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Student Name CHE3190

Formal Report
1. What is a chemical reaction and what are reaction kinetics?
2. What is the rate of a chemical reaction and why is it important?
3. What is collision theory of reaction rate: what factors are important in collision theory?
4. What is a rate law for a reaction? What is a reaction order? What are the different rate
laws for different reaction order?
5. How can the reaction order be determined graphically?
6. What is the iodine clock reaction and how are we using it for reaction rate?
7. How does the reaction rate change when we change temperature? Arrhenius equation?
8. What is the Arrhenius equation and what is it useful for?

Put all raw data in appendix. Include the following data in results.

1. KI: Include a table like this for KI experiments.

Experiment Reaction time [Na2S2O3] [KI] Reaction rate


Then show a sample calculation of

- dilute concentration of [Na2S2O3]

- dilute concentration of [KI]
- calculation of reaction rate

Create two different graphs:

- Rate (y-axis) vs. [KI] (x-axis)

- Rate (y-axis) vs. [KI]2 (x-axis)
- Conclusion?

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Student Name CHE3190

2. Include a table like this for H2O2 experiments.

Experiment Reaction time [Na2S2O3] [H2O2] Reaction rate


You have already shown a calculation for [Na2S2O3] and reaction rate

So just show a sample calculation of

- dilute concentration of [H2O2]

Create two different graphs:

- Rate (y-axis) vs. [H2O2] (x-axis)

- Rate (y-axis) vs. [H2O2] 2 (x-axis)
- Conclusion?

3. Include a table for temperature experiments with

Experiment Temperature 1/T Rate ln(k)

(K) Constant, k

Then show a sample calculation of

- 1/T
- Rate constant, k (calculated from rate law and reactant concentrations)
- ln(k)

Create a graph:

- ln(k) (y-axis) vs. 1/T (x-axis)

- add trendline
- using slope of trendline, calculate activation energy

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