Sky File

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STEP BY STEPS Communication SkyFile

In this document, you will find the following step by steps:

▪ How to manage automatically the data transfers of ship system?

▪ How to configure a SkyFile account into Outlook?

▪ How to find out the connection logs of SkyFile server?

▪ How to make a backup of SkyFile?

▪ How to create as a Master, a SkyFile sub-account?

Step by step
How to manage automatically the data transfers of ship system? (1/4) SKYFILE

: All : 10 mins : 10 mins


This step by step shows how to manage automatically the data transfers of ship system via the optimized
protocol of SkyFile Mail. Automatic File Trans fer (AFT) allows you the bi-directional exchange of data files (ship-
to-shore and shore-to-ship) via user-defined windows-directories. Possible use case s: the Master sends an
excel report to specific people or sends usually invoices reports to CMA CGM on-shore.

01 To enter the AFT dialog, please click on Configuration > Automatic File Transfer

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
How to manage automatically the data transfers of ship system? (2/4) SKYFILE

02 In case you want to backup incoming or outgoing AFT files, please press the respective
click-field "Backup" in the AFT overview window. If "Backup" has been selected, each
attachment will be stored additionally in the following default directory:
▪ Ship to shore files: AFT files are stored in “C:\SKYFILE\API_IN.DIR”
(C:\SKYFILE: SkyFile installation directory).
▪ Shore to ship files: AFT files are stored in “C:\SKYFILE\API_OUT.DIR”.

03 In case of “AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION” (SHIP-TO-SHORE), click on Automatic

Transmission > New.

▪ Rule is active: Select this option to make your rule active or inactive. The activity of
the rules is reflected in the overview of the rules. “0” means inactive and “1” means
▪ Description: Enter the general description of the rule.
▪ Path: Enter or select the path of the file. It is the area where the files to be sent are
located. This folder will be check by SkyFile Mail Client each time a dial-in occurs.
▪ Filename/mask: Enter the filename. The field may include wildcards.

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
How to manage automatically the data transfers of ship system? (3/4) SKYFILE

03 ▪ Addressing:
▪ Sending subaccount: Select the subaccount used to send the file.
▪ Recipient (To): Enter the email-address of the recipient of the file.
▪ In Copy (CC): Enter the email-address of the recipient in copy.

▪ Subject: Enter the subject. It will be inserted in the subject-line of the automatically
generated AFT-email. (optional)

▪ Body line: These 4 fields allow to define a body text with up to 4 lines.

Click on “Ok” to save the new rule.

Note 1: If you do not fill in some fields, these items are not taken as selection criteria.

Note 2: To make the selection of the path easier, please use the AFT explorer

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
How to manage automatically the data transfers of ship system? (4/4) SKYFILE

04 In case of AUTOMATIC RECEPTION (SHORE-TO-SHIP), click on Automatic

Reception > New.

▪ Rule is active: Select this option to make your rule active or inactive. The activity of
the rules is reflected in the overview of the rules. “0” means inactive and “1” means
▪ Description: Enter the general description of the rule.
▪ Receiving sub-account: In case you have installed sub-accounts, select the sub-
account which will receive the file. If you do not use the sub-account feature, this field
shows "Gateway" only.
▪ Email address of sender: Enter the sender’s email address, from which the AFT files
are sent. Sender can be a list of senders like
▪ Subject keyword: Enter a subject keyword, which need to appear in the subject of
the AFT emails (optional).
▪ Required body text part: Allows to define a body-text.
▪ Siding destination: The user can specify a second destination path. This will be used
if the first path is not available.

Click on “Ok” to save the new rule.

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
How to configure a SkyFile account into Outlook? (1/5) SKYFILE

: All : 10 mins : 15 mins


This step by step shows you how to configure a SkyFile account into Outlook. The SkyFile Mail transfer host
includes an SMTP and POP3 server which can be used by an alternate email programs like Outlook to send
emails through the SkyFile system to local or external addresses or to retrieve new emails. At least one
subaccount is required for this.

01 Go to Configuration > Alternate emails programs

02 The configuration menu item "Alternate email programs" requires a login with the master
credentials and shows these fields below. More explanation are given hereafter.

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
How to configure a SkyFile account into Outlook? (2/5) SKYFILE


disables the SMTP server. The default is off.
▪ SMTP PORT NUMBER: The typical port number is 25. Please make sure that the
configured port is not used by any other program on the same PC and that the
SMTP client software is configured for the same port.
disables the POP3 server. The default is Off.
▪ POP3 PORT NUMBER: The default setting is 110.
▪ ALLOWED IP RANGES: Access can be allowed from the same PC (local host,, from all common local small-network IP ranges ( and from one or more additional ranges. These
ranges can be entered in the CIDR format (like or as single addresses
(like with one space as a delimiter. Do not enter a public IP range,
otherwise your system could be abused for relaying spam and viruses; the first two
options are enabled by default, additional ranges are normally not required!
applications do not allow an authentication. In this case you can enter addresses
or CIDR ranges as a subset of "Allowed IP ranges" from where no authentication
is required. Only the master subaccount can be used as the sender in this case.
Normally this field should be empty.
enabled, the complete POP3 and SMTP dialogue except the authentication
credentials will be written to the file Log_3rd.txt. Default is off; the option should be
enabled temporarily only for diagnosing problems.

IMPORTANT: Enable the HTML formatting option : “ON”.

Click on “Ok” to save your preferences.

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
How to configure a SkyFile account into Outlook? (3/5) SKYFILE

03 After enabling alternate emails programs, let’s configure Outlook. Go to File >

“account setting” or “+ Add Account” > “New…” > “Email account” .

