times/ wee k Unit 9 47
Review3 Units7-9

ond questions.
1 Rewritethe sentences Usewi[[ or won't.
1 Wedon'ttrovelbghologrom. 2 Thereoreflightsto the moon.
3 I hov em or em o n e gt o s p e n d . 4 Ch ild r e d
n o n ' te o t u n h e o L thg
f ood

5 Dopeop[ eg o o n h o L i d oeUv e r Ug e o r ? 6 We don't hoveto work.

7 A ret her er o b o t si n e v e r gh o m e ? 8 T h e r eis n ' to n g p o lL u t io n .

2 Complete
the text. Usefuturetime expressions
from the box.
loter on Thursdog tornorro'W-
Monday go shoppin3
thisF ridog i n 2 4h o u r s ' t i m e n extwe e k
Tuesday rqeet Al'c. ond Joron
I hov et o go s h o p p i n'g r l r i ' , b e co u se of the oicport
we'regoingto needLotsof food.AliceondJosonore Wednesday
orr iv ing' . I con'tbeLieve theg'[[be
Thursdayvisit the torrtnmuseum
h er e' . fosonLoves museums, soI've
decided we'regoingto visitthe town museum Friday hoveq portl
. A L i cwe o n t st o s e et h e co u n tr g sid e , Saturday
sowe'r egoin go n o p i c n i c ' . An do f
co urs e,we'L[h o v eo p o r t gf o r t h e mu Sunday

Monday $o or' prcnic

Circlethe correctonswer.
1 Hov egoug o t m o n g/ m u c hs u i tco se s?
2 Don'tworrg.We'vegot muchof /Lotsof time.
3 Dowe needmong/ muchfood?
4 Thereoreo tot of / mongnewspopers overthere.
5 Howm uc h/ H o wm o n gm o n e Uiso n ed o llo r ?
6 Howmong/ Howmuchbreodhovewe got?
7 I hoven'tgot o Lotof / lotsorongejuice.
8 We needto get much/ Lotsof icecreomfor the portg.

48 Review3
Completethe sentences.
Usesomeor ong.
1 Mum needs-S-aXXe** shompoo.
2 Woito minute.IU Liketo bug -- chocolotes
for Sue.
3 I con'tsee--- -- - shopossistonts.
4 Theghoven'tgot --- - - - biscuits.
5 WouLdgoutike--- * - icecreom?

Motch 1-7 with o-9.

1 -E- Mg Dodtistensto clossicot music a to do herhomework.
2 Hebou g h ot n e w t e n t b to seethe dolphins.
3 -- Wewent to town c to relox.
4 B obbgo n dM o xw e n tt o t h e o q u o r iu m d to bugsomenewclothes.
5 Mum switched on the rodio e to put mg booksin.
6 S heus e dt h e c o m p u t e r f to Listento somemusic.
7 I needo newschoolbog g to to keo n h o lid o g .

6 Writethe wordsin the correctorderto mokesentences

ond questions.
1 ofien/ Vou/ how/ Lotefor
/ ore/?
How oftenore uou lotefor schoot?
J----- - --.----------- --

og / twice/ geor
2 mgfomiLg/ o /goes/ on hoLid

3 doV/ footboLL /I / everg/ hove

4 visit/ ofien / Vou/ do / gour grondporents

/ how / 7

s Au ntLuc g/U e o/r o / s t o y s / w i t hu slth r e e /tim e s

6 go / we / o / geor/ on hoLidog

7 d oV/ c leons /M u m/ t h e h o u s e/ o / o n ce

8 I/wit h Chor l i e l s w i m m i n/gF r i d oV/g o /e ve r g

9 gUm/ t he / s i x/ m g s i s t e r / v i s i t s /we e/ktim e s/ o Review3
l've done my homework Thepresentperfect(1;

scoreda goal!

Wehaven'tfinishedthe game!lt's 1-1. we mustscoreonemoregoalto win!

Affirmotive Shortform Negotive

I/gou/we/gou/theg hovefinished 'vefinished hoven't finished
he/she/it hosfinished 'sJinished h o sn 'Jini
t shed

We usethe presentperfectto totk obout Weform the presentperfectwith

something thot hoppenedvergrecentlg. hosor hove+ postporticip[e.
I've sentyou a message. In mongcoses, the postporticiple
We'vefinishedour homework. (finished)isthe someosthe post
Weotsousethe presentperfectto tolk simpteform. However, mongverbs
obouton octionin the postthot is sti[[ hove irregul.orpost porticipleforms, -> done, hove + hod.
true now.
Thereis o Listot the bockof this bookon
It's verycleanin here Yes,
Amy'stidiedup! poge80.
We normotlgusethe shortform,especiotlg
in conversotion.

the boseformsinto postporticiptes.

1 Chonge
1 moke rr 2 p lo g
3 put 4g o
s f inis h 6 hove
7 s og 8 throw

50 Unit10
Complete Usethe presentperfectondo verbfrom the box.
the sentences.
soii tidg do write cotch moke throw win

1 Thotboot o LoL r o u n dt h e wo r ld . 2 Am U h e rb e d .
3 IudgondCor r i e theirrooms. 4 We o u r h o m e wo r k.
5 H orr gondO L L 9 o bigfish. 6 You t h e wr o n g o d d r e ss.
7 mub o LiLn t oU o u rg o rd e n . 8 M gfr ie n d s t h e m o tch .

