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A. Choose the correct answer

Text for questions number 1-6
This is Mr Darmawan’s houses. It has a living room, a dining room , two bedrooms, a
bath room, a kitchen, and garage. There are four chairs and a dining table in dining room. The
dining room is between the living room and the kitchen. There are four armchairs, a table, a
room divider, a sofa and a TV set in the living room. In each bedroom you can find wardrobe
and a bed. There is bucket in the bathroom. In the kitchen there are many kitchen utensils.
Mr. Darmaawan ‘s red car is in the garage.
1. How many rooms does Mr Darmawan’s house have ?
a. Two rooms b. Three rooms c. Four rooms d. Seven rooms
2. Mr darmawan usually sleeps in the ...
a. Living room b. Kitchen c. Dining room d. Bedroom
3. ‘’ it has a living room...’’
What does the word ‘it’ refer to ?
a. Darmawan’s car c. Darmawan’s garden
b. b. Darmawan’s house d. Darmawan’s garage
4. There are what Mr Darmawan has in the living room room, except...
a. A bed b. A sofa c. A room divider d. A tv set
5. The color of Mr Darmawan’s car is...
a. Green b. black c. Blue d. Red
6. The following are kitchen utensils, except...
a. Plates b. A stove c. Shampoo d. A pan

Text for questions number 7-10

This 160 hectare cultural park, located at the southern outskirts of jakarta city.
Represents indonesia’s motto ‘’ Bhineka Tunggal Ika’’(Unity in diversity ). It features 26
pavilions, each representing a provincialregion of Indonesia. They are life size models of
regional / traditional architectures. The main building is constructed in the joglo architecture
of central java with a pancasila monument at the front. Ethnic art performances are regularly
given in the pavillions. The park has an orchid garden , an aviary with 112 bird species native
to Indonesia archipelago in an artifical lake, parks, museums, a cinema theatre, and many
more places of interest.
7. How many birds species are there ?
a. 122 b. 132 c.102 d.112
8. ’’the parks has an orchid garden , an aviary with 112 bird species native to
Indonesia..’’ The underlined word has the same meaning with...
a. Foreign b. Indegenious c. Strange d.extraneous
9. How many pavillions does the park have ?
a. 112 b. 160 c. 26 d. 54
10. The scale model of Indonesia archipelago is located in ...
a. The orchid garden c. The museum
b. The artificial lake d. The cinemarama
11. Egy and anton ..... humorous boys ?
a. Is b. Were c. Are d. Was
12. Her teeth .... white.
a. Is b. Were c. Are d. Was
13. Susan is nice a girl. She ... many friend
a. Has b. Had c. Have d. Having
14. Anggi : Where will you wait for me tommorow ?
Susi : I will wait for you.... the bus stop
a. In b. On c. At d. Under
15. Agus : Where is he hiding ?
Toni : He is hiding ... the table
a. In b. On c. In front of d. Under

Dialogue for questions number 16-19

Tania : Is 16)..... your umbrella ? the one right here ?
Ria : no, my umbrella is not yellow
Tania :oh , well, what about 17)...... umbrella ? the one on the other side. The grey
one .
Ria : no, 18).... are not my umbrella ?
Tania : where is your umbrella?
Ria : oh, it is over there . 19) my umbrella, behind the door. The green one
16. a. Those b. This c. That d. These

17. a. Those b. This c. That d. These

18. a. Those b. This c. That d. These

19. a. Those b. This c. That d. These

20. Carla called .... before the show started to make sure he would come
a. His b. He c. Him d. Them
21. She showed .... the painting that she made for him
a. Us b. We c. Our d. Ours
22. If the car belongs to you , it is your car, it is.....
a. Mine b. Your c. You d. Yours
23. enjoy spending time together.
a. Our b. Ours c. Us d. We
24. Suddenly, three masked boys,., aged 18 came up to...... and asked for time.
a. Her b. She c. We d. He
25. Sam liked the movie, but .... liked the popcorn more
a. Him b. His c. They d. He
Text for questions number 26-31

The natioanal monument is located at the center of merdeka square. The square is
situated between the old and new parts of jakarta. Construction started on the monument in
1961 to commemorte Indonesia’s fight for independence from dutch. The monument is 137
meters high and has 35 kilograms of gold leaf on its top. The gold leaf flame (115 meter
high ). From here you can see most of downtown of jakarta. You can look down on to noisy
merdeka square(one square kilometer ), one of the largest squares in the world. You can also
visit the museum at the bottom of the monument. Here, you can see diorams showing
Indonesia’s history.

26. What is the text tell about

a. History jakarta b. Monas c. Gold leaf d. Merdeka square
27. How high is the spot where the visitors can see downtown jakarta ?
a. 35 meters b.1962 m c.137 m d. 115 m
28. Where exactly is the national monumnet situated ?
a. At the center of merdeka square
b. Between the old and new parts of jakarta
c. Down town jakarta
d. On jalan merdeka
29. The following ststements are true based on the text above, except ....
a. Visitors can reach 115 meters high in the monument
b. Visitors must take the elevator to reach the top
c. The national monument was completed in 1961
d. The gold leaf flame symbolizes the flameof freedom
30. The text above is included into a descriptive text, so what is the fuction of this text...
a. Entertain the readers
b. Describe a particular person, things and place
c. Present diffrent opinions on particular issue
d. Allow the writer to put down his or her experiences
31. The text about monas is included into descriptive text, so mention it the stucture of
descriptive text ?
a. Orientation- sequence of events
b. Identificarion – description
c. Orientation- complication- resolution
d. Goal- material/ingredients- intructions
32. Arrange the following jumbled words to make a good sentence
a phone call- her- there- for- was- the geography teacher- was teaching- while
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a. 6-7-2-8-3-5-1-4
b. 3-5-1-4-6-8-2-7
c. 8-6-7-3-5-1-4-2
d. 8-2-7-6-5-4-3-1
33. Arrange the following word into a correct a sentence.
Of the mountain- is – his room – the beautiful view – the man- looking at
1 2 3 4 5 6
a. 5-6-4-7-3-1-2 c. 5-1-2-6-4-7-3
b. 5-2-6-4-1-7-3 d. 5-6-1-7-2-3-4
34. Do you like ?
a. These b. A c. This d. That
35. Megan : do you live .... bandung ?
Tora : yes i do
a. In b. At c. On d. For

B. Please analyze the text above and fill the blanks with approriate verb !

There (1)...... (tobe) about 3 teachers in my school. Most of them (2).........(tobe) kind
and helpfull, but my favorite one is Miss dewi, my English teacher. Miss Dewi (3)......
(tobe) tall and slim. She is about 25 years old. Miss dewi is always neatly dressed. She
always (4).........(carry) a brief case to school. She (5)..........(use) it to keep books and
other things.
I always look forward to miss dewi’s class because it is never boring. Her jokes
(6)..........(make) her lessons interesting and lively. She always (7)........ (tell) us to read
more story books to improve our English. She also encourages us to do exercises during
the weekend , like jogging and swimming. Although miss dewi is always humorous, she
can be very strict at times. She will punish the naughty students, if necessary. She
(8).........(ask) them to write what they have done wrong . I (9)......(tobe) lucky to have a
teacher like miss dewi. She (10)....... friendly, dedicated and experinced in her work.

C. Please answer this question correctly !

1. What does the means of descriptive text !

2. Please mention and write down 2 stuctures of descriptive text
3. Please mention and write down 3 ways how to we describe people in English!
4. Please mention and write down 5 adjective in English !
5. Please making short descrption about your English teacher. At least 1 paragraph

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