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MODULE 1: Prose and Poetry Kinds of Lyric Poetry

MEANING OF LITERATURE 1. Sonnets- lyric poem has 14 lines with formal

rhyme scheme or pattern.
Literature is literally “acquaintance with letters.” It has its 2. Elegy- lyric poem which expresses lament or
Latin derivation “litera” which means individual written mourning for the dead, feelings of grief and
character (letter) the term has generally come to identify a melancholy.
collection of texts or work of art, which are mainly prose, 3. Ode- is a poem of noble feeling, expressed with
fiction and non-fiction, drama and poetry. It is a branch of dignity, and praises for some persons, objects,
aesthetics, a branch of philosophy that deals with question events or ideas. It is exalted in tone and formal in
“What is art”. structure and content.
4. Songs- is a poem with or without definite number
WHY IS LITERATURE IMPORTANT? of syllables and stanza is always accompanied by
musical instrument.
One of the chief purposes of literature is a means of exploring
5. Psalms- is a song praising to God or the Virgin
what it is to be human. It is also a way of communicating with
Mary containing philosophy in life.
others about a huge range of ideas and concerns. Put simply,
6. Simple Lyric- includes a variety of poems with
Literature helps us to understand people, societies, events, and
varying theme and characterized by subjectivity.

in life either real or imagery. It is a type of poetry that tells
A. Oral Literature- generally the literature of the a story.
ancient times when men did not have much
concern about a permanent preservation of the Kinds of Narrative Poetry
expressions of their wits and feelings/emotions.
1. Epic- it deals with heroes and gods.
a. Popular or ancient epic poetry is usually without
B. Written literature- it is wielded from the pen of
definite author and is slow in the development.
the writers-the product of the writer’s creative
b. Modern epic poetry has a definite author.
genius. It is permanent and remains as is.
2. Metrical Tale- is written in verse and can be classified
CLASSIFICATION OF LITERATURE ACCORDING TO FORM either as a ballad or metrical romance.
a. Medieval Romance- is written in verse which deals
I. POETRY with the adventures of the knights wooing highborn
ladies during the age of chivalry.
- One of the major types of literature. Poems are often b. Ballad- is a songlike poem that tells story, often
divided into lines and stanzas, with diverse and unique dealing with adventure and romance.
characteristics and often employ regular rhythmic patterns or c. Fabliau- a comical and often grotesque verse tale with
meters. Some poems are written in free verse. Most poems plot often hinge on the comical treatment of bodily
make use of highly concise, musical, and emotionally charged functions-sex, flatulent, diarrhea.
language. d. Social Poem- This form is either purely comic or tragic
and it pictures the life of the day.
C. DRAMATIC POETRY has elements that are closely related
Persona or the Voice - is the speaker in a poem, is the
to drama.
character whose voice a reader “hears”. The speaker may be
the poet, or a completely different character. Kinds of Narrative Poetry
Theme - is the insight into life revealed by the poem.
1. Dramatic Monologue – is combination of drama and
Rhyme - is the repetition of sounds at end of words. poetry.
When rhyme comes at the ends of lines of poetry, it is called 2. Soliloquy- is like the monologue.
end rhyme. The pattern of end rhyme in a poem is called the 3. Character Sketch- the writer is concerned less with
rhyme scheme. elements of the story.
4. Oration- is formal address elevated in tone and is
Rhythm - is the pattern of stress (‘) and unstressed (^) usually delivered on some notable occasion.
in a line poetry. Poets use rhythm to help create different

Meter - the meter of the poem is its rhythm patter. 1. Concrete Poetry is poetry that is meant to be
This pattern is determined by the number and types of stresses, seen on the page, as well as heard like an
or beats, in each line. ordinary poem.
2. Haiku- is a form of poem that originated in
Lines - are also described in terms of number of feet Japan. A haiku has three; the first and the
that occur in them. third lines have five syllables each; the second
line has seven.
Miscellaneous Elements 3. Limerick- has short lines, a swift, catchy
rhythm and heavily stresses rhymes.
Tone - is the basic attitude expressed in a poem. It is
4. Epigram- a short rhyming poem with some
the poet’s or speaker’s attitude toward the subject, toward the
sort of satirical content.
reader, or toward herself or himself.
Mood - it is the atmosphere, or general feeling, that
the reader gets from the piece. It consists of writing that does not adhere to any
particular formal structures “non poetic writing”
A. LYRIC POETRY. It refers to kind of poetry meant to be sung
TYPES OF FORMS: Fiction and Non-Fiction
to the accompaniment of a lyre.