3 Lookof exercise
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8

Lookof the pictures. Usethe verbsfrom the box.

nctput moke return print notturnon Jinish

Lewis h i st o g so w o U . Do d o L o n gd o c um e n t.

W iLL io m the c ompu t e r . G r cn d m o o n d G r c n d p o dinner.


ilno her bed. fromth e s hops. Unit 10 51


Weform present perfectquestions

with hove/hos+ subject+ postporticiple.
In offirmotive
we oLwogs usetheful.L
HasFintidiedup? Yes,hehas./ No,hehasn't.

5 Lookof the sentences. Usethe presentperfect.

1 I 'v eLook eodf g o ur d i o r g . 2 Coro'sseenthe EiffelTower.
d i q rq ?
on to the computer.
3 We'veLogged 4 T h e g ' ve d e In te r n et.
se o r ch eth

turnedoffthe printer.
You've 6 T h em o tchh o ssto r te d .

M umond D o d ' st i c k e t sh r ; ; o rr iu e a . YouondTimhove*on in. tropr'g.

9 G or g'shu r th i sL e g . o photoof mg house.

1 0 I'veottoched

t2 U n it1 0
Usethe presentperfect.
6 Lookof the picture.Writequestions.

1 MoU.g/ use/ a tot of books

/ switchofJ/the computer

/tidg / herbedroom

MoLlg/ Jinish/ herhomework

/ make/ herbed

/ eot lth e o p p l e

Mol. Lg
/ c los e/ t h e c u r t o i n s

/ put/ herbooksowou

6. Writeshortonswers.
Lookof exercise
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8 Unit 1 0 53
The presentperfecl(21
A speciofodventure ever andnever

Where's place
5 We usethe question form of the present you'velived?Haveyouever
perfect+ everto oskobouto person's livedin themountains?
t Yes,I have.
life experience. Thewordevermeons
'in gourLifeupto now'.Weconrespond
us ings ho r to n s w e r s .
HaveMum andDadeversaileda yacht?
HasTomeverbroughthomea dangerous insect?
Yes,he has.
Thepostporticiple of the verbsbeondgo
ist he s om e .
be Olly wason TVlast week.
Haveyou everbeenon TV?
go lamiehastravelLed a \ot.
Hashe everbeento the desert?

Writethe wordsin the correctorderto mokeouestions.

1 L i ve dI e ver/gou /v i l l oge / o /ho v e / in
' ,1 r ., ' ' i iiii.i r.;.:'

2 gourf ovolcono/ hove/ seen/ ever/grondporents

3 hos /Iim / met / o diverf ever

oc eon/ s o i t e dl o c r o s sl I / o n f e ve /h
r o ve

o c hi| "fd e v e /r M o u n tE v e r e s/ ho
t s / cL im b e d

6 Vou/ been/ hove/ to / everf Austrolio

7 it / everf snowed/ hos/ Iutg / in

/ everf on / gou/ penJriend

8 hod/hove / English

2 look of the toble. Write questionsond shortonswers.Useever.
f indong bei no meeto fomous rescued g o t o o c lim bo
moneu big storm exptorer o n u o n e roinforest voLcono
You 1X ,/ 2X 3/ x 4, /
Ed ,/ sx x 6X 7,/ 8X


1 HoveIokeond Beltoeverseeno tiger?I No, theg hoven't.-
2 HoveUouevervisitedAmerico?/
3 Hovewe everhodicecreomot7 o.m.?X
4 HosEthonevergoneto schoolbg toxi? X
5 Hovegouevertrovelledobrood?/
6 HosGrondpoeverbeenin o coveT/
7 HoveMum ond Dodeverseeno lifeboot?,Y
8 HoveI everspento weekin o tent? /

4 Completethe text. Usethe verbsin brocketsondever.

I Hove _ Uou eveJbeen--(go)toEnglond? yes,I
2 - gourteom (win)o trophg?Yes,mg teom
(win)totsof trophies.
Gorg (ride)o bike?No,he
4 Tedond Lewis (go)toon oosis?No,theg
I- (meet)gourbrother?No,gou- Un it11 55
=.1!TW=::::::. :'-

neverclimbed--a mountain.

We useneverin the presentperfectto to[k oboutsomethingthot we hove

not done in our LiJeup to now.Weolwoususeneverwith on offirmotiveverb.
I've neverclimbedthe EffiITbwer, Mg grandparentshaveneverbeento London.

