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Writing: 2 phần => task 1 (miêu tả dữ liệu: Số & Hình ảnh) & task 2 (nghị luận xã hội)

● Miêu tả dữ liệu:
- Số (biểu đồ): số động (dynamic) & số tĩnh (static)
- Hình ảnh: bản đồ (map) & chu trình (process) => Vocabulary
● Nghị luận xã hội:
- Quan điểm cá nhân: Agree or Disagree (1 view) & Discussion (2
- Tính chất thực tế (aspects): Pro/ Con, Reason. Effect. Solution
—------------------------------------------- TASK 1 —-------------------------------------------
Biểu đồ: Đường (line graph), Cột (bar chart), Tròn (pie chart), Bảng (table), Hỗn hợp (mixed)
=> Số động: có thời gian, cụ thể ít nhất 2 mốc thời gian => xu hướng (tăng/ giảm)
=> Số tĩnh: không có thời gian hoặc chỉ có 1 mốc thời gian
● Tiêu chí chấm điểm:
- TA (task achievement): key features & numeric accuracy
+ trends: xu hướng (tăng/ giảm & dao động)
+ stability: sự ổn định
+ order: thứ tự (max/ min => đối tượng)
+ most dramatic changes: fastest/ slowest
+ similarities
+ differences
- CC: Transitions (cohesive devices - signpost) & Organization & Referencing
- LR: Paraphrase (subjects - ways of describing data) & less common (C1 - C2)
- GRA: Range & Accuracy
+ Simple sentence: S V - (O) (i)
+ Compound sentence: S V (i), -fanboys- S V (i)
*fanboys: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
=> she’s been sick for 6 days, and her husband’s been taking care of her
+ Complex sentence: although/ while/ because S V (d), S V (i)
=> although she’s been sick for 6 days, she’s still trying to finish her work
- Compound-complex sentence:
although/ while/ because S V (d), S V (i), and S V (i)
=> because he’s immobile, nobody pays attention to him, and he’s lonely.
—---------- TEMPLATE VIẾT BÀI : Opening, Overview, 2 Bodies —----------
I. Opening: Paraphrase đề bài
VD: The bar chart shows the percentage of young people in higher education in 2000, 2005 and
2010. (S - V)
=> Illustrated in the bar chart are figures for the enrollment of college young students in four
countries in three years 2000, 2005 and 2010.

II. Overview: Tóm tắt những key features (không đưa ra con số)
● Cách miêu tả xu hướng:
- dùng động từ: A increase/ rise & decrease/ decline & fluctuate/ oscillate &
stabilize/ hover/ cluster (around)
=> Mạnh: significantly, dramatically
=> Dần dần: progressively
=> Yếu: slightly, moderately, marginally
- dùng danh từ: A witness/ reflect an upward trend/ increase
*progression, tendency
=> a range of fluctuations
=> signs/ patterns of stability (a period of stability)
- bị động: (trend) + be + V3 + in A
- thời gian làm chủ ngữ: (time) + verb + (trend) + in A
=> the year 2000 witnessed signs of stability in country A’s proportion of
college students

As can be inferred from the chart, the shares of college students in countries A and D
increased progressively, whereas signs of stability were seen in countries B and C. In
addition, the college attendance rates in country D registered the highest levels in
comparison to others.

III. Body: Report & Compare

Body-structure for dynamic charts
- (lấy 1 đối tượng đại diện): khai báo con số ban đầu => đặc biệt (max/ min)
- miêu tả đường đi của đối tượng đó:
+ dần đều: đi từ đầu đến cuối
+ dao động đều: verb + patterns of dramatic fluctuations (around -khoảng số-),
ending the survey at …
+ dao động dữ dội: peak - bottom - ending
- so sánh với đối tượng tương đồng
a. Body 1: Countries A and D ~ upward trend
At the outset of the survey, exactly 60% was the proportion of youth undergraduates in
country D, the highest level compared to other countries in the same year. This figure rose to
precisely 80% in 2010. A similar upward progression was seen in country A, with its figures
increasing from around 38% to the neighborhood of 58%.

b. Body 2: a stable trend

The aforementioned upward tendency was not registered in countries B and C; Instead,
these two countries reflected a stable trend, with the former hovering around the vicinity of
40% and the latter 50%.

+ MĐQH: which hovered around 40% and 50%, respectively

+ with + noun + Ving: the former/ the latter
11.8 million vehicles … this figure increased by 10.2% to 13 million vehicles in 2014.
a similar upward tendency

Body 1: Passenger vehicles => maximum & report statistics

Light truck => minimum & report statistics
Body 2: (context):
Specifically: Motorcycles => the most dramatic growth of 30.8%, rising from … to …
By contrast, the most moderate increase was reported …, from …
As for commercial vehicles, figures increased by 17.4% from … to …

Advanced: Total data & Other subjects/ Future-based data & Surpass and exceptions

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