A. FICTION is prose writing that talks about imaginary - Foreshadowing – This plotting device puts in a
characters and events. detail or details at the earlier part of the story,
the purpose of which is to insinuate the possible
1. Short Story- is a brief work of fiction. The events in outcome of the story. (This is a hint or clue
the short story usually communicate a message about about an event that will occur later in the story).
life or human nature. This message or central idea is - Suspense – This is the feeling of excitement or
called the heart of the story or the theme. tension in the reader experiences as the action
of the plot unfolds. A writer creates suspense by
Elements of the Short Story raising questions in the reader’s mind.
- Surprise ending – This is an ending that catches
a. Character- a person or animal who takes part in the reader off guard with an unexpected turn of
the action of a short story. events.
- In Medea Res – The technique of beginning a
Protagonist – main character or the hero story in the middle of the action, with
Antagonist - antagonist plays against this background information given later in
heroic character and tries to stop him by flashbacks.
posing threats to his and others’ lives.
Flat- a flat character has one or two main 3. Flat Plot – it is a straight forward chronological
traits, usually only all positive or negative. plot. Events are made to happen from
Round – these characters have many different beginning to ed but without any suspense and
traits, good and bad, making them more crisis along the way.
d. Point of view- is the manner of telling the story.
b. Setting- the place and time of a story. Where and “Who” is telling the story?
when is the story set? Setting represents both the
physical location but also the time (i.e. past, First person (“I”) or third person (“he/she/it”).
present, future) and the social and cultural Limited (one character’s perspective), multiple
conditions in which the characters exist. (many characters’ perspectives) or omniscient
(all knowing narrator). Second person (“you”)
c. Plot- is the sequence of events of the story. In a is not often used for writing stories.
plot you typically find an introduction, rising action,
a climax, the falling action, and a resolution. Plot is e. Theme- is the controlling idea or central insight of
often represented as an arc.  a story. Idea, belief, moral, lesson or insight. It’s the
central argument that the author is trying to make
Kinds of plot the reader understand. The theme is the “why” of
the story.
1. Traditional/Conventional type of plot – it is
often conceived of as moving through five f. Style- refers to the literary devices that the author
distinct sections or stages: Exposition, used-the language in terms of choice of words and
Complication, Crisis, Falling Action and the manner of presentation. This is how things are
Resolution. said. Word choices, sentence structure, dialogue,
metaphor, simile, hyperbole.
- Exposition is the beginning section in which
the author provides the necessary Figure of speech:
background/information, sets the scene,
establishes the situation, and dates the action. • Personification is a figure of speech that attributes
- Complication/ Rising Action – it develops and human nature or human qualities to abstract or
intensifies the conflict. The main character is in
inanimate objects. For example, we often use the
crisis and events leading up to facing the
conflict begin to unfold. The story becomes phrases like the howling wind, dancing leaves, time
complicated. flies etc. 
- Climax – at the peak of the story, a major Ex. The plants in her house silently begged to be
event occurs in which the main character faces watered
a major enemy, fear, challenge, or other • A metaphor is a figure of speech which is used for
source of conflict. The most action, drama, implying a comparison between two things that have
change, and excitement occurs here.
something in common but are in general different
- Falling Action/ Denouement – The story
begins to slow down and work towards its end, from each other.
tying up loose ends. Ex. He is the star of our class
- Resolution – concluding paragraph that • A simile is a figure of speech that compares two things
revolves any remaining issues and ends the that are different from each other but have similar
story. qualities. These are generally formed through usage of
the words ‘as’ or ‘like.
2. Unconventional plot – unfolding of events
Ex. He is as brave as a lion
may begin in any section in this kind of plot.
• Alliteration is a type of figure of speech in which a
Special Techniques of Plot sentence consists of a series of words that have the
same consonant sound at the beginning.
- Flashback – This literary device dramatically Ex. She sells sea shells on the sea shore
presents (often by means of a character’s • Onomatopoeia. This a figure of speech which is used
recollections, dreams or reveries – this is a
to express a sound. To be more precise, it involves the
section in a story where the action is interrupted
to talk about an earlier event) scenes or use of words that imitate the sounds associated with
incidents which took place price to the the action or object referred to i.e. hiss, clap etc.
beginning of the plot. Ex. The buzzing bee flew over my head.
• A hyperbole is a figure of speech that consists of an B. NON-FICTION – it is prose writing that presents and
exaggeration. It is the usage of exaggerated terms in explains ideas or that talks about real people, objects,
order to emphasis or heighten the effect of something. or events. It includes the following.
Ex. I have told you a million times to not touch my
 Biography – It is a form of non-fiction in which
a writer tells the life story of another person.