5 Completethe sentences.
Useneverondthe verbin brockets.
1 Leo_sneverrrret (meet)on Austrolion.
2 We- ( s e e) th o tfiL m .
3 Theex p[ o r e r ( b e )in o d o n g e r o usitu
s o tio n .
4 I ( g o ) t oAm e r ico .
5 Mg pore n t s ( s o iLo) n o n o c e o n .
6 Tobg (9et)Lost.
7 Loroond HoLl.g (use)o comcorder.
8 You ( f i n d)o d in o so u r .
9 We (tose)our homework.
10 G rondm o n dG r o n d p o ( se n do) n e m o iL .

thetext.Usethe present
Comptete perfectof theverbin brockets.
Hi B iLLg,
It wosgreotto heoroboutUourtrip to Austrolio.I I '-v-q bqen--(nevergo)
to thot portof the world,but I'- - -- (visit)Conodo.I'vegot o
friendthere,but hisporents
(neversee)Americo, ondtheg: -- --- (nevercotch)
o plone.Mg friend: - (trove|.)
bg ploneten times!
i - --- (goueverwont)to livein o differentcountrg? I hove!
gousoonJoro chot.Bgefor noq Andg
I'[[ coLL

56 Unit11
Lookof the pictures.
Complete questions
the sentences, ondshortonswers.
Useever or neverondthe verbsfrom the box.
Lose send -sd( meet get find go Like


#x A n n O S n e ver S0lleai o r o u n dth e wo r ld .

H o sM o n d g to Eg g p t?

'ffix HosFred p e r so n ?
o Io p o n e se

M u m o n d Do d che e se?

T Iock o letter.

90u o twe n tg - pound

note in the street?

115 -
\'I9 Fi nond G or g h ig h m o r k s
moths .
,n&:l-,.' J or
6d+ rl

uou o n gm o n eg?
x Unit 11
Should and shouldn
We shouldplay oufside Could and couldn

Togiveodvicewe useshouldor
shoutdn't+ boseJorm.
I'm tired.
Youshouldgo to bedearlier.
Billy'sgot backache.

playcomputer gamesall day.

L Motch problems1-9 with odviceo-i. Write sentences

with shou[dor shou|'dn't.
1 I c on'ts t u dg f o r m g e x o m s . a Lookforthem.
2 I'm gettingfotter. b Dr in ks o m eh o t L e m o n .
3 I 'v egot o h e c d o c h e . c S it in t h e L ib r o r g .
4 I hov en'gt o t c n g m o n e u . d Do moreexercise.
5 I 'v egot c c o l d . e Dr in ks o m ewo t e r .
6 I 'v eLostht et i c k e t s . f G e t o jo b .
7 I hov en'gt o t o n Ue n e r g U . g T o L k t oUo u r t e o c he r .
8 I 'v egot o s o r et h r o o t . h E o ts o m e t h in g .
9 I t hink t h eL e s s o nosr ed i f f i c u L t. i Do n ' tt o I k .


2 Lookof the list.Writesentences
with shouldor shouldn't.

t Youshouldn't
oo to bedtoo [ote.
Tipsfor heolthYliving 2
. Don'tgoto bedtoo lote.
. Eotmorefruit ondvegetobles.
. Don'teotlots of sweets
. Relax.
. Don'twork too hord. 8
. Wolkto school.
. Don'tcotchthe busoll the time'
. Goto bedeorly.
. Don'tdrink frzzydrinks.
. Dolots of sport.

Useshouldor shou[dn'tondthe wordsin brockets.

3 Writesentences.
wontsto sovemoneu.(spend
1 BiLLg ol.l.hispocketmoneg)

2 FinhoshurthisLeg. footboLL)

3 Lin d owontsto get o goodschoolreport.(workhordin closs)

(bugsweetsond biscuits)
4 Penngwontsto be heoLthg.
5 Wiltiomwontsto helphisMum ond Dod.(tidghisroom)

6 Theteocherwontsherstudentsto leorno lot evergdog.(giveLotsof homework)

7 Thechildrenwont to speokgoodEng[ish.(proctise
o Lot)
(tokeon oppleto school)
8 Helendoesn'twont ong breokfost.
She Unit12 59
Weusecouldor couldn't+ boseform to toLk
oboutobil i t gi n t h e p o s t C
. o u l do n dco u ld n ' t
orethe postformsof conondcon't.
Thechildrencouldspeaktwo Ianguages whenthey
Hecouldn'tseethe boardbecause he neededglosses.
Wec onusec o nt o c o m p o r oe s i tu o tio n
o r o b ilitgin
t he pos tw i t h o n en o w .
Max couldn'tspeakFrenchwhenhe wosyoung,but
he cannow.
Afew monthsago,Irinacouldn'tswim.Shecannow.
I couldn'tscorea goallast
Olivercouldswimvergfast whenhe was |itt|e,but
weekbut l cando it thisweek.

C ircl eth e correc tons w er.

1 I co u [df c ondo g1mnos ti cw s he n I wo s Uo u n g .
2 Wh Uco u ldn't/ c on't U ouc omet o t h e p o r t g ?I t wo s g r e o t .
3 Eth o nco n 't/ c oul dn'tpLogfootb o L Lb e c o u s eh e h o s n ' tg o t h ist r o in e r s .
4 Dodcouldn't/ coulddrivewhen he wos Jourteen,but he could/ connow.
5 L e oo n d E LLc
c on/ c ou[ds peokF r e n c hb, u t t h e g d o n ' t s p e o kF r e n c hv e r go f t en .
6 Gro n d p owos c s w i mmerw hen h e wo s g o u n g .He c o n ' t/ c o ns wim n o w,b ut h e
cou[dn't/ couldthen.
7 I've Lostmg kegs.I con'tf couLdn'topenthe doorwhen I got home.

