Ex1.3 - Le Minh Son - 20201917

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Exercise 1.

1. Does it look like a complete essay? Why?
 The essay in Appendix 4 is a complete essay. Because this
essay are suitable for all criteria of one essay. the first reason
that it uses well-ordered paragraphs, not sections. Secondly,
there are not any table or chart. Third, it dose not include
appendices. Finally, it dose not use headings, sub-headings or
2. What did the author want to tell his audience in this essay?
 There are 3 purpose that the author want to tell his audience in
this essay. Each purpose corresponds to a paragraph in this
essay. It’s a harm of sulfur dioxide, where is sulfur dioxide come
from and how reduce sulfur dioxide.
3. What did the author want to tell his audience in the first paragraph?
Which sentence represents that purpose? Where is it located?
 In the first paragraph the author want to tell his audience that
harmful effects of SO2. The first sentence of this paragraph
represents that purpose “Sulfur compounds, chiefly  sulfur
dioxide, SO2, are among the most unpleasant and harmful of
the common pollutants gasses.”.
4. What did the author want to tell his audience in the second paragraph?
Which sentence represents that purpose? Where is it located?
 In the second paragraph the author want to tell his audience
that where is sulfur dioxide come from in the United States. The
first sentence of this paragraph represents that purpose
“Combustion of coal accounts for about 65%...for another
5. What did the author want to tell his audience in the third paragraph?
Which sentence represents that purpose? Where is it located?
 In the third paragraph, the author talks about the measures to
reduce SO2 released into the environment. The content
sentence is at the beginning of this paragraph too “One way to
reduce the quantity of SO2 released into the environment is to
remove sulfur from coal and oil before these fuels are burned.”. 
6. Do these paragraphs cite or refer to information from elsewhere?
 yes, it does. All data of this essay are refer from elsewhere. 
7. Comparing the types of references in these paragraphs, how different
are they?
 There are 2 types of references in these paragraphs. The first
reference is data of one experiment about SO2. The second
one is reality data.

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