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Seminar and Technical Writing, IV Year II Semester, April-July, 2021

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,

St. Ann's College of Engineering and Technology– 523187, Andhra Pradesh, India

Guidelines for Preparing the Camera-ready


Name Surname1*
Roll Number1*

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, St. Ann's College of Engineering and Technology–

523187, Andhra Pradesh, India
Corresponding author (e-mail:

The abstract should give a concise and clear description of the objectives and novel
results of the work in not more than about 200 words. Please print the abstract in
italics and make it narrower by 0.5 cm at each side.

Keywords: Format, Guideline, Seminar, Technical Writing (arrange the words in

alphabetical order)

1. Introduction

In today’s competitive global market, the increase of consumer needs for high
quality products has driven the manufacturing industries to continuously improve
product quality as well as to maintain productivity. Keeping this in mind, the
manufactures put the focus on automation of the industries and to realize full
automation in machining, computer numerically controlled (CNC) machine tools have
been implemented.

2. Camera-ready manuscript

Your task is to approach the usual quality of papers typeset in technical

journals. Please pay most attention to the layout and overall appearance of your paper.
The manuscripts will be subjected to editorial modifications. Use an automatic spell-
checker. You have to send black-and-white texts and figures, preferably.

2.1 Page format, fonts and type size

Seminar and Technical Writing, IV Year II Semester, April-July, 2021
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
St. Ann's College of Engineering and Technology– 523187, Andhra Pradesh, India

The length of the whole manuscript is limited to TEN pages. Papers exceeding
TEN pages will NOT be considered. Please prepare your paper as per the standard
A4 format (210 mm  297 mm). All margins should be set at 1.25”. Justify the left
and right margins. Please use the Times New Roman font. The type size should be
12 points, 1.25-lines spacing. The only exception is the title, sections and subsections
of the manuscript, which should be 18, 14 points in size and printed bold. The
names of authors and their affiliations should be centred as shown above. The
abstract, without any heading, is printed in italics. Don’t number the pages.

2.2 Sections and subsections

Please use Arabic numbers and bold upright lower-case letters for section
headings. Subsections, if any, should be numbered as shown here and printed in bold
italics. Leave one blank line below each heading.

2.2.1 Sub-subsection

Please use italic font without bold for the sub-subsection.

2.3 Figures and tables

All figures should be appropriately placed in the text. The figures should be
numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers. Place figure captions directly below or
beside figures. In figure captions, try to use words and symbols rather than symbols
alone. Similarly, like figures, all tables should be numbered in Arabic numbers and
placed at their appropriate places in the text.

Table 1: Title of table, centered, Times New Roman 12, 1.25 lines spacing

Sl D (mm) L (mm) T (0C) C (Rs.)

1 20.5 54.3 30 250
2 15.45 38.6 55 187
3 19.65 7.69 110 254
Seminar and Technical Writing, IV Year II Semester, April-July, 2021
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
St. Ann's College of Engineering and Technology– 523187, Andhra Pradesh, India

Fig. 1: Title of figure, centered, Times New Roman 12, 1.25 line spacing

2.4 Equations and units

If possible, use an equation editor to create your mathematical formulae. The

main symbols should have a size of 12 points. Italicize the symbols standing for
quantities and variables but not for mathematical functions (sin, cos, exp, etc.) and
units. Punctuate equations with commas or full stops when they are part of sentences,
like in this case:

. (1)
Indent the equations by 1 cm from the left margin and number them consecutively
with Arabic numbers in round brackets at the right margin, as in Equation (1).
Use the International System of Units (SI) only. Define abbreviations and
acronyms the first time they are used in the text.

2.5 Citations

Number the references consecutively in square brackets [1, 2]. Do not use

“Ref. [3]” or “reference [3]” except at the beginning of a sentence. Give all authors’
names; do not use “et al.” unless there are three authors or more. Papers that have
been accepted for publication should be cited as “in press” or “in print” in the list of

3. Conclusion
Seminar and Technical Writing, IV Year II Semester, April-July, 2021
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
St. Ann's College of Engineering and Technology– 523187, Andhra Pradesh, India

The paper should be prepared using this template which contains the
necessary formats, styles and layouts and then submitted at the website on or before 22nd April, 2012.


Careful consideration and obeying of these guidelines is gratefully

acknowledged by the funding agency.


Papers, books, conference proceedings etc are to be arranged serially as per the
sequence they appear in the text i.e. as per their sl no mentioned in the text. Don’t
write sub-headings like journal papers, books etc. The followings are only a guideline
for writing the references.

For journal papers:

[1] Sahu, R.T. and Patel, B.K. (2010) A subjective and objective integrated multiple
attribute decision making method for material selection. Materials & Design, Vol.
31(2), pp. 4738-4747.
[2] Patel, S.V., Verma, B.B. and Patel, V.K. ( 2011) Design optimization of shell-and-
tube heat exchanger using particle swarm optimization technique. Applied
Thermal Engineering, Vol. 30, pp. 1417-1425. 

For books:

[4] Roy, R.K. (2007) Decision Making in the Manufacturing Environment Using
Graph Theory and Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making Methods, Springer-
Verlag, London.
[5] Rai, S.V. and Sahu, S.K. (2002) Advanced Modeling and Optimization of
Manufacturing Processes: International Research and Development, 2nd ed., PHI,

For conference proceedings:

Seminar and Technical Writing, IV Year II Semester, April-July, 2021
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
St. Ann's College of Engineering and Technology– 523187, Andhra Pradesh, India

[6] Pant, U.V. Lubricant selection using graph theory. Proceedings of the
International Conference on Hydrodynamic Lubrication (eds. Savin, L. and
Solomin, O.V.), Orel State Technical University, 16-18 May 2006, Orel, Russia.

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