5 Lookof t he [i s t .C o m p l e t et h e s e n te n cewith
s co u [do r co u [d n ' t.
Tengeorsogo ...
d riveo co r ./ 1 Yosmin d r ivea co r .
useo co m p uter X 2 Ro b c n d l u seo co m puter.
' , p" o k Sp o ni s h ,/ 3 Edword sp e o kSp o n i sh.
pitcho tent X 4 Tedond Leo pitcho tent.
runte n ki L o metres X 5 Lewis run fifteen ki[ometres.
Lighto fire ./ 6 K im o n d I Lighto fire.
write computerprogroms ,/ 7 Clore wr iteco mp u ter progroms.
pl.o gth e g u i tor X 8 S id n e g p [o gth e g u itor.
cti m btr e e s ,/ g Seb cL im btr e e s.

60 Unit12
6 Completethe sentences.Usethe verbsfrom the box ond coutdor couldn't.

i{e sit cook eot run ptog

1 Grondpo (/) -lQuldjrde-- o horsewhenhewos goung,but he (X) *ecn't - now.

2 MoLlgondGemmo(X) - the violinLostgeor,buttheg(/) -- now.
3 Dod(/) -- fost when hewosof school,but he (X) *- now.
4 Mum (X)--- ,--*cokeswhenshewoso child,but she(/) ---- now.
5 Grondmo (/) -- on herhoirwhenshewoso gir[,but she(/0- - now.
6 Horrg(X)-- oppleswhenhewos obobg,but he (/) - now.

7 Lookof the toble. Write sentencesobout foson. Usecou[dor cou[dn't.

When he wos five ... No W h e . . .
1 driveo cor x x
2 pl.ogfootboLL x ,/
3 runfost ,/ ,/
4 swim x ,/
5 reod x ,/
6 speo kEn g L is h x ,/

g_eqr.He cod_L_drws_o
1 -Hg_eauldn't*dr:rv_e_ cor nevy-*

the emoil.Usecon,con't,cou[d,coutdn't,shou[dor shou[dn't.
6Se C:)
Hi P enng,
I'm sorrgI kouldn,L emoiIgougesterdog.Iwosiil.soI 1 -- go to school.
Mum soidI' -- - stogin bed,but I L sleepsoI wotchedTV.I sow
o showoboutmonkegs. Thegs ctimbtreesvergquickLg!Ii
climbthe bigtreein ourgordentoo.Comeondvisitme of the weekend! Mum
sogsI - *.--- runoroundtoo much,but we -t
-- climbthe tree!
Writeto me soon!SoLLg Unit 12 61
Review4 Units10-12

1 Writestotements or questions Usethe presentperfect.

1 I /switchoff/the computer
'v e s wi t c h e do f f t h e c o m p ute r .
2 we /notfinish /our schoolproject

/ t id y / h e r r o o m/ ? / /
3 HoLLg

4 GeorgeondTheo/ notput /the booksowog

s Eric/ moke/ hisbedtodog/ ?/ X

6 Dod/ print/ olLthe documents

7 we / seorch/ the Internetforthe informotion/ ?/ X

8 Gemmo/ not tog on / todog

or questions Usethe presentperfectondgo.
1 ev er / He i d/iA m e r i c o/ 7 / /
*Hqr HgtdLqver
beento America?Yes shehos.
2 Mr ond Mrs Cooke/ AJrico
f never

3 Iosperf ever/Austrolio/7 / X

4 LiLgondMorion/ never/ Americo

5 F ronk / A u s t r o t i o / e v/e?r / /

6 everf Andy ondTheo/ Africo/ 7/ X

62 Review4
Lookof the pictures.Write sentences.
Useshou[dond shou[dn't.

@ d o m o r e e x e r cise wo r kso h o r d
drinksomewoter spendo[[ dog pl.oging computergomes

u shouldn't egt so_mqnq=s_w_e_q_ts,


4 look of the chort.Complete Usecould,couldn't,conor con't.
the sentences.
Ti m/ plog t heg u i t o r
I / speokFrench
we / cook
Vou/ s peokEn g L i s h
Gron d m oo n d Grondpo/w ol k o l ongwo g
we/ ptogin the ofternoon

F iv eg e o r so g o,Ti m i c i :G Rt p [ o gt h e g u it o r .No w,h e . i. n

Now,I s p e o kF r e n chF.iveg e or so g o ,I
Fivegeorsogo,we cook.Now,we
Fivegeorsogo,Uou s p e o kEn g L ishNo. w,g o u
Fivegeorsogo,Grondmo ondGrondpo wolko longwog.Now,theg
Now,we plogin theofiernoon. Fivegeorsogo,we Review4
Helpingothers pronouns:who andwhicf

birthdavtomorrow. I'm goingto makea birthday
cake.will you helpmez

t W heno pr o n o u ni st h e s u b j e cot f
o sentence, we usesubjectpronouns
(I ,gou,he ,s h e ,i t ,w e ,g o u ,t h e g ) .
I likehim.
Weolsouseo directobjectpronoun
insteodof o noun.
Sheboughtthe bananas.
themto makea smoothie.