• Irony or sarcasm is a figure of speech in which the  Autobiography – It is form of nonfiction in
usage of words conveys the opposite of their literal which a person tells his or her own life story.
meaning. These are often used in a humorous manner.  Essays – It comes from the French word
Ex. Your hands are as clean as mud “essai” which means an attempt. It is a short,
• Apostrophe. It addresses the subject that is not clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The
present in the work. In this case, the object is absent essay has two general kinds: the personal and
informal. The other types which could be
or inanimate.
either informal or formal depending on the
Ex. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what characteristics peculiar to them are: nature
you are essay, character sketch, biographical sketch,
travelogue, humorous essay, critical essay,
g. Tone: The overall emotional “tone” or meaning of didactic essay, and journalistic essay.
the story. Is it happy, funny, sad, depressed? Tone
can be portrayed in multiple ways, through word Miscellaneous prose Narratives (Non-Fiction)
and grammar choices, choice of theme, imagery
and description, symbolism, and the sounds of the  A history is written long enough after the
words in combination (i.e. rhyme, rhythm, and events described so that author will have a
musicality). proper perspective of the subject.
 In a chronicle, the things recorded are of
2. Novel – it is a long work of fiction. It contains all the public significance.
elements of short stories but longer than short  A diary is recording of events or interest to a
stories. These elements are more developed fully given individual.
because its subplots, or independent, related stories.  A journal like a diary is a personal recording of
Novels may have several themes. events but usually with the idea that it will be
read by others.
Kinds of Novel  Eulogy is a writing in praise of a person or an
expression of praise especially one who
a. Mysteries - A mystery is about a crime, usually a murder, recently died or retired or as a term of
and the process of discovering who committed it. The endearment.
hero(ine) is usually a detective or an amateur doing  Letter is a correspondence exchange between
detective work.  pages.
b. Science fiction - Science fiction is fiction that imagines  Parable is a narrative prose based on incident
possible alternatives to reality. It is reality + "What-if." in life. The characters are real men and women
For example: What if the world ended? What if there in natural situation.
were life on other planets? The imaginary part of science DRAMA
fiction is based on known scientific facts. For example, if
there is time travel in a science fiction book, it would be Drama/Play offers another classical literary form that has
done with technology, not by waving a magic wand.  continued to evolve over the years. It is a story told in dialogue
c. Fantasy - Like science fiction, fantasy is about imaginary form by actors on stage for an audience. It is meant to be
worlds. But the imaginary part of fantasy novels usually performed, but is possible just to read a play. When you read a
involves magic, where the imaginary part of science play, you can male it alive by staging it in your imagination. The
fiction involves science or technology.  play you a reading is a script. It contains not only the words
d. Westerns - Westerns normally take place in the Western that the actors speak but also the stage directions that
U.S. (although sometimes in other locations), most often playwright provides to indicate how to put on the play. Stage
during the 19th century. Common elements include directions tell what the stage should look like.
cowboys, ranchers, the difficulties of frontier life, frontier
justice, and conflicts between natives and settlers. Types of drama in literature
e. Horror - Horror fiction gets its name because it is focused
on creating emotions of terror and dread in the reader. 1. Comedy
Horror fiction often accomplishes this through the use of
scary supernatural elements or gore, but, according to Comedy is a type of drama that aims to make the
the Horror Writers Association, these elements are not audience laugh. Its tone is light and it mostly has a
required. happy ending. The classic conception of comedy came
f. Thrillers - Like horror, a thriller gets its name because of from the Ancient Greek theatre, where comedy first
the feeling it creates in the reader. Thrillers are designed emerged as a form of drama. Comedy can be further
to make the reader's pulse race, to keep him or her divided into subcategories, for example, lampoon,
turning pages. Often thrillers are about a crime that is farce, satire, black comedy, etc. Each type of comedy
going to be committed or a disaster that is going to has its audience. Interestingly, such preferences may
happen... if the hero(ine) doesn't prevent it.  also depend on the cultural background of people.
g. Romance - Romance fiction is about love and passion.
Normally, the focus is on two characters who fall in love 2. Tragedy
but have problems or obstacles keeping them apart, and
there is a happy ending.  Tragedy is a type of drama in which the protagonist or
h. Historical - Historical novels are set in a past time period, hero is brought down by his/her flaws. Murders,
normally at least fifty years before they were written. deaths, insanity, and pain are among the most
They combine a made-up story with realistic details of common ideas in tragedies. Main characters usually
that time period. have some kind of weakness or defect that causes
their downfall. Tragedy first appeared in the theatre of
Ancient Greece. Like comedy, it lived through the
Roman Empire, Medieval times, Renaissance, and
other eras. The aim of tragedy, as stated by Aristotle, 2. Plot - In simple terms, a plot is the chain of events in a
is to create a release of certain emotions from the play. Essentially, the plot is the story that the play
audience, to arouse in them sensations of pity and narrates. It is the sequence of events in the story.
