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On December 25, many countries celebrate Christmas.

For some people, celebrating Christmas is

giving thanks and remembering the birth of baby Jesus. For other people it is a day of celebration
with family and friends. There are also people who have big parties or travel for Christmas. Each
family celebrates Christmas in different ways. My family and I love Christmas. it is one of our
favorite celebrations. We spent Christmas together, but before starting the preparations we
planned what we are going to do that day. We started decorating the house after cleaning
everything. Then we sat down and decided we were going to have dinner. We always have turkey,
rice, and noodle salad for dinner. After going to the supermarket, we started to prepare dinner, it
is tradition to have dinner at 8:00 pm. After dinner, we wait for our presents. We say Merry
Christmas before opening the presents. Then as we are very tired we go to sleep and the
celebration ends. For the next day, keep celebrating We love this celebration because it brings the
family together, you spend time with them and they have a day full of happiness. This is how I
celebrate this day.

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