Wheno pronounisthe objectof ( th e m= th e b o n o n o s)

o verb,we usedirectobjectpronouns
(m e,gou,h i m ,h e r i, t , u s ,g o u ,t h e m ) . With verbsthot hovetwo ports,
Likeswitchon ondchopup,we .,-_l''
I |ikehim. PIoywith us. putthe pronounofterthe verb. t'
Switchit on. Chopthem up.

the tob[e.
Su b j e ctp r onouns Objectpronouns
it it

u ou
t heg

64 U n i t ' l3
2 Circlethe correctobjectpronouns.

TheteLevision istoo quiet. Yo u to

r g so r eu n tid g .
I con'theor'it/ him. T id gth e m/ it o wo g

Shehos n'ts eenu s/ h e r . L o o ko f m e / u s !

ConI plogwithgou/ me? Who's s in g in g ?It's

W h o ' ssinging? I t s her
h e r /i she.

Writethe wordsin the correct

orderto mokesentences
underlinedwordsinto objectpronouns.
1 to bu7/ Like
/ thotCD/ I'd
,fi i:' ia :.liiLi li
' '

2 the veqetobles
/ Vou/ chop/ con/ up / ?

3 con't/Tonqo/ Jind/ I

4 pour/ into/ the bLender

I the miIk

5 ch onge/ gou/ u o u rt i c k e t/ c o n/ o t th e sto tio n

6 to the c onc e r/ t g o i n gt o / T i m/ w i th / Go r g/ is/ g o Unit 1 3
ls that the cakewhich
yot)'ve madefor rtlumz

It looksbeautiful.

We usereLotive pronouns
to connect

Thereis the boy.Hemadethe smoothie.
li Thereis the boy who madethe smoothie.
We usewho whenwe oretolkinqoboutpeopte.
In the sentence
We usewhichwhenwe oretoLkingoboutonimotsor things.In the sentence
whichrepLoces it.
Thisis the drink.It is verypopularhere.
Thisis the drink whichis verypopularhere.

Circlethe correctonswer.
1 th e m il kwhi c h /w ho gou pour e d
2 th e g irLw hi c h/ w ho w e Li k e
3 th e b o g w hi c h/ w ho i s deof
4 th e p o n whi c h/w ho s heus ed
5 th e d o n g erw hi c hI w ho the gi r lsd id n ' t k n o w o b o u t
6 the personwhich/who Loggedon beforeme
7 the photoswhich / who I ottoched
8 th e crisp sw hi c h/ w ho H orrgbo u g h t
9 the horseswhich/ who ron into the fiel'd
10 th e m o n egw hi c h/w ho w e hov e n ' tg o t

66 Unit13
5 Writesentences.

Th ere's
t he dog i sd o n g e r o us. S h e ' st h e g ir L s 0 w o h u r r i co n e .

Th ot 'st he phot o D odtook . He r e 'th
s e sto tu e broke.

,.,- ^^^,]
Th ot 'st he s m oo t h i e C orri emo d e . He r e 'th
s e in fo r m o tio n

Th os eoret he os t r o n o u t s
goi n gt o t he m o o n .
ore L o o kT . h e r e ' tsh e
t h e t r o p h ie s
fl A
6& wo n o L L

/ I ! 1\

Where'stheJood I c s k edgou Co m e Los r e o n im o L s d o n ' td r i n k

to bug? m u c hwo t e r . Unit I 3 67
Datesand uzasborn
Happy memories On andir

in t hat p h o t oC
, randpa?

Yes,I wos.I wason a train I was

travellingabroadfor theflrsttime.

'f*l W. usethe postcontinuous to toLkobouton octionthot wosin progress

I o f o c ert oi nt i m e i n t h e p o s t .
'/ We
form the postcontinuous with wos/were+ postporticipte.
sentences, usewosn't/weren't. we usewos/were+ subject+
pos tpor t ic i p L e .
I waswalkingslowly.
HoIIywasn'tlisteningto herMP3player.
Wereyou makingdinner? Yes,Iwas./ No,I wasn't.
Seepoge78f orformotionof the -ingform.

1 Comptetethe sentences.
Usethe verb in brocketsond the presentcontinuous.
1 Iudg \.i\i, ( m o ked) in n e r .
2 Am g o n d Zoe ( n o two tch )o fiL mo t th e cin e m o.
3It ( r o inve
) r gh e o viL g .
4 Youond Iock (notwoit)ot the busstop.
5I (feel.)vergcold.
6 You ( tid g )Uo u rr o o m .
7 Thetroffic (move) vergslowlg.
8 WiL [i o m ( n o tse n do) n e m o iL
to Io m ie .
9 Osco ro n d I (toLk) oboutthefootboLL motch.

58 Unit14
Lookof the pictures.
Writeo negotivesentence
ond on offirmotivesentence.
Usethe postcontinuous.

LewisondGorg/ woit/ of the busstop

Lewis and Gorg weren't waiting at the bus s_tgp
Theu were woltlnq at the clnemo.

Dod/ cleon/ the house

Mum ondSophg/ mokecoffee

Iess/ write o letter

the bogs/ ptoVtennis

look of exercise
2.Writequestionsond shortonswers.
1 Lewis
ondGorg/ woit/ of the busstop
_WqreLqwlsqn-dGlrruw_ettjnq ot the*busstop?No, theq weren't.

2 Dod/cleon / the cor

3 Mum ondS o p h g/ m o k e/ d i n n e r

4 Tes s / wr it e / o L e t t e r

s the bogs/ pLoV/ bosketbol.L Unit 1 4 6q
That'syourmumwhenshewasa baby.
Shewas born on 5th May 1978.

