Mezzacotta - Square Root of Minus Garfield

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3/16/23, 9:15 AM mezzacotta - Square Root of Minus Garfield

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No. 1298: Squeezedfield - Vertical

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First | Previous | 2012-12-07 | Next | Latest

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Strip by: Midnight Strike

{Garfield is sleeping}
SFX: Burp!
{Garfield is sleeping}
SFX: Burp!
{Garfield wakes up from his dream}
Garfield: I love it when the strip is all squeezed like this.

The author writes:

See Squeezefield for information. 1/2
3/16/23, 9:15 AM mezzacotta - Square Root of Minus Garfield

[[Original strip: 2012-05-27.]]

Original strip: 2012-05-27.

Irregular Webcomic! | Darths & Droids | Eavesdropper | Planet of Hats | The Prisoner of Monty Hall
mezzacotta | Lightning Made of Owls | Square Root of Minus Garfield | The Dinosaur Whiteboard | iToons |
Comments on a Postcard | Awkward Fumbles
Garfield and associated character names and likenesses are registered trademarks of Paws, Inc., which does not
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This is a fan-produced parody site. Original comic strips are copyright Paws, Inc. and are used here only as a
vehicle for parody.

Original aspects of this work are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0
Unported Licence by The Comic Irregulars. 2/2

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