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Key Process Audit Checklist

Record answers and notes on blank turtle diagrams

What machines, equipment, or audit checklist or note page
software, and materials are used to Who is involved with this process?
do this process? What risks were identified to the process? Where (Departments and job functions)
are they found? How important are they? Are What training and skills are required?
Are there adequate resources?
they listed? What was done to deal with the
Is the equipment maintained and risks? (Action?) What records exist when actions Any special skills, certifications or
supported? are required, and how do we see actions were training needs?
completed? What records of training exist?
Are there gauges that require
What is the Process being audited?
What Outputs come out of this
What Inputs are required to do this Observe all aspects of the process
process? Are these good and being done. Ask questions about
correct? how the process gets done by the What gets delivered to internal and
people doing the process. external customers
What comes from internal and
external customers? What current records and historical
evidence can you see to prove
effectiveness of the process?
What measurement or performance
Who is the Process Owner?
indicators exist? What monitoring or Are records adequate per plan?
measuring is there? What role, responsibility and
How is the performance and trends? What procedures or work instructions
exist for this process?
What goals are there?
Collect documents looked at, it’s number and
Get copies of all appropriate
Any customer feedback? revision date. Verify against master documents.
documentation and review.
How effective is the process? Any obsolete documents in use?
Do the people clearly demonstrate
Are employees and management Are all documents used for production controlled? that they can do their jobs per the
aware of negative trends and is documented procedures and work
Are documents populated and signed as
anything being done? instructions?

What other Processes does this one link to or interact with? What examples can be followed into other processes?
Follow audit trails from this process into other processes to assure the linkage, sequence and interaction are working as intended.

What are the applicable ISO 9001 clauses that affect this process?
Make sure the audit checklist asks appropriate questions from these ISO clauses.
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