fear, so that they leave the theatre with an The plot usually begins with exposing the past or
understanding of the ways of gods and men. background of the main and other characters, and the
point of conflict then proceeds to give the central
3. Tragicomedy theme or climax. Generally, a story begins with
exposing the past or background of the main and
Tragicomedy is a special kind of drama that combines other characters, and the point of conflict, then it
the features of tragedy and comedy. This means that proceeds to give the central theme or climax. Then
such play may be sad but will have a happy ending, or comes the climax and the play ends with a conclusion.
it may be serious with some elements of humour
emerging throughout the whole play. Unlike comedy 3. Characters - The characters are the roles that actors
and tragedy, tragicomedy emerged a bit later, in the play in a play. The main characters of any play are the
times of the Roman Empire. Roman dramatist Plautus protagonist and the antagonist. Characters include
was the first to write a tragicomedy and to use the people, animals, or figures represented in a literary
term. In his play Amphitryon, he used the work. Depending on character development, a
lightheartedness of comedy but chose gods and kings character can be either dynamic, static, round, or flat.
as the main characters. This was quite revolutionary of
him. Before Plautus, there were strict rules about 4. Dialogue - Dialogues, in simple terms, are the lines
writing drama, it was either comedy or tragedy. These that actors perform in a play. The story is narrated to
genres were never mixed. Plautus was the first to note the audience through the interaction between the
that in our daily lives, we have features of both characters.
tragedy and comedy. The contents of the dialogues and the quality of their
delivery have a major role to play in the impact that
4. Melodrama the play has on the audience. It is through the
dialogues between characters that the story can be
Melodrama is the last one of the four types of drama. understood.
It is a kind of drama in which everything is Dialogues also help to reveal the personalities of the
hyperbolized. Usually, themes depicted in melodramas characters and help the audience understand
are simple and without any unpredictable plot twists. characters more. Monologues and soliloquies are also
There are quite a lot of stereotypes in such dramas. as important as dialogues are in a play. They are
However, the main point of a melodrama is not to tell speeches that actors give to themselves or that are
a story but to awaken feelings in the audience. directed to the audience in a play.
Melodramas are mostly love stories with beautiful
heroines, charming heroes, and scary villains. 5. Setting - The time and place where a story is set in one
Melodrama originated much later than comedy, of its important parts. The era of time in which the
tragedy, and tragicomedy. It first appeared in France incidents in the play take place. Stage design and
at the end of the 18th century. Later, it reached Britain costumes are some of the ways the place and time
and became one of the most popular types of drama settings of a play are portrayed.
in the 19th century. Particularly, the 19th century was
the period when melodrama was the most popular 6. Performance - This is about how actors give life to the
kind of theatre entertainment and was visited by a characters that are written on paper. How well actors
vast number of people. This is because, in those times, portray their characters' personalities determines how
theatres became available for common people. As well the play will be taken by the audiences.
melodrama was aimed at this layer of society, in
particular, it became immensely popular among 7. Music - This element includes the use of sounds and
artisans and the working-class population. The rhythm in dialogues. It also includes music
influence of melodrama on society was so great that it compositions that are used in plays. The background
lived to our days and even penetrated other areas of score, songs, and sound effects are used to
literature and entertainment. complement the scenes and the characters in it. Music
also helps to portray the emotions in a scene to the
What are the elements of drama? audience.
8. Visual element - The visual element of drama, also
Having learned that there are different types of drama, there known as the spectacle, gives a visual appeal to the
are certain elements that a play that is meant to be performed stage setup. The costumes and makeup of characters
must have for it to qualify as a drama. are also parts of visual elements. Visual elements help
The major elements of drama include the theme, plot, scenes to be dramatic enough to hold an audience's
character, dialogue, settings, performance, music, and visual attention.
Here are the major elements of drama and their functions in a Apart from the major elements listed above, the structure
play. of a story, the use of symbolism and contrast, and overall
stagecraft are some of the other important elements necessary
1. Theme - The theme of a play refers to its central idea. for any good drama. Though there are different types of drama,
It can either be clearly stated through dialogue or a combination of these different types is often seen in most
action or can be inferred after watching the entire plays.
performance. The theme is the philosophy that forms
the base of the story or a moral lesson that the
characters learn. A theme, in simple terms, is what the
play is about. It is the message or lesson that the
writers of the play want the audience to learn. For
example, the theme of a play could be about how
unforgiveness destroys relationships or how love can
bring people together regardless of their race or

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