Thewog we toLkoboutdoteswhenspeoking is differentfromthe wog we

write dotes.
We sogthe sirth of Mag.Wewrite 6th May.
Foro Listof ordinolnumbers,
Usewos bornwith I/he/she/it.Usewerebornwith gou/we/gou/theg.
Grondpawasborn on L2thFebruary1.952.
Thetwinswerebornon 2LstApril199L.

Withdotesonddogsof the week,useon.

on Saturdoy,on 29th September
on 20th March,on 7th December
With georsondmonths,usein.
in L969,in Mag

4 Circlethe correctonswer.
1 W e'r egoi n go n h o l i d o go n / @ fu L g .
2 DidgoursisterLeove schoolin / onL995?
3 Wefirst hodelectricitg in ourvitlogeon / in 20thMog L935.
4 Gustove EilfelbuiLtthe EiffeL Toweron / in 1889.
5 Mg neph e w 'gso i n gt o l i v ei n A m e r ico in /o n M o gth isUe o r .
6 Dogout h i n k t h e r ew i L Lb ec o r sin /o n 2 O5 O?
7 Wegot m o r r i e do n / i n S o t u r d o6gth M o g2 0 0 0 .
8 PeoplefromEuropefirst orrivedin Americoin /onL62Oin/on 2LstNovember.

70 Unit14
5 Lookof the toble. Completethe sentences.
Usewos bornon ond o dote.
1 When- -\MqS- Mr Dixon*- bo-rn- I Mr Dixon LstIonuoryL9TL
Mr Dixon wos boln -o_n-]-rtjeb*r_uqru_ 1q73 .
MrsDixon L4thFebruorgL9T3
2 When Mrs Dixon---.- -?
F in 30thMog2000
Mrs Dixon- --
Iosper 30thMog2000
3 When F i no n dl o s p e r - ?
Fi nondI os p e r Ange[o 2LstSeptember
4 When Angelo- - ? Grondpo 7th MorchL953
Ange[o Gr o n d m o 5th Mog L954
5 When Grondpo ?
G rondpo
6 W hen Grondmo ?
G r ondmo

6 Lookof Potlg'scolendor.Completethe sentences.

Monday Tuesday Wednerdey thcrdey Friday Saturdey Sunday

1stTack 2nd 3rd 4th 10.30 5th 6th

starts Dentist
new iob (Max)
8th 9th 1orh 11th 1zth 13th
14th 15th I 16th 17th 18th t"boppg', 20rh
t KatestagingI partg
23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th
21st 22nd
zEth 29th 30th

and Dad's g anntversa

tno anntversarg

Iockisstortinghisnewjob -on I sLSeptem-ber

Mox is goingto the dentist
I'm goingto visitTino
Koteis goingto stogwith me
Mum ond Do d ' sw e d d i n go n n i v e rso ris
g Un it1 4 7l
There,they're and their


We usethe postcontinuous
with the postsimplewhenwe wontto totk obout
somethingthot hoppenedin the midd[eof onother,longer,oction.Lookot
Postcontinuous Postsimple
I wos walking to the shops. It stortedto rain.
Weconmokethesetwo octionsinto onesentence bg connecting
them with when.
I was walking to the shopswhen it startedto rain.
Weconusewhenin the middleor of the beginning of the sentence.If we put
we mustput o commo(,) ofterthe first port of the sentence.
it of the beginning,
Thephonerang whenMr Taglorwastalking to hisboss.
WhenMr TayLorwostatkingto hisboss,the phonerang.

I Circlethe shorteroctionthot hoppenedin the middl,eof onother,longerone.

T hec hiLd r ewne r ep l o g i n go u t s id ewh e t stortedroinin
WhenI wo sm o k i n gd i n n e rM , r sCo o p epr h o n e d .
WhenTimwosrunningfor the bott,hefe[[over.
Tommgwostellingo scorgstorgwhenthe Lights wentout.
Evergone woswoitingwhenI wolkedintothe room.
WhenI wokeup,mUbrotherwosdoinghishomework.
G eorge on dW i L L i o wme r eb u y i ngCDswh e nth e gh e o r dth e o L o r m .
Youweretolkingto thefishermonwhenthe bigbootorrived.
72 U n it1 5
2 Lookof the pictures.Complete Usethe postsimpleor post
the sentences.
continuous of the verbsin brockets.

T he me ch o n ic (repoi rt)h e c o rwh e n t h e p h o n e ( r in g ) .


Th eGreen
J omi L g (w oL k )t o t h e b e o c hwh e n t h e s t o r m (stort).

He (reod)a magoz i newh e n s o m e o n e ( to keh) isb o g .


E dw o r d ( p l o U ) f o o t b owh
tL e nh e ( hu r t ) h is L e g .