A new window will pop-up, enter your full SkyFile address:

• Your Name: should contain the name you want to be displayed to recipients when you
send an email
• E-mail Address: should contain your full SkyFile address, e.g.
Select ‘Manual setup or additional server types before you click on ‘Next’.

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
How to configure a SkyFile account into Outlook? (4/5) SKYFILE

05 Then select ‘POP or IMAP”.

06 Enter POP3 in account type and the IP address of the machine or server where

SkyFile Mail is installed. If it is on the same machine where Outlook is, use
Now, enter the same IP address for the SMTP server (outgoing server). Then specify
your SkyFile account as the username and enter your SkyFile password.

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
How to configure a SkyFile account into Outlook? (5/5) SKYFILE

08 To add multiple SkyFile subaccounts in Outlook you need to activate the

authentication for all subaccounts by clicking on “More Settings” and in the Outgoing
server tab and check the “My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication”

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
How to find out the connection logs of SkyFile server? (1/1) SKYFILE

: All : <5 mins : <5 mins


This step by step helps you to find out the connection logs of the server. When the reception of emails does
not work, the officer must check if the SkyFile server has a problem through the protocol log function.

01 In the "File" menu, you can constantly check (“Logs” ➔ “View logs”) your connections
made, which files were exchanged, rough duration of transmission, and whether any
problems occurred during transmission. The protocol data can be deleted any time
("Logs" ➔ "Delete logs…").

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
How to make a backup of SkyFile? (1/1) SKYFILE

: All : 5 mins : 5 mins


This step by step indicated how to make a backup which allows you to save all messages and then restore
it easily (with the restore function). It is advisable because without this, a crash of the PC could destroy all
valuable data on your PC.

01 Go to File > Backup.

02 Please select a directory where the data shall be stored to. To increase security, we
recommend selecting another partition, hard drive or even through the network another

03 Then you could specify for which kind of data a backup shall be created:
▪ Specialty for sub-accounts: The full backup of all configuration data is only possible if you are
logged in as master sub-account. Else backup is only possible for the sub-account-archives.
▪ Restore To restore archives or configuration data please select the directory where the
backup has been stored to. If the directory is valid, you will see all the backup-data with the
respective date when the backup has been made. Please select the data you want to restore
and press OK. In case sub-accounts with several archives shall be restored, you will be asked
for each archive separately.

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that restoring data always will overwrite the current data. E.g., if you create new sub-
accounts or get new messages after you have performed the last backup, a restore will delete them.

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
How to create as a Master, a SkyFile sub-account? (1/2) SKYFILE

: All : 10 mins : 15 mins


This step by step shows you how to create as a Master, a SkyFile sub-account. This feature is helpful
when you have a group of SkyFile Mail users on a single PC or in a LAN. While e.g., onboard a ship the
standard email address simply is <shipname>, sub-accounts allow an additional name and a dot
before this standard address, such as: <subaccount>. <shipname> This allows different
persons or parties (e.g., charterer or crew-members) onboard having their own personal email
addresses (e.g.,

01 Only the master have the rights to create a sub-account. Please go to “Sub-account”
tab, then “Sub-account configuration” and press “New”.

02 Please complete relevant fields (at least Description, Subaccount name and Password if
“Corporate” option chosen), as shown below:

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11
Step by step
How to create as a Master, a SkyFile sub-account? (2/2) SKYFILE

02 ▪ Corporate: Messages of these sub-accounts may be accessed by the Master

subaccount. They are shown in the web mail interface.
▪ Private: These sub-accounts are fully private and cannot be accessed by the
Master. Only the owner can check messages in his private sub-account. For
crew/passenger emailing, please always define these sub-accounts as “private”.
▪ Description: Name of the sub-account holder, such as "Josh Randall" or “Cook”.
▪ Sub-account name: The part of the email address in front of the first dot, such as
"Cook". The email address will then be e.g., "".
▪ Password (optional): If you define a password here, the user has to enter this
sub-account password to access his private message list and tick the “Corporate”
▪ User must change password: if selected the user will be invited to change his
password at the first connection. This makes the subaccount fully private.
▪ Sending emails allowed: the captain can here restrict the usage of this
subaccount to incoming emails only. If the option is not selected, the user won’t be
able to send any emails. The usage can be restricted to emails only without
▪ Receiving emails allowed: the captain can here restrict the usage of this
subaccount to outgoing emails only. If the option is not selected, the user won’t be
able to receive any emails. The usage can be restricted to emails only without
If the reception of attachments is disallowed, the user will receive the body of the mail
anyway. A short notice, delivered within an attachment, will inform the receiver that
the original attachment has been removed because of the internal policy applied on-
board the ship.
▪ Keep a copy of all SMTP/POP3 emails in SkyFile: please select this option is
you wish to keep a copy of all incoming and outgoing emails in SkyFile Mail.
Emails will be stored in your alternate email program AND in SkyFile Mail.
▪ Extended format (HTML, Header) allowed: if the subaccount is used by a POP3-
based client program, HTML-formatted emails can be allowed here. Otherwise, the
server will convert them to plain text which saves some satellite transfer volume
and time.
▪ Deliver logs and alerts via POP3: If this option is activated, a short notification
will be sent to your alternate email program when the emails are sent to the shore
over the air.
Click on “Ok” to save your preferences.
Afterwards, SkyFile Mail is closed and restarted automatically to take in charge those

Contact: raise an EUP ticket, following the “EUP support process”.

In case of urgency during nonworking hours/days, weekends/public holidays, raise an EUP ticket and contact
Marlink Support 24/7/365, following the “EUP support process”: email / EMEA +33 (0)1
70 48 98 98 / Americas +1 (310) 616-5594 and +1 855 769 39 59 (Toll Free) / Asia Pacific +65 64 29 83 11

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