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Name: _________________________ Date: _________________

Time Allocated: 20 minutes

PART 1: LISTENING (30 points)

Listen and choose the best option A, B, or C to answer questions 1-5. You will listen

1. What is the relationship between Barry and Marcello?

A. school-mates B. co-workers C. flat-mates
2. What was Barry doing at one o’clock last night?
A. sleeping in his bed B. driving to see Alison C. doing his assignment
3. What happened to Alison?
A. Her car stopped working in the middle of the road.
B. She got stuck with her assignment.
C. She was worried about being pushed to the side of the road.
4. What did Barry take with him when he left his house last night?
A. some replacement parts for car brakes
B. some replacement parts for car brakes, some oil and gas
C. two quarts of oil and a gallon of gas
5. Why does Barry want to call Alison?
A. To ask if she is fine now.
B. To ask whether she has finished her assignment yet.
C. To ask for her help with the assignment.

PART 2: GRAMMAR (30 points)

Choose the correct answer A, B or C to complete questions 1-6.

1. I’d only ------------- the washing-up for a few minutes when Clare came home, so
she offered to finish it.
A. done B. been doing C. been done
2. Had you already ------------- James his birthday present when we gave him ours?
A. given B. been giving C. be giving
3. Gail hadn’t ------------- me that she would help me, so I wasn’t angry when she
A. told B. been telling C. been told
4. Mum had ------------- her cup of tea for several minutes before she realized it had
salt in it!
A. drunk B. been drinking C. drinking
5. We’d ------------- ready all day when they called to say the party had been


A. got B. been getting C. getting

6. It was a fantastic experience because I’d never ------------- in a plane before.

A. flown B. been flying C. flying

Choose ONE word in the box to complete each gap in the following sentences.
whether would why hadn’t
when if was had

7. Helen asked me _________ I _________ going to school or not.

8. David asked his mother _________ she _________ be coming home.
9. Peter asked us _________ we _________ ever been to Hungary.
10. Costas asked me _________ I _________ gone to the company party the previous

PART 3: VOCABULARY (40 points)

Choose the correct word/ phrase in the box to complete passage.

A. gossiping C. attend E. handyman G. having I. getting

B. impress D. showing F. had H. home J. furnace

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Cinderella who lived with her
step-mother and two step-sisters. Although the three girls lived under the same roof,
Cinderella and her two half-blooded sisters (1) ________ almost nothing in common.
Cinderella was a beautiful, kind-hearted and hard-working girl while the other two
were not only ugly but also lazy and misbehaved. One day, the young prince of the
country where the three girls were living decided to hold a party. Everybody was (2)
________ about his intention to choose a nice beautiful girl to become his future
wife. Cinderella and her two step-sisters all wanted to (3) ________ the party and (4)
________ the prince. However, due to jealousies, the two ugly girls and their mother
tried their best to prevent Cinderella from (5) ________ up at the party. When the
day came near, the two sisters intentionally damaged the (6) ________ and
pretended not to be able to get a (7) ________ to fix it. Since Cinderella was very
hard-working and knowledgeable about (8) ________, the step-mother asked
Cinderella to spend time repairing that device. So while the two ugly girls were busy
(9) ________ dressed and (10) ________ their hair done for the party event,


beautiful Cinderella was still finding the replacement part to finish the repair work.
Poor Cinderella!
-- THE END --


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