ALice (do)her homew o r kwh e n t h e J ir e wo r k s (stort). Unit 15 77
Do we write commosin thesesentences?
Write , or -.
1 WhenIfirst sowUouE go, werestondingoverthere.
2 I wosweoringmg bestshoes! *h"n IfelLover.
3 It wos stortingto snow! *n"n we lefi school.
4 Whenthey weredrivingposttheirhouse! tf'.g sowo monoutside.
5 Shewost o L k i n tgo o j o u r n o t i st
! *h e n th e cr im eh o p p e n e d .
! wfrengouonswered
6 YouwereLoughing the phone.
of the zebrosD o monkegjumpedup of her.
7 WhenshewosLooking

4 Lookof the toble.Writesentences.

Usewhenondthe correctform of the verb.
Firstoction Secondoction
'l I / get/ reodgfor schoo[ something
stronge/ hoppen
2 Dod/ eot/ breokfost his boss/ ring
3 Dod/ Look/ worried he/ put/ the phonedown
4 h e/ sm i[e he / teLl/ usthe goodnews
5 I/w o L k/tos c hool I / reoLizedit wos the weekend
/ dri nkteo
6 th e b u iLder the wo[L/ feLLdown
7 Kote/ smile I / lookot her
8 we / lookfor/ Kim'spresent we / sow Kim

I._ Wos oe t t l n or e o d uf o r s c h o o lwh e n so m e th ln ostr o n o eh o p p e n e d .

= J "JJ-'

W hen
W hen
W hen

Un it1 5
WhereareCharlie,Mollyand Harry?
lL, It isvergeosgto confuse the wordsthere,
1l theg'r eondt h e i r T
. h e gs o u n dt h e so m eb, u t Theirshoes
t their meoning ond useorevergdifferent.
Thereisthe oppositeof here.
Lookat thefishermanin hisboot out there.
Weotsousetherein the expressions
thereis ondthereore.
Is therea restaurontnearhere?
Theg'reisthe shortform of theg ore.
Theg'reworriedaboutthe exams.
Theiris o possessive odjective. Usetheirto
to m o r e
tot k obouts o m e t h i ntgh o t b e l o n gs
thononeper s o n .
Westayedwith Sallgand Tom,andplayed
tennisin theirgarden.

5 Lookof the pictures. the sentences.

Complete Usetheg're,theiror there.

Sebhosgot boLL. o b o n k n e o rh e r e ?

S oL[go n d L iL go r e eoti ng di n n e r . h o v in gc p ic n ic .

6 Comp[ete Usethey're,theiror there.

the conversotion.
AmU W hotor et h o s eo v e r ' ?
Cl or e ' p r e s e nftos r K i mo n dT in o '. g o o dfr ie n d so Jm ine.
AmU A ret hegs i s t e r sI?t h i n kt U b r o th ekn
r o ws o b r o th e r .
Cl or e Y ou'v be
e e nt o ' . g o ur e m e m b e r thpeo r tgth e gh o du
h o u seDo Unit 15 7t
Review5 Units13-15

1 Circlethe correctonswer.
1 Congouheort /@
2 we go ondseeit / her?
I wont to seethotfi[m.ShoLL
3 Thotbog'sfunng.Let'swotchhe / him.
4 Do gouhovemuchhomework? Hovegoufinishedit / them get?
s ConI ptogwith theg/ them?
6 Do gou knowher/ she?
7 Congoucometo the beochwith us/ oursof the weekend?
8 I con'theorgou/ gour.Pleosespeoklouder.

2 Completethe sentences.Usewho or which.

1 There's the bog Wha- won the trophg.
2 IU Liketo meetthe mon invented this.
3 Here's the milk gouneedfor the smoothie.
4 Look.There's the monument I told gouobout.
5 A mon - wosborndeofond blindconnow seeond heor.
6 Arethosethe glosses - gou[ike?
7 Where's the mon heLped Uoucorrgthe bogs?
8T heg, ret h e p e o p [ e - m o v e d h e r e fr o m Am e r ico r e ce n t[g .

3 Rewritethe sentencesond guestionswith the post continuous.

1 I lookedotthe photos. I was looklng at the
2 Themondidn'tListen to me.
3 Shepointedo picture.
4 Didit r oin ?
5 W hodid g o ut o L k t o ?
6 Wefinishedour homework.
7 Thechil.dren modeo messin the kitchen.
8 A n hourog o ,I m o d ed i n n e r .

Usewosborn,in or onondo dote.
4 Lookof the notes.Writesentences.
1 Tino:MogL97sT-rn-q-wqs ul4-qg I q7-5,,
2 Fronk : 7t]hu n e1 9 8 0
3 F r e d :1 9 8 8
4 Cor rie:
Ls tI o n u o r g
s LiLg:
8th October
6 Tino:MorchL995
7 S id n e g :2 0 01

Usethe postsimple,the postcontinuous
5 Writesentences.
1 PhiL
/ run/ he/fo[Lover
phil wo-s[unnrngwhenheJettover.-
2 thegf orrive
/ it /snow
3 we / hovedinner/ gou/ coLL
4 BiLLg/ teLLo joke/Tim / comeintothe room
s theg/ cookdinner/thefiLm / stort
6 I/ hov eobo d d r e o m/ I w o k e u p
7 evergone f orrive/ Vou/ Listen to gourMP3ploger

6 Completethe conversotion.Usetheg're,their or there.

Smith.I think' they're Lovelg
Cothg I LikeZoeondToro girls.
too.HowLonghovetheg Lived
thegore.ThegLivein o verunicehouse,
Penng Yes,
Cothg In OxtonStreet? Aboutthreemonths.It isn't' house,
Penng ReoLLg? Whoseis it?
Cothg It belongs to o grondporents.
Penng It'so big house.
Cothg Yes,onds 'so biggordenof the bock.
Penng 6 v e r gL u c k g ! Review5 n

Verb E xcmp Le Chonge - ingfor m
mo s tv e r b s pl.og + - ing ploging
v e r b se n d i n gc on so n o n+t -e w ri te )(+ -ing writing
v e r b se n d i n gv ow e L+ tro ve L doubLe + - ing
finol consonont tr oveLting
t o r -g
c o n s o n o net ,x ce p -w

I T hepresent
simp te
AlJirmotive N e g o ti ve Qu e stions Shor tonswer s
I pl,og I d o n 't p [o g Do I pl.og? Yes,I do. No,I don' t.
g o up l o g g o ud o n 'tp l o g Do gou pl.og? Yes,gou do. No,goudon' t.
it p L o g s i t d o e sn 'tp l o g Doesit pl.og? Yes,it does. No,it doesn't.
we ptog w e d o n 't p l o g Do we pl.og? Yes,we do. No,we don't.
t h e gp L o g th e gd o n 'tp to g D oth eg pl.og? Yes,theg do. No,they don' t.

T hepresent
Alfirmotive N e g o ti ve Questions Shor tonswer s
I 'm p t o g i n g I'm not pl.oging Am I ptoging? Yes,I om. No,I'm not.
g o u ' r ep l , o g i n g g o uo re n 'tp L o g i n g Ar egou ptoging? Yes,gou ore. No,gouor en't.
it 'sp l o g i n g i t i sn 'tp l .o g i n g Is it pl.oging? Yes,it is. No,it isn't.
we'repl.oging we oren'tpl.oging Arewe pl.oging? Yes,we ore. No,we oren't.
t he g ' r ep l o g i n g th e g o re n 'tp l .o g i n gAr etheg pl.oging?Yes,theg oren't. No,theg or en't.

T hep ostsimp| .e
AlJirmotive N e g o ti ve Questions Shor tonswer s
I pl.oged I d i d n 'tp l o g Did I pl.og? Yes,I did. No,I didn' t.
g o up l o g e d g o ud i d n 'tp l o g Did gou pl,og? Yes,goudid. No,goudidn't.
it pLoged it didn't pl.og Didit ptog? Yes,it did. No,it didn't.
we ptoged w e d i d n 'tp l o g Didwe pl.og? Yes,we did. No,we didn't.
t h e gp L o g e d th e g d i d n 'tp L o g Didtheg ptog? Yes,
theg did. No,theg did n't.

78 G r o m m o rre Je re n ce
Affirmotive Negotive Questions Shortonswers
I've ploged I hoven'tpLoged HoveI pl.oged? Yes,I hove. No,I hoven't.
gou'vepLoged gou hoven'tploged Hovegou pl.oged? Yes,gou hove. No,gou hoven't.
it's ploged it hosn'tploged Hosit ptoged? Yes,it hos. No,it hosn't.
we've pl,oged we hoven'tptoged Hovewe ploged? Yes,we hove. No,we hoven't.
theg'veptoged theg hoven'tploged Hovetheg ploged? Yes,theg hove. No,theg hoven't.

Affirmotive Negotive Questions Shortonswers
I wos ptoging I wosn't ploging WosI pl,oging? Yes,I wos. No,I wosn't.
gou were pl.oging Uouweren'tploging Weregou ploging? Yes,gou were. No,gou weren't.
it wos pl.oging it wosn't ptoging Wosit pl.oging? Yes,it wos. No,it wosn't.
we were pl.oging we weren't ploging Werewe ploging? Yes,we were. No,we weren't.
theg were ploging theg weren'tploging Weretheg ptoging? Yes,theg were. No,theg weren't.

n umbers
O r d inoL
Lst first llth eleventh
2nd second 12th tweLfih
3rd third 13th thirteenth
4th fourth 20th twentieth
sth fifth twentg-first
6th sixth 30th thirtieth
7th seventh 3Lst thirtg-first
8th eighth
9th ninth
10th tenth Grommorreference
Boseform Postsimple Postporticip[e
be wos/were een
bre o k broke broken
brin g brought brought
bui L d buiLt buitt
brg bought bought
cotch cought cought
do di d done
d rin k dronk drunk
drive drove driven
eot ote eoten
foLL fel.l. fol.Len
feeL ful.t fel.t
find found found
fLs fIew fl.own
get got got
go went been
hove hod hod
heor heord heord
hurt hurt hurt
know knew known
leorn leornt [eornt
Light l_it Iit
moke mode mode
meet met met
Po9 poid poid
put put put
reod reod reod
ride rode ridden
ring rong run9
run ron run
so9 soid soid
see 50w Seen
send sent sent
sing s on9 sun9
sit sot sot
sleep s[ept sLept
speok spoke spoken
spend spent spent
swim SWOm SWUm
toke took token
tel,l. totd tol.d
thin k thought thought
throw threw thrown
weor wore worn
win won won
write wrote written

Forstudentspreparingfor the
CombridgeESOL YoungLeorner\exomsz
Storters: l ond2
3 ond4
5 ond6

tsBN 978-0-19-4780't5-5

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